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Scroll do mouse


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Qual sua distro? a maioria das distribuições já tem suporte a este tipo de mouse. Se a sua não tiver, tente um desses programas:



About: About: Enable_Logitech_Wheel is designed to send re-initialization strings to the mouse device which enable the scroll wheel functions of many popular OEM models of Logitech's FirstMouse+ and MouseMan+ (Models M-S48 and M-S48-OEM which are based off a Zilog controler chip and do not initalize with the standard Xserver or gpm packages). When run the mouse will issue commands sequences identical to the retail version of the FirstMouse+ (M-C48) and work properly with XFree86 Releases > 3.3.2.

Scroll Daemon


About: tp-scroll allows the use of the middle mouse button on a Trackpoint keyboard for scrolling up and down in applications that support the use of the wheel on an Intellimouse. The scrolling action is essentially the same as is used on the Trackpoint Windows drivers. It also provides an exponential acceleration feature, which provides smooth cursor acceleration as pressure on the stick increases. tp-scroll is designed for use on three-button IBM trackpoints, but is compatible with any mouse-like device that uses the 3-button PS/2 protocol. It is not related to, but is compatible with, the Trackpoint hardware control daemon tp4d


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Também estou com esse problema...

Estou usando Conectiva 8 e meu mouse é um Genius NetScroll + , só que é serial...

Tentei configurar com o mouseconfig e com o xf86cfg, mas nenhum dos drivers disponíveis funciona e o mouse pára de funcionar...

você acha que utilizando um desses problemas eu resolvo o meu problema ??

Valeu pelatenção...

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Postado Originalmente por kako@08 Set. 2002,16:22

Qual sua distro? a maioria das distribuições já tem suporte a este tipo de mouse. Se a sua não tiver, tente um desses programas:



About: About: Enable_Logitech_Wheel is designed to send re-initialization strings to the mouse device which enable the scroll wheel functions of many popular OEM models of Logitech's FirstMouse+ and MouseMan+ (Models M-S48 and M-S48-OEM which are based off a Zilog controler chip and do not initalize with the standard Xserver or gpm packages). When run the mouse will issue commands sequences identical to the retail version of the FirstMouse+ (M-C48) and work properly with XFree86 Releases > 3.3.2.

Scroll Daemon


About: tp-scroll allows the use of the middle mouse button on a Trackpoint keyboard for scrolling up and down in applications that support the use of the wheel on an Intellimouse. The scrolling action is essentially the same as is used on the Trackpoint Windows drivers. It also provides an exponential acceleration feature, which provides smooth cursor acceleration as pressure on the stick increases. tp-scroll is designed for use on three-button IBM trackpoints, but is compatible with any mouse-like device that uses the 3-button PS/2 protocol. It is not related to, but is compatible with, the Trackpoint hardware control daemon tp4d


você sabe se o Red Hat 7.3 tem suporte? como faz pra habilitar?


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