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comprei uma fonte thermaltake smart 430w, power suply, 80plus, active pfc.

modelo: SP-430P.

então gostaria de saber se ela da conta da uma placa de video GTX 660 Ti 2GB.


Core Core i7 2600 3,4

HD 750

Ram 2x4 1333Mhz

Placa Mãe DTA-H61

Gravador CD/DVD-RW


Ruinzinha a fonte, mas aguenta a configuração.

Thermaltake offers a few power supplies which come up to expectations but the Thermaltake Smart AP-430P 430W at $61.99 didn't do well as the efficiency was low. 83.64% is the highest value we measured during the test. During 20% load Thermaltake didn't even surpass the minimum requirement for 80 Plus. You get the usual set of accessories and cables, but there are no unique features or remarkable results, which should be mentioned.


Ruinzinha a fonte, mas aguenta a configuração.

Thermaltake offers a few power supplies which come up to expectations but the Thermaltake Smart AP-430P 430W at $61.99 didn't do well as the efficiency was low. 83.64% is the highest value we measured during the test. During 20% load Thermaltake didn't even surpass the minimum requirement for 80 Plus. You get the usual set of accessories and cables, but there are no unique features or remarkable results, which should be mentioned.


mas segunda feira eu posso trocar por uma Seasonic Fonte 520W 80 Plus Bronze - SS-520GB, com uma diferença bem minima de preço. aconselha a troca-la pela seasonic?


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