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posts postados por DougMoreira

  1. Naquele site chinês no post 275, em inglês, tem um cara falando em B3 para o Bulldozer. Pede para que chegue setembro, que está excelente e não pode dar detalhes por causa do NDA.


    发表于 2011-8-21 02:08:07 |只看该作者

    1. Bulldozer is here mid-Sept

    2. Bulldozer will be very price competitive vs Sandy Bridge

    3. Bulldozer is awesome - ha lol.

    4. Every part is unlocked

    5. It can OC very well!

    6. AMD will be doing something special with LN2 very soon - 1-2 weeks."

    "I forgot to mention about 8 & 9 Series motherboards. The reason why AMD doesn't offically support 8 Series boards is down to the fact these FX processors actually need more power phases from the motherboard (I forgot the details). The US guy said that manufacturers who offered BIOS updates for these boards may or may not actually work, or work properly offering the full benefits of FX processors. So If you want the full power of FX and no issues, please buy 9 Series motherboards. I'm not saying BIOS updates won't work, but to be safe, I'd buy a 990/970 motherboard now before release."

    “Hi Guys,

    So AMD popped in to see me. I have to admit I was worried about BD with all the gossip going about its performance and all the stuff gone on with delays and false reports & leaks.

    Now however that's changed! NDA forbids me from saying ANYTHING but what I can say is that B3 Bulldozer will be worth the wait! OMG! Bring on September please!”

  2. Alguém entende tcheco por aqui?

    Aqui parece que os leaks OBR/DonanimHaber causaram alguma polêmica:

    Via tradutor do google fica difícil. Cada um que tire suas conclusões.

    "Preview: 8-core de processadores da AMD FX, e os resultados dos testes da Bulldozer"(DonanimHaber):

    "Processador da AMD triple-core foi testado em Fusion-A6 3500"(DonanimHaber):

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