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Battlefield 2142 (FPS) - Tópico oficial - Patch 1.50 disponível


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  • Membro VIP

Tópico atualizado. Patch 1.20 disponível.


Fixed Pod Control Exploit - Players may no longer exploit the assault pods to 'surf' around the maps.

Removed the stats category for the PK-74 AR-Rocket: All kills with this weapon are calculated into the statistics for the main assault kit weapon

Fixed co-op server crash: Servers will no longer crash when attempting to rotate to co-op mode with players joined into squads

Added correct flag for Czech Republic.

Fixed PDS-1 sonar system interference with UAV. Soldiers are now shown correctly on UAV when PDS-1 is activated.

Change to Heal and Repair Point Awarding: Heal and repair points awarded after a 50% heal / repair instead of 100% heal / repair.

Fixed tracking of hours with the medic hub in BFHQ: Medic hub hours shown in BFHQ has been corrected.

Fixed Squad leader drone exploit. Removed the possibility to use drones as a stairway to heaven.

Fixed the Rorsch crosshair misalignment: The crosshair should now be correctly centered while not zoomed.

Change to Out of Bounds Damage: We have changed the out of bounds damage system to immediately kill players after being out of bounds for 15 seconds. Please note that the total time a player can be out of bounds has not changed. This fix will help prevent stat padding exploits.

Ranked Server APM setting hard coded: Anti-personelle mines are now always set to "Friendly fire off" on ranked servers. Increases consistency and prevents misunderstanding.

Fixed an exploit using the reactor core door: Soldiers can no longer conceal themselves by moving back against the reactor core door.

The correct message is now shown when trying to join a full server.

Fixed crash when placing Squad Leader Spawn Beacon

Added server side option to prevent Titan Movement

Added optimization to Titan mode to reduce lag

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aee !

tenho o BF 2142 e gostei bastante :D só q tenho problemas pra jogar online... entro na fase e dps de und 30 segundos eu so kikado e parece uma msg scrita PUNKBUSTER.... eu sei o que é punkbuster e eu tenho ele... só q da essa caca !!! :muro:

Uma coisa... uso WinVista.... talvez seja isso???

Olá amigão. Tenho o jogo original tb e sempre caio nesse negócio de punkbuster ou então me tiram

por decisão do admin. As vezes demoro pra conseguir jogar + de 30 min. Assinei o ArenaTurbo

pra não pegar fila, mas nunca consegui jogar através dele





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O cara que montou meu pc instalo esse jogo nele, e até me passo uma acc pra mim joga, mas quando eu entro fala que meu pc não esta conectado na net pra poder jogar online.. porque?!

OBS: a internet esta ligada... mas meu pc esta em rede.. o pc do meu irmão é o host, sera que é por isso?!

alguem ajuda =p

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  • Membro VIP

EA lança Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike

Uma notícia publicada no site oficial da franquia Battlefield anunciou que o Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike, primeiro booster pack para o título da série de shooter multiplayer, já está disponível para compra via Internet. O pacote funciona como uma mini-expansão e oferece três mapas inéditos ambientados na Europa e dois novos veículos (sendo um para cada exército), modo de jogo Titan disponível para mais dois mapas (incluindo, pela primeira vez, uma ambientação urbana) e a promessa de batalhas mais disputadas e envolventes, além de novos itens bônus de recompensa.

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  • mês depois...

O jogo é basicamente voltado pra o multplayer, portanto, o single player como dito acima é apenas um "treinamento", definitivamente não voltado para o single. O espírito da série Battlefield é o jogo em equipe e estratégia conjunta. O BF 2142 portanto, não foge a regra, ao contrário, foi a série que mais foi voltado ao mult. só com humanos. Exemplo disso é o mod Titan (só pode humanos, sem bots) e no modo co-op tem menos mapas e o número de bots ficou mais limitado.

Isso não deixa de tornar o BF 2142 um grande jogo.

Se eu não me engano, tem um jogo da série battlefield que é voltada para o singleplayer, não deixando de ter o mult. O nome é bf bad company, se não estiver equivocado.


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  • Membro VIP

Tópico atualizado. Patch 1.25 disponível.

Fixed PAC Titan geometry exploit: Players may no longer sink into the hull of the PAC titan to freely attack defenders, consoles and the core.

Fixed EU Titan geometry exploit: Players may no longer sink into the hull of the EU Titan to freely attack defenders, consoles and the core.

Fixed Squad Leader Drone bug: The spawn placement of the SL drone has been raised to prevent instances where the drone would kill the Squad Leader.

APM Tuning: The detection radius for Anti-Personnel Mines has been reduced. Players will need to walk much closer to APMs in order to set them off. The blast radius of the APM has also been decreased.

Fixed radar grenade bug: The bug which caused the radar grenade to sometimes not appear on players’ mini-map has been fixed.

Fixed Bridge at Remagen Exploit: Players will no longer be able to move inside the west facing slope on the bridge.

Moding addition: Editing for ‘Physics. AirDensityZeroAtHeight’ has been added.

Moding addition: The command ‘object.listObjectsofTemplate’ has been re-added to the rcon_invoke command list.

Improved SAAW missile tracking: The SAAW will now consistently track all airborne targets. The missiles still require visual lock to be maintained in order to seek targets.

Improved Gunship missile tracking: The Gunship missiles will now correctly track all other airborne targets. Please note that the missile behavior when fired at ground targets is unchanged

Improved Gunship Gunner Cannon: The projectile speed and damage for the gunner position cannon has been increased for both gunships.

Static AA missile tracking improvement: The EMP missiles fired from the static AA has been improved to properly track when locked on to enemy ships.

Static AA Missile lock on range decreased: The range which static AA may lock onto ships has been reduced to allow ships ‘spaces of safety’ around the maps.

Fixed Gunship and Transport Ship Active Defense: A tail section for each of these ships was not properly covered by active defense. This has been corrected to fully protect all ships. Please note that the visual effect for active defense has not changed.

Gunship TV Missile Adjustment: Damage for Gunship TV guided missiles has been slightly increased

Fixed fence exploit: Bullet deviation has been added to all fences to prevent a game play exploit. Please note that players behind fences will be more difficult to hit at medium-long ranges due to this change

Duplicate CD- Key issue: Changes to the CD key check to help prevent issues where players receive a duplicate cd-key error when joining servers.

LMG Adjustments: The Bianchi and Shuko have been normalized in their settling rates to correct a minor imbalance.

Automatic Drone adjustment: Health points for the Sentry Gun, Accipiter and Otus drones have been reduced.

Sentry Gun targeting adjustment: Sentry guns will now take slightly longer to fire on their targets. The sight range for the sentry has also been slightly reduced.

Fixed Medic Hub bug: Fixed a bug where players would occasionally receive a new medical hub immediately after it was deployed

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gandalfnho eu ja reinstalei o dx .. o som ... o video .. e nao roda

o BF 2 roda de boa aqui ... só o 2142 q da esse pau .. isso porque eu ia comprar ele hj .. mais se a demo ta dando pau imagina o jogo !!

Cara, eu tive esse mesmo problema, o DX não tava vindo com essa DLL (d3dX9_29.dll) e nem com a d3dX9_30.dll :mad:

Pega o ultimo DX Redist no site da Microsoft que corrige.

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no canto superior esquerdo aparece quem mata e quem morreu certo,tmbm se pode mandar mensagem certo,abro com a tecla home,digito a mensagem e digito enter e aparece erro,gostaria de ajuda porque onde eu jogo nao ha brasas.

por favor me ajudem,xD sou iniciante.

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