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Outro ahk configuração trigger bot color

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Olá pessoal expert;

Bom... eu não entendo muito de programação e estou precisando de uma ajuda.

Estou tentando fazer um macro onde ele localiza uma cor e dê um click no AHK, mas não acho nada que funciona.

Bom estou com este código mas não obtenho resultados, mudei somente o EMCol := 0xBFAE81 pois é a cor que eu desejo. Alguém pode me ajudar entender esse código?


#SingleInstance, Force
#KeyHistory, 0
#HotKeyInterval 1
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 127
version = 1.0
traytip, GamerGuyAHK %version%, Running in background!, 5, 1
Menu, tray, NoStandard
Menu, tray, Tip, Sharpshooter %version%
Menu, tray, Add, Sharpshooter %version%, return
Menu, tray, Add
Menu, tray, Add, Help, info
Menu, tray, Add, Exit, exit
SetKeyDelay,-1, 1
SetControlDelay, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SendMode, InputThenPlay
ListLines, Off
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen, RGB
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
Process, Priority, %PID%, High
EMCol := 0xBFAE81
ColVn := 2
AntiShakeX := (A_ScreenHeight // 160)
AntiShakeY := (A_ScreenHeight // 128)
ZeroX := (A_ScreenWidth // 2)
ZeroY := (A_ScreenHeight // 2)
CFovX := (A_ScreenWidth // 😎
CFovY := (A_ScreenHeight // 64)
ScanL := ZeroX - CFovX
ScanT := ZeroY
ScanR := ZeroX + CFovX
ScanB := ZeroY + CFovY
NearAimScanL := ZeroX - AntiShakeX
NearAimScanT := ZeroY - AntiShakeY
NearAimScanR := ZeroX + AntiShakeX
NearAimScanB := ZeroY + AntiShakeY
Loop, {
    KeyWait, RButton, D
    PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, NearAimScanL, NearAimScanT, NearAimScanR, NearAimScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
    if (!ErrorLevel=0) {
        loop, 10 {
            PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
            AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
            AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
            DirX := -1
            DirY := -1
            If ( AimX > 0 ) {
                DirX := 1
            If ( AimY > 0 ) {
                DirY := 1
            AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
            AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
            MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
            MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
            DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 1.5, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0)
Pause:: pause
goto, init
msgbox, 0, Sharpsooter %version%, Made by CelikShadow (my fortnite ign) @`nOverwatch must be running in borderless windowed mode.`nPress pause key to pause this program.`nLeft click automatically aims down target near the center of the screen.`nRecommended for near distance(~15m) and full-auto weapons.


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