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posts postados por Cambalinho

  1. eu estou a tentar resolver da seguinte forma:
    - gravo os valores X e Y do final da linha(e também da linha anterior), porque notei que podem ser iguais:

    Dim PreviousRayX As Double = 0
            Dim PreviousRayY As Double = 0
            Dim RayX As Double = 0
            Dim RayY As Double = 0
    Dim clr As Pen
                If VertDist < HorizDist Then
                    WallDistance = VertDist
                    OffSetGrid = VertY Mod ObjectSize
                    clr = Pens.Blue
                    RayX = Math.Round(VertX)
                    RayY = Math.Round(VertY)
                    OffSetGrid = HorizX Mod ObjectSize
                    WallDistance = HorizDist
                    clr = Pens.BlueViolet
                    RayX = Math.Round(HorizX)
                    RayY = Math.Round(HorizY)
                End If
                'imgverticallineGraphics.DrawLine(Pens.Blue, New Point(player.PosX + 4, player.PosY + 4), New Point(RayX, RayY))
      WallDistance = WallDistance * Math.Cos(RayRadians - player.Radians) 'avoiding the Fish Effect
                RayHeight = (ObjectSize / WallDistance) * 200 ' is the height screen

    - agora testo se os valores são diferentes... se forem diferentes desenhasse a linha vertical e soma-se o X seguinte e guardasse os valores finais da linha:

    If (PreviousRayX <> Math.Round(RayX) And PreviousRayY <> Math.Round(RayY) And OffSetGrid <> 0 And OffSetGrid <> ObjectSize) Then
                    imgverticallineGraphics.DrawLine(clr, New Point(RayCounts, 300 / 2 - RayHeight / 2), New Point(RayCounts, 300 / 2 + RayHeight / 2))
                    PreviousRayX = Math.Round(RayX)
                    PreviousRayY = Math.Round(RayY)
                    RayCounts = RayCounts + 1
                End If
                RayRadians = RayRadians + RadiansSteps 'sim mantem-se, porque esta é a rotação da linha

    mas estou a obter resultados inesperados:
    o meu objetivo é evitar as linhas que tenham finais iguais á anterior(o RayX e RayY e PreviousRayX e PreviousRayY).
    o que estou a fazer erradado?

    • Curtir 1
  2. ainda bem que testou  o código.. tenho 1DLL criada no VB6, com funções API, e consigo o dobro 😉
    mas penso conseguir mais desempenho(sempre que altero o Forecolor e FillColor, o brush e a pen são recriados e selecionados... estou a pensar mudar isso e usar variáveis para pen e brush... assim só crio 1 vez.. apenas estou confuso devido ao brush\pen de origem ou anterior... deveria o guardar ou ignorar?)
    agora tenho outro problema, por isso ontem criei o topico... queria resolver 1 bug gráfico 😞

    • Curtir 1
  3. em Visual Basic 2010, tenho esta função para fazer o RayCasting:

    Function GetPositionMap(ByVal valor As Double) As Integer
            If valor < 0 Then
                GetPositionMap = 0
            ElseIf valor > MapWidth Then
                GetPositionMap = 9
                GetPositionMap = valor \ ObjectSize 'square size
            End If
        End Function
        Private Sub DrawRays()
            Dim StepX As Double
            Dim StepY As Double
            Dim VertX As Double
            Dim VertY As Double
            Dim HorizX As Double
            Dim HorizY As Double
            Dim MapX As Long
            Dim MapY As Long
            Dim HorizDist As Double
            Dim VertDist As Double
            Dim WallDistance As Double
            Dim RayHeight As Double
            Dim RayRadians As Double
            Dim RadiansSteps As Double
            Dim RayCount As Long
            Dim RayCounts As Long
            Dim OffSetGrid As Long
            RayCount = imgverticalline.Width
            MapX = Player.MapX
            MapY = Player.MapY
            RadiansSteps = Radian60 / RayCount
            RayRadians = (Player.Radians - Radian30)
            RayCounts = 0
            img.ForeColor(RGB(255, 0, 0))
            Do While RayCounts < RayCount
                If (RayRadians > Radian360) Then RayRadians = 0.001
                'Check for horizontal intersections:
                If RayRadians >= 0 And RayRadians <= Math.PI Then 'Facing down
                    HorizY = (Fix(player.PosY / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize ' Calculate grid position
                    HorizX = player.PosX + (HorizY - player.PosY) / Math.Tan(RayRadians)
                    StepY = ObjectSize
                ElseIf RayRadians = 0 Or RayRadians = Math.PI Then
                    HorizY = player.PosY
                    HorizX = player.PosX
                Else 'Facing Up
                    HorizY = (Fix(player.PosY / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) - 1
                    HorizX = player.PosX + (HorizY - player.PosY) / Math.Tan(RayRadians)
                    StepY = -ObjectSize
                End If
                StepX = StepY / Math.Tan(RayRadians)
                MapX = GetPositionMap(HorizX)
                MapY = GetPositionMap(HorizY)
                    If MapX < 0 Or MapX > 9 Or MapY < 0 Or MapY > 9 Then Exit Do
                    If levelmap0(MapY, MapX) = Color.Black Then Exit Do
                    HorizX = HorizX + StepX
                    HorizY = HorizY + StepY
                    MapX = HorizX \ ObjectSize
                    MapY = HorizY \ ObjectSize
                HorizDist = Math.Abs((player.PosX - HorizX) / Math.Cos(RayRadians))
                'Check for vertical intersections:
                If RayRadians < Radian90 Or RayRadians > Radian270 Then 'Facing right
                    VertX = (Fix(Player.PosX / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize ' Calculate grid position
                    VertY = player.PosY + (player.PosX - VertX) * -Math.Tan(RayRadians)
                    StepX = ObjectSize
                ElseIf RayRadians = Radian90 Or RayRadians = Radian270 Then
                    VertY = Player.PosY
                    VertX = Player.PosX
                Else 'Facing left
                    VertX = (Fix(Player.PosX / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) - 1
                    VertY = player.PosY + (player.PosX - VertX) * -Math.Tan(RayRadians)
                    StepX = -ObjectSize
                End If
                StepY = StepX * Math.Tan(RayRadians)
                MapX = GetPositionMap(VertX)
                MapY = GetPositionMap(VertY)
                    If MapX < 0 Or MapX > 9 Or MapY < 0 Or MapY > 9 Then Exit Do
                    If levelmap0(MapY, MapX) = Color.Black Then Exit Do
                    VertX = VertX + StepX
                    VertY = VertY + StepY
                    MapX = VertX \ ObjectSize
                    MapY = VertY \ ObjectSize
                VertDist = Math.Abs((player.PosX - VertX) / Math.Cos(RayRadians))
                Dim VertColor As Color
                If VertDist < HorizDist Then
                    WallDistance = VertDist
                    OffSetGrid = VertY Mod ObjectSize
                    VertColor = Color.Blue
                    OffSetGrid = HorizX Mod ObjectSize
                    WallDistance = HorizDist
                    VertColor = Color.DarkBlue
                End If
                WallDistance = WallDistance * Math.Cos(RayRadians - player.Radians) 'avoiding the Fish Effect
                RayHeight = (ObjectSize / WallDistance) * 200 ' is the height screen\
                'If (OffSetGrid < 0 Or OffSetGrid >= picWall1.Width) Then OffSetGrid = 0
                'picWall1.DrawTextureVerticalLine(img.MemoryHDC, OffSetGrid, Fix(RayHeight * 4), RayCounts, 5)
                imgverticalline.ForeColor(RGB(VertColor.R, VertColor.G, VertColor.B))
                imgverticalline.DrawLine(RayCounts, imgverticalline.Height / 2 - RayHeight \ 2, RayCounts, imgverticalline.Height / 2 + RayHeight \ 2)
                RayRadians = RayRadians + RadiansSteps
                RayCounts = RayCounts + 1
        End Sub


    eis o resultado:



    sim ainda não estou a usar  textura, porque quero resolver esse bug gráfico: na parede da esquerda(azul escuro) temos 1 linha vertical(azul claro) de 32 em 32(o tamanho de 1 parte da parede).... nem sei onde escontrar e corrigir este bug gráfico... alguém me pode auxiliar?
    PS: eu ainda não avaliei o tempo exato, mas gostava de perguntar: cada vez que limpo a imagem, crio 1 brush e seleciono, e sempre que desenho 1 linha\figura, crio e seleciono 1 pen.... se criar os brush's e as pen's e só as selecionar, quando preciso, ganho tempo?(falando em ciclos\loops) se sim, como posso guardar e usar a pen\brush antiga ou a posso ignorar?(sim ainda estou a pensar antes deste grande update)

    • Curtir 1
  4. em VB2010, como posso fazer 1 game loop e timers com precisão?

     o máximo que consigo é 100FPS e só desenhar 2 circulos preenchido com 1 cor 😞

    Public Class Form1
        Dim blnGameloop As Boolean = True
        Dim FrameCount As Integer
        Dim FPS As Integer
        Dim result As New Bitmap(900, 500)
        Dim gresult As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(result)
        Dim g As Graphics
        Dim tmr As Integer
        Dim PosX As Integer
        Dim PosY As Integer
        Private Sub ClearMemory()
            blnGameloop = False
        End Sub
        Private Sub Form1_FormClosed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
        End Sub
        Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
            If (e.KeyCode = Keys.Escape) Then
            ElseIf (e.KeyCode = Keys.Up) Then
                PosY -= 1
            ElseIf (e.KeyCode = Keys.Down) Then
                PosY += 1
            ElseIf (e.KeyCode = Keys.Left) Then
                PosX -= 1
            ElseIf (e.KeyCode = Keys.Right) Then
                PosX += 1
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            tmr = TimeOfDay.Second
                g = Me.CreateGraphics
                gresult.FillRectangle(Brushes.Blue, 0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height)
                gresult.FillEllipse(Brushes.Aqua, PosX, PosY, 100, 100)
                gresult.FillEllipse(Brushes.Brown, PosX + 50, PosY + 50, 100, 100)
                gresult.DrawString("FPS: " & CStr(FPS), Me.Font, Brushes.Black, 10, 10)
                g.DrawImage(result, 0, 0)
                FrameCount += 1
                If (tmr <> TimeOfDay.Second) Then
                    FPS = FrameCount
                    FrameCount = 0
                    tmr = TimeOfDay.Second
                End If
            Loop While (blnGameloop = True)
        End Sub
    End Class

    parecem 2 tópicos, mas 1 depende do outro

    • Curtir 1
  5. eis o código para desenhar 1 linha:

    WallDistance = WallDistance * Cos(RayRadians - Player.Radians) 'avoiding the Fish Effect
            RayHeight = (ObjectSize / WallDistance) * 200 ' is the height screen\
            a.drawline(x0,y0,x1,y1) A.DrawLine 475 + 50 + RayCounts, 200 / 2 - RayHeight / 2, 475 + 50 + RayCounts, 200 / 2 + RayHeight / 2

    a linha vertical aparece sem problemas... agora queria mostrar com textura:

    'obter o a linha mais curta(horizontal ou vertical):
            If VertDist < HorizDist Then
                ' Draw the vertical ray:
                A.DrawLine Fix(Player.PosX), Fix(Player.PosY), Fix(VertX), Fix(VertY)
                WallDistance = VertDist
                GridX = VertX Mod ObjectSize
                GridY = VertY Mod ObjectSize
                ' Draw the horizontal ray:
                A.DrawLine Fix(Player.PosX), Fix(Player.PosY), Fix(HorizX), Fix(HorizY)
                WallDistance = HorizDist
                GridX = HorizX Mod ObjectSize
                GridY = HorizY Mod ObjectSize
            End If
            'Debug.Print GridX & "  " & GridY
            WallDistance = WallDistance * Cos(RayRadians - Player.Radians) 'avoiding the Fish Effect
            RayHeight = (ObjectSize / WallDistance) * 200 ' is the height screen\
            'a.drawline(x0,y0,x1,y1) A.DrawLine 475 + 50 + RayCounts, 200 / 2 - RayHeight / 2, 475 + 50 + RayCounts, 200 / 2 + RayHeight / 2
            If (GridX = 0) Then
                StretchBlt A.MemoryHDC, 475 + 50 + RayCounts, 200 / 2 - RayHeight / 2, 475 + 50 + RayCounts, 200 / 2 + RayHeight / 2, picWall1.hdc, 0, GridY, 1, picWall1.Height, SRCCOPY
                StretchBlt A.MemoryHDC, 475 + 50 + RayCounts, 200 / 2 - RayHeight / 2, 475 + 50 + RayCounts, 200 / 2 + RayHeight / 2, picWall1.hdc, GridX, 0, picWall1.Width, 1, SRCCOPY
            End If

    mas não desenha nada de jeito 😞
    os calculos podem estar errados sem me aparecer:

    onde errei para obter a linha da imagem?

    • Curtir 1
  6. veja este 'if':

    If ((MapX <= 9 Or MapX >= 0 Or MapY <= 9 Or MapY >= 0) Or (LevelMap0(MapY, MapX) <> vbBlue)) Then

    o objetivo  é evitar que o 'MapX' e 'MapY' sejam inferiores a zero e superiores a 9.... e depois verificar no array LevelMap0() seja 'Blue'...
    eu uso o 'on Error Resume Next', mas quero evitar isso.... o que tenho de errado neste 'if'?
    parece simples, mas estava-me a fazer muita confusão, porque obtenho 1 erro de index do array("out of range") 😞

    • Curtir 1
  7. vejam este print errado 😞
    eis o código actual:

    Private Sub DrawRays2()
        Dim AY As Double
        Dim AX As Double
        Dim StepX As Double
        Dim StepY As Double
        Dim VertX As Double
        Dim VertY As Double
        Dim HorizX As Double
        Dim HorizY As Double
        Dim MapX As Long
        Dim MapY As Long
        Dim HorizDist As Double
        Dim VertDist As Double
        Dim WallDistance As Double
        Dim RayHeight As Double
        MapX = Player.MapX
        MapY = Player.MapY
        On Error Resume Next
    '    'Check for horizontal intersections:
        If ((Player.Radians > 0 And Player.Radians < PI)) Then 'Facing down
            AY = (Int(Player.PosY / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize ' Calculate grid position
            AX = Player.PosX + (AY - Player.PosY) / Tan(Player.Radians)
            StepY = ObjectSize
        ElseIf ((Player.Radians = 0 And Player.Radians = PI)) Then
            AY = Player.PosY
            AX = Player.PosX
        Else 'Facing Up
            AY = (Int(Player.PosY / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) - 1
            AX = Player.PosX + (AY - Player.PosY) / Tan(Player.Radians)
            StepY = -ObjectSize
        End If
        HorizX = AX
        HorizY = AY
        StepX = StepY / Tan(Player.Radians)
        MapX = Fix((HorizX) / ObjectSize)
        MapY = Fix((HorizY) / ObjectSize)
        A.SetPixel (Fix(HorizX)), (Fix(HorizY)), ColorConstants.vbCyan
        If LevelMap0(MapY, MapX) <> vbBlue Then
                HorizX = HorizX + StepX
                HorizY = HorizY + StepY
                MapX = Fix((HorizX) / ObjectSize)
                MapY = Fix((HorizY) / ObjectSize)
                A.SetPixel (Fix(HorizX)), (Fix(HorizY)), ColorConstants.vbCyan
                If LevelMap0(MapY, MapX) = vbBlue Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
        End If
        HorizDist = Sqr(((HorizX - Player.PosX) * (HorizX - Player.PosX)) + ((HorizY - Player.PosY) * (HorizY - Player.PosY)))
        'Check for vertical intersections:
        If ((Player.Radians < PI / 2 Or Player.Radians > 3 * PI / 2)) Then 'Facing right
            AX = (Int(Player.PosX / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize ' Calculate grid position
            AY = Player.PosY + (Player.PosX - AX) * -Tan(Player.Radians)
            StepX = ObjectSize
        ElseIf ((Player.Radians = PI / 2 Or Player.Radians = 3 * PI / 2)) Then
            AY = Player.PosY
            AX = Player.PosX
        Else 'Facing left
            AX = (Int(Player.PosX / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) - 1
            AY = Player.PosY + (Player.PosX - AX) * -Tan(Player.Radians)
            StepX = -ObjectSize
        End If
        VertX = AX
        VertY = AY
        StepY = StepX * Tan(Player.Radians)
        MapX = Fix((VertX) / ObjectSize)
        MapY = Fix((VertY) / ObjectSize)
        A.SetPixel (Fix(VertX)), (Fix(VertY)), vbYellow
        If LevelMap0(MapY, MapX) <> vbBlue Then
                VertX = VertX + StepX
                VertY = VertY + StepY
                MapX = Fix((VertX) / ObjectSize)
                MapY = Fix((VertY) / ObjectSize)
                A.SetPixel (Fix(VertX)), (Fix(VertY)), vbYellow
                If LevelMap0(MapY, MapX) = vbBlue Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
        End If
        VertDist = Sqr(((VertX - Player.PosX)) * ((VertX - Player.PosX))) + (((VertY - Player.PosY)) * ((VertY - Player.PosY)))
        A.ForeColor vbRed
        'obter o a linha mais curta(horizontal ou vertical):
        If VertDist < HorizDist Then
            ' Draw the vertical ray:
            A.DrawLine Fix(Player.PosX), Fix(Player.PosY), Fix(VertX), Fix(VertY)
            WallDistance = VertDist
            Debug.Print VertDist & vbTab & "Draw Vertical" & vbTab & HorizDist & vbTab & "Horizontal line"
            ' Draw the horzontal ray:
            A.DrawLine Fix(Player.PosX), Fix(Player.PosY), Fix(HorizX), Fix(HorizY)
            WallDistance = HorizDist
            Debug.Print HorizDist & vbTab & " Draw Horizontal" & vbTab & VertDist & vbTab & "vertical line"
        End If
        WallDistance = WallDistance * Cos(Player.Radians)
        RayHeight = ObjectSize / WallDistance * 320
        A.ForeColor vbBlue
        A.DrawLine 475 + 50, 200 / 2 - RayHeight / 2, 475 + 50, 200 / 2 + RayHeight / 2
    End Sub

    printed:"334,308881610545     Draw Horizontal    1816,56277706662    vertical line"
    porque a linha vertical é 1816? se o limite é 9*33= 297 e sim noto mais bugs, mas tudo na interceção vertical 😞
    PS: o numero de frames é aproximadamente 1500.... mas  o 'Debug.Print' usa imensos recursos... mas é para testar os valores, nada mais 😉


  8. tenho esta função para fazer o RayCasting usando a Trignometria(estou a testar os pontos Horizontais:

    Private Sub DrawRays2()
        Dim AY As Double
        Dim AX As Double
        Dim StepX As Double
        Dim StepY As Double
        Dim VertX As Double
        Dim VertY As Double
        Dim HorizX As Double
        Dim HorizY As Double
        Dim MapX As Long
        Dim MapY As Long
        Dim HorizDist As Double
        Dim VertDist As Double
        Dim WallDistance As Double
        Dim RayHeight As Double
        MapX = Player.MapX
        MapY = Player.MapY
        On Error Resume Next
        'Check for horizontal intersections:
        If ((Player.Radians >= 0 And Player.Radians <= PI)) Then 'Facing down
            AY = (Int(Player.PosY / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize ' Calculate grid position
            StepY = ObjectSize
        Else 'Facing Up
            AY = (Int(Player.PosY / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) - 1
            StepY = -ObjectSize
        End If
        AX = Player.PosX + (AY - Player.PosY) / Tan(Player.Radians)
        HorizX = AX
        HorizY = AY
        StepX = StepY / Tan(Player.Radians)
        MapX = Fix((HorizX) / ObjectSize)
        MapY = Fix((HorizY) / ObjectSize)
        A.SetPixel (Fix(HorizX)), (Fix(HorizY)), ColorConstants.vbCyan
            HorizX = HorizX + StepX
            HorizY = HorizY + StepY
            MapX = Fix((HorizX + 1) / ObjectSize)
            MapY = Fix((HorizY + 1) / ObjectSize)
            A.SetPixel (Fix(HorizX)), (Fix(HorizY)), ColorConstants.vbCyan
            If LevelMap0(MapY, MapX) = vbBlue Then
                Exit Do
            End If
        HorizDist = Sqr(((HorizX - Player.PosX) * (HorizX - Player.PosX)) + ((HorizY - Player.PosY) * (HorizY - Player.PosY)))
    end sub

    porque não termina quando chega á parede?(dependendo do Radiano)

  9. ao grafico:

    'Check for horizontal intersections:
        If ((Player.Radians >= 0 And Player.Radians <= PI)) Then  'Facing down

    mas deveria ser para cima e não para baixo, certo?

    eu rodasse para a direita ou  esquerda o Radianos são os mesmos ou negativos?
    parecem correções básicas, mas noto diferenças entre a Matemática(sentido anti-horário) e a Computação(sentido horário).

    • Curtir 1
  10. como fazer o RayCasting em VB6?

    eu tenho esta função para desenhar 1 linha do RayCasting:

    Private Sub DrawRays2()
        Dim AY As Double
        Dim AX As Double
        Dim StepX As Double
        Dim StepY As Double
        Dim VertX As Double
        Dim VertY As Double
        Dim HorizX As Double
        Dim HorizY As Double
        Dim MapX As Long
        Dim MapY As Long
        Dim HorizDist As Double
        Dim VertDist As Double
        Dim WallDistance As Double
        Dim RayHeight As Double
        On Error Resume Next
        ' Check for horizontal intersections:
        If (Player.Radians >= 0 And Player.Radians <= PI) Then ' Facing down
            AY = (Int(Player.PosY / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize ' Calculate grid position
            StepY = ObjectSize
        Else 'Facing Up
            AY = (Int(Player.PosY / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) - 1
            StepY = -ObjectSize
        End If
        AX = Player.PosX + (AY - Player.PosY) / Tan(Player.Radians)
        HorizX = AX
        HorizY = AY
        StepX = StepY / Tan(Player.Radians)
        MapX = Fix((HorizX) / ObjectSize)
        MapY = Fix((HorizY) / ObjectSize)
        A.SetPixel (Fix(HorizX)), (Fix(HorizY)), ColorConstants.vbCyan
        If ((MapY < 9 Or MapY >= 0) Or (MapX < 9 Or MapX >= 0)) Then
            If LevelMap0(MapY, MapX) <> vbBlue Then
                    HorizX = HorizX + StepX
                    HorizY = HorizY + StepY
                    A.SetPixel (Fix(HorizX)), (Fix(HorizY)), ColorConstants.vbCyan
                    MapX = Fix((HorizX) / ObjectSize)
                    MapY = Fix((HorizY) / ObjectSize)
                    If ((MapY > 9 Or MapY < 0) Or (MapX > 9 Or MapX < 0)) Then Exit Do
                    If LevelMap0(MapY, MapX) = vbBlue Then
                        A.SetPixel (Fix(HorizX)), (Fix(HorizY)), ColorConstants.vbCyan
                        Exit Do
                    End If
            End If
        End If
        HorizDist = Sqr(((HorizX - Player.PosX) * (HorizX - Player.PosX)) + ((HorizY - Player.PosY) * (HorizY - Player.PosY)))
        ' Check for vertical intersections:
        If (Player.Radians >= (PI / 2) And Player.Radians <= (3 * PI / 2)) Then ' Facing right
            AX = (Int(Player.PosX / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) - 1 ' Calculate grid position
            StepX = -ObjectSize
        Else 'Facing left
            AX = (Int(Player.PosX / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize
            StepX = ObjectSize
        End If
        AY = Player.PosY + (Player.PosX - AX) * -Tan(Player.Radians)
        VertX = AX
        VertY = AY
        StepY = StepX * Tan(Player.Radians)
        MapX = Fix((VertX) / ObjectSize)
        MapY = Fix((VertY) / ObjectSize)
        A.SetPixel (Fix(VertX)), (Fix(VertY)), vbYellow
        If LevelMap0(MapY, MapX) <> vbBlue Then
                VertX = VertX + StepX
                VertY = VertY + StepY
                If (VertX < 0 Or VertX > (9 * ObjectSize) Or VertY < 0 Or VertY > (9 * ObjectSize)) Then Exit Sub
                A.SetPixel (Fix(VertX)), (Fix(VertY)), vbYellow
                MapX = Fix((VertX) / ObjectSize)
                MapY = Fix((VertY) / ObjectSize)
                If ((MapY > 9 And MapY < 0) Or (MapX > 9 And MapX < 0)) Then Exit Do
                If LevelMap0(MapY, MapX) = vbBlue Then
                    A.SetPixel (Fix(VertX)), (Fix(VertY)), vbYellow
                    Exit Do
                End If
        End If
        VertDist = Sqr((VertX - Player.PosX) * (VertX - Player.PosX)) + ((VertY - Player.PosY) * (VertY - Player.PosY))
        A.ForeColor vbRed
        WallDistance = Max(VertDist, HorizDist) * Cos(Player.Radians)
        If (WallDistance = VertDist) Then
            A.DrawLine Fix(Player.PosX), Fix(Player.PosY), Fix(VertX), Fix(VertY)
            A.DrawLine Fix(Player.PosX), Fix(Player.PosY), Fix(HorizX), Fix(HorizY)
        End If
        RayHeight = ObjectSize / WallDistance * 320
        A.ForeColor vbBlue
        A.DrawLine 475 + 50, 200 / 2 - RayHeight / 2, 475 + 50, 200 / 2 + RayHeight / 2
    End Sub

    mas noto alguns erros:
    1 - a linha desenhada pode ultrapassar o tamanho da tabela\array(9*ObjectSize);
    2 - dependendo de alguns angulos,a linha não é desenhada...
    eu tenho os if's para tentar evitar esses erros, mas parecem ignorados 😞
    onde estou a errar?

  11. consegui, na linha horizontal para baixo, mas erra para cima 😞

    If (Player.Radians < PI And Player.Radians > 0) Then 'facing down
            YA = ((Player.PosY \ ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize
            XA = Player.PosX + (Player.PosY - YA) / -Tan(Player.Radians)
        Else If (Player.Radians > PI / 2 And Player.Radians > 0) Then 'facing up
            YA = ((Player.PosY \ ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) - ObjectSize
            XA = Player.PosX + (Player.PosY - YA) / -Tan(Player.Radians)
        End If

    ok... agora o codigo não é C... mas não interessa...
    preciso de saber:
    1 - como verifico se o radiano esta para cima ou para baixo?
    2 - como calcular para obter o ponto A(é o quadrado seguinte ao jogador mantendo o radiano)?
    Moderador: porque falham as teclas direcionais ao escrever?

    • Curtir 1
  12. eu tenho 1 classe em VB6 para criar DIB's:

    Private Function AlignScan(ByVal inWidth As Long, ByVal inDepth As Integer) As Long
        AlignScan = (((inWidth * inDepth) + &H1F) And Not &H1F&) \ &H8
    End Function
    Public Function NewImage(ByVal ImageWidth As Long, ByVal ImageHeight As Long, Optional color As ColorConstants = vbBlack) As Long
        If (Width > 0 Or Height > 0 Or hBitmap > 0 Or PointerPixelData > 0) Then DeleteImage
        Width = ImageWidth
        Height = ImageHeight
        'Criar HDC
        MemoryHDC = CreateCompatibleDC(0)
        With bmiInfo.bmiHeader
            .biSize = Len(bmiInfo.bmiHeader)
            .biWidth = Width
            .biHeight = -Height ' is negative for start on top left pixel image
            .biPlanes = 1
            .biBitCount = 32
            .biCompression = BI_RGB
            .biSizeImage = AlignScan(bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth, bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount) * bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight
        End With
        If MemoryHDC = 0 Then MsgBox "error: HDC not created!!!"
        hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(0&, bmiInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, PointerPixelData, 0&, 0&)
        If hBitmap = 0 Then MsgBox "error: " & GetLastError()
        oldBitmap = SelectObject(MemoryHDC, hBitmap)
        'using pointers:
         ' Get the bits in the from DIB section:
        With tSA
            .fFeatures = FADF_FIXEDSIZE Or FADF_AUTO
            .cbElements = 4
            .cDims = 1
            .Bounds(0).lLbound = 0
            .Bounds(0).cElements = bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight * bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth
            .pvData = PointerPixelData
        End With
         'Erase bDib
        ' Make the bDib() array point to the memory addresses:
        CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(bDib()), VarPtr(tSA), 4
        CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(bDibBGRA()), VarPtr(tSA), 4
        'Clear color
    End Function
    'e como limpar:
    Public Sub DeleteImage()
        'Clear pointer:
        Dim z As Long
        CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(bDib), VarPtr(z), 4
        Erase bDib
        Dim s As Long
        CopyMemory ByVal VarPtrArray(bDibBGRA), VarPtr(z), 4
        Erase bDibBGRA
        SelectObject MemoryHDC, OldBrush
        DeleteObject NewBrush
        SelectObject MemoryHDC, OldPen
        DeleteObject NewPen
        SelectObject MemoryHDC, oldBitmap
        DeleteObject hBitmap
        'ReleaseDC 0, MemoryHDC
        DeleteDC MemoryHDC
    End Sub

    o meu problema é: após 4 execuções no IDE(mas não acontece no EXE), eu obtenho 1 erro nesta linha:

    Public Function NewImage(ByVal ImageWidth As Long, ByVal ImageHeight As Long, Optional color As ColorConstants = vbBlack) As Long
        If (Width > 0 Or Height > 0 Or hBitmap > 0 Or PointerPixelData > 0) Then DeleteImage
        Width = ImageWidth
        Height = ImageHeight
        'Criar HDC
        MemoryHDC = CreateCompatibleDC(0)
        With bmiInfo.bmiHeader
            .biSize = Len(bmiInfo.bmiHeader)
            .biWidth = Width
            .biHeight = -Height ' is negative for start on top left pixel image
            .biPlanes = 1
            .biBitCount = 32
            .biCompression = BI_RGB
            .biSizeImage = AlignScan(bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth, bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount) * bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight
        End With
        If MemoryHDC = 0 Then MsgBox "error: HDC not created!!!"
        hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(0&, bmiInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, PointerPixelData, 0&, 0&)
        If hBitmap = 0 Then MsgBox "error: " & GetLastError() 'ERRO: não cria o DIB...

    erro 8: "ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 8 (0x8) Not enough memory resources are available to process this command."
    porquê este erro? porque só aparece após executar 4 vezes no IDE e não no EXE?
    para voltar a executar, eu tenho de  terminar\fechar o IDE e voltar a executar... estranho este erro 😞

  13. finalmente consegui resultados mais corretos:

    Public Function BresenhamLine(X0 As Long, Y0 As Long, X1 As Long, Y1 As Long, ByRef Map() As Long, ObjectSize As Long, angle_rad As Double) As Long
        Dim dx As Long
        Dim dy As Long
        Dim steps As Double
        Dim Xincrement As Double
        Dim Yincrement As Double
        Dim x As Double
        Dim y As Double
        Dim MapX As Integer
        Dim MapY As Integer
        Dim LineWidth As Long
        x = X0
        y = Y0
        dx = X1 - X0
        dy = Y1 - Y0
        LineWidth = 0
        If (Abs(dx) > Abs(dy)) Then
            steps = Abs(dx)
            steps = Abs(dy)
        End If
        Xincrement = dx / (steps)
        Yincrement = dy / (steps)
        Dim v As Integer
        For v = 0 To steps
           x = x + Xincrement
           y = y + Yincrement
           MapX = Int(x / ObjectSize)
           MapY = Int(y / ObjectSize)
           LineWidth = LineWidth + 1
           If (Map(MapY, MapX) = vbBlue) Then
                 Exit For
            End If
        Next v
        ForeColor vbRed
        DrawLine X0, Y0, Int(x), Int(y)
        'Calculate the Distance between Origin and Destination line:
        'CatetoAdjacente=(x - X0)
        'CatetoOposto=(y - Y0)
        'Hip = RaizQuadrada(CatetoAdjacente ^ 2 + CatetoOposto ^ 2)
        LineWidth = Sqr((x - X0) * (x - X0) + (y - Y0) * (y - Y0))
        BresenhamLine = LineWidth
    End Function
    Public Function DrawLineWithAngleAndLength(X1 As Long, Y1 As Long, angle_rad As Double, Length As Long, Map() As Long, ObjectSize As Long) As Long
        ' Calcular as coordenadas finais da linha
        Dim X2 As Long
        Dim Y2 As Long
        X2 = X1 + Length * Cos(angle_rad)
        Y2 = Y1 + Length * Sin(angle_rad)
        ' Chame a função BresenhamLine com as coordenadas finais
        DrawLineWithAngleAndLength = BresenhamLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Map(), ObjectSize, angle_rad)
    End Function


    Private Sub DrawRays(StartRadians As Double, EndRadians As Double, VisionRadians As Double, ScreenWidth As Long, Optional Precision As Long = 1)
        Dim RayCount As Long
        Dim RaySteps As Double
        Dim RayWay As Long
        Dim RayWidth As Long
        Dim RayAngle As Double
        Dim RayHeight As Double
        'number of rays:
        RayCount = ScreenWidth / CLng(VisionRadians) * Precision
        'getting increment ray:
        RaySteps = (EndRadians - StartRadians) / CDbl(RayCount)
        Do While (RayWay < RayCount)
            'calcule the ray angle\radians:
            RayAngle = StartRadians + (RaySteps * RayWay)
            'draw ray and get ray width:
            RayWidth = A.DrawLineWithAngleAndLength(Int(Player.PosX), Int(Player.PosY), RayAngle, 300, LevelMap0(), 33)
            RayHeight = 66 / RayWidth * ScreenWidth
            A.ForeColor vbBlue
            A.DrawLine 475 + 50 + RayWay, 200 / 2 - RayHeight / 2, 475 + 50 + RayWay, 200 / 2 + RayHeight / 2
            RayWay = RayWay + 1
    End Sub


    eu sei que os cálculos estão corretos, porque agora obtenho resultados esperados...
    eis como obtenho a altura de linha:

    'draw ray and get ray width:
            RayWidth = A.DrawLineWithAngleAndLength(Int(Player.PosX), Int(Player.PosY), RayAngle, 300, LevelMap0(), 33)
            RayHeight = 66 / RayWidth * ScreenWidth

    a partir daqui, como evito o Efeito de Peixe?
    demorei imenso chegar aqui... ao menos aprendi 😉
    mas usei pixel a pixel e não o triangulo para percorrer a linha... sim é mais lento.... mas agora quero corrigir o Efeito de Peixe 😉

    • Obrigado 2
  14. eis o código todo mesmo...
    não esquecer de mudar o nome do ficheiro no form_load().

    Public Function BresenhamLine(X0 As Long, Y0 As Long, X1 As Long, Y1 As Long, ByRef Map() As Long, ObjectSize As Long, angle_rad As Double) As Long
        Dim dx As Long
        Dim dy As Long
        Dim steps As Double
        Dim Xincrement As Double
        Dim Yincrement As Double
        Dim x As Double
        Dim y As Double
        Dim MapX As Integer
        Dim MapY As Integer
        Dim LineWidth As Long
        x = X0
        y = Y0
        dx = X1 - X0
        dy = Y1 - Y0
        LineWidth = 0
        If (Abs(dx) > Abs(dy)) Then
            steps = Abs(dx)
            steps = Abs(dy)
        End If
        Xincrement = dx / (steps)
        Yincrement = dy / (steps)
        Dim v As Integer
        For v = 0 To steps
           x = x + Xincrement
           y = y + Yincrement
           MapX = Int(x / ObjectSize)
           MapY = Int(y / ObjectSize)
           LineWidth = LineWidth + 1
           If (Map(MapY, MapX) = vbBlue) Then
                 Exit For
            End If
        Next v
        ForeColor vbRed
        DrawLine X0, Y0, Int(x), Int(y)
        LineWidth = LineWidth / Cos(angle_rad)
        BresenhamLine = LineWidth
    End Function
    Public Function DrawLineWithAngleAndLength(X1 As Long, Y1 As Long, angle_rad As Double, Length As Long, Map() As Long, ObjectSize As Long) As Long
        ' Calcular as coordenadas finais da linha
        Dim X2 As Long
        Dim Y2 As Long
        X2 = X1 + Length * Cos(angle_rad)
        Y2 = Y1 + Length * Sin(angle_rad)
        ' Chame a função BresenhamLine com as coordenadas finais
        DrawLineWithAngleAndLength = BresenhamLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Map(), ObjectSize, angle_rad)
    End Function
    Private Sub DrawRays(StartRadians As Double, EndRadians As Double, VisionRadians As Double, ScreenWidth As Long, Optional Precision As Long = 1)
        Dim RayCount As Long
        Dim RaySteps As Double
        Dim RayWay As Long
        Dim RayWidth As Long
        Dim RayAngle As Double
        Dim RayHeight As Double
        'number of rays:
        RayCount = ScreenWidth / CLng(VisionRadians) * Precision
        'getting increment ray:
        RaySteps = (EndRadians - StartRadians) / CDbl(RayCount)
        Do While (RayWay < RayCount)
            'calcule the ray angle\radians:
            RayAngle = StartRadians + (RaySteps * RayWay)
            'draw ray and get ray width:
            RayWidth = A.DrawLineWithAngleAndLength(Int(Player.PosX), Int(Player.PosY), RayAngle, 300, LevelMap0(), 33)
            RayHeight = 66 / RayWidth * ScreenWidth / 2
            'Debug.Print RayHeight
            A.ForeColor vbBlue
            A.DrawLine 475 + 50 + RayWay, 200 / 2 - RayHeight / 2, 475 + 50 + RayWay, 200 / 2 + RayHeight / 2
            RayWay = RayWay + 1
    End Sub



    • Curtir 2
  15. ao desenhar o raio, obtenho o comprimento do raio...
    ao saber o comprimento do raio, como calculo a altura da linha? como posso evitar o efeito de peixe?

     Dim RayAngle As Double
        Do While (RayWay < RayCount)
            RayAngle = StartRadians + (RaySteps * RayWay)
            RayWidth = A.DrawLineWithAngleAndLength(Int(Player.PosX), Int(Player.PosY), RayAngle, 300, LevelMap0(), 33)
            lineHeight = 200 / RayWidth * 2
            drawStart = -lineHeight / 2 + 200 / 2
            If drawStart < 0 Then drawStart = 0
            drawEnd = lineHeight / 2 + 200 / 2
            If drawEnd >= 200 Then drawEnd = 200 - 1
            Me.Line (A.Width + RayWay, drawStart)-(A.Width + RayWay, drawEnd), vbWhite
            RayWay = RayWay + 1


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