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  1. Estou atualmente buscando reduzir o baudrate para 110. Já confirmei que o ESP32 é capaz de ler o baudrate de 110 no osciloscópio. Agora, estou buscando orientação sobre como realizar a alteração no hardware Serial. Consultei informações contidas no livro sobre o 8051, o qual oferece alguma explicação a respeito. No entanto, mesmo após essa consulta, ainda estou enfrentando dificuldades em implementar a mudança. Gostaria de saber se alguém poderia me auxiliar nesse processo? #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include "pins_arduino.h" #include "HardwareSerial.h" #include "soc/soc_caps.h" #include "driver/uart.h" #include "freertos/queue.h" #ifndef ARDUINO_SERIAL_EVENT_TASK_STACK_SIZE #define ARDUINO_SERIAL_EVENT_TASK_STACK_SIZE 2048 #endif #ifndef ARDUINO_SERIAL_EVENT_TASK_PRIORITY #define ARDUINO_SERIAL_EVENT_TASK_PRIORITY (configMAX_PRIORITIES-1) #endif #ifndef ARDUINO_SERIAL_EVENT_TASK_RUNNING_CORE #define ARDUINO_SERIAL_EVENT_TASK_RUNNING_CORE -1 #endif #ifndef SOC_RX0 #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 #define SOC_RX0 3 #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2 || CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3 #define SOC_RX0 44 #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3 #define SOC_RX0 20 #endif #endif #ifndef SOC_TX0 #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 #define SOC_TX0 1 #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2 || CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3 #define SOC_TX0 43 #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3 #define SOC_TX0 21 #endif #endif void serialEvent(void) _attribute_((weak)); void serialEvent(void) {} #if SOC_UART_NUM > 1 #ifndef RX1 #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 #define RX1 9 #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2 #define RX1 18 #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3 #define RX1 18 #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3 #define RX1 15 #endif #endif #ifndef TX1 #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 #define TX1 10 #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2 #define TX1 17 #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3 #define TX1 19 #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3 #define TX1 16 #endif #endif void serialEvent1(void) _attribute_((weak)); void serialEvent1(void) {} #endif /* SOC_UART_NUM > 1 */ #if SOC_UART_NUM > 2 #ifndef RX2 #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 #define RX2 16 #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3 #define RX2 19 #endif #endif #ifndef TX2 #if CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32 #define TX2 17 #elif CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3 #define TX2 20 #endif #endif void serialEvent2(void) _attribute_((weak)); void serialEvent2(void) {} #endif /* SOC_UART_NUM > 2 */ #if !defined(NO_GLOBAL_INSTANCES) && !defined(NO_GLOBAL_SERIAL) #if ARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT //Serial used for USB CDC HardwareSerial Serial0(0); #else HardwareSerial Serial(0); #endif #if SOC_UART_NUM > 1 HardwareSerial Serial1(1); #endif #if SOC_UART_NUM > 2 HardwareSerial Serial2(2); #endif void serialEventRun(void) { #if ARDUINO_USB_CDC_ON_BOOT //Serial used for USB CDC if(Serial0.available()) serialEvent(); #else if(Serial.available()) serialEvent(); #endif #if SOC_UART_NUM > 1 if(Serial1.available()) serialEvent1(); #endif #if SOC_UART_NUM > 2 if(Serial2.available()) serialEvent2(); #endif } #endif #if !CONFIG_DISABLE_HAL_LOCKS #define HSERIAL_MUTEX_LOCK() do {} while (xSemaphoreTake(_lock, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS) #define HSERIAL_MUTEX_UNLOCK() xSemaphoreGive(_lock) #else #define HSERIAL_MUTEX_LOCK() #define HSERIAL_MUTEX_UNLOCK() #endif HardwareSerial::HardwareSerial(int uart_nr) : _uart_nr(uart_nr), _uart(NULL), _rxBufferSize(256), _txBufferSize(0), _onReceiveCB(NULL), _onReceiveErrorCB(NULL), _onReceiveTimeout(true), _rxTimeout(10), _eventTask(NULL) #if !CONFIG_DISABLE_HAL_LOCKS ,_lock(NULL) #endif { #if !CONFIG_DISABLE_HAL_LOCKS if(_lock == NULL){ _lock = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); if(_lock == NULL){ log_e("xSemaphoreCreateMutex failed"); return; } } #endif } HardwareSerial::~HardwareSerial() { end(); #if !CONFIG_DISABLE_HAL_LOCKS if(_lock != NULL){ vSemaphoreDelete(_lock); } #endif } void HardwareSerial::_createEventTask(void *args) { // Creating UART event Task xTaskCreateUniversal(_uartEventTask, "uart_event_task", ARDUINO_SERIAL_EVENT_TASK_STACK_SIZE, this, ARDUINO_SERIAL_EVENT_TASK_PRIORITY, &_eventTask, ARDUINO_SERIAL_EVENT_TASK_RUNNING_CORE); if (_eventTask == NULL) { log_e(" -- UART%d Event Task not Created!", _uart_nr); } } void HardwareSerial::_destroyEventTask(void) { if (_eventTask != NULL) { vTaskDelete(_eventTask); _eventTask = NULL; } } void HardwareSerial::onReceiveError(OnReceiveErrorCb function) { HSERIAL_MUTEX_LOCK(); // function may be NULL to cancel onReceive() from its respective task _onReceiveErrorCB = function; // this can be called after Serial.begin(), therefore it shall create the event task if (function != NULL && _uart != NULL && _eventTask == NULL) { _createEventTask(this); } HSERIAL_MUTEX_UNLOCK(); } void HardwareSerial::onReceive(OnReceiveCb function, bool onlyOnTimeout) { HSERIAL_MUTEX_LOCK(); // function may be NULL to cancel onReceive() from its respective task _onReceiveCB = function; // When Rx timeout is Zero (disabled), there is only one possible option that is callback when FIFO reaches 120 bytes _onReceiveTimeout = _rxTimeout > 0 ? onlyOnTimeout : false; // this can be called after Serial.begin(), therefore it shall create the event task if (function != NULL && _uart != NULL && _eventTask == NULL) { _createEventTask(this); // Create event task } HSERIAL_MUTEX_UNLOCK(); } // timout is calculates in time to receive UART symbols at the UART baudrate. // the estimation is about 11 bits per symbol (SERIAL_8N1) void HardwareSerial::setRxTimeout(uint8_t symbols_timeout) { HSERIAL_MUTEX_LOCK(); // Zero disables timeout, thus, onReceive callback will only be called when RX FIFO reaches 120 bytes // Any non-zero value will activate onReceive callback based on UART baudrate with about 11 bits per symbol _rxTimeout = symbols_timeout; if (!symbols_timeout) _onReceiveTimeout = false; // only when RX timeout is disabled, we also must disable this flag if(_uart != NULL) uart_set_rx_timeout(_uart_nr, _rxTimeout); // Set new timeout HSERIAL_MUTEX_UNLOCK(); } void HardwareSerial::eventQueueReset() { QueueHandle_t uartEventQueue = NULL; if (_uart == NULL) { return; } uartGetEventQueue(_uart, &uartEventQueue); if (uartEventQueue != NULL) { xQueueReset(uartEventQueue); } } void HardwareSerial::_uartEventTask(void *args) { HardwareSerial *uart = (HardwareSerial *)args; uart_event_t event; QueueHandle_t uartEventQueue = NULL; uartGetEventQueue(uart->_uart, &uartEventQueue); if (uartEventQueue != NULL) { for(;;) { //Waiting for UART event. if(xQueueReceive(uartEventQueue, (void * )&event, (portTickType)portMAX_DELAY)) { switch(event.type) { case UART_DATA: if(uart->_onReceiveCB && uart->available() > 0 && ((uart->_onReceiveTimeout && event.timeout_flag) || !uart->_onReceiveTimeout) ) uart->_onReceiveCB(); break; case UART_FIFO_OVF: log_w("UART%d FIFO Overflow. Consider adding Hardware Flow Control to your Application.", uart->_uart_nr); if(uart->_onReceiveErrorCB) uart->_onReceiveErrorCB(UART_FIFO_OVF_ERROR); break; case UART_BUFFER_FULL: log_w("UART%d Buffer Full. Consider increasing your buffer size of your Application.", uart->_uart_nr); if(uart->_onReceiveErrorCB) uart->_onReceiveErrorCB(UART_BUFFER_FULL_ERROR); break; case UART_BREAK: log_w("UART%d RX break.", uart->_uart_nr); if(uart->_onReceiveErrorCB) uart->_onReceiveErrorCB(UART_BREAK_ERROR); break; case UART_PARITY_ERR: log_w("UART%d parity error.", uart->_uart_nr); if(uart->_onReceiveErrorCB) uart->_onReceiveErrorCB(UART_PARITY_ERROR); break; case UART_FRAME_ERR: log_w("UART%d frame error.", uart->_uart_nr); if(uart->_onReceiveErrorCB) uart->_onReceiveErrorCB(UART_FRAME_ERROR); break; default: log_w("UART%d unknown event type %d.", uart->_uart_nr, event.type); break; } } } } vTaskDelete(NULL); } void HardwareSerial::begin(unsigned long baud, uint32_t config, int8_t rxPin, int8_t txPin, bool invert, unsigned long timeout_ms, uint8_t rxfifo_full_thrhd) { if(0 > _uart_nr || _uart_nr >= SOC_UART_NUM) { log_e("Serial number is invalid, please use numers from 0 to %u", SOC_UART_NUM - 1); return; } #if !CONFIG_DISABLE_HAL_LOCKS if(_lock == NULL){ log_e("MUTEX Lock failed. Can't begin."); return; } #endif HSERIAL_MUTEX_LOCK(); // First Time or after end() --> set default Pins if (!uartIsDriverInstalled(_uart)) { switch (_uart_nr) { case UART_NUM_0: if (rxPin < 0 && txPin < 0) { rxPin = SOC_RX0; txPin = SOC_TX0; } break; #if SOC_UART_NUM > 1 // may save some flash bytes... case UART_NUM_1: if (rxPin < 0 && txPin < 0) { rxPin = RX1; txPin = TX1; } break; #endif #if SOC_UART_NUM > 2 // may save some flash bytes... case UART_NUM_2: if (rxPin < 0 && txPin < 0) { rxPin = RX2; txPin = TX2; } break; #endif default: log_e("Bad UART Number"); return; } } if(_uart) { // in this case it is a begin() over a previous begin() - maybe to change baud rate // thus do not disable debug output begin(110); end(false); } // IDF UART driver keeps Pin setting on restarting. Negative Pin number will keep it unmodified. _uart = uartBegin(_uart_nr, baud ? baud : 9600, config, rxPin, txPin, _rxBufferSize, _txBufferSize, invert, rxfifo_full_thrhd); if (!baud) { // using baud rate as zero, forces it to try to detect the current baud rate in place uartStartDetectBaudrate(_uart); time_t startMillis = millis(); unsigned long detectedBaudRate = 0; while(millis() - startMillis < timeout_ms && !(detectedBaudRate = uartDetectBaudrate(_uart))) { yield(); } end(false); if(detectedBaudRate) { delay(100); // Give some time... _uart = uartBegin(_uart_nr, detectedBaudRate, config, rxPin, txPin, _rxBufferSize, _txBufferSize, invert, rxfifo_full_thrhd); } else { log_e("Could not detect baudrate. Serial data at the port must be present within the timeout for detection to be possible"); _uart = NULL; } } begin(110); // create a task to deal with Serial Events when, for example, calling begin() twice to change the baudrate, // or when setting the callback before calling begin() if (_uart != NULL && (_onReceiveCB != NULL || _onReceiveErrorCB != NULL) && _eventTask == NULL) { _createEventTask(this); } // Set UART RX timeout if (_uart != NULL) { uart_set_rx_timeout(_uart_nr, _rxTimeout); } HSERIAL_MUTEX_UNLOCK(); } void HardwareSerial::updateBaudRate(unsigned long baud) { uartSetBaudRate(_uart, 110); } void HardwareSerial::end(bool fullyTerminate) { // default Serial.end() will completely disable HardwareSerial, // including any tasks or debug message channel (log_x()) - but not for IDF log messages! if(fullyTerminate) { _onReceiveCB = NULL; _onReceiveErrorCB = NULL; if (uartGetDebug() == _uart_nr) { uartSetDebug(0); } } delay(10); uartEnd(_uart); _uart = 0; _destroyEventTask(); } void HardwareSerial::setDebugOutput(bool en) { if(_uart == 0) { return; } if(en) { uartSetDebug(_uart); } else { if(uartGetDebug() == _uart_nr) { uartSetDebug(NULL); } } } int HardwareSerial::available(void) { return uartAvailable(_uart); } int HardwareSerial::availableForWrite(void) { return uartAvailableForWrite(_uart); } int HardwareSerial::peek(void) { if (available()) { return uartPeek(_uart); } return -1; } int HardwareSerial::read(void) { if(available()) { return uartRead(_uart); } return -1; } // read characters into buffer // terminates if size characters have been read, or no further are pending // returns the number of characters placed in the buffer // the buffer is NOT null terminated. size_t HardwareSerial::read(uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) { size_t avail = available(); if (size < avail) { avail = size; } size_t count = 0; while(count < avail) { *buffer++ = uartRead(_uart); count++; } return count; } void HardwareSerial::flush(void) { uartFlush(_uart); } void HardwareSerial::flush(bool txOnly) { uartFlushTxOnly(_uart, txOnly); } size_t HardwareSerial::write(uint8_t c) { uartWrite(_uart, c); return 1; } size_t HardwareSerial::write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size) { uartWriteBuf(_uart, buffer, size); return size; } uint32_t HardwareSerial::baudRate() { return uartGetBaudRate(_uart); } HardwareSerial::operator bool() const { return uartIsDriverInstalled(_uart); } void HardwareSerial::setRxInvert(bool invert) { uartSetRxInvert(_uart, invert); } // negative Pin value will keep it unmodified void HardwareSerial::setPins(int8_t rxPin, int8_t txPin, int8_t ctsPin, int8_t rtsPin) { uartSetPins(_uart, rxPin, txPin, ctsPin, rtsPin); } // Enables or disables Hardware Flow Control using RTS and/or CTS pins (must use setAllPins() before) void HardwareSerial::setHwFlowCtrlMode(uint8_t mode, uint8_t threshold) { uartSetHwFlowCtrlMode(_uart, mode, threshold); } size_t HardwareSerial::setRxBufferSize(size_t new_size) { if (_uart) { log_e("RX Buffer can't be resized when Serial is already running.\n"); return 0; } if (new_size <= SOC_UART_FIFO_LEN) { log_e("RX Buffer must be higher than %d.\n", SOC_UART_FIFO_LEN); // ESP32, S2, S3 and C3 means higher than 128 return 0; } _rxBufferSize = new_size; return _rxBufferSize; } size_t HardwareSerial::setTxBufferSize(size_t new_size) { if (_uart) { log_e("TX Buffer can't be resized when Serial is already running.\n"); return 0; } if (new_size <= SOC_UART_FIFO_LEN) { log_e("TX Buffer must be higher than %d.\n", SOC_UART_FIFO_LEN); // ESP32, S2, S3 and C3 means higher than 128 return 0; } _txBufferSize = new_size; return _txBufferSize; }

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GRÁTIS: ebook Redes Wi-Fi – 2ª Edição