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Pela praticidade já decidi pela mini DVD, agora qual comprar entre...?


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Em função da praticidade, decidi comprar uma mini DVD. A grande duvida seria qual filmadora e de que fabricante, Sony, Canon e Panasonic? Como já falei antes sou marinheiro de 1a. viagem neste assunto e a diversidade de modelos neste campo é grande.

Tenho em vista os modelos na faixa de USD$300 para comprar nos EUA junto com bateria extra e carregador.

Poderiam me ajudar?




Que tal uma Panasonic VDR-D230?

Ela ganhou o prêmio de melhor filmadora DVD de baixo custo da CamcorderInfo em 2007.

Não existe nenhuma outra filmadora na faixa de preço dela que utilize sistema de estabilização de imagem ótico (OIS). Todas as outras MiniDVD utilizam sistema de estabilização de imagem eletrônico (EIS), menos eficiente.

Onde o OIS pode mostrar grande diferença em relação ao EIS?

Essa Panasonic possui zoom ótico de 32x.

Ao filmar segurando a filmadora na mão, com o zoom ótico no máximo, o OIS vai estabilizar a imagem com muito mais eficiência que o EIS filmando nessa mesma condição.

Best Low-End DVD

Panasonic VDR-D230


We chose the Panasonic VDR-D230 for its handling, manual controls, and perks, including the highly effective optical image stabilization (OIS) and 32x optical zoom. No other competitor features OIS at this price range, in addition to independent aperture and shutter speed, gain control, and a rear-mounted joystick. True, Panasonics have a higher learning curve than most manufacturers’ camcorders, but one good day of shooting with the manual in hand should set you on the right path. The VDR-D230 also sports a rugged, balanced construction that should weather well over time.



Muito obrigado pela resposta Roberto. Fiquei impressionado com a qualidade de audio e video gerados pela camera fotografica Canon S3 IS. voce acha que pode ser uma boa opção para o que eu desejo, ou seja, praticidade e uma qualidade razoavel para filmar filhos tirar fotos etc?





Pode até ser uma opção viável, pois a Canon S3 IS grava em 640x480 30fps.

Na análise abaixo comenta-se que 1Gb pode armazenar 7 minutos de video.

Se for utilizado um cartão de memória rápido (por exemplo um Sandisk Extreme III) e de boa capacidade de armazenamento, beleza.

Let's go to the Movies

One of the enjoyable capabilities of the Canon S3, and the one that help me choose it over other contenders in this category, is that it is capable of shooting full resolution movies as well as 6MP stills, accessed directly via a dedicated movie-mode button. Video mode resolution (SD) is 640 X 480 at 30FPS. Files generated are .AVI, at the rate of about 2MB / sec, so a 1GB card can hold a bit over 7 minutes of video.

As long as a high speed card is used (think Sandisk Extreme III), there is no limit to shooting length, other than the size of the card. In a very well thought-out design approach Canon allows one to shoot in movie mode at any time, using a dedicated button near the eyepiece. This is regardless of the still shooting mode that the camera may be set to. It is even possible to shoot a still photograph in full 6MP mode while filming, though there is a momentary flicker in the video recorded.

How good is the video quality? Subjectively, when edited together with footage taken with various video cameras, one is unable to easily tell which was taken with the S3 and which with a dedicated video camera. Compression artifacts are quite a bit lower than seen on many competitive models, leading to higher quality footage. Therefore, other than being limited to about 7 minutes per Gig of card space, there is little disadvantage to shooting video with the S3 over the use of a video camera for most amateur uses. Indeed being able to work directly with data files rather than having to transfer from tape to computer before editing is a time-saving bonus.

Now, before jumping into your email program to tell me that there's no way that a digicam can shoot decent video, think about the likely application. Home movies. My family has little kids, uncles, aunts, nephews and nieces. There are family gatherings, birthdays, summer vacations and the like. No, I wouldn't shoot a segment for The Video Journal with the S3, but I'm more than pleased to set aside my video camera these days and simply use the S3 for shooting family snapshots and videos, all with the same camera at the same time. Pop into IMovie for some editing, and quick and fun videos are the result.

In other words – fun, something that a camera like this is all about.

Of course the S3 isn't the only current digicam that can shoot 640 X 480 at 30FPS. But, it is among a very small number that can do so in high quality, while retaining the ability to zoom, and with a dedicated Movie button which can be activated at any time, in any still mode.

One additional advantage to a still camera that can also shoot video was pointed out to me by professional film maker Chris Sanderson. The S3 looks like a still camera, not a video camera. There are times and places where shooting stills is allowed, but not video. We encountered this at the shipbreaking yards in Bangladesh a couple of years ago. This Canon camera would have been ideal for that type of situation.



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