start(); if ( !$sid->check() || $sid->getNode( 'user_id' ) <= 0 ) { $this->redirect( "$this->baseUri/admin/login/logout/" ); exit; } $this->user_login = $sid->getNode( 'user_login' ); $this->user_id = $sid->getNode( 'user_id' ); $this->user_name = $sid->getNode( 'user_name' ); $this->user_level = $sid->getNode( 'user_level' ); if ( $this->user_level == 2 ) { $this->assign( 'HideAccess', 'hide' ); } $this->assign( 'user_name', $this->user_name ); $this->select() ->from( 'config' ) ->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { $this->config = ( object ) $this->data[0]; $this->assignAll(); } $this->select() ->from( 'cliente' ) ->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { $this->cliente = ( object ) $this->data[0]; $this->assignAll(); } if ( isset( $this->uri_segment ) && in_array( 'process-ok', $this->uri_segment ) ) { $this->assign( 'msgOnload', 'notify("

Procedimento realizado com sucesso

")' ); }else{ $this->assign( 'msgOnload', '' ); } //login atendimento $atd = new Index; $atd->atdLogin(); } public function welcome() { $this->pagebase = "$this->baseUri/admin/item"; $this->tpl( 'admin/item.html' ); $this->select() ->from( 'item' ) ->join( 'sub', 'sub_id = item_sub', 'INNER' ) ->join( 'categoria', 'sub_categoria = categoria_id', 'INNER' ); if ( $this->user_level == 2 ) { $this->where( "item_user = $this->user_id" ); } $this->paginate( 15 ) ->orderby( 'item_id desc' ) ->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { $aux = $this->data; foreach ( $aux as $k => $v ) { if ( $aux[$k]['item_finalidade'] == 2 || $aux[$k]['item_finalidade'] == 3 || $aux[$k]['item_finalidade'] == 4 ) { if ( $aux[$k]['item_preco_locacao'] >= 1 ) { $aux[$k]['item_preco'] = $aux[$k]['item_preco_locacao']; } else { $aux[$k]['item_preco'] = '0,00'; } } } $this->data = $aux; $this->money( 'item_preco' ); $this->money( 'item_preco_locacao' ); $this->money( 'item_preco_iptu' ); $this->money( 'item_preco_condominio' ); $this->preg( array( '/1/', '/2/', '/3/', '/4/' ), array( 'Venda', 'Locação', 'Locação e Venda', 'Temporada' ), 'item_finalidade' ); $this->preg( array( '/0/', '/1/' ), array( 'Não', 'Sim' ), 'item_show' ); $this->fetch( 'rs', $this->data ); $this->assign( 'item_qtde', $this->getTotalItem() ); } $this->render(); } public function getDono( $dono ) { $this->select()->from( 'dono' )->where( "dono_id = $dono" )->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { return array( $this->data[0]['dono_nome'], $this->data[0]['dono_telefone1'] ); } else { return '  '; } } public function getTotalItem() { $this->select()->from( 'item' ); if ( $this->user_level == 2 ) { $this->where( "item_user = $this->user_id" ); } $this->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { return count( $this->data ); } else { return 0; } } public function busca() { //$this->pagebase = "$this->baseUri/admin/item"; $item_ref = ""; if ( isset( $_POST['busca'] ) ) { $item_ref = $_POST['busca']; } if ( in_array( 'print', $this->uri_segment ) ) { $this->tpl( 'admin/item_busca_print.html' ); } else { $this->tpl( 'admin/item_busca.html' ); if ( isset( $_SESSION['item_ref'] ) ) { unset( $_SESSION['item_ref'] ); } } if ( isset( $_SESSION['item_ref'] ) ) { $item_ref = $_SESSION['item_ref']; } if ( $item_ref != "" ) { $this->select() ->from( 'item' ) ->join( 'sub', 'sub_id = item_sub', 'INNER' ) ->join( 'categoria', 'sub_categoria = categoria_id', 'INNER' ) ->join( 'tipo', 'item_tipo = tipo_id', 'INNER' ); if ( $this->user_level == 2 ) { $this->where( "item_ref = '$item_ref' AND item_user = $this->user_id" ); } else { $this->where( "item_ref = '$item_ref'" ); } $this->orderby( 'item_ref asc' ) ->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { $aux = $this->data; foreach ( $aux as $k => $v ) { if ( $aux[$k]['item_finalidade'] == 2 || $aux[$k]['item_finalidade'] == 3 || $aux[$k]['item_finalidade'] == 4 ) { if ( $aux[$k]['item_preco_locacao'] >= 1 ) { $aux[$k]['item_preco'] = $aux[$k]['item_preco_locacao']; } else { $aux[$k]['item_preco'] = 'Consulte-nos'; } } if ( $aux[$k]['item_preco'] == '0,00' || $aux[$k]['item_preco'] <= 0 ) { $aux[$k]['item_preco'] = 'Consulte-nos'; } else { $aux[$k]['item_preco'] = number_format( $aux[$k]['item_preco'], 2, ',', '.' ); } $aux[$k]['dono_nome'] = "  "; $aux[$k]['dono_fone'] = "  "; if ( $aux[$k]['item_dono'] >= 1 ) { $dono = $this->getDono( $aux[$k]['item_dono'] ); $aux[$k]['dono_nome'] = $dono[0]; $aux[$k]['dono_fone'] = $dono[1]; } } $_SESSION['item_ref'] = $item_ref; $this->data = $aux; $pat = array( '/1/', '/2/', '/3/', '/4/' ); $rep = array( 'Venda', 'Locação', 'Locação e Venda', 'Temporada' ); $this->preg( $pat, $rep, 'item_finalidade' ); $this->assign( 'item_qtde', count( $this->data ) ); $this->fetch( 'rs', $this->data ); $this->assign( 'print_btn', 'show' ); } else { $this->assign( 'print_btn', 'hide' ); $this->assign( 'showHide', "hide" ); $this->assign( 'msg_busca', '
Nenhum item encontrado.
' ); } } else { $this->assign( 'print_btn', 'hide' ); $this->assign( 'showHide', "hide" ); $this->assign( 'msg_busca', '' ); } $this->fillTipo(); $this->fillCategoria(); $this->assign( 'busca', "$item_ref" ); $this->render(); } public function buscaavancada() { if ( in_array( 'print', $this->uri_segment ) ) { $this->tpl( 'admin/item_busca_print.html' ); } else { $this->tpl( 'admin/item_busca.html' ); } $cond = ""; $load = ""; $loc = null; if ( in_array( 'finalidade', $this->uri_segment ) ) { $k = array_keys( $this->uri_segment, 'finalidade' ); if ( $k ) { $finalidade = $this->uri_segment[$k[0] + 1]; if ( $finalidade > 0 ) { if ( $finalidade == 2 ) { $loc = 3; } } } unset( $k ); } if ( in_array( 'tipo', $this->uri_segment ) ) { $k = array_keys( $this->uri_segment, 'tipo' ); if ( $k ) { $tipo = $this->uri_segment[$k[0] + 1]; if ( $tipo > 0 ) { $cond .= "item_tipo = $tipo AND "; } $load .= "$('#tipo').val('$tipo');\n"; } unset( $k ); } if ( in_array( 'dorms', $this->uri_segment ) ) { $k = array_keys( $this->uri_segment, 'dorms' ); if ( $k ) { $dorm = $this->uri_segment[$k[0] + 1]; if ( $dorm > 0 ) { $cond .= "item_dorm = $dorm AND "; } $load .= "$('#dorms').val('$dorm');\n"; } unset( $k ); } if ( in_array( 'suites', $this->uri_segment ) ) { $k = array_keys( $this->uri_segment, 'suites' ); if ( $k ) { $suite = $this->uri_segment[$k[0] + 1]; if ( $suite > 0 ) { $cond .= "item_suite = $suite AND "; } $load .= "$('#suites').val('$dorm');\n"; } unset( $k ); } if ( in_array( 'bairro', $this->uri_segment ) ) { $k = array_keys( $this->uri_segment, 'bairro' ); if ( $k ) { $bairro = $this->uri_segment[$k[0] + 1]; if ( $bairro > 0 ) { $cond .= "item_sub = $bairro AND "; } $load .= "$('#bairro').val('$bairro');\n"; } unset( $k ); } if ( in_array( 'cidade', $this->uri_segment ) ) { $k = array_keys( $this->uri_segment, 'cidade' ); if ( $k ) { $cidade = $this->uri_segment[$k[0] + 1]; if ( $cidade > 0 ) { $cond .= "item_categoria = $cidade AND "; } $load .= "$('#cidade').val('$cidade');\n"; $load .= "loadSub('$cidade');\n"; } unset( $k ); } //if ( $loc == 1 ) //{ if ( in_array( 'min', $this->uri_segment ) ) { $k = array_keys( $this->uri_segment, 'min' ); if ( $k ) { $preco = $this->uri_segment[$k[0] + 1]; if ( $preco > 0 ) { $cond .= "item_preco >= $preco AND "; } $load .= "$('#valormin').val('$preco');\n"; } unset( $k ); } if ( in_array( 'max', $this->uri_segment ) ) { $k = array_keys( $this->uri_segment, 'max' ); if ( $k ) { $preco = $this->uri_segment[$k[0] + 1]; if ( $preco > 0 ) { $cond .= "item_preco <= $preco AND "; } $load .= "$('#valormax').val('$preco');\n"; } unset( $k ); } //} if ( in_array( 'finalidade', $this->uri_segment ) ) { $k = array_keys( $this->uri_segment, 'finalidade' ); if ( $k ) { $finalidade = $this->uri_segment[$k[0] + 1]; if ( $finalidade > 0 ) { $cond .= "item_finalidade = $finalidade"; } $load .= "$('#finalidade').val('$finalidade');\n"; } unset( $k ); } $load .="$('.bot-panel').click();\n\r\t\t"; if ( in_array( 'imref', $this->uri_segment ) ) { $k = array_keys( $this->uri_segment, 'imref' ); if ( $k ) { if ( isset( $this->uri_segment[$k[0] + 1] ) && !empty( $this->uri_segment[$k[0] + 1] ) ) { $imref = trim( $this->uri_segment[$k[0] + 1] ); if ( trim( $imref ) != "" ) { $cond = "item_ref = '$imref'"; $load .= "$('#imref').val('$imref');\n"; } } } unset( $k ); } $this->assign( 'load', $load ); $this->select() ->from( 'item' ) ->join( 'sub', 'item_sub = sub_id', 'INNER' ) ->join( 'categoria', 'item_categoria = categoria_id', 'INNER' ) ->join( 'tipo', 'item_tipo = tipo_id', 'INNER' ) ->where( "$cond" ) ->groupby( 'item_id' ) ->orderby( 'item_id desc' ) ->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { $aux = $this->data; foreach ( $aux as $k => $v ) { if ( $aux[$k]['item_finalidade'] == 2 || $aux[$k]['item_finalidade'] == 3 || $aux[$k]['item_finalidade'] == 4 ) { if ( $aux[$k]['item_preco_locacao'] >= 1 ) { $aux[$k]['item_preco'] = $aux[$k]['item_preco_locacao']; } } if ( $aux[$k]['item_preco'] == '0,00' || $aux[$k]['item_preco'] <= 0 ) { $aux[$k]['item_preco'] = $aux[$k]['item_preco']; } else { $aux[$k]['item_preco'] = number_format( $aux[$k]['item_preco'], 2, ',', '.' ); } $aux[$k]['dono_nome'] = "  "; $aux[$k]['dono_fone'] = "  "; if ( $aux[$k]['item_dono'] >= 1 ) { $dono = $this->getDono( $aux[$k]['item_dono'] ); $aux[$k]['dono_nome'] = $dono[0]; $aux[$k]['dono_fone'] = $dono[1]; } } $this->data = $aux; $pat = array( '/1/', '/2/', '/3/', '/4/' ); $rep = array( 'Venda', 'Locação', 'Locação e Venda', 'Temporada' ); $this->preg( $pat, $rep, 'item_finalidade' ); $this->fetch( 'rs', $this->data ); $this->assign( 'print_btn', '' ); $this->assign( 'msg_busca', '' ); } else { $this->assign( 'print_btn', 'hide' ); $this->assign( 'msg_busca', '
Nenhum imóvel econtrado com os critérios selecionados!
' ); } $this->assign( 'busca', "" ); if ( isset( $this->data[0] ) ) { $this->assign( 'item_qtde', count( $this->data ) ); } else { $this->assign( 'item_qtde', '0' ); } $this->fillTipo( 1 ); $this->fillCategoria(); $this->render(); } public function editar() { if ( isset( $this->uri_segment[2] ) ) { $this->item_id = $this->uri_segment[2]; $this->tpl( 'admin/item_editar.html' ); $this->select() ->from( 'item' ) ->join( 'sub', 'sub_id = item_sub', 'INNER' ) ->join( 'categoria', 'categoria_id = sub_categoria', 'INNER' ); if ( $this->user_level == 2 ) { $this->where( "item_id = $this->item_id AND item_user = $this->user_id" ); } else { $this->where( "item_id = $this->item_id" ); } $this->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { $this->money( 'item_preco' ); $this->money( 'item_preco_locacao' ); $this->money( 'item_preco_temp' ); $this->money( 'item_preco_iptu' ); $this->money( 'item_preco_condominio' ); $this->assignAll(); $this->helper( 'redactor' ); //echo $this->data[0]['item_desc'];exit; $editor = editor( $this->data[0]['item_desc'], 'item_desc', '350px', '90%' ); $this->assign( 'editor', $editor ); $this->fillCategoria(); } else { $this->redirect( "$this->baseUri/admin/item/" ); } if ( isset( $this->uri_segment[3] ) ) { $tab = $this->uri_segment[3]; $tab = "$('#myTab a[href=\"#$tab\"]').tab('show')"; $this->assign( 'loadTab', $tab ); } else { $this->assign( 'loadTab', '' ); $this->assign( 'msgOnload', '' ); } //fill fotos $this->fillFotos(); $this->fillTipo(); $this->fillDono(); $this->render(); } } public function posicao() { $this->tpl( 'admin/item_destaque.html' ); $this->select() ->from( 'item' ) ->where( 'item_show = 1 and item_destaque = 1' ) ->orderby( 'item_pos asc' ) ->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { $aux = $this->data; foreach ( $aux as $k => $v ) { $item = $aux[$k]['item_id']; $this->select()->from( 'foto' )->where( "foto_item = $item" )->paginate( 1 )->orderby( 'foto_pos asc' )->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { $aux[$k]['foto_url'] = $this->data[0]['foto_url']; } } $this->data = $aux; $this->preg( '/\.jpg/', '', 'foto_url' ); $this->fetch( 'ft', $this->data ); } $this->render(); } public function updateItemPos() { $item = $_POST['item']; parse_str( $item, $arr ); foreach ( $arr['li'] as $pos => $item_id ) { $this->update( 'item' ) ->set( array( 'item_pos' ), array( "$pos" ) ) ->where( "item_id = $item_id" ) ->execute(); echo $this->query . "\n"; } } public function novo() { $this->tpl( 'admin/item_novo.html' ); $this->fillCategoria(); $this->fillTipo(); $this->helper( 'redactor' ); $editor = editor( '', 'item_desc', '350px', '90%' ); $this->assign( 'editor', $editor ); //fill donos $this->fillDono(); $this->render(); } public function fillFotos() { $this->select() ->from( 'foto' ) ->where( "foto_item = $this->item_id" ) ->orderby( 'foto_pos asc' ) ->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { $this->preg( '/\.jpg/', '', 'foto_url' ); $this->fetch( 'ft', $this->data ); } else { $this->assign( 'fotoControl', 'hide' ); } } public function fillCategoria() { $this->select() ->from( 'categoria' ) ->orderby( 'categoria_title asc' ) ->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { $this->fetch( 'combo', $this->data ); } } public function fillDono() { $this->select()->from( 'dono' )->orderby( 'dono_nome asc' )->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { $this->fetch( 'dono', $this->data ); } } public function fillTipo() { $this->select() ->from( 'tipo' ) ->orderby( 'tipo_title asc' ) ->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { $this->fetch( 'tp', $this->data ); } } public function fillSubCategoria() { if ( isset( $this->uri_segment[2] ) ) { $this->categoria_id = $this->uri_segment[2]; $this->select( 'sub_id,sub_title' ) ->from( 'sub' ) ->where( "sub_categoria = $this->categoria_id" ) ->orderby( 'sub_title asc' ) ->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { @header( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' ); echo $this->toJson(); } else { echo 0; } } } public function incluir() { if ( $this->postIsValid( array( //'item_ref' => 'string', 'item_categoria' => 'string', 'item_sub' => 'string' ) ) ) { $this->categoria_id = $this->postGetValue( 'item_categoria' ); $this->sub_id = $this->postGetValue( 'item_sub' ); $this->tipo_id = $this->postGetValue( 'item_tipo' ); $this->item_endereco = $this->postGetValue( 'item_endereco' ); $termo_busca = $this->getTermos(); $this->postIndexAdd( 'item_busca', $termo_busca ); $this->item_endereco_uf = ( string ) $this->cliente->cliente_uf; ; if ( trim( $this->item_endereco ) != "" ) { $this->item_endereco = "$this->item_endereco, $this->bairro, $this->cidade, $this->item_endereco_uf"; } else { $this->item_endereco = "$this->bairro, $this->cidade, $this->item_endereco_uf"; } $latlon = $this->getLatLon( $this->item_endereco ); if ( $latlon['lat'] != '' ) { $this->postIndexAdd( 'item_lat', trim( $latlon['lat'] ) ); $this->postIndexAdd( 'item_lon', trim( $latlon['lon'] ) ); } $this->postIndexAdd( 'item_user', $this->user_id ); $this->postIndexDrop( 'upload' ); $this->postValueChange( 'item_preco', preg_replace( array( '/\./', '/\,/' ), array( '', '.' ), $this->postGetValue( 'item_preco' ) ) ); $this->postValueChange( 'item_preco_locacao', preg_replace( array( '/\./', '/\,/' ), array( '', '.' ), $this->postGetValue( 'item_preco_locacao' ) ) ); $this->postValueChange( 'item_preco_temp', preg_replace( array( '/\./', '/\,/' ), array( '', '.' ), $this->postGetValue( 'item_preco_temp' ) ) ); $this->postValueChange( 'item_preco_iptu', preg_replace( array( '/\./', '/\,/' ), array( '', '.' ), $this->postGetValue( 'item_preco_iptu' ) ) ); $this->postValueChange( 'item_preco_condominio', preg_replace( array( '/\./', '/\,/' ), array( '', '.' ), $this->postGetValue( 'item_preco_condominio' ) ) ); $this->insert( 'item' )->fields()->values()->execute(); $this->item_id = mysql_insert_id(); $this->item_ref = "$this->item_new_ref" . "00" . "$this->item_id"; $this->generateRef(); $this->redirect( "$this->baseUri/admin/item/editar/$this->item_id/fotos/" ); } else { $this->msgError = $this->response; $this->pageError(); } } public function generateRef() { $this->item_ref = strtoupper( $this->item_ref ); $this->update( 'item' ) ->set( array( 'item_ref' ), array( "$this->item_ref" ) ) ->where( "item_id = $this->item_id" ) ->execute(); } public function atualizar() { if ( isset( $this->uri_segment[2] ) ) { if ( $this->postIsValid( array( //'item_ref' => 'string', 'item_categoria' => 'string', 'item_sub' => 'string' ) ) ) { $this->categoria_id = $this->postGetValue( 'item_categoria' ); $this->sub_id = $this->postGetValue( 'item_sub' ); $this->tipo_id = $this->postGetValue( 'item_tipo' ); $this->item_endereco = $this->postGetValue( 'item_endereco' ); $termo_busca = $this->getTermos(); $this->postIndexAdd( 'item_busca', $termo_busca ); $this->item_endereco_uf = ( string ) $this->cliente->cliente_uf; if ( trim( $this->item_endereco ) != "" ) { //$this->item_endereco = "$this->item_endereco, $this->bairro, $this->cidade, $this->item_endereco_uf"; $this->item_endereco = "$this->item_endereco, $this->cidade, $this->item_endereco_uf"; } else { $this->item_endereco = "$this->bairro, $this->cidade, $this->item_endereco_uf"; } $latlon = $this->getLatLon( "$this->item_endereco, Brasil" ); if ( $latlon['lat'] != '' ) { $this->postIndexAdd( 'item_lat', trim( $latlon['lat'] ) ); $this->postIndexAdd( 'item_lon', trim( $latlon['lon'] ) ); } $this->postIndexDrop( 'upload' ); $this->item_id = $this->uri_segment[2]; $this->postValueChange( 'item_preco', preg_replace( array( '/\./', '/\,/' ), array( '', '.' ), $this->postGetValue( 'item_preco' ) ) ); $this->postValueChange( 'item_preco_locacao', preg_replace( array( '/\./', '/\,/' ), array( '', '.' ), $this->postGetValue( 'item_preco_locacao' ) ) ); $this->postValueChange( 'item_preco_temp', preg_replace( array( '/\./', '/\,/' ), array( '', '.' ), $this->postGetValue( 'item_preco_temp' ) ) ); $this->postValueChange( 'item_preco_iptu', preg_replace( array( '/\./', '/\,/' ), array( '', '.' ), $this->postGetValue( 'item_preco_iptu' ) ) ); $this->postValueChange( 'item_preco_condominio', preg_replace( array( '/\./', '/\,/' ), array( '', '.' ), $this->postGetValue( 'item_preco_condominio' ) ) ); $this->item_ref = "$this->item_new_ref" . "00" . "$this->item_id"; $this->item_ref = strtoupper( "$this->item_new_ref" . "00" . "$this->item_id" ); //$this->postIndexAdd( 'item_ref', $this->item_ref ); $this->update( 'item' )->set(); if ( $this->user_level == 2 ) { $this->where( "item_id = $this->item_id AND item_user = $this->user_id" ); } else { $this->where( "item_id = $this->item_id" ); } //echo $this->query;exit; $this->execute(); $this->redirect( "$this->baseUri/admin/item/editar/$this->item_id/process-ok/" ); } } } public function getLatLon( $address ) { $address = urlencode( utf8_encode( $address ) ); $url = "$address&sensor=false®ion=Brazil"; $json = @file_get_contents( $url ); $json = json_decode( $json ); //$this->printr($json);exit; if ( isset( $json->status ) && $json->status == "OK" ) { $lat = $json->results[0]->geometry->location->lat; $lon = $json->results[0]->geometry->location->lng; return array( 'lat' => $lat, 'lon' => $lon ); } else { return array( 'lat' => '', 'lon' => '' ); } } function getLatLonCep( $zip ) { $url = "" . urlencode( $zip ) . "&sensor=false"; $result_string = file_get_contents( $url ); $result = json_decode( $result_string, true ); $result1[] = $result['results'][0]; $result2[] = $result1[0]['geometry']; $result3[] = $result2[0]['location']; return array( 'lat' => $result3[0]['lat'], 'lon' => $result3[0]['lng'] ); } public function getTermos() { $term = ""; $this->select()->from( 'tipo' )->where( "tipo_id = $this->tipo_id" )->execute(); $term .= $this->data[0]['tipo_title'] . " "; $this->item_new_ref = $this->urlmodr( substr( $this->data[0]['tipo_title'], 0, 3 ) ); $this->select()->from( 'categoria' )->where( "categoria_id = $this->categoria_id" )->execute(); $term .= $this->data[0]['categoria_title'] . " "; $this->cidade = $this->data[0]['categoria_title']; $this->select()->from( 'sub' )->where( "sub_id = $this->sub_id" )->execute(); $term .= $this->data[0]['sub_title']; $this->bairro = $this->data[0]['sub_title']; return $term; } public function remover() { if ( isset( $this->uri_segment[2] ) ) { $this->item_id = $this->uri_segment[2]; $this->removeFotos(); $this->delete()->from( 'item' ); if ( $this->user_level == 2 ) { $this->where( "item_id = $this->item_id AND item_user = $this->user_id" ); } else { $this->where( "item_id = $this->item_id" ); } $this->execute(); $this->redirect( "$this->baseUri/admin/item/process-ok/" ); } } public function massremove() { if ( isset( $_POST['check'] ) && !empty( $_POST['check'] ) ) { $i = $_POST['check']; foreach ( $i as $k => $v ) { $this->item_id = $v; $this->removeFotos(); $this->delete()->from( 'item' ); if ( $this->user_level == 2 ) { $this->where( "item_id = $this->item_id AND item_user = $this->user_id" ); } else { $this->where( "item_id = $this->item_id" ); } $this->execute(); } } $this->redirect( "$this->baseUri/admin/item/process-ok/" ); } public function removeFotos() { $this->select() ->from( 'foto' ) ->where( "foto_item = $this->item_id" ) ->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { foreach ( $this->data as $f ) { $f = ( object ) $f; $file = "app/fotos/$f->foto_url"; if ( file_exists( $file ) ) { @unlink( $file ); } } } } public function removeUniqFoto() { if ( isset( $this->uri_segment[2] ) ) { $foto_id = $this->uri_segment[2]; } elseif ( isset( $_POST['foto_id'] ) && !empty( $_POST['foto_id'] ) ) { $foto_id = $_POST['foto_id']; } if ( isset( $foto_id ) ) { $this->select() ->from( 'foto' ) ->where( "foto_id = $foto_id" ) ->execute(); if ( $this->result() ) { $f = ( object ) $this->data[0]; $file = "app/fotos/$f->foto_url"; if ( file_exists( $file ) ) { @unlink( $file ); echo "$file removido"; } $this->delete()->from( 'foto' )->where( "foto_id = $foto_id" )->execute(); } else { echo 'error'; } } } public function updateFotoPos() { $item = $_POST['item']; parse_str( $item, $arr ); foreach ( $arr['li'] as $pos => $foto_id ) { $this->update( 'foto' ) ->set( array( 'foto_pos' ), array( "$pos" ) ) ->where( "foto_id = $foto_id" ) ->execute(); } } public function pageError() { $this->tpl( 'admin/error.html' ); $this->assign( 'msgError', $this->msgError ); $this->render(); } } /*end file*/