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  1. ahhh...tá explicado. Encontrei isso no site oficial também:

    Why can't I use the Build Mode tools?


    Why can't I use the Build Mode tools?


    If you find out that you are unable to do anything in build mode, like build a foundation, walls, windows, Doors, or anything then your Sims2.exe files has been corrupted. This can happen for a number of reasons, one of the most prominent is if you are using a 3rd party "Patch", "Hack", or "Mod" that changes or replaces this file or add additional files to your game.

    Unfortunately if you do not have a back up of the files that have been changed you will need to uninstall and then reinstall the game to return it back to normal.

    We do not Recommend or Support any of these downloads that alter the game in anyway.

    To Uninstall the Game:

    In this case we will need to remove all the files associated with the games in order for them to work properly.

    We have to go into your Windows registry and remove the parts of the game program that were not removed from your system. We will be focusing on 2 files that were installed with the game into your registry. First, we will need to make a backup of your registry.

    For Windows 98/ME we do this by using a tool called Scanreg;

    Click on Start then go to Run.

    Type in scanreg /backup.

    Click on Ok.

    You will see a window briefly appear on your screen and then go away. Once you have seen this that will tell you that you have made a backup of your registry.

    If you have Windows XP:

    Click on Start then go to Run.

    Type in regedit and click OK.

    Click on File and go to Export

    In the File Name box type "Reg Backup"

    Make sure that the Export Range on the bottom has "ALL" selected

    Click on Save

    Now we will remove the keys for The Sims 2 from your registry. To do this, follow the steps below;

    Click on Start then go to Run.

    Type in regedit and click OK.

    Left-Click once on the plus sign next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

    Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled Software.

    Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled EA Games.

    You will see a folder labeled "The Sims 2".

    Right click once on this folder; a menu will appear.

    Select the delete option and left-click; this will remove the folder. The window may take you to the top of the screen. Simply scroll back down to where you were before.

    Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled Microsoft.

    Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled Windows.

    Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled Current Version.

    Left-Click once on the plus sign next to a folder labeled Uninstall.

    Locate a folder labeled {8AB8D458-939E-403F-0097-9BA1C1F013D5}

    Right click once on this folder; a menu will appear.

    Select the delete option and left-click; this will remove the folder.

    Delete the two Sims 2 folders located here:

    C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 2

    and here:

    My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2

    You have now removed all entries for The Sims 2 from your system. At this point you should be able to re-install your game without an issue.


  2. Postado Originalmente por dennismss@21 set 2004, 12:28


    No modo de construção, não to conseguindo construir a casa.

    Tipo as ferramentas de fazer parede, e piso e tal, parece que não funcionam.

    Eu até consigo colocar cadeiras e objetos, mas construir mesmo não rola...

    Tô jogando com uma casa pronta...

    será que sou eu que to errendo :muro: , ou tá com algum pau memo??!!

    Me ajuda aí!!


    tá acontecendo a mesma coisa comigo...não sei o q é isso não. Será q tem um pacth q corrige isso?

  3. Parabéns pelo tópico! Sempre tem alguém aqui perguntando sobre o cs. Na minha opinião tamb esse tópico deveria ser definitivo.

    Então vou aproveitar e perguntar também:

    Eu sei que já perguntaram sobre comandos de console mas não está bem claro. Gostaria de saber os comandos que vocês usam (sem ser cheater) assim que instalam o jogo, ou seja, quais ajustes (comandos de console) usam para deixar o cs no "ponto" para jogar on-line?

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