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Lucas Philip

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  1. /* PROGRAM MAGPOINT (GEOMAG DRIVER) *//************************************************************************ Contact Information Software and Model Support National Geophysical Data Center NOAA EGC/2 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 USA Attn: Manoj Nair or Stefan Maus Phone: (303) 497-4642 or -6522 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Web: '> Sponsoring Government Agency National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency PRG / CSAT, M.S. L-41 3838 Vogel Road Arnold, MO 63010 Attn: Craig Rollins Phone: (314) 263-4186 Email: [email protected] Original Program By: Dr. John Quinn FLEET PRODUCTS DIVISION, CODE N342 NAVAL OCEANOGRAPHIC OFFICE (NAVOCEANO) STENNIS SPACE CENTER (SSC), MS 39522-5001 3/25/05 Version 2.0 Stefan Maus corrected 2 bugs: - use %c instead of %s for character read - help text: positive inclination is downward 1/29/2010 Version 3.0 Manoj Nair Converted floating variables from single precision to double Changed : height above AMSL (WGS84) to Height above WGS84 Ellipsoid Removed the NaN forcing at the geographic poles A new function "my_isnan" for improved portablility*/#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <math.h>int my_isnan(double d){ return (d != d); /* IEEE: only NaN is not equal to itself */}#define NaN log(-1.0)static void E0000(int IENTRY, int *maxdeg, double alt,double glat,double glon, double time, double *dec, double *dip, double *ti, double *gv);void geomag(int *maxdeg);void geomg1(double alt, double glat, double glon, double time, double *dec, double *dip, double *ti, double *gv);char geomag_introduction(double epochlowlim);int main(){ int warn_H, warn_H_strong, warn_P; static int maxdeg; static double altm, dlat, dlon; static double ati, adec, adip; static double alt, time, dec, dip, ti, gv; static double time1, dec1, dip1, ti1; static double time2, dec2, dip2, ti2; char answer, ans; char decd[7], dipd[7],d_str[81],modl[20]; char goodbye[81]; double x1,x2,y1,y2,z1,z2,h1,h2; double ax,ay,az,ah; double rTd=0.017453292; double epochlowlim,epochuplim; double epochrange = 5.0; double warn_H_val, warn_H_strong_val; double dmin, imin, ddeg, ideg; FILE *wmmtemp; wmmtemp = fopen("WMM.COF","r"); if (wmmtemp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening model file WMM.COF\n"); exit(1); } fgets(d_str, 80, wmmtemp); if (sscanf(d_str,"%lf%s",&epochlowlim,modl) < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid header in model file WMM.COF\n"); exit(1); } fclose(wmmtemp); strcpy (goodbye,"\n -- End of WMM Point Calculation Program -- \n\n"); ans = geomag_introduction(epochlowlim); if ((ans == 'y') || (ans == 'Y')) { /* INITIALIZE GEOMAG ROUTINE */ S1: maxdeg = 12; warn_H = 0; warn_H_val = 99999.0; warn_H_strong = 0; warn_H_strong_val = 99999.0; warn_P = 0; geomag(&maxdeg); printf("\n\n\nENTER LATITUDE IN DECIMAL DEGREES "); printf("\n(North latitude positive, South latitude negative \n"); printf("i.e. 25.5 for 25 degrees 30 minutes north.) \n"); scanf("%lf%*[^\n]", &dlat); getchar(); printf("ENTER LONGITUDE IN DECIMAL DEGREES"); printf("(East longitude positive, West negative \n"); printf("i.e.- 100.0 for 100.0 degrees west.)\n"); scanf("%lf%*[^\n]", &dlon); getchar(); printf("ENTER ALTITUDE IN KILOMETERS ABOVE WGS84 ELLIPSOID\n"); scanf("%lf%*[^\n]", &altm); getchar(); alt = altm; epochuplim = epochlowlim + epochrange; printf("ENTER TIME IN DECIMAL YEAR (%-7.2lf - %-7.2lf)\n",epochlowlim,epochuplim); scanf("%lf%*[^\n]",&time); getchar(); geomg1(alt,dlat,dlon,time,&dec,&dip,&ti,&gv); time1 = time; dec1 = dec; dip1 = dip; ti1 = ti; time = time1 + 1.0; geomg1(alt,dlat,dlon,time,&dec,&dip,&ti,&gv); time2 = time; dec2 = dec; dip2 = dip; ti2 = ti; /*COMPUTE X, Y, Z, AND H COMPONENTS OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD*/ x1=ti1*(cos((dec1*rTd))*cos((dip1*rTd))); x2=ti2*(cos((dec2*rTd))*cos((dip2*rTd))); y1=ti1*(cos((dip1*rTd))*sin((dec1*rTd))); y2=ti2*(cos((dip2*rTd))*sin((dec2*rTd))); z1=ti1*(sin((dip1*rTd))); z2=ti2*(sin((dip2*rTd))); h1=ti1*(cos((dip1*rTd))); h2=ti2*(cos((dip2*rTd)));/* COMPUTE ANNUAL CHANGE FOR TOTAL INTENSITY */ ati = ti2 - ti1;/* COMPUTE ANNUAL CHANGE FOR DIP & DEC */ adip = (dip2 - dip1) * 60.; adec = (dec2 - dec1) * 60.;/* COMPUTE ANNUAL CHANGE FOR X, Y, Z, AND H */ ax = x2-x1; ay = y2-y1; az = z2-z1; ah = h2-h1; if (dec1 < 0.0) { strcpy (decd,"(WEST)"); } else { strcpy(decd,"(EAST)"); } if (dip1 < 0.0) { strcpy(dipd,"(UP) "); } else { strcpy(dipd,"(DOWN)"); } /* deal with geographic and magnetic poles */ if (h1 < 100.0) /* at magnetic poles */ { dec1 = NaN; adec = NaN; strcpy(decd,"(VOID)"); /* while rest is ok */ } if (h1 < 1000.0) { warn_H = 0; warn_H_strong = 1; warn_H_strong_val = h1; } else if (h1 < 5000.0 && !warn_H_strong) { warn_H = 1; warn_H_val = h1; } /* convert D and I to deg and min */ if (my_isnan(dec1)) ddeg = dec1; else ddeg=(int)dec1; dmin=(dec1-(double)ddeg)*60; if (dec1 > 0 && dmin >= 59.5) { dmin -= 60.0; ddeg++; } if (dec1 < 0 && dmin <= -59.5) { dmin += 60.0; ddeg--; } if(ddeg!=0) dmin=fabs(dmin); if (my_isnan(dip1)) ideg = dip1; else ideg=(int)dip1; imin=(dip1-(double)ideg)*60; if (dip1 > 0 && imin >= 59.5) { imin -= 60.0; ideg++; } if (dip1 < 0 && imin <= -59.5) { imin += 60.0; ideg--; } if(ideg!=0) imin=fabs(imin); printf("\n Results For \n"); if (dlat < 0) printf("\n LATITUDE: %7.2lfS",-dlat); else printf("\n LATITUDE: %7.2lfN",dlat); if (dlon < 0) printf("\n LONGITUDE: %7.2lfW",-dlon); else printf("\n LONGITUDE: %7.2lfE",dlon); printf("\n ALTITUDE: %8.2lf KM ABOVE WGS84 ELLIPSOID",altm); printf("\n DATE: %6.1lf\n",time1); printf("\n Main Field \t\t\t Secular Change"); printf("\n F = %-9.1lf nT\t\t dF = %-8.1lf nT/yr",ti1,ati); if (my_isnan(h1)) printf("\n H = NaN \t\t dH = NaN"); else printf("\n H = %-9.1lf nT\t\t dH = %-8.1lf nT/yr",h1,ah); if (my_isnan(x1)) printf("\n X = NaN \t\t dX = NaN"); else printf("\n X = %-9.1lf nT\t\t dX = %-8.1lf nT/yr ",x1,ax); if (my_isnan(y1)) printf("\n Y = NaN \t\t dY = NaN"); else printf("\n Y = %-9.1lf nT\t\t dY = %-8.1lf nT/yr ",y1,ay); printf("\n Z = %-9.1lf nT\t\t dZ = %-8.1lf nT/yr ",z1,az); if (my_isnan(dec1)) printf("\n D = NaN \t\t dD = NaN"); else printf("\n D = %4.0lf Deg %3.0lf Min %s\t dD = %-8.1lf Min/yr",ddeg,dmin,decd,adec); printf("\n I = %4.0lf Deg %3.0lf Min %s\t dI = %-8.1lf Min/yr",ideg,imin,dipd,adip); if (warn_H) { printf("\n\nWarning: The horizontal field strength at this location is only %6.1lf nT\n",warn_H_val); printf(" Compass readings have large uncertainties in areas where H is\n"); printf(" smaller than 5000 nT\n"); } if (warn_H_strong) { printf("\n\nWarning: The horizontal field strength at this location is only %6.1lf nT\n",warn_H_strong_val); printf(" Compass readings have VERY LARGE uncertainties in areas where H is\n"); printf(" smaller than 1000 nT\n"); } if (warn_P) { printf("\n\nWarning: Location is at geographic pole where X, Y, and Decl are undefined\n"); } printf("\n\nDO YOU NEED MORE POINT DATA? (y or n) "); scanf("%c%*[^\n]", &answer); getchar(); if ((answer =='y')||(answer == 'Y')) goto S1; else { printf("%s",goodbye); } } else { printf("%s",goodbye); } exit(0); }/*************************************************************************/static void E0000(int IENTRY, int *maxdeg, double alt, double glat, double glon, double time, double *dec, double *dip, double *ti, double *gv){ static int maxord,i,icomp,n,m,j,D1,D2,D3,D4; static double c[13][13],cd[13][13],tc[13][13],dp[13][13],snorm[169], sp[13],cp[13],fn[13],fm[13],pp[13],k[13][13],pi,dtr,a,b,re, a2,b2,c2,a4,b4,c4,epoch,gnm,hnm,dgnm,dhnm,flnmj,otime,oalt, olat,olon,dt,rlon,rlat,srlon,srlat,crlon,crlat,srlat2, crlat2,q,q1,q2,ct,st,r2,r,d,ca,sa,aor,ar,br,bt,bp,bpp, par,temp1,temp2,parp,bx,by,bz,bh; static char model[20], c_str[81], c_new[5]; static double *p = snorm; char answer; FILE *wmmdat; switch(IENTRY){case 0: goto GEOMAG; case 1: goto GEOMG1;} GEOMAG: wmmdat = fopen("WMM.COF","r"); if (wmmdat == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening model file WMM.COF\n"); exit(1); } /* INITIALIZE CONSTANTS */ maxord = *maxdeg; sp[0] = 0.0; cp[0] = *p = pp[0] = 1.0; dp[0][0] = 0.0; a = 6378.137; b = 6356.7523142; re = 6371.2; a2 = a*a; b2 = b*b; c2 = a2-b2; a4 = a2*a2; b4 = b2*b2; c4 = a4 - b4; /* READ WORLD MAGNETIC MODEL SPHERICAL HARMONIC COEFFICIENTS */ c[0][0] = 0.0; cd[0][0] = 0.0; fgets(c_str, 80, wmmdat); if (sscanf(c_str,"%lf%s",&epoch,model) < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid header in model file WMM.COF\n"); exit(1); } S3: if (fgets(c_str, 80, wmmdat) == NULL) goto S4;/* CHECK FOR LAST LINE IN FILE */ for (i=0; i<4 && (c_str[i] != '\0'); i++) { c_new[i] = c_str[i]; c_new[i+1] = '\0'; } icomp = strcmp("9999", c_new); if (icomp == 0) goto S4;/* END OF FILE NOT ENCOUNTERED, GET VALUES */ sscanf(c_str,"%d%d%lf%lf%lf%lf",&n,&m,&gnm,&hnm,&dgnm,&dhnm); if (n > maxord) goto S4; if (m > n || m < 0.0) { fprintf(stderr, "Corrupt record in model file WMM.COF\n"); exit(1); } if (m <= n) { c[m][n] = gnm; cd[m][n] = dgnm; if (m != 0) { c[n][m-1] = hnm; cd[n][m-1] = dhnm; } } goto S3;/* CONVERT SCHMIDT NORMALIZED GAUSS COEFFICIENTS TO UNNORMALIZED */ S4: *snorm = 1.0; fm[0] = 0.0; for (n=1; n<=maxord; n++) { *(snorm+n) = *(snorm+n-1)*(double)(2*n-1)/(double)n; j = 2; for (m=0,D1=1,D2=(n-m+D1)/D1; D2>0; D2--,m+=D1) { k[m][n] = (double)(((n-1)*(n-1))-(m*m))/(double)((2*n-1)*(2*n-3)); if (m > 0) { flnmj = (double)((n-m+1)*j)/(double)(n+m); *(snorm+n+m*13) = *(snorm+n+(m-1)*13)*sqrt(flnmj); j = 1; c[n][m-1] = *(snorm+n+m*13)*c[n][m-1]; cd[n][m-1] = *(snorm+n+m*13)*cd[n][m-1]; } c[m][n] = *(snorm+n+m*13)*c[m][n]; cd[m][n] = *(snorm+n+m*13)*cd[m][n]; } fn[n] = (double)(n+1); fm[n] = (double)n; } k[1][1] = 0.0; otime = oalt = olat = olon = -1000.0; fclose(wmmdat); return; /*************************************************************************/ GEOMG1: dt = time - epoch; if (otime < 0.0 && (dt < 0.0 || dt > 5.0)) { printf("\n\n WARNING - TIME EXTENDS BEYOND MODEL 5-YEAR LIFE SPAN"); printf("\n CONTACT NGDC FOR PRODUCT UPDATES:"); printf("\n National Geophysical Data Center"); printf("\n NOAA EGC/2"); printf("\n 325 Broadway"); printf("\n Boulder, CO 80303 USA"); printf("\n Attn: Manoj Nair or Stefan Maus"); printf("\n Phone: (303) 497-4642 or -6522"); printf("\n Email: [email protected]"); printf("\n or"); printf("\n [email protected]"); printf("\n Web:"); printf("\n\n EPOCH = %.3lf",epoch); printf("\n TIME = %.3lf",time); printf("\n Do you wish to continue? (y or n) "); scanf("%c%*[^\n]",&answer); getchar(); if ((answer == 'n') || (answer == 'N')) { printf("\n Do you wish to enter more point data? (y or n) "); scanf("%c%*[^\n]",&answer); getchar(); if ((answer == 'y')||(answer == 'Y')) goto GEOMG1; else exit (0); } } pi = 3.14159265359; dtr = pi/180.0; rlon = glon*dtr; rlat = glat*dtr; srlon = sin(rlon); srlat = sin(rlat); crlon = cos(rlon); crlat = cos(rlat); srlat2 = srlat*srlat; crlat2 = crlat*crlat; sp[1] = srlon; cp[1] = crlon;/* CONVERT FROM GEODETIC COORDS. TO SPHERICAL COORDS. */ if (alt != oalt || glat != olat) { q = sqrt(a2-c2*srlat2); q1 = alt*q; q2 = ((q1+a2)/(q1+b2))*((q1+a2)/(q1+b2)); ct = srlat/sqrt(q2*crlat2+srlat2); st = sqrt(1.0-(ct*ct)); r2 = (alt*alt)+2.0*q1+(a4-c4*srlat2)/(q*q); r = sqrt(r2); d = sqrt(a2*crlat2+b2*srlat2); ca = (alt+d)/r; sa = c2*crlat*srlat/(r*d); } if (glon != olon) { for (m=2; m<=maxord; m++) { sp[m] = sp[1]*cp[m-1]+cp[1]*sp[m-1]; cp[m] = cp[1]*cp[m-1]-sp[1]*sp[m-1]; } } aor = re/r; ar = aor*aor; br = bt = bp = bpp = 0.0; for (n=1; n<=maxord; n++) { ar = ar*aor; for (m=0,D3=1,D4=(n+m+D3)/D3; D4>0; D4--,m+=D3) {/* COMPUTE UNNORMALIZED ASSOCIATED LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS AND DERIVATIVES VIA RECURSION RELATIONS*/ if (alt != oalt || glat != olat) { if (n == m) { *(p+n+m*13) = st**(p+n-1+(m-1)*13); dp[m][n] = st*dp[m-1][n-1]+ct**(p+n-1+(m-1)*13); goto S50; } if (n == 1 && m == 0) { *(p+n+m*13) = ct**(p+n-1+m*13); dp[m][n] = ct*dp[m][n-1]-st**(p+n-1+m*13); goto S50; } if (n > 1 && n != m) { if (m > n-2) *(p+n-2+m*13) = 0.0; if (m > n-2) dp[m][n-2] = 0.0; *(p+n+m*13) = ct**(p+n-1+m*13)-k[m][n]**(p+n-2+m*13); dp[m][n] = ct*dp[m][n-1] - st**(p+n-1+m*13)-k[m][n]*dp[m][n-2]; } } S50:/* TIME ADJUST THE GAUSS COEFFICIENTS*/ if (time != otime) { tc[m][n] = c[m][n]+dt*cd[m][n]; if (m != 0) tc[n][m-1] = c[n][m-1]+dt*cd[n][m-1]; }/* ACCUMULATE TERMS OF THE SPHERICAL HARMONIC EXPANSIONS*/ par = ar**(p+n+m*13); if (m == 0) { temp1 = tc[m][n]*cp[m]; temp2 = tc[m][n]*sp[m]; } else { temp1 = tc[m][n]*cp[m]+tc[n][m-1]*sp[m]; temp2 = tc[m][n]*sp[m]-tc[n][m-1]*cp[m]; } bt = bt-ar*temp1*dp[m][n]; bp += (fm[m]*temp2*par); br += (fn[n]*temp1*par);/* SPECIAL CASE: NORTH/SOUTH GEOGRAPHIC POLES*/ if (st == 0.0 && m == 1) { if (n == 1) pp[n] = pp[n-1]; else pp[n] = ct*pp[n-1]-k[m][n]*pp[n-2]; parp = ar*pp[n]; bpp += (fm[m]*temp2*parp); } } } if (st == 0.0) bp = bpp; else bp /= st;/* ROTATE MAGNETIC VECTOR COMPONENTS FROM SPHERICAL TO GEODETIC COORDINATES*/ bx = -bt*ca-br*sa; by = bp; bz = bt*sa-br*ca;/* COMPUTE DECLINATION (DEC), INCLINATION (DIP) AND TOTAL INTENSITY (TI)*/ bh = sqrt((bx*bx)+(by*by)); *ti = sqrt((bh*bh)+(bz*bz)); *dec = atan2(by,bx)/dtr; *dip = atan2(bz,bh)/dtr;/* COMPUTE MAGNETIC GRID VARIATION IF THE CURRENT GEODETIC POSITION IS IN THE ARCTIC OR ANTARCTIC (I.E. GLAT > +55 DEGREES OR GLAT < -55 DEGREES) OTHERWISE, SET MAGNETIC GRID VARIATION TO -999.0*/ *gv = -999.0; if (fabs(glat) >= 55.) { if (glat > 0.0 && glon >= 0.0) *gv = *dec-glon; if (glat > 0.0 && glon < 0.0) *gv = *dec+fabs(glon); if (glat < 0.0 && glon >= 0.0) *gv = *dec+glon; if (glat < 0.0 && glon < 0.0) *gv = *dec-fabs(glon); if (*gv > +180.0) *gv -= 360.0; if (*gv < -180.0) *gv += 360.0; } otime = time; oalt = alt; olat = glat; olon = glon; return;}/*************************************************************************/void geomag(int *maxdeg){ E0000(0,maxdeg,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);}/*************************************************************************/void geomg1(double alt, double glat, double glon, double time, double *dec, double *dip, double *ti, double *gv){ E0000(1,NULL,alt,glat,glon,time,dec,dip,ti,gv);}/*************************************************************************/char geomag_introduction(double epochlowlim){ char help; static char ans; printf("\n\n Welcome to the World Magnetic Model (WMM) %4.0lf C-Program\n\n", epochlowlim); printf(" --- Version 3.0, January 2010 ---\n\n"); printf("\n This program estimates the strength and direction of "); printf("\n Earth's main magnetic field for a given point/area."); printf("\n Enter h for help and contact information or c to continue."); printf ("\n >"); scanf("%c%*[^\n]",&help); getchar(); if ((help == 'h') || (help == 'H')) { printf("\n Help information "); printf("\n The World Magnetic Model (WMM) for %7.2lf", epochlowlim); printf("\n is a model of Earth's main magnetic field. The WMM"); printf("\n is recomputed every five (5) years, in years divisible by "); printf("\n five (i.e. 2010, 2015). See the contact information below"); printf("\n to obtain more information on the WMM and associated software."); printf("\n "); printf("\n Input required is the location in geodetic latitude and"); printf("\n longitude (positive for northern latitudes and eastern "); printf("\n longitudes), geodetic altitude in meters, and the date of "); printf("\n interest in years."); printf("\n\n\n The program computes the estimated magnetic Declination"); printf("\n (D) which is sometimes called MAGVAR, Inclination (I), Total"); printf("\n Intensity (F or TI), Horizontal Intensity (H or HI), Vertical"); printf("\n Intensity (Z), and Grid Variation (GV). Declination and Grid"); printf("\n Variation are measured in units of degrees and are considered"); printf("\n positive when east or north. Inclination is measured in units"); printf("\n of degrees and is considered positive when pointing down (into"); printf("\n the Earth). The WMM is reference to the WGS-84 ellipsoid and"); printf("\n is valid for 5 years after the base epoch."); printf("\n\n\n It is very important to note that a degree and order 12 model,"); printf("\n such as WMM, describes only the long wavelength spatial magnetic "); printf("\n fluctuations due to Earth's core. Not included in the WMM series"); printf("\n models are intermediate and short wavelength spatial fluctuations "); printf("\n that originate in Earth's mantle and crust. Consequently, isolated"); printf("\n angular errors at various positions on the surface (primarily over"); printf("\n land, incontinental margins and over oceanic seamounts, ridges and"); printf("\n trenches) of several degrees may be expected. Also not included in"); printf("\n the model are temporal fluctuations of magnetospheric and ionospheric"); printf("\n origin. On the days during and immediately following magnetic storms,"); printf("\n temporal fluctuations can cause substantial deviations of the geomagnetic"); printf("\n field from model values. If the required declination accuracy is"); printf("\n more stringent than the WMM series of models provide, the user is"); printf("\n advised to request special (regional or local) surveys be performed"); printf("\n and models prepared. Please make requests of this nature to the"); printf("\n National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) at the address below."); printf("\n\n\n Contact Information"); printf("\n Software and Model Support"); printf("\n National Geophysical Data Center"); printf("\n NOAA EGC/2"); printf("\n 325 Broadway"); printf("\n Boulder, CO 80303 USA"); printf("\n Attn: Susan McLean or Stefan Maus"); printf("\n Phone: (303) 497-6478 or -6522"); printf("\n Email: [email protected] or [email protected] "); printf("\n\n\n Continue with program? (y or n) "); scanf("%c%*[^\n]", &ans); getchar(); } else { ans = 'y'; } return(ans);}
  2. Boa noite! Gostaria de obter uma fórmula que só achei em C ( não sei se é + ou #..). Preciso conseguir só a fórmula que diz a Declinação Magnética num programa aparentemente fácil mas não entendi o suficiente para pegá-la. (Preciso da fórmula, e uma lista de uns 30 números do banco de dados (txt) que não soube qual das 3 colunas eram as variáveis usadas para declinação mas na fórmula deve explicitar) Segue anexo o código fonte e o programa. Se alguém se dispuser pode me enviar email. [email protected]<script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript"> /* */</script> Grato. WMM2010LegacyC.rar

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