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Atualização No Cd Do 2000

Fabio Aragao

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Pessoal gostaria de atualizar o CD que tenho com 2000 pro e server com o service pack 4, como fazer, sei q posso comprar um cd já com o pack, mas gostaria de eu mesmo fazer isso, e alem do mais gostaria de saber como posso incluir patchs de correção como a que tive q usar para eliminar o virus gaobot que assolou muita nossa rede, tem como integrar já este patch ??

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Retirado do arquivo spdeploy.htm, do SP4, informa como integrar o SP4 a instalação do Win2000, porém, creio não ser possível integrar outras atualizações.


Scenario 1: Installing Windows 2000 integrated with the service pack

This scenario explains how to create an integrated installation of Windows 2000 and the service pack in a shared distribution folder on a network. The integrated process installs the service pack during Windows 2000 Setup. To complete this procedure, you must use a computer that is running Windows 2000.

To use the Setup Manager Wizard (Setupmgr.exe) to install Windows 2000 integrated with SP4, you must first have an integrated Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 CD, or you must create a shared distribution folder on the network, as explained in the following procedure.


Do not create an installation of Windows 2000 integrated with a service pack in a shared distribution folder if users are still using a previously installed integrated version in the same shared folder.


In the following procedure, Drive represents the drive letter of the network or computer where your distribution folder is located.

To create an integrated installation of Windows 2000 and the service pack

Connect to the network or computer on which you want to create the distribution folder.

In the shared folder on the network, create a distribution folder for the Windows 2000 installation files.

For example, to create a distribution folder named W2000\i386, type the following:

mkdir Drive:\W2000\i386

Ensure that only the system administrator has full access to this folder. Other users should have only Read and Execute permissions.

Insert your Windows 2000 product CD into the CD-ROM drive, and then copy the contents of the CD to the distribution folder that you created in step 2.

For example, to copy the installation files and folders from the Windows 2000 product CD in the CD-ROM drive (D:) to the distribution folder named W2000\i386, you would type the following:

xcopy /E D:\i386 Drive:\W2000\i386

Remove the Windows 2000 product CD from the CD-ROM drive, and then insert the service pack CD.

To apply the service pack source files to the Windows 2000 Installation files located in the folder named W2000\i386, type the following:

w2ksp4.exe /S:Drive:\W2000

For a list of command-line options, see Command-Line Options for W2ksp4.exe and Update.exe earlier in this guide.

Customize Windows 2000 Setup as necessary.

For more information about how to do this, you can view Help by entering the following the command from the deployment folder:

\i386\winnt32.exe /?

For more detailed information, see the Winnt32.exe command syntax topic in the Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Resource Kit.

You can now deploy Windows 2000 to your users’ computers from the shared distribution folder in either attended or unattended Setup mode. Alternatively, you can write the files from the distribution folder to a CD. During the standard installation process, Windows 2000 Setup (Winnt.exe or Winnt32.exe) installs the updated operating system with the service pack already applied.


When you run the Update.exe program as described earlier for an integrated installation, a Svcpack.log file is created automatically in systemroot on the computer that is running the Update.exe program. If you plan to update more than one version of Windows 2000 on this computer, rename the Svcpack.log file after you update each version. This ensures that you do not overwrite the current log file when you update additional versions of Windows 2000.

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