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Criador do Slackware com problemas serios de saude


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Tuesday, November 16, 2004, 10:43

"Last post?"

Hi folks. If you're reading this, I thank you. Perhaps you'll have a role

to play in bringing about the miracle that I desperately need. First, I'd

like to apologize for the lack of updates lately in Slackware -current and

stable... I know there are a few outstanding issues that need to be

addressed. However, I've been too sick to work for a couple of weeks and

now I am away from my computers and at my parents' house in Fargo, North

Dakota where my only online access is through an AOL dialup. I have told

only a select few people about what's going on thinking that I did not want

the internet at large to know about this, that I'd get it taken care of

and get back on track without a major problem. Now, I'm hoping that this

will get seen by a lot of people and that if it hits Slashdot that some

kind medical geek will help save my life.

I've generally been a pretty healthy guy. Nobody I know would characterize

me as a hypochondriac by any stretch, so when I raise an alarm it tends to

be for real. I'm going to give a timeline and run through all the

symptoms I've had (so if that sort of thing grosses you out, you can stop

reading right now). For the rest of you, here goes. This is going to be

long, but hopefully somebody who can help will read it...

This all began quite some time ago, perhaps as long ago as May of 2001.

I was preparing Slackware 8.0 for release and working really hard. A pain

developed in my shoulder, and (too busy to do anything about it right

away) I ignored it and continued to keep working. It got to be pretty

bad and one afternoon in early June I was rushed to the emergency room

at a hospital in Concord, California. I was sweating, feverish, with a

weak pulse of around 50, experiencing chills and seeming to be on the

verge of passing out. The doctor who saw me did a chest X-ray and didn't

think it was too unusual. I was told it was probably bronchitis and was

sent home with a prescription for ciprofloxacin which mostly cleared up

the problem. Still the pain in my shoulder seemed to vaguely remain.

By mid October of 2001, I was in bad shape again. My parents asked me

what I wanted for my birthday and I told them some more Cipro. They

found someone who was able to help me out with a 60 day supply (no small

task as this was right after the infamous Anthrax mailings when all the

newspapers were running articles about Cipro and people were trying to

horde it). I finished the two month course of antibiotics and felt

better. Not perfect, but significantly improved. I chalked the events

of 2001 up to stress, but in retrospect I am not so sure. I had

similar problems in 2002 and 2003 that were also knocked back with some

antibiotics, but the pain in my left upper back (and some kind of

"presence" there) never did fully clear up. Tests for TB came back


Fast forward to May of this year. I found myself complaining about "my

usual pain", as I had started to call it, more and more. I was starting

to wonder if I was even going to be able to make my annual camping trip

out in western New York state at the beginning of July, but I did go.

I figured the sun and a little exercise would do me some good, and I

did feel a little less like I was "fixin' to die," but upon my return

to California things started to go downhill for me again. This whole

time I was coughing up some strange stuff. Some of it was white and

reminded me of dental plaque. In spite of being a dentist's son I've

never had the best oral hygiene so I'm familiar with plaque. The

"plaque" I was getting out of my lungs was some nasty stuff and

smelled just like dental floss used after a couple of days without

brushing. Yeah, I know I should be better about that, but tend to

stay up late and if my wife is already asleep don't always turn the

light on and wake her up so I can brush before bed. To help me avoid

more tooth decay my dad bought me one of those fancy rechargable

electric toothbrushes that really powers away the plaque. It also

creates a fine aerosol mist of plaque, and I started to wonder if 4

years of using this brush had caused me to breathe in some of this

plaque mist and moved an infection into my lungs. I inquired with

several physicians about "lung plaque" and most of them had never

heard of such a thing. One told me he had heard of something like

that in people who were exposed to asbestos, though. Searching on

Google didn't turn up any relevant hits on the subject.

By early September 2004, I was spending a good portion of the time

I'd normally be working online flat on my back instead. The pain

that had started in my left upper back had moved into my left side

below the ribs, and my right side just under my armpit, too. Being

an ex-smoker, worries of lung cancer were starting to consume my

thoughts. A close friend of my father's had recently died from that

disease, and his initial symptom was also shoulder pain -- in fact,

they treated him for a presumed pulled muscle for many months while

the real problem went undiagnosed. Sometime in October I decided

that it was time to pull my head out of the sand and get in to see

my usual physician who runs a small clinic in Concord, tell him all

of this stuff, and at least try to get cancer ruled out. He ordered

chest X-rays, blood work, ran an EKG, and checked all my usual vital

signs. I told him about the "lung plaque" and reported feeling weak

all the time with no appetite. Being 6'2" and about 145 pounds I

knew I didn't want to be losing any weight. He also listened to my

chest and like all the doctors I've seen this year thought it sounded

mostly clear, like there wasn't anything major going on there. The

X-ray was a little different story though. It was taken on a

Thursday and I was told not to expect to hear anything until sometime

the next week. Well, the next morning the phone rang and it was my

doctor. He told me there was something "suspicious" seen in my left

upper lung (right about where the long-standing pain was), and that

I needed to get some more X-rays at the local hospital instead of

the imaging center I'd gone to before. They weren't going to be able

to get me in there until the next Monday.

The next morning I decided that I'd better FedEx some T-shirts that

my friends at the GUS in Brazil had been waiting for (not knowing

how much longer I could procrastinate on that, etc). While driving

back I felt a sharp pain in my left side and felt something in there

pop and drain (maybe into the pleura?), and since cancer was well on

my mind, as well as the fact that this had been going on for way too

long, I headed straight to the nearest ER hoping I wasn't bleeding

internally or something like that. By the time the doctor there saw

me I was holding onto my left side which seemed to help the pain a

bit. He ran a UA (and called it "questionable") and sent me down for

a CT scan. No iodine dye -- just a lower abdominal scan to see if I

had any kidney stones (and yes, I related as much of this other info

as he had time to hear in a busy ER). No stones were found, but he

wrote me a script for Cipro and some pain medication. I showed up

at the hospital the next day (in only slightly better shape) to try

to schedule additional X-rays, but they had misplaced the fax my

doctor had sent in, and they didn't want to schedule additional images

until they had seen the first ones. I never did see those myself,

and the imaging center requires a 48 hour notice to check out films.

It was starting to look like going through this medical center was

going to be a slow process, and I wasn't sure I had that kind of time.

So, I made the decision to pack up the car and drive back to North

Dakota from California. My Dad has been part of the medical community

for years there, and knows a lot of people. I figured he would know

who I should be seeing, and could help me set something up. A week

ago Sunday (Nov. 7) my wife Andrea and I set out to make the 1680 mile

drive to Fargo. We made it as far as Monida Pass. This is a mountain

pass on the Idaho/Montana border with an elevation of 6820 feet. On

the way up the grade I knew it wasn't going to be kind to me. I felt

an intense squeezing under my sternum and started to sweat and nearly

passed out. I've never previously had any trouble with high elevations

and have done hiking and mountain biking at much higher ones than this

particular pass. Luckily Andrea was driving at the time! We decided

that we would stop at the next fairly large town with a hospital and

see what they could do for me. This was Butte, Montana, an old mining

town, and home of St. James Hospital. The folks there were absolutely

wonderful to me. They did some more blood work (finding only a slightly

low potassium level), chest X-rays, and a CT with the iodine. They

didn't wait long for the dye to circulate because they said the main

goal there was to insure I didn't have a pulmonary embolism. I did not

have that. The doctor and radiologist also told me my lungs looked

"slightly inflamed" and to stay on the Cipro, but that I was unlikely

to keel over before making it to Fargo, especially as I'd be losing

elevation rapidly upon heading east. They packed the X-rays and CT

scans into a big envelope and told me I could borrow it to take to

my doctor in Fargo, and that they see a lot of people come in from that

pass with similar problems. So, off we went. I was mostly ok getting

back to Fargo, but never lost the feeling that someone was leaning on

my chest pressing on my sternum, and was occasionally short of breath

even after getting down to the 1000 foot elevation.

Back in Fargo, I had an appointment with an internal MD on Thursday

morning. By Wednesday night the pressure under my sternum was so

bad that it felt like I was having a heart attack, and was again

taken to an ER (the Slackware 2004 ER tour continues). While there

I started to feel better, and the pressure was letting up, and I

did not want to be a GOMER in their emergency room. The doctor I saw

the next day focused on the possibility of a thyroid or liver problem,

and ran some more tests that came back looking ok. He thought the CT

from Butte looked "within normal limits". That night I again got the

squeeze (pericardis?) but suffered through it because I did not want

to go back to the ER. I've had at least one strong attack every day

since, along with the sensation of "pop and drain" in all the original

pain points and under my sternum. The next day (Saturday, 13th) I went

to a local clinic with an MD in private practice. This guy was/is

great, and has seen me about a half dozen times since. He agreed

that I had signs of serious infection, including a disgusting

garlic/sulfur smell you could detect at 50 paces. He put me on

levaquinone and metronidazole hoping to have a better chance of

covering whatever the responsible bacteria was. Took more X-rays

but couldn't see anything obvious. We discussed getting an

echocardiogram to look for pericardius.

Then, I got my Google breakthrough. One of the symptoms I'd

noticed over a year ago was feeling like something hard was stuck

in my throat causing me to cough. Maybe 4 times I was able to

recover was looked like a small (<= 1mm), round, hard granule that

was light yellow in color. I'm sure I swallowed a bunch of them,

but hadn't seen too many examples and had not remembered to

mention this to any MDs along the way. I googled for "yellow lung

granule" and maybe the third hit mentioned something called

Actinomycosis. There it was, a laundry list of the symptoms I'd

been experiencing. Furthermore, the disease is caused by the

same bacteria that normally lives in the mouth and in dental

plaque. Infections are most common in the jaw, but sometimes

occur in the lungs and spread elsewhere through the body. The

hallmark of the disease is the finding of small granules of

sulfur. Aha, I thought. Now that I know what this is, I should

be able to get some treatment. I tried "sulfur lung granule" on

Google instead and had a ton of hits, all highly relevant to

the situation I was experiencing. I printed out one of the hits

from the Johns Hopkins Microbiology newsletter and raced back to

the clinic to tell Rodney about it. He looked it over and

thanked me for doing so much work for him (whatta guy :-), and

on the basis of what I'd told him felt there was a good chance

that we were looking at the answer right there. None of the

antibiotics I was on would touch this -- they were all too modern.

That was one of the terrible side effects of old antibiotics;

they would kill the natural flora in the mouth and GI tract and

you have all kinds of problems like fungal and yeast infections

as a result. So the newer classes of antibiotics are carefully

chosen to avoid killing those types of bacteria, and this was

probably caused by Actinomyces, the most common bacteria in the

mouth. When found in a lab culture, its presence tends to be

discounted as normal. So, what kills this stuff? Good old

penicillin. Yup, while everything else in the world became

resistant to penicillin and amoxicillin, Actinomyces israelii

never did. Rodney had me quit taking the other antibiotics and

put me on amoxicillin (even though V-cillin-K 1g qid might have

been a better choice). I've been on it for a couple of days and

I'm doing a bit better. I don't stink anymore and the palms of

my hands have quit sweating. He also gave me five days of

prednisone which seems to be lessening the frequency of the

chest attacks, although one did get me out of bed at 03:00 last

night (and I took the opportunity to start working on this report

hoping to save myself). Problem is, things are somewhat

contained, but still appear to be spreading. I'm getting sudden

pressure releases occasionally that seem to be coming from the

pleura or pericardium, and this morning had one that seemed to

be inside my head. This has me more than a little concerned.

- From everything I've read about this, it is a really tough

thing to treat. Oral penicillin generally does not do it. What

is needed is 2 to 6 weeks of IV penicillin G (12 to 24 million

units a day), followed by 12 months of V-cillin-K 1g four times

a day. Amoxicillin 500mg 3 times a day has me in a holding pattern,

but it's probably not going to do the trick. Rodney has no ability

to directly admit me to a hospital without first sending me to an

infectious disease MD there who would have to agree with all of this.

I have an appointment on Friday.

There you have it. That's where I am today. If anyone out there

is familiar with this and is able to help, please let me know.

I'll travel anywhere I have to at this point. I can be reached on

my cell phone at (925) 535-9062. Please call only if you can help

get me some high-dose antibiotic treatment. I have been trying to

check email at least once a day at [email protected] as well.

I'll accept whatever you'd like to send me at that address (as

usual :-), but if you're contacting me with an offer of help please

add [HELP] to the subject so that I'll be able to find those emails

more easily. Say prayers, knock on wood, whatever. I need all the

help I can get. Anything sent here will be confidential unless you

say otherwise, too. I also hope if I'm off the job for a couple

more weeks that the Slackware community will still support me when

I can return to the job, which I'm really itching to do ASAP (I'm

not looking for donations though). This experience has changed my

perspective on a lot of things, and I think the future will be

different (and better).

Oh, there's this blood test result which I should also mention.

While almost everything looks normal there, the following white

cell counts are (barely) out of the normal range:

Neutrophils 79 (high) NormalRange = 40-75

Lymphocytes 16 (low) = 20-45

Absolute Eosinophil 0.00 (low) = 0.015-0.500

BTW, my login quote tonight was "Snow and adolescence are the only

problems that disappear if you ignore them long enough." heh.

Thanks for listening.

- ---

Patrick J. Volkerding


Version: GnuPG v1.2.6 (GNU/Linux)





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Patrick Volkerding : "Último post?"

Editoria: Comunidade

24/Nov/2004 - 17:10

Patrick Volkerding postou uma mensagem que estamos publicando agora. Confira as traduções feitas por membros comunidade Slackware,

Marlus Clayton de Oliveira Rocha Silva e a segunda parte pelo Eduardo da Silva Ramos.

Vale a pena a leitura. A organização do Fórum Internacional Software Livre tem convidado o Patrick desde a primeira edição. Faremos uma corrente de pensamentos positivos para sua recuperação e, quem sabe, ele participa do VI FISL, em junho de 2005?

A dica veio do Leonardo Vaz que gentilmente providenciou para o nosso portal os trabalhos abaixo:

"A primeira parte foi traduzida pelo Marlus Clayton de Oliveira Rocha Silva e a segunda parte pelo Eduardo da Silva Ramos. O texto traduzido segue logo abaixo:

Leonardo Menezes Vaz"

"Último post?"

Olá Amigos. Se você está lendo isto, obrigado. Talvez você tenha um papel a cumprir sobre o milagre que eu desesperadamente necessito. Primeiro, eu gostaria de me desculpar pelo periodo sem updates ultimamente no Slacware -current e stable... Eu sei que existem alguns pontos que precisam ser encaminhados. Entretanto, eu tenho estado muito doente para trabalhar nas duas ultimas semanas e agora estou longe dos computadores e na casa dos meus pais em Fargo, Dakota do norte onde meu único acesso a internet é uma conta dialup da AOL. Eu contei apenas a poucas e selecionadas pessoas sobre sobre o que esta acontecendo pois eu não gostaria que todos na internet ficassem sabendo o que acontecia, eu conseguiria me cuidar e voltar sem maiores problemas. Agora, eu estou com esperanças que esta carta seja lida pelo maior numero de pessoas e se ela chegar a Slashdot que algum médico geek ajude a salvar minha vida.

Eu geralmente sou um cara com boa saúde. ninguém que eu conheça me caracterizaria como hipocondriaco, então quando eu levanto um alarme tende ser algo serio. Eu vou contar uma linha do tempo e passar através de todos os sintomas que eu tive (se isso te enojar você pode parar de ler agora mesmo). Para o resto de vocês, aqui vai. Está será uma longa carta, mas tomara que alguém que possa me ajudar ira le-la...

Tudo teve inicio a algum tempo atras, talvez por volta de Maio de 2001. Eu estava preparando a release do Slackware 8.0 e trabalhando muito. uma dor no meu ombro se desenvolveu, e (muito ocupado para fazer algo naquele instante) eu ignorei e continuei trabalhando. A dor foi ficando bem feia e uma tarde no inicio de Junho eu dei entrada na emergencia no hospital em Concord, California. Eu estava suando, febril, com o pulso fraco por volta dos 50, com calafrios parencedo proximo de partir para uma melhor. O médico que me viu fez um raio-X e não pensou que fosse muito incomum. Me disseram que foi provavelmente uma bronquite e eu fui mandado para casa com uma receita de ciprofloxacin que deveria resolver o problema. A dor no meu ombro ainda dava sinal de existir. Perto do meio de outubro de 2001, Eu estava mal novamente. Meus pais me perguntaram o que eu queria de aniversario e eu respondi que eu queria mais Cipro. Eles encontraram alguem que era capaz de me ajudar com um suprimeiro de 60 dias (nada fácil pois foi logo apos a infame onde de anthrax pelas cartas quando todos os jornais noticiavam sobre Cipro). eu terminei os dois meses de antibioticos e me senti bem melhor. Não perfeito, mas significantemente melhor. Eu descrevi os eventos de 2001 até o estresse, mas em retrospecto eu não tenho tanta certeza. eu tive problemas similares em 2002 e 2003 que terminaram com antibioticos tambem, mas a dor na parte superior esquerda das minhas costas (e algum tipo de "presença" la) nunca sumiu completamente. Teste por tuberculose voltaram negativo.

Adiantando para maio desse ano. Eu me encontrei pensando sobre "minha dor rotineira", como eu comecei a chamar essa dor, mais e mais. Eu começava a imaginar se eu seria capaz de fazer minha viagem de camping anual a oeste do estado de New York no inicio de julho, mas eu fui. Eu pensei que um pouco de sol e exercicios me fariam algum bem, e eu me senti um pouco menos "arrumado para morrer" mas no meu retorno para California as coisas começaram a desabar novamente. Nesse tempo todo eu tossia algo estranho. Era branco e me lembrava placa dentaria (nota: deve ser placa bacteriana). Mesmo sendo um filho de dentista eu nunca tive a melhor higiene oral, então eu era familiar com a placa. A "placa" que eu tirava dos meus pulmões era algo nogento e cheirava como escova de dente apos alguns dias sem uso. Sim, eu sabia que deveria cuidar melhor disso, mas tendia a ser tarde e se minha esposa ja estava dormindo eu não queria sempre acender a luz e acorda-la para que eu escovasse os dentes. Para evitar que eu piorasse o estado dos meus dentes meu pai me comprou uma daquelas escovas de dentes eletricas recarregaveis que realmente acabavam com a placa. Também criava uma nevoa de placa , então eu comecei a imaginar se 4 anos de uso dessa escova não me fizerem respirar essa nevoa de placa e infeccionou meus pulmões. Eu pesquisei com alguns estudiosos sobre "placa nos pulmões" e muitos deles nunca ouviram falar disso. Um me disse ter ouvido falar de algo do tipo em pessoas que foram expostas a asbestos (nota: ?!). procurando no google não apareceu nenhum caso relevante sobre o assunto.

No inicio de setembro de 2004, eu gastava boa parte do tempo que eu normalmente trabalhava online endireitando minhas costas. A dor que começara na parte superior esquerda das costas moveu-se para a esquerda abaixo das costelas, e na direita abaixo da minha axila tambem. Sendo um ex fumante, preocupação com cancer de pulmão estava começando a consumir meus pensamentos. Um amigo proximo do meu pai morreu recentemente dessa doença, e seu sintoma inicial tambem foi dor nos ombros -- de fato, eles o trataram muitos meses de um musculo distendido enquanto o real problema não tinha sido diagnosticado. Em outubro que decidi que era hora de colocar minha cabeça fora da areia e visitar meu medico que trabalhava em uma pequena clinica em Concord, contar a ele todas essas coisas, e no minimo tentar lutar contra o cancer logo. Ele me recomendou raio-x do peito, exame de sangue, um EKG (nota: prvavelmente um eletro cardiograma), e checou todos meus sinais vitais. Eu contei a ele sobre minha "placa pulmonar" e contei sobre me sentir fraco e sem apetite. Sendo alguem com 1,85m e 65kg eu sabia que não queria perder mais peso. Ele tambem ouviu meu peito e como os outros medicos que eu vi esse ano notaram ele parecia limpo. como se nada grave acontecesse nele. O raio-x foi uma estoria um pouco diferente. Ele foi feito em uma Quinta e me disseram para eu não esperar nada antes da proxima semana. Bem, na manha seguinte o telefone tocou e era meu medico. Ele me disse que existia algo "suspeito" na parte superior esquerda do meu pulmão (bem proximo de onde a dor que não passava ficava), e que eu precisava tirar mais alguns raios-x no hospital local invés do centro de imagens que eu fui anteriormente. Eles não seriam capazes de me atender até a proxima segunda.

(segunda parte)

Na manhã seguinte eu decidi que seria bom enviar via FedEx algumas camisetas que meus amigos do GUS no Brasil estavam esperando (sem saber por quanto tempo vinha adiando, etc). Enquanto dirigia de volta eu senti uma forte dor no meu lado esquerdo e alguma coisa lá “estalo e vazio” ( talvez no pleural?), e desde que o câncer estava em minha mente, como também o fato de isto tivesse vindo acontecer por tanto tempo, eu me dirigi para a mais próxima sala de emergência (ER) esperando que eu estivesse sangrando internamente ou alguma coisa do tipo. Ao chegar o doutor lá me viu como se eu tivesse segurando meu lado esquerdo parecendo evitar um pouco da dor. Ele pediu um exame de urina (UA) e me mandou para o CT scan (Centro de Tomografia). Sem tingimento de iodo – somente um scaneamento no baixo abdominal para ver se tinha algumas pedras nos rins (e sim, eu relatei todas as outras informações que ele teve tempo de ouvir na agitada sala de emergência). Nenhuma pedra foi encontrada, mas ele me prescreveu uma receita de Cipro e alguns remédios para dor. Eu apareci no hospital no dia seguinte (um pouco melhor) para tentar marcar os exames de raios-x adicionais, mas eles colocaram o fax que meu médico enviou em outro local, e eles não quiseram marcar os exames adicionais até que tivessem vistos os exames anteriores. Eu mesmo nunca vi esses exames, e o centro de imagem requer 48 horas para checar os exames. Estava começando a parecer que neste centro médico seria um processo lento, e eu não estava certo que eu tinha esse tempo.

Então, eu tomei a decisão de arrumar as malas e dirigir de volta a Dakota do Norte da Califórnia. Meu pai faz parte da comunidade médica há três anos lá, e conhece bastante pessoas. Eu imaginei que ele saberia quem eu deveria ver, e poderia me ajudar a agendar alguma coisa. Uma semana atrás (Domingo, 7 de Novembro) minha esposa Andrea e eu nos preparamos pra dirigir os 2700 Km até Fargo. Conseguimos ir até Monida Pass. Esta é uma montanha que passa na borda entre Idaho/Montana em uma altitude de 2078m. Na subida eu sabia que isto não seria bom pra mim. Senti um intenso aperto embaixo de meu esterno e comecei a suar e quase desmaiei. Anteriormente eu nunca tive problemas com altas elevações e já tinha feito caminhada e mountain bike em alturas muito maiores que essa passagem em particular. Felizmente Andrea estava dirigindo naquele momento! Nós decidimos que pararíamos na próxima cidade grande com um hospital e veríamos o que eles poderiam fazer por mim. Era Butte, Montana, uma velha cidade de mineração, e lar do hospital St. James. O pessoal lá foi absolutamente maravilhoso comigo. Fizeram exames de sangue (encontrando somente um baixo nível de potássio sem importância), raios-x no peito, e uma tomografia computadorizada com iodo. Eles não esperaram muito a tintura circular porque ele disseram que o principal objetivo era assegurar que eu não tinha uma embolia pulmonar. O doutor e radiologista também me disseram que meus pulmões pareciam ligeiramente inflamados e que deveria continuar com o Cipro, mas que era improvável que eu desmaiasse antes de chegar a Fargo, especialmente porqeu eu estaria saindo da altitude rapidamente enquanto me dirigia para o oeste. Eles empacotaram os exames (raios X e CT scan) em um envelope e me disseram que poderiam me emprestá-los e levar para meu médico em Fargo, e que eles viam muitas pessoas indo e vindo durante a passagem com problemas similares. Então, continuamos. Eu estava bem voltando para Fargo, mas nunca perdi a sensação de que tinha alguém inclinado no meu peito pressionando meu esterno, e ocasionalmente estava sem respiração mesmo depois de estar abaixo dos 304m de altitude.

De volta em Fargo, eu tinha uma hora marcada com um MD (departamento médico) na quinta de manhã. Pela noite de quarta-feria a pressão no meu esterno era tão ruim que eu me sentia como se estivesse tendo um ataque no coração, e novamente fui levado para a sala de emergência (a turnê as salas de emergência do Slackware 2004 continua). Aquelas pessoas eram menos que inúteis, tratando como um GOMER (um paciente crônico que não responde aos tratamentos) que estavam em seus caminhos. Não me deram nada, e perderam alguns dos raios-x e exames de sangue que eu trouxe pra mostrar pra eles então eu tinha minha hora marcada para o próximo dia. O doutor que eu vi no dia seguinte, um cara legal, também não fez muito por mim. Ele focou na possibilidade de um problema de tiróide ou fígado, e pediu mais alguns exames que resultaram OK. Ele pensou que o CT scan de Butte parecia no limite normal. Aquela noite eu novamente fiquei espremido (pericárdio, alguém?) mas sofri durante a noite porque não espera nenhuma ajuda da sala de emergência. Tenho tido ao menos um ataque forte todos os dias desde então, com a sensação de “pop and drain” (estalo e vazio) em todos os pontos de dor originais e abaixo de meu esterno. No dia seguinte (Sábado, 13) eu fui até a clinica local com MD com pratica particular. Este cara foi e é excelente, e tem me visto uma meia dúzia de vezes desde então. Ele concordou que eu tenho sinais sérios de infecção, incluindo um repugnante cheiro de alho/enxofre que você pode detectar há 50 passos. Ele me colocou levaquinone e metronidazole (droga antimicrobial sintética) na esperança de ter uma melhor chance de cobrir qualquer bactéria que fosse responsável. Mais raios-x mas não pode ver nada obvio. Nos discutimos fazer um ecocardiograma para olhar o pericárdio.

Então, eu fiz meu google trabalhar. Um dos sintomas que eu notei há um ano atrás era o sentimento de alguma coisa dura que estava entalada em minha garganta me fazendo tossir. Talvez 4 vezes eu fui capaz de recuperar o que parecia como um pequeno (

Patrick Volkerding


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Thu Nov 25 17:14:42 PST 2004

"Netcraft does not yet confirm it"

Hi again, everyone. I wish I could report that I'm doing great

and will be back to full health soon, but I can't. Possibly due to

the antibiotics I've already taken, the doctors I've seen have been

unable to find signs of infection, and my blood ESR is normal.

Nevertheless, the signs of complications from an infection are quite

clear. I've had a number of pulmonary "pops" that are either burst

lung abscesses or blebs, and things have spread in a bad way. A

thickening of my pleura has been noted, as well as pericarditis.

Most disturbing of all, I have developed mitral valve prolapse and

regurgitation. I've had a fever and soaking night sweats. I can't

stand for too long without getting faint. Lately I've been spending

a lot of my time on the floor. I have no history of heart problems

and when I got the first chest pains (crushing ones) I went to the

ER immediately. This was on 11/10. They found nothing wrong and

sent me away. The next day I saw an internal medicine MD who gave me

a complete exam including carefully listening for heart problems, and

found nothing wrong. The pain continued, and by the time I got to

the Mayo I had heart trouble so obvious that nobody has failed to

recognize it since. However, it's been a problem getting anyone to

consider that this is a new problem. Most of the people I've seen

think that they are the first to notice it and that everyone before

them must have missed it, and that I've certainly had it my whole life.

But having recently had a major infection and fever and developing a

new murmur and chest pains I'd think it would be only prudent to

treat this as complicated infective endocarditis. I've been to

another different ER with more crushing chest pains since then and

have begged for a needle biopsy to check the plural fluid for empyema,

but nobody will do this diagnostic either. I've verified online that

it's not only possible to have a normal ESR and infective endocarditis

but that patients that present that way have a statistically worse

outcome (maybe because nobody will treat it). Anyway, I'm still

hoping to get the treatment that I'm sure I need, but if there's an

insistance on clinical proof first and treatment second, the proof

might be found at autopsy time. Oh, I've also finally flunked an ECG

after several normal ones and at least pericarditis is now proven.

Now, to clear up a few things. In my initial report I mistakenly

reported that I'd taken 60 days of Cipro for a pulmonary infection.

(hey, I was up late freaking out a bit) This might not have been

for as long a period of time, and it was actually to treat a

relapse of prostatitis (and yes, that does require a long course).

As for those who say I should stop trying to diagnose myself: I am

trying to get doctors to diagnose this ongoing problem. Meanwhile,

it is only wise to try to figure out what's going on myself, and to

get input from as many sources as I possibly can. After all,

sometimes the cavalry just isn't coming. Or as the old (I think

Russian) proverb says: "Pray to God, but keep rowing to shore."

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A sei la, mais e bem provalvel que vira um fork, mais Slackware é fácil o proprio usuario manter, mais vai se saber, as vezes eu ou você, ou mais alguem que posta aqui na parte de Linux pode morrer antes dele.

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Fiquei pensando nisso, pelo seguinte, ultimamente como o próprio Patrick disse, os pacotes current do Slack estão meio que atrasados nas suas atualizações e então logo pensei que ele deve ter uma participação muito alta nas atualizações porque se não tivesse outras pessoas continuariam com as atualizações, coisa que não aconteceu...

Bom, melhoras ao cara :joia:



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o q eu acho q vai acontecer é o seguinte (minha resposta oficial ao topic):

o Patrick vai deixar de lado o slack por uns tempos pra c tratar, e quando ele voltar vai ver um slackware todo desenvolvido, com uma poderosa ORG de desenvolvedores/mantenedores ajudando.

aí quem sabe teremos duas distros 100% puras (slack e debian)

tomara né

melhoras pro cara! :joia:

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Postado Originalmente por leandrolrs@02 dez 2004, 02:56

CyberFOX não entendi seu pensamento :goff:

ah bicho... eu só disse que se o Volkerding desse um tempo no desenvolvimento do slack alguns fans do slack iam manter ele, e com isso eu acho que ia ser bem mais estruturado, com mais pacotes, utilitários e coisa e tal

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Estimo melhoras pra ele!!! :help:

Mas aqui fica um aviso, falo isso por experiencia própria...

De tanto ficar sentado na frente do monitor e nem sair para beber um simples copo d'água, estou tendo sérios problemas, algumas "pedrinhas" nos rims... :wacko:

Para quem nunca teve, as dores são muito fortes, agora o jeito é tratar mesmo, mas "antes previnir do que remediar", já dizia o ditado!

Bom o conselho é... não fiquem bitolados, na frente do pc!!! :chicote:


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