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  1. Porque aparece esse erro abaixo e depois que aparece o erro depurar, depois disso o arquivo em Excel fecha e não funciona, mais quando outra pessoa me envia o mesmo arquivo ao abrir ele funciona normal., erro digitado em vermelho abaixo. Private Sub cboShop_Change() Dim Plant As Plant ' Base of object structure returned from ReadPlantStructure... Dim JobList As Collection, JobElementList As Collection, ZoneDiagramList As Collection ' WorkstationList As New Collection, If Enable_Events = True Then Enable_Events = False PopulateDepartmentList cboDept, dbinfo, cboShop.Value PopulateGroupList cboGroup, dbinfo, cboShop.Value, cboDept.Value ReadPlantStructureToGroup dbinfo, CStr(Me.cboPlantConfig), CStr(Me.cboShop), CStr(Me.cboDept), CStr(Me.cboGroup), Plant ReadWorkstations dbinfo, CStr(Me.cboPlantConfig), CStr(Me.cboShop), CStr(Me.cboDept), CStr(Me.cboGroup), Plant, ListOfWorkstations SetUpProgressBar Me PopulateOperationListFromObjects ListOfWorkstations, lbxOperation, dbinfo, cboShop.Value, cboDept.Value, cboGroup.Value, tbxOperationAddressFilter, tbxOperationNameFilter, CStr(DefaultWorkstationID) Set ListOfWorkstations = ReadJobsByWorkstation(dbinfo, CStr(Me.cboPlantConfig), CStr(Me.cboShop), CStr(Me.cboDept), CStr(Me.cboGroup), CStr(Me.lbxOperation), ListOfWorkstations, lbxJob.Text, JobList, Plant, JobElementList, ZoneDiagramList, Me, LoadMajorSteps:=True, LoadSTD:=True) HideProgressBar Me PopulateJobListFromObjects Me.lbxJob, ListOfWorkstations(lbxOperation.Value), Me.txtJobFilter, DefaultJobID '@@@@ ' If no Jobs are returned for the given PC/Shop/Dept/Group/WS, clear the Job Element and Detail lists If IsNull(lbxJob.Value) Then Me.lbxJobElement.Clear Else ' ReadJobElements DBInfo, CStr(Me.cboPlantConfig), CStr(Me.cboShop), CStr(Me.cboDept), CStr(Me.cboGroup), CStr(Me.lbxOperation), ListOfWorkstations, CStr(Me.lbxJob), JobList, JobElementList, Me, LoadMajorSteps:=False, LoadSTD:=False, LoadPartLinks:=True ' PopulateJobElementList lbxJobElement, ListOfWorkstations, cboShop.Value, cboDept.Value, cboGroup.Value, lbxJob.Value, tbxJobElementFilter.Value PopulateJobElementListFromDB Me.lbxJobElement, Me.lbxJob.Value, tbxJobElementFilter.Value, Me.lbxJobElement.Value, dbinfo End If Enable_Events = True End If End Sub

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