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Programa De Benchmark (p/ Linux)


Posts recomendados

box:/home/obake# apt-cache search benchmark
apache-utils - Utility programs for webservers
avifile-utils - Utility programs using the avifile library
bonnie++ - Hard drive bottleneck testing benchmark suite.
contest - The linux kernel responsiveness benchmark
cstream - general-purpose stream-handling tool similar to dd
dbench - The dbench (disk) and tbench (TCP) benchmarks
lg-issue22 - Issue 22 of the Linux Gazette.
lg-issue23 - Issue 23 of the Linux Gazette.
lg-issue24 - Issue 24 of the Linux Gazette.
lg-issue32 - Issue 32 of the Linux Gazette.
libamstd-ruby1.8 - AMbitious STanDard library for Ruby 1.8
libcrypto++-utils - Crypto++ library - utilities and data files
nhfsstone - NFS benchmark program.
postal - SMTP benchmark - the mad postman.
postgresql-contrib - Additional facilities for PostgreSQL
postmark - File system benchmark from NetApp.
scsitools - Collection of tools for SCSI hardware management
siege - Http regression testing and benchmarking utility
tiobench - Threaded I/O bench for Linux
xbase-clients - miscellaneous X clients
xengine - A benchmark program for the X Window System.
iozone3 - Filesystem and Disk Benchmarking Tool
lmbench - Utilities to benchmark UNIX systems
lmbench-doc - Documentation for the lmbench benchmark suite
netperf - Network performance benchmark

O melhor me parece o lmbench..

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