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Douglas Immer

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Tudo que Douglas Immer postou

  1. Eu ja tive este problema, porém não criei as pastas, esperei a sincronização apenas. Como você deveria ter varias mensagens na caixa de entrada ( no servidor, que é a inbox ) demorou para criar as outras pastas. Não sei como solucionar sem ter o caso em mãos.
  2. Boa tarde novamente, Os exemplos que eu visualizei fazem pesquisa em mais de uma coluna, não tenho como restringir apenas aquela determinada coluna + - assim: =SEERRO(PROCV(A2;Pessoa!$A$2:$A$1000;3;0);"") ?
  3. Boa Tarde Patropi, Cara, sensacional, grato mesmo...! Seria muito pedir pra explicar toda a função? =SEERRO(PROCV(A2;Pessoa!$A$2:$C$100;3;0);"")
  4. Tive um problema com texto em formatação RTF, exemplo do texto: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1046\fs20 Observa\'e7\'f5es \par \par OBSERVA\'c7\'d5ES \par } utilizei este vba para retirar apenas o texto que me interessava: Public Function Rtf2Txt(tText As String) As String ' De reeks RtfCode(1-60) wordt gebruikt om extra rare tekens in vast te leggen welke ' bij het tonen van de tekxt uit de verschillende NOTES uit MARVAL weggehaald moeten / kunnen ' worden, deze kan aan naar gelang aangepast gewijzigd worden. Dim x As Integer Dim xPos As Integer, xNext As Integer, yPos As Integer Dim ttxt As String Dim RtfCode(100) As String RtfCode(1) = "@@@" RtfCode(2) = "///" RtfCode(3) = "???" RtfCode(4) = "'''" RtfCode(5) = "***" RtfCode(6) = "---" RtfCode(7) = "===" RtfCode(8) = ">>>" RtfCode(9) = "\tab " RtfCode(10) = "\par }" RtfCode(11) = "" RtfCode(12) = "-=- " RtfCode(13) = ";;;" RtfCode(14) = "\b0" RtfCode(15) = "\cf2" RtfCode(16) = "\f1" RtfCode(17) = "\fs24" RtfCode(18) = "\fx" RtfCode(19) = "\pard" RtfCode(20) = "\fs20" RtfCode(21) = "\f0" RtfCode(22) = "\f1" RtfCode(23) = "\cf1" RtfCode(24) = "\f3" RtfCode(25) = "\protect0" RtfCode(26) = "\protect" RtfCode(27) = "\sa96" RtfCode(28) = "cf0" RtfCode(29) = "\tab" RtfCode(30) = "\fi" RtfCode(31) = "\~" RtfCode(32) = "\fnil" RtfCode(33) = "\deflang1046" RtfCode(34) = "\fz" RtfCode(35) = "\f4" RtfCode(36) = "\b" RtfCode(37) = "\sb" RtfCode(38) = "\ulnone" RtfCode(39) = "\ul" RtfCode(40) = "\f2" RtfCode(41) = "\sa100\" RtfCode(42) = "\fs18" RtfCode(43) = "\ri360100" RtfCode(44) = "\li360" RtfCode(45) = "\fs16" RtfCode(46) = "\'bf" RtfCode(47) = "\ltrpar96" RtfCode(48) = "\ltrpar" RtfCode(49) = "\fs17" RtfCode(50) = "\kerning0" RtfCode(51) = "\keepn" RtfCode(52) = "\sa60" RtfCode(53) = "\sa40" RtfCode(54) = "\s1" RtfCode(55) = "\qjct" RtfCode(56) = "\qj" RtfCode(57) = "\li720" RtfCode(58) = "' -> '" RtfCode(59) = "\ansicpg1252" RtfCode(60) = "\deff0" RtfCode(61) = "\red0" RtfCode(62) = "\blue0" RtfCode(63) = "\green0" RtfCode(64) = "\uc1" RtfCode(65) = "\viewkind4" RtfCode(66) = "\rtf1" RtfCode(67) = "\ansi" RtfCode(68) = "\colortbl" RtfCode(69) = "\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0" RtfCode(70) = "ttbl;" RtfCode(71) = "blue255" RtfCode(72) = "\fonttbl" RtfCode(73) = ";" RtfCode(74) = "\fcharset0" RtfCode(75) = "\fs22 " RtfCode(76) = "\ " RtfCode(77) = "\fbidis\fswiss\fprq2" RtfCode(78) = "\fswiss\fprq2" RtfCode(79) = "\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier New" RtfCode(80) = "\fbidis" RtfCode(81) = "}" RtfCode(82) = Space(2) RtfCode(83) = "{" RtfCode(84) = "\f2\froman\fcharset0" RtfCode(85) = "Times New Roman" RtfCode(86) = " Arial" RtfCode(87) = "\fswiss\froman" RtfCode(88) = " MS Sans Serif" RtfCode(89) = " Verdana" RtfCode(90) = "\fswiss" RtfCode(91) = "\lang1046" RtfCode(92) = "" RtfCode(93) = "" RtfCode(94) = "" RtfCode(95) = "" RtfCode(96) = "" RtfCode(97) = "" RtfCode(98) = "" RtfCode(99) = "" RtfCode(100) = "" ' Aan de hand van bovenstaande reeks worden die tekens vervangen door "" ' X = 1 For x = 1 To 100 tText = Replace(tText, RtfCode(x), Space(0)) ' X = X + 1 Next x 'Loop While RtfCode(X) <> "" And X < 100 tText = Replace(tText, Chr(13), vbNullString) tText = Replace(tText, Chr(10), vbNullString) ttxt = "#" For xPos = 1 To Len(tText) If Mid(tText, xPos, Len(tempTxt)) = ttxt Then tText = ReduceTxt(tText, xPos) Exit For End If Next xPos tempTxt = "HHA" For xPos = 1 To Len(tText) If Mid(tText, xPos, Len(tempTxt)) = ttxt Then tText = ReduceTxt(tText, xPos) Exit For End If Next xPos tempTxt = "2009" For xPos = 1 To Len(tText) If Mid(tText, xPos, Len(tempTxt)) = ttxt Then tText = ReduceTxt(tText, xPos) Exit For End If Next xPos tempTxt = "BO g" For xPos = 1 To Len(tText) If Mid(tText, xPos, Len(tempTxt)) = ttxt Then tText = ReduceTxt(tText, xPos) Exit For End If Next xPos For xPos = 1 To Len(Trim(tText)) If Mid(tText, xPos, 1) <> " " Then tText = ReduceTxt(tText, xPos) Exit For End If Next xPos For xPos = Len(Trim(tText)) To 1 Step -1 If Mid(tText, xPos, 1) <> " " Then tText = Left(tText, xPos) Exit For End If Next xPos x = 1 xPos = 1 xNext = 1 ' Haalt bij de RTF opmaak de eerste accolade weg tText = Replace(tText, "{", "") ' Er komen een serie codes voor, voorafgegaan door /tx en dan cijfers ' Deze routine zoekt de \tx op en de daarop volgende \ en verwijderd de ' reeks \tx??????? ' Dit doet ie totdat er geen \tx meer voorkomt If InStr(1, tText, "\tx") = 0 Then GoTo Doorgaan Do xPos = InStr(xPos, tText, "\tx") yPos = IIf(InStr(xPos + 1, tText, "\") <= xPos, 1, -1) If xPos > 0 And yPos >= xPos Then tText = Replace(tText, Mid(tText, xPos, yPos), "") Loop While InStr(1, tText, "\tx") > 0 xPos = 1 Doorgaan: tText = Replace(tText, "}", "") tText = Replace(tText, "{", "") ' hier wordt de RTF opmaak afsluit commando verwijderd \par } tText = Replace(tText, "\par }", "") tText = Replace(tText, "\'e7", "ç") tText = Replace(tText, "\'c7", "Ç") tText = Replace(tText, "\'f5", "õ") tText = Replace(tText, "\'d5", "Õ") tText = Replace(tText, "\'c3", "Ã") tText = Replace(tText, "\'e3", "ã") tText = Replace(tText, "\'ea", "ê") tText = Replace(tText, "\'ca", "Ê") tText = Replace(tText, "\'e1", "á") tText = Replace(tText, "\'c1", "Á") tText = Replace(tText, "\'e9", "é") tText = Replace(tText, "\'c9", "É") tText = Replace(tText, "\'e0", "à") tText = Replace(tText, "\'c0", "À") tText = Replace(tText, "\par ", " ") Rtf2Txt = tText End Function Function ReduceTxt(tText As String, xPos As Integer) As String ReduceTxt = Right(tText, Len(tText) - (xPos - 1)) End Function O resultado foi: Observações OBSERVAÇÕES Espero que seja util.
  5. Preciso de ajuda para mostrar o cpf de cada cliente para cada produto comprado. Pasta1.xlsx

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