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Por favor, preciso de uma ajuda para solucionar um erro no Calibre, versão 4.8. Meu sistema é Windows10. A mensagem de erro é grande. Fiz um print da página.


Eu criei um e-book no Kindle Create e quando fui converter para EPUB no Calibre apareceu este erro (foto). Ao clicar na janela, abriu esta informação:


Converter livros 1 de 1 (The Little Sophie)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Calibre2\\app\\dateutil\parser\ UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal

Conversion options changed from defaults:

read_metadata_from_opf: u'C:\\Users\\Marcela\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\calibre_jpkq45\\fmncsr.opf'

verbose: 2

output_profile: u'generic_eink'

cover: u'C:\\Users\\Marcela\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\calibre_jpkq45\\0cjlqd.jpeg'

Resolved conversion options

calibre version: 4.8.0

{'allow_conversion_with_errors': False,

'asciiize': False,

'author_sort': None,

'authors': None,

'base_font_size': 0.0,

'book_producer': None,

'change_justification': u'original',

'chapter': u"//*[((name()='h1' or name()='h2') and re:test(., '\\s*((chapter|book|section|part)\\s+)|((prolog|prologue|epilogue)(\\s+|$))', 'i')) or @class = 'chapter']",

'chapter_mark': u'pagebreak',

'comments': None,

'cover': u'C:\\Users\\Marcela\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\calibre_jpkq45\\0cjlqd.jpeg',

'debug_pipeline': None,

'dehyphenate': True,

'delete_blank_paragraphs': True,

'disable_font_rescaling': False,

'dont_split_on_page_breaks': False,

'duplicate_links_in_toc': False,

'embed_all_fonts': False,

'embed_font_family': None,

'enable_heuristics': False,

'epub_flatten': False,

'epub_inline_toc': False,

'epub_toc_at_end': False,

'epub_version': u'2',

'expand_css': False,

'extra_css': None,

'extract_to': None,

'filter_css': u'',

'fix_indents': True,

'flow_size': 260,

'font_size_mapping': None,

'format_scene_breaks': True,

'html_unwrap_factor': 0.4,

'input_encoding': None,

'input_profile': <calibre.customize.profiles.InputProfile object at 0x06274670>,

'insert_blank_line': False,

'insert_blank_line_size': 0.5,

'insert_metadata': False,

'isbn': None,

'italicize_common_cases': True,

'keep_ligatures': False,

'language': None,

'level1_toc': None,

'level2_toc': None,

'level3_toc': None,

'line_height': 0.0,

'linearize_tables': False,

'margin_bottom': 5.0,

'margin_left': 5.0,

'margin_right': 5.0,

'margin_top': 5.0,

'markup_chapter_headings': True,

'max_toc_links': 50,

'minimum_line_height': 120.0,

'no_chapters_in_toc': False,

'no_default_epub_cover': False,

'no_inline_navbars': False,

'no_svg_cover': False,

'output_profile': <calibre.customize.profiles.GenericEink object at 0x06274870>,

'page_breaks_before': u'/',

'prefer_metadata_cover': False,

'preserve_cover_aspect_ratio': False,

'pretty_print': True,

'pubdate': None,

'publisher': None,

'rating': None,

'read_metadata_from_opf': u'C:\\Users\\Marcela\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\calibre_jpkq45\\fmncsr.opf',

'remove_fake_margins': True,

'remove_first_image': False,

'remove_paragraph_spacing': False,

'remove_paragraph_spacing_indent_size': 1.5,

'renumber_headings': True,

'replace_scene_breaks': u'',

'search_replace': '[]',

'series': None,

'series_index': None,

'smarten_punctuation': False,

'sr1_replace': None,

'sr1_search': None,

'sr2_replace': None,

'sr2_search': None,

'sr3_replace': None,

'sr3_search': None,

'start_reading_at': None,

'subset_embedded_fonts': False,

'tags': None,

'timestamp': None,

'title': None,

'title_sort': None,

'toc_filter': None,

'toc_threshold': 6,

'toc_title': None,

'transform_css_rules': '[]',

'unsmarten_punctuation': False,

'unwrap_lines': True,

'use_auto_toc': False,

'verbose': 2}

InputFormatPlugin: KFX Input running

on C:\Users\Marcela\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre_jpkq45\jgxubd.kpf

Software versions: KFX Input 1.26.0, calibre 4.8, Windows-10-10.0.18362-SP0

KFX Input plugin help is available at

Converting C:\Users\Marcela\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre_jpkq45\jgxubd.kpf

Processing container: C:\Users\Marcela\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre_jpkq45\jgxubd.kpf

Removed 1 KDF SQLite file fingerprint(s)

ERROR: Invalid local symbol created: crop_bleed

ERROR: Invalid local symbol created: crop_bleed

ERROR: Invalid local symbol created: crop_bleed

ERROR: Invalid local symbol created: crop_bleed

Built approximate location_map with 250 locations

kfxgen version: kfxlib-20191223

Features: CanonicalFormat-2, kfxgen.pidMapWithOffset-1, kfxgen.textBlock-1, max_id-786, reflow-style-2, yj_table-2, yj_table_viewer-1

Metadata: asset_id=CR!9EQ6QFX4DYR59JWORSNBSH15FYOK, author="Marcela Re Ribeiro", book_id=QaEJJIOSQsy4EAbw6Lv1Qw0, creator_version=, file_creator=KC, is_sample=False, language=en-US, override_kindle_font=False, publisher=, reading_orders=1, selection=enabled, title=

ERROR: Unexpected Ion symbols used: $663, $664

Converting book to EPUB 2

ERROR: story l4P content type $271 has extra data: {$663: [{$592: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1), $641: Decimal('-100'), $642: Decimal('-100'), $643: $442, $644: $442, $645: {$58: {$307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314}, $59: {$307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314}, $60: {$307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314}, $61: {$307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314}}, $647: Decimal('1.71429'), $648: Decimal('9.33333'), $639: Decimal('-100')}, {$580: $320, $591: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1)}], yj.semantics.image_type: yj.semantics.hero}

ERROR: story lK2 content type $271 has extra data: {$663: [{$592: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1), $641: Decimal('-100'), $642: Decimal('-100'), $643: $442, $644: $442, $645: {$58: {$307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314}, $59: {$307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314}, $60: {$307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314}, $61: {$307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314}}, $647: Decimal('1.71429'), $648: Decimal('9.33333'), $639: Decimal('-100')}, {$580: $320, $591: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1)}], yj.semantics.image_type: yj.semantics.hero}

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "calibre_plugins.kfx_input.__init__", line 99, in convert

File "calibre_plugins.kfx_input.__init__", line 201, in convert_from_kfx

Exception: Invalid local symbol created: crop_bleed

Invalid local symbol created: crop_bleed

Invalid local symbol created: crop_bleed

Invalid local symbol created: crop_bleed

Unexpected Ion symbols used: $663, $664

story l4P content type $271 has extra data: {$663: [{$592: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1), $641: Decimal('-100'), $642: Decimal('-100'), $643: $442, $644: $442, $645: {$58: {$307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314}, $59: {$307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314}, $60: {$307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314}, $61: {$307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314}}, $647: Decimal('1.71429'), $648: Decimal('9.33333'), $639: Decimal('-100')}, {$580: $320, $591: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1)}], yj.semantics.image_type: yj.semantics.hero}

story lK2 content type $271 has extra data: {$663: [{$592: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1), $641: Decimal('-100'), $642: Decimal('-100'), $643: $442, $644: $442, $645: {$58: {$307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314}, $59: {$307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314}, $60: {$307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314}, $61: {$307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314}}, $647: Decimal('1.71429'), $648: Decimal('9.33333'), $639: Decimal('-100')}, {$580: $320, $591: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1)}], yj.semantics.image_type: yj.semantics.hero}

Python function terminated unexpectedly

{"level": "error", "msg": "<b>Cannot convert The Little Sophie</b><br><br>Exception(u\"Invalid local symbol created: crop_bleed\\nInvalid local symbol created: crop_bleed\\nInvalid local symbol created: crop_bleed\\nInvalid local symbol created: crop_bleed\\nUnexpected Ion symbols used: $663, $664\\nstory l4P content type $271 has extra data: ($663: [($592: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1), $641: Decimal('-100'), $642: Decimal('-100'), $643: $442, $644: $442, $645: ($58: ($307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314), $59: ($307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314), $60: ($307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314), $61: ($307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314)), $647: Decimal('1.71429'), $648: Decimal('9.33333'), $639: Decimal('-100')), ($580: $320, $591: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1))], yj.semantics.image_type: yj.semantics.hero)\\nstory lK2 content type $271 has extra data: ($663: [($592: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1), $641: Decimal('-100'), $642: Decimal('-100'), $643: $442, $644: $442, $645: ($58: ($307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314), $59: ($307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314), $60: ($307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314), $61: ($307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314)), $647: Decimal('1.71429'), $648: Decimal('9.33333'), $639: Decimal('-100')), ($580: $320, $591: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1))], yj.semantics.image_type: yj.semantics.hero)\",)", "det_msg": "", "title": "KFX conversion failed"} (Error Code: 1)

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 114, in main

File "", line 88, in run_entry_point

File "site-packages\calibre\utils\ipc\", line 209, in main

File "site-packages\calibre\gui2\convert\", line 43, in gui_convert_override

File "site-packages\calibre\gui2\convert\", line 28, in gui_convert

File "site-packages\calibre\ebooks\conversion\", line 1110, in run

File "site-packages\calibre\customize\", line 246, in __call__

File "calibre_plugins.kfx_input.__init__", line 112, in convert

calibre.ebooks.conversion.ConversionUserFeedBack: {"level": "error", "msg": "<b>Cannot convert The Little Sophie</b><br><br>Exception(u\"Invalid local symbol created: crop_bleed\\nInvalid local symbol created: crop_bleed\\nInvalid local symbol created: crop_bleed\\nInvalid local symbol created: crop_bleed\\nUnexpected Ion symbols used: $663, $664\\nstory l4P content type $271 has extra data: ($663: [($592: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1), $641: Decimal('-100'), $642: Decimal('-100'), $643: $442, $644: $442, $645: ($58: ($307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314), $59: ($307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314), $60: ($307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314), $61: ($307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314)), $647: Decimal('1.71429'), $648: Decimal('9.33333'), $639: Decimal('-100')), ($580: $320, $591: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1))], yj.semantics.image_type: yj.semantics.hero)\\nstory lK2 content type $271 has extra data: ($663: [($592: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1), $641: Decimal('-100'), $642: Decimal('-100'), $643: $442, $644: $442, $645: ($58: ($307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314), $59: ($307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314), $60: ($307: Decimal('44.3939'), $306: $314), $61: ($307: Decimal('0'), $306: $314)), $647: Decimal('1.71429'), $648: Decimal('9.33333'), $639: Decimal('-100')), ($580: $320, $591: ($659, $664, crop_bleed, 1))], yj.semantics.image_type: yj.semantics.hero)\",)", "det_msg": "", "title": "KFX conversion failed"}



Se alguém pude me ajudar, agradeço.


Muito obrigada.


Marcela Re Ribeiro


erro calibre.png

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Eu tava me matando pra tentar descobrir.,...
Mas é permissão de escrita na pasta  do aplicativo...
No minha máquina..
C:\Users\usuariox\AppData\Local\Temp\calibre_ibo05d(mudar as permissões dessa pasta pra permiter escrita... na instalação de atualização mudou pra apenas leitura....
Aqui agora voltou a funcionar.....

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