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Tiago Gomes Silva

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Tudo que Tiago Gomes Silva postou

  1. Amigos Bom Dia. Comprei um Arduino para aprender a brincar um pouco e estou tendo dificuldade em criar um array para rodar as musicas de forma aleatória e não repetir.. alguém poderia me dar uma luz rs. Este é o código teste... const int clockPin = 6; // the pin number of the clock pin const int dataPin = 9; // the pin number of the dataPin pin const int resetPin = 3; // the pin number of the reset pin const int botao = 7; const unsigned int VOLUME_0 = 0xFFF0; const unsigned int VOLUME_1 = 0xFFF1; const unsigned int VOLUME_2 = 0xFFF2; const unsigned int VOLUME_3 = 0xFFF3; const unsigned int VOLUME_4 = 0xFFF4; const unsigned int VOLUME_5 = 0xFFF5; const unsigned int VOLUME_6 = 0xFFF6; const unsigned int VOLUME_7 = 0xFFF7; const unsigned int PLAY_PAUSE = 0xFFFE; const unsigned int STOP = 0xFFFF; int count; int ok; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); delay(500); pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(resetPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(botao, INPUT); delay(100); digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(dataPin, LOW); delay(100); // reset the module digitalWrite(resetPin, HIGH); delay(100); digitalWrite(resetPin, LOW); delay(10); digitalWrite(resetPin, HIGH); delay(600); digitalWrite(botao, HIGH); delay(600); sendCommand(VOLUME_7); count = -1; ok = 0; } void loop() { int r = digitalRead(botao); //delay(1000); if (!r) { ok = 1; count++; delay(150); } // play fisrt file, hexadecimal parameter // Aqui iniciaria a primeira musica a partir de um comando de um botão. if (count == 0 && ok) { ok = 0; sendCommand(0x0000); while(digitalRead(botao)) { Serial.println("Arduino rodando com musica tocando!"); delay(100); } } else if (count == 1 && ok) { ok = 0; sendCommand(0x0001); while(digitalRead(botao)) delay(100); } else if (count == 2 && ok) { ok = 0; sendCommand(0x0002); while(digitalRead(botao)) delay(100); } else if (count == 3 && ok) { ok = 0; sendCommand(0x0003); while(digitalRead(botao)) delay(100); } else { ok = 0; // stop playing sendCommand(STOP); count = -1; } delay(100); } void sendCommand(int addr) { digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW); delay(2); for (int i=15; i>=0; i--) { delayMicroseconds(50); if((addr>>i)&0x0001 >0) { digitalWrite(dataPin, HIGH); //Serial.print(1); } else { digitalWrite(dataPin, LOW); // Serial.print(0); } delayMicroseconds(50); digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(50); if(i>0) digitalWrite(dataPin, LOW); else digitalWrite(dataPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(50); if(i>0) digitalWrite(clockPin, LOW); else digitalWrite(clockPin, HIGH); } delay(20); }

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