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Gfortran error - osx (el capitan)

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Olá Pessoal.. eu estou tentando compilar dois códigos no gfortran e nao estou conseguindo! 

Alguém pode me ajudar? 

Está aparecendo esse erro.. 


$ gfortran try_read_co2atm.f

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:

  "_read_co2atm_", referenced from:

      _MAIN__ in cce13Kjl.o

ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status


      PROGRAM try_read_co2atm
C     ------------------------------------------------------------------
C     Test PROGRAM to READ historical atmospheric CO2 (uatm)


      INTEGER maxrec, nmxr
      PARAMETER (maxrec=1200, nmxr=700)

      REAL yrco2rec(maxrec), atmco2rec(maxrec)
      INTEGER luco2, irec
      INTEGER nco2rec
      INTEGER is, ireadf
      INTEGER nsipl, nstab

      REAL futco2(nmxr,8)
      REAL dummy

      CALL read_co2atm('test', nco2rec, yrco2rec, atmco2rec)

      DO irec=1,nco2rec
        WRITE(*,'(2f8.2)') yrco2rec(irec),atmco2rec(irec)
      END DO

      SUBROUTINE read_co2atm(futr_scen, nco2rec, yrco2rec, atmco2rec)

C     ------------------------------------------------------------------
C     Reads temporal history of atmospheric CO2 (uatm)
C     ------------------------------------------------------------------
C     ==================================================================
C     Argument list -
C     ===============
C     Note: Variable TYPE is given in square brackets (below)
C     (r-REAL, i-INTEGER, l-LOGICAL, c-CHARACTER; s-scaler, a-array).
C     ===============
C     INPUT:
C     -------
C     [cs]  futr_scen  = In OCMIP-3 - not used! (kept ONLY for consistency)
C                        ----------
C                        ----------
C                        In OCMIP-2:- but this version of routine modified
C                                     for OCMIP-2 USE version 1.2
C                        -----------
C                        IPCC future scenario: either S350, S450, S550,
C                        S650, S750, DS450, or DS550 from Enting et al.
C                        (1994), or CIS9 signifying c-IS92A for
c                        IPCC (2000) run.  From 1765.0-2003.0, it 
C                        doesn't matter which scenario you use, i.e., 
C                        atmospheric CO2 will be the same (from a
C                        spline fit to Siple Ice core and Mauna Loa
C                        data.  Subsequently, atmospheric CO2 is 
C                        different, according to the choice given above.
C     OUTPUT: 
C     -------
C     [is]  nco2rec    =  Number of records (years) for atmospheric CO2
C                         from historical (splco2.dat) plus
C                         future (stab.dat) records
C     [ra]  yrco2rec   =  sequential list of times (in decimal years)
C                         for WHEN atmospheric CO2 data is available
C     [ra]  atmco2rec  =  corresponding sequential list of atmospheric 
C                         co2 (ppm).
C                         - OCMIP-2 record from Enting et al. (1994)
C                         - OCMIP-3/NOCES record same UNTIL 1990.5,
C                           THEN it is a 12-month running mean from the
C                           GlobalView DATA for MLO         .
C     ==================================================================
C     Reference
C     ---------
C     Enting, I.G., T. M. L. Wigley, M. Heimann, 1994. Future emissions 
C     and concentrations of carbon dioxide: key ocean / atmosphere / 
C     land analyses, CSIRO Aust. Div. Atmos. Res., Tech. Pap. No. 31, 
C     118 pp.
C     ------------------------------------------------------------------

C     James Orr, LSCE/CEA-CNRS, Saclay, France, 17 April 1999


      INTEGER maxrec, nmxr
      PARAMETER (maxrec=1200, nmxr=700)

      REAL yrco2rec(maxrec), atmco2rec(maxrec)
      INTEGER luco2, irec
      INTEGER nco2rec
      INTEGER is, ireadf
      INTEGER nsipl, nstab

      REAL futco2(nmxr,8)
      REAL dummy

      CHARACTER*4 futr_scen

C     ---------
      OPEN(luco2+1, FILE='splmlo_co2_noces.dat', FORM='formatted', 
     &     STATUS='old')
C     --------------------------
C     Get atmospheric CO2 data
C     --------------------------
      WRITE(*,*)'  '
      WRITE(*,*)'Atm. CO2 from fit to Siple-Mauna Loa record'

C     ----------------------------------
C     READ historical co2 concentrations
C     ----------------------------------
C     READ(luco2+1,200)
C 200  FORMAT(////)

      DO irec=1,maxrec
C           Read from splco2.dat (historical emissions)
     &      yrco2rec(irec),atmco2rec(irec)
        nco2rec = irec
      END DO


       WRITE(*,*) 'Atm. CO2:  No. of entries for 1-box atmosphere =',
     &            nco2rec




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