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posts postados por russow

  1. então, o titan é um pro-gamer de eras passadas(digo isso porque nunca mais ouvi fala dele) q cometeu uma serie de gafes serias...

    certa fez numa final nacional do wcg ele tava pra disputa pela vaga no mundial, ai ele ia jogar contra o Odin(esse joga até hj, talvez tenham ouvido falar não me engano as vezes ele usa o nidO como nick) só q o Odin tava com uns problemas(passaporte, dinheiro...alguma coisa assim) e não ia poder ir pro mundial mesmo q ganhasse ai o titan teve a "brilhante" ideia de suborna o cara(incrivel q até nos e-sports tenha dessas), ai beleza parece q o Odin meio q aceito...só q no meio da partida o titan lanço um irradiate nas mutas do odin e ele desagrupo elas pra não morrer e tal, ai o titan meio q surto porque ele não manteve as mutas agrupada e disse q ele tava jogando pra nessa o Odin resolveu ganha mesmo e acabo o titan foi la na direçao do camp. e disse q o odin tava com problemas no passaporte e ai a direçao desclassifico ele e boto o titan pra final...O odin se revolto e boto a converssa deles em td quando é forum de sc, chego uma hora q a parada tava com repercuçao mundial no sc ai a direçao baniu ele de camps. profissionais por não sei qnts anos e no final das contas foi o Odin e o Hellghost pro mundial....

    antes do evento do suborno(não sei qnt tmp) o titan se desentendeu com um player la, ai começo aquele fervo de fik se xingando no forum e tal...e a galera botando lenha na foguera...até q rolo um camp. numa lanhouse e tava os dois o povo botava lenha dum lado ia la e ja cutucava do outro até q no meio duma partida desse outro cara, o titan cato uma cadera dakelas de lanhouse q são enormes e deu nas costa do cara bem no meio da expulsaram ele do camp e blabla...

    ai q vieram as piada do chair rush q ataca por tras direto na main com menos de 5 minuto de jogo....ou q td mundo ia começa a usa um retrovisor do lado do pc quando fosse joga pra evita levar chair rush nas costa...ou q é o rush mais **** e foi proibido em camps. porque ele literalmente acaba com o adversario e q só existe uma pessoa no mundo q sabe fazer...e assim vai...

    ja estão cogitando a hipotese de ver se a "profecia da cadeira" vai se umprir com o sc2....


    é mais ou menos por ai, eu não lembro a historia tda, tem um topico no forum do hangarnet q os cara contam esssas historia, se meu pc não tivesse tão ruim agora eu procurava ele...

  2. "Alguem aí que tenha jogado o SC1 pode me dizer como é um Zerg Rush? Tenho visto várias ouvido várias piadas sobre isso, mas nao sei como é"

    q piadas??????tipo zergs como ja disseram antes são rapidos, numerosos e rapidos de se fazer...então tipo existem varios tipos de rush, mas nenhum q me lembre alguma piada agora...

    piada com rush q eu sei é a historia do titan e seu chair rush....

    foi esse q você ouviu???

  3. "Fui e sou fã do jogo StarCraft. Quem nunca jogou não sabe o que perdeu e/ou está perdendo. É atual e detona os jogos de estratégia modernos, exceto alguns poucos como WarCraft 3, Rise of Nations e Age of Mithology.

    Venho aguardando, e milhares de outros fãs espalhados pelo mundo, o lançamento do StarCraft 2. Será simplesmente demais. Por quê? A Blizzard é para mim a melhor, mais competente e séria empresa de games do mundo. Apenas isto. ;-)"

    isso ae cara, tirando a parte em q sc não ganha de AoM e RoN eu concordo com td =p...

    seja bem vindo ao forum e qualquer noticia q você consseguir ou opiniao q você tiver sobre o game sinta-se a vontade em compartilha-la com o povo ai...

  4. ela é um carrier praticamente, pelo video não deu pra ver nenhuma diferença a não ser pela cor e o nome...é esperar a descriçao dela pra ver o porque disso...

    esses soul hunter estão mais pra versaum toss dos vulture...

    e essas torres q mudam de lugar então, aposto q vão incomoda um bocado...

    se os toss estão assim, os zerg e os terran devem ta de f*** mesmo, to achando q a blizzard ta dexando o melhor pro final e se for assim mesmo q venham os zerg por ultimo /o/...


    isso ae galera, ja esta a venda os ingressos da blizzcon, "só" 100 doletas...q se habilita a ir como representante???? =p

    to com uma forte impressao q teremos novidades ai, vamo aguarda e reza pra q seja um gameplay de outra raça...

    " tem Starcraft+ Xp Brood Wars a R$19,90 .. frete gratis .. pedi o meu"

    parabens, foi uma bela aquisiçao =p....

  6. "é galera!! nao acreditei quando vi!! starcraft na lista top10 dos jogos mais vendidos do ano de 2007!! rsrs pelo jeito tem muita gente correndo atras do 1 pra aprender a historia e nao entrar no 2 boiando!! rsrs

    segue a lista!"

    nossa quando li achei q fosse uma versaum tabuleiro do sc, ai fui olhar no site da blizz e é um box tipo ediçao de colecionador, mt show, devia ter dessas paradas aqui pro br tb, altos itens bacanas(aquele dvd com os cinematics por exemplo) na store da blizzard e a gente tem q fik babando : /....

    esses livros da blizzard devem ser mt bons mesmo...

    "bom SC2 promete ein !!! outra coisa!! olhem como a blizzard e a EA dominam o mercado!!"

    dominam não nas lojas, mas tb na comunidade on-line....blizzard rula d+, tenho a maioria dos games dela em casa, me falta os box do wow e burning crusade...


    artigos q encontrei...

    StarCraft 2 Lead Producer Interview

    IncGamers: So Chris, what is the significance of this weekend?

    Sigaty: [Laughing] Well, we announced the release of Starcraft II! It was a tremendous relief to finally get that announcement out there. We’d been working using code names for so long, I was glad to finally be able to say it. I met with some of the other people on the team as soon as the announcement was made and – it was a joke – said “Hey, we’re working on Starcraft II!”

    IncGamers: Can we know what the codename for the project was?

    Sigaty: Yeah, I can tell you. It was “Medusa”.

    IncGamers: Is there some significance to that?

    Sigaty: [smiling] Not really. It kind of goes with Karigan a bit, but….

    IncGamers: RTS games were the games that made Blizzard into a major gaming company, but now it’s been a while. Warcraft III was 2003. What took Blizzard so long to get back?

    Sigaty: [Amused] Well, there was a little something that came along called World of Warcraft. We made the decision to make Starcraft II right after the ship of the Frozen Throne. But we couldn’t start in true earnest because of the impact of World of Warcraft. It was so huge, and so foreign to us at the time. RTS and action RPG games (like Diablo) were our bread-and-butter.

    We made the decision to do it, and there were always a few people working on elements of it, but we couldn’t collectively attack it, because our artists would be pulled off to help work on this or that [for World of Warcraft].

    IncGamers: There was a big gaming website that stated – definitively – that this big announcement would, in fact, be a Starcraft MMO…

    Sigaty: [Laughing out loud] Yeah, I read that.

    IncGamers: So why, at the last minute, did you switch things up and go with Starcraft II instead?

    Sigaty: [still laughing] Well, here’s the deal. Last Monday, we decided that because they said that, we wanted to screw them over and go with Starcraft II.

    IncGamers: So, you exchanged a few inter-office memos, and got it changed?

    Sigaty: Yeah.

    IncGamers: In all seriousness, the minute we got on the ground here in Korea, we had a pretty good idea what you’d be announcing, even without using our psychic powers. The bang thing here is huge. You guys are all known by gamers here. When Mike Morhaime took the stage to make the announcement, South Korean gamers cheered like mad. How does all that make you feel?

    Sigaty: It’s pretty crazy. Look, 6 or 7 years ago one of our guys came over here and he met with South Korea’s vice president. They put on a show for him, in which people danced around in Zerg and Protoss costumes. It was insane.

    It’s a crazy anomaly. I’ve had some experiences where, just walking around, and people want to take your picture. It’s really cool. I just love the Korean culture. I’ve been here for 3 WWIs, and we do signings, and it’s especially nice, how things are presented, and how there’s just so much respect between people. It’s totally humbling and really crazy. Nobody’s trying to be a rock star or some recognized entity, and it’s just been crazy to have [the reaction of Korean gamers] happen, and totally cool.

    IncGamers: On that note, we’ve never seen a single Blizzard developer go off in a strange direction with the fame – nobody’s gone all John Romero, if you remember him – despite all the attention. How do you guys stay humble? This is a LOT of attention.

    Sigaty: One of the things we make a conscious decision to do is spread around who talks to the press. Look, up until the announcement was made, there was still a lot of speculation about what the game would be – an MMO, something completely different, or whatever. But it didn’t leak. The people that work at the company didn’t want to cause an issue by talking. People don’t want to have big heads, they like how it’s rolled out, and feel great to be a part of [blizzard].

    IncGamers: It appears to be a part of your corporate personality that you’ve scrupulously avoided appearing self-centered. Now, Blizzard is arguably the most influential game company in the world, and you guys are still nice as pie.

    Sigaty: I’m glad it’s perceived that way. I don’t like the whole “step on a pedestal” or “take credit” thing.

    IncGamers: How many developers did Blizzard send here? It seems like a lot.

    Sigaty: Just the fact that the executive staff made that decision [to send so many developers] was remarkable.

    IncGamers: And…Enter Mike Morhaime [as Morhaime walks into the room].

    Sigaty: [Laughing] Thanks Mike!

    Sigaty: Look, this is a big deal. It’s important for the development team, who’ve heard the stories [about gaming in Korea] to kinda get an opportunity to see how big it truly is. It’s big and really crazy.

    Morhaime: [To IncGamers] We wanted you guys to see [the Starcraft II announcement] too!

    IncGamers: We appreciate your bringing us here Mike and thanks for all the sandwiches and energy drinks [in the press room] too!

    Morhaime: [Laughing] Right on. Don’t miss the Starcraft final! It’s already starting. [At this point discussion breaks about between Morhaime and Sigaty about the French player winning the Warcraft final. Morhaime then heads out to the arena, excited that the Starcraft final is beginning.]

    IncGamers: When we got to Korea, seeing the reaction to e-gaming could have knocked us over with a pebble. It’s huge. Knowing this, are you gearing Starcraft II toward e-gaming?

    Sigaty: We’re going to make a great game that’s going to take into account e-gaming. Warcraft III and Starcraft are among the games that are considered at the top of competitive gaming. We’re very close to that. We’ve formed community teams in Europe and Korea and Asia and the States as well to support that competitive community.

    IncGamers: Will you be supporting Mac?

    Sigaty: Absolutely. We’re working on that now. We’ve always been big Mac supporters, and that will continue.

    IncGamers: Thanks for your time, Chris.

    Sigaty: No problem!



    tirei todos os links da homepage da blizz...

    The Top 10 Reasons to

    Play Starcraft 2

    If the massive success of Starcraft is anything to go by, and Blizzard has indeed spent the last four years making sure they don’t mess with success, then Starcraft 2 is going to be an overload of fun. Below are the top ten reasons why Starcraft 2 has all the potential to be the best game to play for the next ten years.

    10.) Historical Event

    Missing out on something everyone is talking about is never fun. You feel like an outsider and you’re not able to easily relate to what other people are discussing. The release of Starcraft 2 will be an epic moment in the history of the RTS timeline of events. No RTS title has been as anticipated (or expected) as the second coming of Starcraft. While you can always get into Starcraft 2 at any time, there’s nothing like playing a new game from the start. Starcraft 2 might very well be your only chance to play a new Starcraft game at release for quite some time.

    9.) Accessibility

    The challenge of any RTS game should be in fighting against your opponent, not fighting against the gameplay mechanics. Starcraft 2 is not going to be an overly complicated game. While the legendary reputation of Starcraft’s best players can make the franchise seem like it’s overwhelmingly hard to play, it’s really not. There’s a difference between complexity and depth, and Starcraft 2’s mechanical simplicity, but strategic and tactical depth, will make it enjoyable at every skill level.

    8.) Replayability

    Starcraft is arguably the most played RTS game in history. The reason is simple: downright good gameplay, which is something Starcraft 2 will have plenty of. Combined with good support and a strong community, playing Starcraft 2 will never get old. Each game will offer something different, and even the most common strategies will still be fun to use and fun to try and overcome. If you want a game that will stick with you as much as you stick with it, Starcraft 2 is your best bet.

    7.) Strong Competitive Environment

    For those that play RTS games competitively, you can feel confident that Starcraft 2 will be very well received by every major competitive gaming establishment throughout dozens of countries. The original Starcraft created the most competitively saturated RTS environment ever. There will be an abundance of local, national, and international LANs and tournaments to play in. There will be online competitions and leagues offering prizes and rewards for being the best. Essentially, there won’t be a shortage of competition or ways you can earn a little something extra for doing what you love to do: play games.

    6.) Unique Factions

    As elementary as this sounds, it’s something a lot of games simply get wrong. Unique factions do two important things: they add depth, and they add replayability. Depth comes from the fact that the strategies you use to beat one faction will not be the strategies you use to beat another faction. It will require different build orders, different unit mixes, and different uses of those units from one faction to the next. It adds replayability because the strategies you’ve learned for one faction, will not be the same for the other factions. Essentially, once you’ve mastered one faction, you still have two other factions to master. In games where the factions are almost identical, once you’ve learned one, you’ve basically learned the whole game. Starcraft 2’s truly and fundamentally distinct factions will keep the game feeling fresh for a long time.

    5.) Unit Abilities and Micromanagement

    Part of what real time strategy is all about is being in control of your army. What’s important is for that control to have an impact on the outcome of a game. Otherwise you’re just wasting your time. Many of Starcraft 2’s units will have secondary abilities that allow them to be used in interesting and creative ways. Essentially, these abilities provide a player with the means to extend a unit’s effectiveness beyond its default behavior so that being out numbered doesn’t necessarily mean being beaten. Moreover, these specialized abilities will help to contribute to each faction’s unique identity and playstyle. It will simply feel fun and rewarding using your units as you try and use them to their greatest possible extent.

    4.) Huge Community

    A large community of players is arguably the most important part of a game, even for singleplayer. For starters, Starcraft 2’s community will more than likely have a very low depreciation rate, meaning it will stay strong for a long time. But even as it starts to decline, the player-base will be so large to start with, that by the time the next Starcraft comes out, you’ll still always be able to find a good game. There’s nothing more frustrating than waiting to find a match against someone who is worth playing against, only to wind up with an opponent or team that just ruins it for you. A shortage of players means a shortage of good games. Starcraft 2 just won’t have that problem. Outside of the game, a strong community means active forums, and more resources available, such as technical help, strategy help, mission help, maps, and replays.

    3.) Balance and Polish

    These two words are part of Blizzard’s namesake. The game will be polished quite well at the start, and there will be tons of little features that Blizzard thought of. Everything from the way the ladder works, to the communication system, to replays. Balance will of course, be continuously fine tuned as new balance problems emerge from the vast amount of strategic depth that Starcraft 2 will no doubt have. Excellent balance will minimize any frustration of losing due to factors outside of your control, and will put the responsibility to win squarely on your shoulders.

    2.) Strategic and Tactical Depth

    What is the purpose of real time strategy game if not to have amazing strategic and tactical depth? While all RTS games have their own flavor of strategic and tactical depth that sounded good on paper during development, Blizzard will have made it a point to make sure the implementation of gameplay elements works in practice. The strategy and tactical depth will feel real, and provide almost tangible results. The bottom line is that the game will be fun and rewarding to play. Everything will feel like it has a purpose and everything you do will feel like it matters.

    1.) Blizzard and

    It would literally be enough to say "‘nuff said". However, this is the number one reason because it’s the only reason why the other nine reasons are reasons at all. Blizzard commands the same sort of market reaction to its products that Apple does. The driving force behind this is simply Blizzard’s commitment to quality and support. Blizzard is the reason why Starcraft 2 will have phenomenal gameplay. is the reason why Starcraft 2’s multiplayer is going to be so substantially better than virtually every other RTS game. If Blizzard settled for being average, this list would be pointless.

    Moreover, Blizzard will take the time to deal with cheaters and disconnectors. The amount of money and effort Blizzard puts into this goes above and beyond what’s expected of a gaming company. At a minimum, people just want some form of passive anti-cheat capability built into the game or server system. Blizzard recognizes that this isn’t good enough, and takes an active role in fighting cheaters.

    It’s also a company with a sense of humor and personality. The idea of World of Starcraft was a classic. It made some people laugh, it made some people cry. In the past, Blizzard has released bogus (but temporary) patches or patch notes on April Fools, just to mess with people. You just don’t really see that in other development companies. Blizzard is simply a company for gamers. They just get it.


  7. "Gente como eu hauhuaahua.

    Alguém aí teria um link pra um replay em qualidade mais ou menos decente com comentaristas em inglês falando o que acontece no jogo?"

    poutz cara, em inglês eu nunca vi, mas se você quiser com qualidade melhor pega direto de sites...

    talvez nesse ultimo tenha na seção europe 1on1...

    mas falando sinceramente acho q não deve ser tão emocionante qnt os narradores coreanos se esgoelando a cada jogada^^...

  8. "isso mesmo!! ta na visão do julyfat(kkkk gostei dessa) ué sera mesmo?? vou assistir de novo o final pra ver!!

    viu russow que raça você joga??


    eu jogava e pretendo continuar de zerg mesmo...

    "Em teoria ia ser bom, mas na prática... Ia acontecer algo parecido com o que acontecia no gunbound. Pros jogando nos servers de iniciante só pra humilhar."

    é isso é mt F***, quando eu comecei a jogar gb pegava altos desses louco q criavam conta nova só pra começa cheios da grana humilhando os pinto de verdade, sacanagem total...

    a blizzard devia fazer tipo um sistema de rankings de acordo com o numero de vitorias e tal, e ai jogador de determinado ranking só ia poder jogar contra um certo range de rankings(tipo contra um ranking acima ou contra um ranking abaixo e assim vai)...

    e tb gravar o maior numero de estatisticas possivel sobre os jogadores tipo o numero de vitorias e derrotas por raça, a media de duraçao das partidas, e a media de apm's do player e assim vai...

  9. "nossa acabei de ver um jogo do boxer vs july mew ate a metado do jogo parecia que o july ia ganhar!! mais no fim quem ganhou foi o boxer, puts esses 2 são *****!! que jogo lindo!!

    ai ta o link pra quem quiser ver!!

    vejam so o july usando os defilers puts muito assassino!!"

    realmente lindo, devia ter uma especie de OSCAR dos replays no sc^^, porque tem uns q sao obra de arte mesmo!!!!hahahaha

    mas tipo, o vod ta na primera pessoa do julyfat não tá???então acho q foi o boxer q largo os bets, porque ali não aparece o july digitando gg...

  10. "Se você não quiser disputar as partidas com os Coreanos doidos que fazem 300+ APM, acho que o jogo vai agradar bastante sim."

    com certeza...hahahaha

    acredito q sc2 não va ser estão **** assim logo de quando comecei a jogar a exp pela net o game ja tinha mais de 3 anos, então não deu nem pro xero só tomava na cabeça, mas como a galera vai pegar o game desde o inicio vai ser susse...

  11. "Legal esse texto, embora ele tenha sido um pouco rude com o Red Alert (gosto dos 3 jogos). Outro jogo que me lembro de ter visto os jogadores de Starcraft fazendo piadas na época era o Age of Empires."

    é, realmente em algumas partes eles pegaram pesado com red alert(q tb gosto mt)....enquanto o age apesar de ter sido o primeiro game de rts q eu joguei e q me viciei por mt tmp hj ja não me chama mais atençao(incluindo as outras versões e derivados como age mithology e etc.), alias o q me fez por o age de lado foi a serie command conquer(o primerio q joguei foi o red alert2) e depois q fui conhecer o starcraft(porém ainda gosto dos C&C e não vejo a hora de pegar o meu exemplar do tiberium wars)...

    "Acredito que StarCraft é um daqueles jogos supercompetitivos em que as hordas e o cara mais masoquista (entenda-se: aquele maluco que parece que está tendo um espasmos ao apertar tantas teclas em tão pouco tempo) vencem, correto?" sc realmente é importante o "masoquista"(gostei dessa =p) consseguir realizar multiplas açoes simultaneamente, porém nem sempre o mais rápido ganha, exemplo disso seria o boxer com o julyzerg, boxer faz em torno de 260 a 280 +/- de APM enquanto o julyzerg chega na casa das 320 APM e ele ja perdeu altas pro boxer....

    acho q o mais importante do q apertar hotkeys freneticamente é saber o que fazer com suas açoes, isso q realmente conta...

    alguem ai chegou a medir as apm quando jogava?o maximo q cheguei foi 100(era mt iniciante) e vocês?

  12. acabei de baixar o video completo de 22 minutos com narração!! muito bom ele viu galera!! esse eu recomendo, quem sabe um pouco de inglês vai conseguir entender bem o que o narrador fala a respeito do jogo!! peguei ele tb, mt bom, o narrador da altos detalhes....

    esse texto abaixo eu achei no forum da gosugamers, ele compara sc com war3 e com C&C:red bacana, bem comedia mesmo(claro q pra isso tem q ter jogado os 3 games)...

    You can practice warcraft for two months and learn all the skills

    You can practice starcraft for two years and still haven’t mastered the basics

    You can practice red alert for two decays and be as good as when you begin playing

    When you can beat two computers in warcraft, you can start winning in multi-player

    When you can beat seven computers in starcraft, you still can't win against humans

    When you beat a computer for the eight millionth times you realize you never played humans

    Play warcraft for two hours and you can loose to the same strategy 8 times in a row, suffering a crushing defeat

    Play starcraft for two hours and you can loose to 16 different strategies 8 times in a rows, suffering a crushing defeat

    Play red alert for two years and you loose to the exact same thing forever, suffering a crushing defeat

    Play warcraft you only have to practice one race to learn all the match ups of that race

    Play starcraft and you will realize, 3 years later, a Zerg exterminator used to be good with the zerg

    Play red alert and you only need to practice on nation to learn every single nations.

    Learn a few strategies from warcraft and you can start winning

    Master fifty strategies from starcraft and you still can't start winning

    Learn a few strategies from red alert and they’re all useless. Just stick to the one everyone uses--forever

    A iniciante's day in warcraft: You cornered your enemy but they still managed to get out in one piece

    A iniciante's day in starcraft: You realize apart from gorilla warfare there is also ground pushes, ambushes, harass, seiging, nuking, faking, etc.

    A iniciante’s day in red alert: You realize strategies are pointless—mass mass mass!

    In warcraft no matter how far you're from your base you can still return and save it in ten seconds(teleport)

    In starcraft your army can be in the east side of your base and yet your west portion still gets wiped out.

    In red alert, pay attention to your ore miners

    In warcraft you scout once every 5 minutes and know what your opponent's army consists of.

    In starcraft you scout 5 times every minute and still get false intelligence.

    In red alert you scout for the first 5 minutes and there’ll be no need to do so anymore

    In warcraft you can still guess what your opponent's army is made out of even if you don't scout for 5 minutes.

    In starcraft your opponent's army will be made out stuff that completely counter yours if you don't scout for 3 minutes.

    In red alert you don’t scout.

    In warcraft you can relax if you win a big battle

    In starcraft you won a big battle and got caught by a drop, loosing your base completely

    In red alert you won a big battle and you feel good—it’s just normal routine.

    In warcraft big battles are often one sided in body count.

    In starcraft big battles are often two sided in body count.

    In red alert dead people disappear.

    In warcraft your army gets wiped out and you’re basically dead meat

    In starcraft your army gets wiped out 10 times and the victor is still uncertain.

    In red alert your army gets wiped out and it’s just everyday life—come back in 10 seconds

    In warcraft you can watch half the replay and tell who's going to win

    In starcraft you realize your prediction on the victor is wrong towards the last minute

    In red alert you don’t know what a replay is, nor do you know about live games

    In warcraft if your main base gets wiped out you're dead meat

    In starcraft your main base, your expo gets wiped out and yet you and your opponent have already traded base, or you have your Command Centers floating everywhere.

    In red alert you base can be blown up, as well as captured, stolen, sabotaged, and even packed up to leave the spot

    In warcraft the game is set when all the resources are drained

    In starcraft you drain every last drop of resource and still get a draw

    In warcraft you can hold back, turtle and wait for your chance to come.

    In starcraft if you hold back, turtle and then find out that every expansion are taken by your opponent with their workers working in it.

    In red alert you only fight for resource, that’s the way it is

    In warcraft you build a **** load of defense at your front door and your opponent tell you off for being cheap

    In starcraft you build a **** load of defense at your front door and your opponent either drop you or nuke you

    In red alert you build a **** load of defense at your front door, the back door and the interior of your base, and then you tell off your opponent for copying your base pattern.

    In warcraft you can use bully lower level units with higher level ones

    In starcraft you can use marines to counter carriers...

    In warcraft you'll have to run when you see air units of opponent if you have no anti-air

    In starcraft you attack with a muta rush and your base get wiped out by 3 groups of zerglings.

    In warcraft you sometimes doubt that quantity makes up for quality

    In starcraft you never doubt that quantity makes up for quality

    In warcraft your heart break every time you loose a unit

    In starcraft you'll know what’s a horde is like

    In red alert a unit is made to die

    In warcraft you don't separate your troops

    In starcraft small scale battles are all over the map

    In red alert the battle fields are all mutually agreed—where ore miners meet!

    In warcraft you fight changes

    In starcraft you change to fight

    In red alerts there’s no such thing as ‘change’

    In warcraft you're proud of your hero that's one level higher than your opponent's

    In starcraft you're proud of your zealot that blew up 10 siege tanks by sacrificing itself to the spider mine field and tank fire.

    In red alert you’re proud of your air unit that secured the resource node

    In warcraft when your APM is over 150 you'll get bored that you start setting rally points

    In starcraft when your APM is over 150 you'll be able to execute the most basic commands

    In red alert when your APM is over 150 you’re out of your mind. APM does not exist in red alert

    In warcraft you're excited when you micro 12 individual units

    In starcraft carpet bombardment with 12 dropships on 12 different screens is still basic(maybe not...)

    In red alert placing a building is micro

    In warcraft even meteors can recognize friends and foes

    In starcraft a careless psi storm will be more catastrophic to you than your opponent

    In red alert your units kill each other

    In warcraft you always say ‘that’s logical'

    In starcraft you always say ‘that's possible’

    In red alert you always say ‘that’s impossible’

    In warcraft you'll learn what's efficiency

    In starcraft you'll learn what's quantity

    In red alert you’ll learn what’s ranking

    In warcraft you'll learn the importance of level ups

    In starcraft you'll learn the importance of economy

    In red alert you’ll learn the importance of a huge army

    In warcraft you learn how to battle

    In starcraft you learn how to wage war

    In red alert you learn how to follow the instruction booklet

    In warcraft all maps are land based up till now

    In starcraft there're island maps ever since WCG2001

    In red alert you realize the map never changes

    In warcraft you'll find out that there're a couple completely useless units in the game

    In starcraft you'll find out that every unit pose an importance in certain strategies

    In red alert you’ll find out that every unit are completely useless apart from the few exceptions

    Warcraft is a test of your micro skill

    Starcraft is a test of your brain and hand

    Red alert is a test of your patience

    Strategies in warcraft changes according to the latest patch

    Strategies in starcraft changes according to the pros

    Strategies in red alert are ambushes

    Warcraft plays you around

    You play Starcraft

    Westwood plays you and red alert around

    In warcraft you say the word imbalance and everyone start debating on race, hero and units

    In starcraft you say the word imbalance and everyone disagree in general

    In red alert you say the word imbalance and you’re in the wrong discussion—every nation is the same.

    Someone says Warcraft is crap and you will get pissed and start fighting

    Someone says Starcraft is crap and you will cast a sideward glance and ignore them

    Someone says red alert is crap and you will get pissed but still agree

    Play warcraft long enough and you'll find out that it's a great game.

    Play starcraft long enough and you'll realize that starcraft is more than just a game.

    Play red alert long enough and you’ll think a good company is more important than a good game.

    Play warcraft long enough and you’re thinking about what a fun game warcraft is.

    Play starcraft long enough and your daily actions are enhanced by starcraft.

    Play red alert long enough and your get more and more single minded.

    Play warcraft long enough and you know more and more.

    Play starcraft long enough and you’re asking more and more.

    Play red alert long enough and you learn more and more rubbish.

    Warcraft is the most brilliant game Blizzard ever created.

    Starcraft is the art created by god via Blizzard for all gamers.

    Red alert is the reason why Westwood sucked.

    OBS: gosto das 3 franquias, portanto aqueles q gostam apenas de uma delas levem na esportiva...

  13. terran:

    medics(obrigatorio!!!!), vultures, goliaths, firebats...


    ultra, lurker, defiler...


    arbiter, reaver, templar...

    ah sei la, por min devia ter tdas as classicas e + as classicas são mt fo***, tdas extremamente diferentes proem em total equilibrio...cada uma com sua personalidade e tal, tanto é q cada jogador deve ser aquela unidade xodoh por raça...

  14. "Putss... Eu só gostaria de uma coisa...

    Heroes como no Warcraft!!

    Já penso um marine comander muito louco.. e um chefe dos protos zealot!!

    Demais cara...

    Aposto que se não tiver heroes nessa versão, com certeza vai haver uma expansão e com heores!!

    Pode crêr nisso, a blizzard sempre lança expansão!!"

    olha cara, sinceramente, apesar do numero de pessoas dizendo q gostaria q isso fosse verdade ser enorme(praticamente td topico sobre SC2 em qualquer forum q se va aparece alguem comentando isso e acho q parte disso se deve ao fato de q alguns jogadores a nivel pro de war3 tem declarado q pensam em seguir carreira no sc2 quando for lançado) não creio q a blizzard va realmente fazer isso...

    1º por causa da tematica dos games, war3 é mt mais epico, t6em tokes de magia e etc e tal....ou seja, elementos de rpg...ja o sc é ficçao scientifica, ou seja, mts aliens, mt tiro, mt sangue(tipo quando as medics morrem =p) e principalmente muita açao(batalhas insanas \o/)....

    2º apesar de ser da msma produtora e classificados como RTS são totalmente diferentes(mais uma vez, sc é sc e war é war) e ambos possuem um mercado com mts seguidores fiéis e fanaticos...resumindo, se a blizzard tem uma fonte de renda incoparavel tanto num game com extrema açao quanto num game com elementos de rpg, porque juntar os dois????

    seria a msma coisa q comparar doom 3 com ghost recon só porque ambos são classificados como FPS...e ainda querer q o proximo doom tenha elementos taticos e q o graw2 tenha monstros de duas cabeças vindos do inferno....

    3º time q ta ganhando não se mexe ^^...

    claro q essa é uma opiniao tb curto pra caramba war3 e tb acho mt bacana o sistema de herois do jogo(a explicaçao é q eu jogo D&D =p), mas não adianta querer fazer do sc2 um war4... quanto a exp. isso é obvio, marca registrada da blizzard ja, saiu o game não demora ja anunciam uma exp... blizzard +1 /o/

    "Eu chutaria 2008, em comemoração ao niver de 10 anos de starcraft, tenho quase certeza que eles vão fazer isso."

    é uma data bem provavel mesmo...pode até ser q não lance o game, mas alguma coisa mt f*** vai ter...seria burrice deixa uma data dessa passa em branco...

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GRÁTIS: ebook Redes Wi-Fi – 2ª Edição