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Bom dia,


Eu atualmente já tenho um HAF 922, porém eu acho ele muito rande internamente (e externamente) e também meio desorganizado, sem contar que ele não vem já pintado por dentro e não quero ter que desmontar ele todo e ter um trabalhão pintando ele por dentro e afins.


Eu quero um gabinete que seja mais enxuto, que já venha todo preto por dentro, que tenha todos aqueles esquema de somente encaixar as peças (HDs e afins).

Também gostaria de saber se vale a pena focar em um gabinete que tenha filtro de ar nas entradas, para ter que se preocupar menos com limpeza interna.


Com UBS 3.0 Frontal. 


Atualmente a minha config de máquina é:


MB Asus Crosshair V Formula Z

Mem 16gb (2x8) Ripjaw Sniper

Proc AMD 8350

Cooler Coolermaster V6

Fonte XFX 650w Modular

XFX Radeon HD 6950 2GB GDDR5

1x SSD Corsair Neutron GTX

1x HD Sata 3.0 2TB Samsung

1x HD Sata 3.0 1TB Western Digital


Sobre o Cooler, (ele é muito grande , eu acho) se necessário mudar eu mudo.

Se possível sugerir um Cooler no lugar daí.


O HD de 1TB está com problema nos conectores (eu quebrei sem querer) e pretendo comprar um Case Externo pra ele, então, não estará na configuração final.


Se puderem também me indiciar artigos sobre organização interna do Gabinente.

Embora eu tenha uma fonte modular, eu não consigo fazer o interior do meu Gabinete ficar organizado. =D


O custo total do Gabinete pode chegar a 600 reais.

Um Cooler pra subtituir pode chegar a uns 200.


Mas é claro que quanto mais barato, melhor.

Só que estou disposto a gastar por algo que valha a pena nos quesitos tamanho (pequeno) e organização.


Acho interessante peças internas de outras cores, tipo, tudo preto mas as partes de plástico em vermelho ou outra cor.

O gabinete em sí pode ser branco também (inclusive o interior), contanto que seja um gabinete bom.

  • 2 semanas depois...

Existence is tough as being a periodic business. Skateboarding Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Tom Morrison and Kimberly Jackson, co-proprietors of indoor skate park Ramp N Roll in south Everett, know this well. They are experiencing their first slow summer time time time time time time time time since opening the organization last October. 10 a couple of occasions of the season when the roads are wet together with wind biting, skaters when using the dozens pick a tropical oasis in Ramp N Roll. But on sunny summer time time time time time time time time weekdays, children with skateboards either find their own curbs and railings or be aware of outdoors space at Walter E. Hall Memorial Park--free of charge. Right now of the season, persuading kids achieve Ramp N Roll, a middle with many different ramps, rails and jumps, by permitting hourly fee to go along with it, means Morrison and Jackson have to work the marketing and word-of-mouth beat harder.

Step one elevated to acquire offer not just a place to ride a skateboard. Even though the warehouse-like setting has a enormous graffito-style mural by artist Romero (he used more than 200 cans of spray paint to complete it), rap and metal music blares and you'll find numerous ramps to ride, the happy couple devote its destination identity by spending $5,000 on equipment as well as other materials for every pro shop.

They started asking kids whatever you wanted and began transporting it. Furthermore they were given advisable within the products other pro shops were transporting after they ongoing a 5-week motorcycle ride through California and to the Mexican coast. The professional shop is loaded with lots of colourful skateboards adorning the lobby walls and displays are filled with various wheels, axles and accessories. Jackson understood that as growing figures of youngsters rode their skateboards while using the summer time time time time time time time time a couple of days, more damage would occur and the benefits of parts would arise.

"When you're coping with individuals points you have to get ready for consider,In . Jackson mentioned inside the summer time time time time time time time time lulls together with idea to upgrade the professional shop. "And like an online business, you haven't any idea products to arrange for.In . how to know what size skateboard to get

Loyal customers volunteered to go to the Everett Mall also to distribute flyers announcing Ramp N Roll's approaching occasions that's entire existence. Volunteers for instance George Lopez and Daniel Haggerty, passionate skaters, presented to help operate the skate park totally free. Jackson mentioned Haggerty remains helpful to obtain pro shop sales since they knows what equipment works the most effective.

The happy couple also built relationships while using the glasgow- Everett's Parks Department, the YMCA and church organizations for summer time time time time time time time time sessions and daily rentals. Kids of countless church organizations would mention Ramp N Roll for parish lead to church officials organizing a conference or greater. Taken, one church group rented the power every Friday night for just two primary primary a couple of days at $100 an hour or so approximately roughly roughly roughly roughly roughly roughly, Jackson mentioned.

Exactly the standard word-of-mouth marketing introduced obtaining a dependable YMCA business.

"They have summer time time time time time time time time programs about where kids can be found in for virtually every day or two anytime,In . Jackson mentioned inside the YMCA day camps. Youngsters are proven up at Forest Park, Skate Deck now Ramp N Roll. "I'd met while using the organization company company company company company company company directors inside the south Snohomish YMCA together with 1 " Mukilteo." The very best day camp held introduced about 60 kids to Ramp N Roll throughout the day. Another camp is scheduled using this month.

Morrison and Jackson also needed part within the Navy Appreciation Day, where Navy personnel in addition for kids could skate totally free. That introduced to meeting Karen Taylor inside the Everett Parks Department. Meeting Taylor introduced to Ramp N Roll making the Parks Department summer time time time time time time time time guide. Such as the YMCA relationship, kids join the parks department and go just like a group. The parks department could possibly get some inside the earnings. how to assemble skateboard

Another effective marketing move remains the overnight skating parties. Almost a skater daycare, the parties cost $20 per person. Each brings a sleeping bag, can get to skate when asleep, get free pizza and drinks. School groups have enrolled in this, including Mariner School. What this means is Morrison and Jackson make about $300 a night and fogeys of kids can escape for supper plus a movie, she mentioned smiling.

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