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gustavo marcelo

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Tudo que gustavo marcelo postou

  1. Bom dia a todos, Estou quebrando a cabeça mas faz muito tempo que não mexo com códigos e javascript. Deve se algo fácil mas como faz muito tempo que não mexo ta difícil pra entender. este script é de comando de voz ai ao invés de chamar um função pela voz queria chamar por comando manual, só que pegando já todos os comandos cadastrados na minha index: var commands = { 'estou falando': comando, } ai queria chamar esses comandos também dessa forma: execComando('estou falando'); Código js: //! annyang //! version : 2.5.0 //! author : Tal Ater @TalAter //! license : MIT //! (function (root, factory) { "use strict"; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD + global define([], function () { return (root.annyang = factory(root)); }); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { // CommonJS module.exports = factory(root); } else { // Browser globals root.annyang = factory(root); } }(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this, function (root, undefined) { "use strict"; /** * # Quick Tutorial, Intro and Demos * * The quickest way to get started is to visit the [annyang homepage]( * * For a more in-depth look at annyang, read on. * * # API Reference */ var annyang; // Get the SpeechRecognition object, while handling browser prefixes var SpeechRecognition = root.SpeechRecognition || root.webkitSpeechRecognition || root.mozSpeechRecognition || root.msSpeechRecognition || root.oSpeechRecognition; // Check browser support // This is done as early as possible, to make it as fast as possible for unsupported browsers if (!SpeechRecognition) { return null; } var commandsList = []; var recognition; var callbacks = { start: [], error: [], end: [], result: [], resultMatch: [], resultNoMatch: [], errorNetwork: [], errorPermissionBlocked: [], errorPermissionDenied: [] }; var autoRestart; var lastStartedAt = 0; var autoRestartCount = 0; var debugState = false; var debugStyle = 'font-weight: bold; color: #00f;'; var pauseListening = false; var isListening = false; // The command matching code is a modified version of Backbone.Router by Jeremy Ashkenas, under the MIT license. var optionalParam = /\s*\((.*?)\)\s*/g; var optionalRegex = /(\(\?:[^)]+\))\?/g; var namedParam = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g; var splatParam = /\*\w+/g; var escapeRegExp = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#]/g; var commandToRegExp = function(command) { command = command.replace(escapeRegExp, '\\$&') .replace(optionalParam, '(?:$1)?') .replace(namedParam, function(match, optional) { return optional ? match : '([^\\s]+)'; }) .replace(splatParam, '(.*?)') .replace(optionalRegex, '\\s*$1?\\s*'); return new RegExp('^' + command + '$', 'i'); }; // This method receives an array of callbacks to iterate over, and invokes each of them var invokeCallbacks = function(callbacks) { var args =, 1); callbacks.forEach(function(callback) { callback.callback.apply(callback.context, args); }); }; var isInitialized = function() { return recognition !== undefined; }; // method for logging in developer console when debug mode is on var logMessage = function(text, extraParameters) { if (text.indexOf('%c') === -1 && !extraParameters) { console.log(text); } else { extraParameters = extraParameters || debugStyle; console.log(text, extraParameters); } }; var initIfNeeded = function() { if (!isInitialized()) { annyang.init({}, false); } }; var registerCommand = function(command, cb, phrase) { commandsList.push({ command: command, callback: cb, originalPhrase: phrase }); if (debugState) { logMessage('Comando inicializado: %c'+phrase, debugStyle); } }; var parseResults = function(results) { invokeCallbacks(callbacks.result, results); var commandText; // go over each of the 5 results and alternative results received (we've set maxAlternatives to 5 above) for (var i = 0; i<results.length; i++) { // the text recognized commandText = results[i].trim(); if (debugState) { logMessage('Speech recognized: %c'+commandText, debugStyle); } // try and match recognized text to one of the commands on the list for (var j = 0, l = commandsList.length; j < l; j++) { var currentCommand = commandsList[j]; var result = currentCommand.command.exec(commandText); if (result) { var parameters = result.slice(1); if (debugState) { logMessage('command matched: %c'+currentCommand.originalPhrase, debugStyle); if (parameters.length) { logMessage('with parameters', parameters); } } // execute the matched command currentCommand.callback.apply(this, parameters); invokeCallbacks(callbacks.resultMatch, commandText, currentCommand.originalPhrase, results); return; } } } invokeCallbacks(callbacks.resultNoMatch, results); }; annyang = { /** * Initialize annyang with a list of commands to recognize. * * #### Examples: * ````javascript * var commands = {'hello :name': helloFunction}; * var commands2 = {'hi': helloFunction}; * * // initialize annyang, overwriting any previously added commands * annyang.init(commands, true); * // adds an additional command without removing the previous commands * annyang.init(commands2, false); * ```` * As of v1.1.0 it is no longer required to call init(). Just start() listening whenever you want, and addCommands() whenever, and as often as you like. * * @param {Object} commands - Commands that annyang should listen to * @param {boolean} [resetCommands=true] - Remove all commands before initializing? * @method init * @deprecated * @see [Commands Object](#commands-object) */ init: function(commands, resetCommands) { // resetCommands defaults to true if (resetCommands === undefined) { resetCommands = true; } else { resetCommands = !!resetCommands; } // Abort previous instances of recognition already running if (recognition && recognition.abort) { recognition.abort(); } // initiate SpeechRecognition recognition = new SpeechRecognition(); // Set the max number of alternative transcripts to try and match with a command recognition.maxAlternatives = 5; // In HTTPS, turn off continuous mode for faster results. // In HTTP, turn on continuous mode for much slower results, but no repeating security notices recognition.continuous = root.location.protocol === 'http:'; // Sets the language to the default 'en-US'. This can be changed with annyang.setLanguage() recognition.lang = 'pt-BR'; recognition.onstart = function() { isListening = true; invokeCallbacks(callbacks.start); }; recognition.onerror = function(event) { invokeCallbacks(callbacks.error, event); switch (event.error) { case 'network': invokeCallbacks(callbacks.errorNetwork, event); break; case 'not-allowed': case 'service-not-allowed': // if permission to use the mic is denied, turn off auto-restart autoRestart = false; // determine if permission was denied by user or automatically. if (new Date().getTime()-lastStartedAt < 200) { invokeCallbacks(callbacks.errorPermissionBlocked, event); } else { invokeCallbacks(callbacks.errorPermissionDenied, event); } break; } }; recognition.onend = function() { isListening = false; invokeCallbacks(callbacks.end); // annyang will auto restart if it is closed automatically and not by user action. if (autoRestart) { // play nicely with the browser, and never restart annyang automatically more than once per second var timeSinceLastStart = new Date().getTime()-lastStartedAt; autoRestartCount += 1; if (autoRestartCount % 10 === 0) { if (debugState) { logMessage('Speech Recognition is repeatedly stopping and starting. See for tips.'); } } if (timeSinceLastStart < 1000) { setTimeout(function() { annyang.start({ paused: pauseListening }); }, 1000-timeSinceLastStart); } else { annyang.start({ paused: pauseListening }); } } }; recognition.onresult = function(event) { if(pauseListening) { if (debugState) { logMessage('Speech heard, but annyang is paused'); } return false; } // Map the results to an array var SpeechRecognitionResult = event.results[event.resultIndex]; var results = []; for (var k = 0; k<SpeechRecognitionResult.length; k++) { results[k] = SpeechRecognitionResult[k].transcript; } parseResults(results); }; // build commands list if (resetCommands) { commandsList = []; } if (commands.length) { this.addCommands(commands); } }, /** * Start listening. * It's a good idea to call this after adding some commands first, but not mandatory. * * Receives an optional options object which supports the following options: * * - `autoRestart` (boolean, default: true) Should annyang restart itself if it is closed indirectly, because of silence or window conflicts? * - `continuous` (boolean) Allow forcing continuous mode on or off. Annyang is pretty smart about this, so only set this if you know what you're doing. * - `paused` (boolean, default: true) Start annyang in paused mode. * * #### Examples: * ````javascript * // Start listening, don't restart automatically * annyang.start({ autoRestart: false }); * // Start listening, don't restart automatically, stop recognition after first phrase recognized * annyang.start({ autoRestart: false, continuous: false }); * ```` * @param {Object} [options] - Optional options. * @method start */ start: function(options) { initIfNeeded(); options = options || {}; if (options.paused !== undefined) { pauseListening = !!options.paused; } else { pauseListening = false; } if (options.autoRestart !== undefined) { autoRestart = !!options.autoRestart; } else { autoRestart = true; } if (options.continuous !== undefined) { recognition.continuous = !!options.continuous; } lastStartedAt = new Date().getTime(); try { recognition.start(); } catch(e) { if (debugState) { logMessage(e.message); } } }, /** * Stop listening, and turn off mic. * * Alternatively, to only temporarily pause annyang responding to commands without stopping the SpeechRecognition engine or closing the mic, use pause() instead. * @see [pause()](#pause) * * @method abort */ abort: function() { autoRestart = false; autoRestartCount = 0; if (isInitialized()) { recognition.abort(); } }, /** * Pause listening. annyang will stop responding to commands (until the resume or start methods are called), without turning off the browser's SpeechRecognition engine or the mic. * * Alternatively, to stop the SpeechRecognition engine and close the mic, use abort() instead. * @see [abort()](#abort) * * @method pause */ pause: function() { pauseListening = true; }, /** * Resumes listening and restores command callback execution when a result matches. * If SpeechRecognition was aborted (stopped), start it. * * @method resume */ resume: function() { annyang.start(); }, /** * Turn on output of debug messages to the console. Ugly, but super-handy! * * @param {boolean} [newState=true] - Turn on/off debug messages * @method debug */ debug: function(newState) { if (arguments.length > 0) { debugState = !!newState; } else { debugState = true; } }, /** * Set the language the user will speak in. If this method is not called, defaults to 'en-US'. * * @param {String} language - The language (locale) * @method setLanguage * @see [Languages]( */ setLanguage: function(language) { initIfNeeded(); recognition.lang = language; }, /** * Add commands that annyang will respond to. Similar in syntax to init(), but doesn't remove existing commands. * * #### Examples: * ````javascript * var commands = {'hello :name': helloFunction, 'howdy': helloFunction}; * var commands2 = {'hi': helloFunction}; * * annyang.addCommands(commands); * annyang.addCommands(commands2); * // annyang will now listen to all three commands * ```` * * @param {Object} commands - Commands that annyang should listen to * @method addCommands * @see [Commands Object](#commands-object) */ addCommands: function(commands) { var cb; initIfNeeded(); for (var phrase in commands) { if (commands.hasOwnProperty(phrase)) { cb = root[commands[phrase]] || commands[phrase]; if (typeof cb === 'function') { // convert command to regex then register the command registerCommand(commandToRegExp(phrase), cb, phrase); } else if (typeof cb === 'object' && cb.regexp instanceof RegExp) { // register the command registerCommand(new RegExp(cb.regexp.source, 'i'), cb.callback, phrase); } else { if (debugState) { logMessage('Can not register command: %c'+phrase, debugStyle); } continue; } } } }, /** * Remove existing commands. Called with a single phrase, array of phrases, or methodically. Pass no params to remove all commands. * * #### Examples: * ````javascript * var commands = {'hello': helloFunction, 'howdy': helloFunction, 'hi': helloFunction}; * * // Remove all existing commands * annyang.removeCommands(); * * // Add some commands * annyang.addCommands(commands); * * // Don't respond to hello * annyang.removeCommands('hello'); * * // Don't respond to howdy or hi * annyang.removeCommands(['howdy', 'hi']); * ```` * @param {String|Array|Undefined} [commandsToRemove] - Commands to remove * @method removeCommands */ removeCommands: function(commandsToRemove) { if (commandsToRemove === undefined) { commandsList = []; return; } commandsToRemove = Array.isArray(commandsToRemove) ? commandsToRemove : [commandsToRemove]; commandsList = commandsList.filter(function(command) { for (var i = 0; i<commandsToRemove.length; i++) { if (commandsToRemove[i] === command.originalPhrase) { return false; } } return true; }); }, /** * Add a callback function to be called in case one of the following events happens: * * * `start` - Fired as soon as the browser's Speech Recognition engine starts listening * * `error` - Fired when the browser's Speech Recogntion engine returns an error, this generic error callback will be followed by more accurate error callbacks (both will fire if both are defined) * Callback function will be called with the error event as the first argument * * `errorNetwork` - Fired when Speech Recognition fails because of a network error * Callback function will be called with the error event as the first argument * * `errorPermissionBlocked` - Fired when the browser blocks the permission request to use Speech Recognition. * Callback function will be called with the error event as the first argument * * `errorPermissionDenied` - Fired when the user blocks the permission request to use Speech Recognition. * Callback function will be called with the error event as the first argument * * `end` - Fired when the browser's Speech Recognition engine stops * * `result` - Fired as soon as some speech was identified. This generic callback will be followed by either the `resultMatch` or `resultNoMatch` callbacks. * Callback functions for to this event will be called with an array of possible phrases the user said as the first argument * * `resultMatch` - Fired when annyang was able to match between what the user said and a registered command * Callback functions for this event will be called with three arguments in the following order: * * The phrase the user said that matched a command * * The command that was matched * * An array of possible alternative phrases the user might have said * * `resultNoMatch` - Fired when what the user said didn't match any of the registered commands. * Callback functions for this event will be called with an array of possible phrases the user might've said as the first argument * * #### Examples: * ````javascript * annyang.addCallback('error', function() { * $('.myErrorText').text('There was an error!'); * }); * * annyang.addCallback('resultMatch', function(userSaid, commandText, phrases) { * console.log(userSaid); // sample output: 'hello' * console.log(commandText); // sample output: 'hello (there)' * console.log(phrases); // sample output: ['hello', 'halo', 'yellow', 'polo', 'hello kitty'] * }); * * // pass local context to a global function called notConnected * annyang.addCallback('errorNetwork', notConnected, this); * ```` * @param {String} type - Name of event that will trigger this callback * @param {Function} callback - The function to call when event is triggered * @param {Object} [context] - Optional context for the callback function * @method addCallback */ addCallback: function(type, callback, context) { if (callbacks[type] === undefined) { return; } var cb = root[callback] || callback; if (typeof cb !== 'function') { return; } callbacks[type].push({callback: cb, context: context || this}); }, /** * Remove callbacks from events. * * - Pass an event name and a callback command to remove that callback command from that event type. * - Pass just an event name to remove all callback commands from that event type. * - Pass undefined as event name and a callback command to remove that callback command from all event types. * - Pass no params to remove all callback commands from all event types. * * #### Examples: * ````javascript * annyang.addCallback('start', myFunction1); * annyang.addCallback('start', myFunction2); * annyang.addCallback('end', myFunction1); * annyang.addCallback('end', myFunction2); * * // Remove all callbacks from all events: * annyang.removeCallback(); * * // Remove all callbacks attached to end event: * annyang.removeCallback('end'); * * // Remove myFunction2 from being called on start: * annyang.removeCallback('start', myFunction2); * * // Remove myFunction1 from being called on all events: * annyang.removeCallback(undefined, myFunction1); * ```` * * @param type Name of event type to remove callback from * @param callback The callback function to remove * @returns undefined * @method removeCallback */ removeCallback: function(type, callback) { var compareWithCallbackParameter = function(cb) { return cb.callback !== callback; }; // Go over each callback type in callbacks store object for (var callbackType in callbacks) { if (callbacks.hasOwnProperty(callbackType)) { // if this is the type user asked to delete, or he asked to delete all, go ahead. if (type === undefined || type === callbackType) { // If user asked to delete all callbacks in this type or all types if (callback === undefined) { callbacks[callbackType] = []; } else { // Remove all matching callbacks callbacks[callbackType] = callbacks[callbackType].filter(compareWithCallbackParameter); } } } } }, /** * Returns true if speech recognition is currently on. * Returns false if speech recognition is off or annyang is paused. * * @return boolean true = SpeechRecognition is on and annyang is listening * @method isListening */ isListening: function() { return isListening && !pauseListening; }, /** * Returns the instance of the browser's SpeechRecognition object used by annyang. * Useful in case you want direct access to the browser's Speech Recognition engine. * * @returns SpeechRecognition The browser's Speech Recognizer currently used by annyang * @method getSpeechRecognizer */ getSpeechRecognizer: function() { return recognition; }, /** * Simulate speech being recognized. This will trigger the same events and behavior as when the Speech Recognition * detects speech. * * Can accept either a string containing a single sentence, or an array containing multiple sentences to be checked * in order until one of them matches a command (similar to the way Speech Recognition Alternatives are parsed) * * #### Examples: * ````javascript * annyang.trigger('Time for some thrilling heroics'); * annyang.trigger( * ['Time for some thrilling heroics', 'Time for some thrilling aerobics'] * ); * ```` * * @param string|array sentences A sentence as a string or an array of strings of possible sentences * @returns undefined * @method trigger */ trigger: function(sentences) { if(!annyang.isListening()) { if (debugState) { if (!isListening) { logMessage('Cannot trigger while annyang is aborted'); } else { logMessage('Speech heard, but annyang is paused'); } } return; } if (!Array.isArray(sentences)) { sentences = [sentences]; } parseResults(sentences); } }; return annyang; })); /** * # Good to Know * * ## Commands Object * * Both the [init()]() and addCommands() methods receive a `commands` object. * * annyang understands commands with `named variables`, `splats`, and `optional words`. * * * Use `named variables` for one word arguments in your command. * * Use `splats` to capture multi-word text at the end of your command (greedy). * * Use `optional words` or phrases to define a part of the command as optional. * * #### Examples: * ````html * <script> * var commands = { * // annyang will capture anything after a splat (*) and pass it to the function. * // e.g. saying "Show me Batman and Robin" will call showFlickr('Batman and Robin'); * 'show me *tag': showFlickr, * * // A named variable is a one word variable, that can fit anywhere in your command. * // e.g. saying "calculate October stats" will call calculateStats('October'); * 'calculate :month stats': calculateStats, * * // By defining a part of the following command as optional, annyang will respond * // to both: "say hello to my little friend" as well as "say hello friend" * 'say hello (to my little) friend': greeting * }; * * var showFlickr = function(tag) { * var url = ''+tag; * $.getJSON(url); * } * * var calculateStats = function(month) { * $('#stats').text('Statistics for '+month); * } * * var greeting = function() { * $('#greeting').text('Hello!'); * } * </script> * ```` * * ### Using Regular Expressions in commands * For advanced commands, you can pass a regular expression object, instead of * a simple string command. * * This is done by passing an object containing two properties: `regexp`, and * `callback` instead of the function. * * #### Examples: * ````javascript * var calculateFunction = function(month) { console.log(month); } * var commands = { * // This example will accept any word as the "month" * 'calculate :month stats': calculateFunction, * // This example will only accept months which are at the start of a quarter * 'calculate :quarter stats': {'regexp': /^calculate (January|April|July|October) stats$/, 'callback': calculateFunction} * } ```` * */
  2. Tudo bem pode ser, mas sobre o problema na atualização na bios que pede a bateria e minha bateria ta ruim tem algum jeito de mascarar como se minha bateria estivesse boa ou algo assim pra mim conseguir atualizar?
  3. Agora a última atualização windows 10 plus pro, mas já usei o 7 vista, xp, 8, 8.1 e o antigo 10 e nada do som
  4. Tem apenas drivers para windows 7 (mas no site da positivo eles oferecem no máximo drivers até o windows 8.1 até para PCs mais novos)
  5. Acredito que sim pois comprei este notebook já assim mas pelo que vejo minha bios não tem configuração nenhuma o wi-fi por exemplo tenho apertar fn + f11 toda hora que liga e na bios não tem opção nenhuma de mudar isso (ela é versão de 1997), então penso que atualizando a bios com certeza esse erro vai mudar mas esta difícil agora achei uma versão que postaram aqui mesmo. fiquei muito feliz até dar o seguinte erro que estou enviando em anexo, quase quebrei o pc quando vi esse erro (minha bateria esta viciada)
  6. Então eu tenho o número de série (1A5077M7J) já baixei e reinstalei num sei quantas vezes TODOS os drives que a positivo libera pro meu notebook, e sobre a bios que tem da phoenix é site de terceiros (AgentPlus) que obriga a pagar uma coisa que acho absurdo para uma atualização, será que não existe alguma outra bios de outro site que libere.
  7. Desculpa pela demora, o driver pack atualizou tudo normal falou que tinha 4 drivers pra atualiza atualizo e não mudo nada.
  8. Instalei todos os drivers que faltava mas nada, acredito que o problema seja com a atualização da bios, pois já vi em outros posts para ativar a placa de som na bios mas não tenho essa opção na minha. Meu som é como se estivesse oculto fica só com o X vermelho.
  9. Olá a todos, alguém pode me passar o firmware para atualizar a bios, já procurei em todo lugar mas não achei o firmware para download, meu pc ta com o áudio ruim por causa dessa bios que ta desatualizada, estou enviando a imagem com as info do meu note. Desde já agradeço!
  10. Tenho um notebook positivo premium DESKTOP-6N6OUGR RAM : 4GB Software: Windows 10 Pro 64bits com última atualização O áudio não funciona diz que não está instalado(já fui la em gerenciador de dispositivos tem o áudio mas lá ta ativado já tentei atualizar os drivers e tudo e tb ta atualizado) já vi muitos tutoriais, videos de tudo, e nada. Já entrei na bios pra ver se tem alguma configuração extra sobre o som e nada. Acredito que seja algo com o sistema interno placa-mãe sei lá que ta desativado, pois o wifi e câmera não funcionavam tinha o mesmo erro do som, até eu achar o tal do "Fn" pra ligar o wifi e a câmera. Então peço pra vocês me ajudarem em alguma coisa por favor. Ah também já formatei o PC antes era o windows 7 e já tinha esse problema. Meu som acredito que esteja bom porque já tentei instalar o SoundWire no meu celular e quando vou instalar o server no notebook diz que o som não existe, o mesmo erro que dava quando tentava ligar o wifi ou a câmera sem apertar o "Fn". (já tentei apertar todos os Fn pra ver se liga esse áudio filho da mãe mas nada). Como da pra vocês perceberem estou desesperado já por ter tentado de tudo, me ajudem!?

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