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Controle remoto ppa com arduino funcionando

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Pessoal, comprei um controle remoto da marca ECP, com chip HT6P20, e com o código abaixo funcionou bem no arduino, até com um bom alcance, com uma antena de 50cm no receptor. O que não estou conseguindo é comparar o código recebido para implementar as rotinas. A comparação em vermelho, no final,  é que não está funcionando:

Alguém pode ajudar?

DATE: 18/JUN/2014
E-MAIL: acturcato (at)
REV.: 04




const byte pinRF = 2; // Pin where RF Module is connected. If necessary, change this for your project

int lambda; // on pulse clock width (if fosc = 2KHz than lambda = 500 us)

struct rfControl //Struct for RF Remote Controls
unsigned long addr; //ADDRESS CODE
boolean btn1; //BUTTON 1
boolean btn2; //BUTTON 2

boolean ACT_HT6P20B_RX(struct rfControl &_rfControl){ 

static boolean startbit; //checks if start bit was identified
static int counter; //received bits counter: 22 of Address + 2 of Data + 4 of EndCode (Anti-Code)
static unsigned long buffer; //buffer for received data storage

int dur0, dur1; // pulses durations (auxiliary)

if (!startbit)
{// Check the PILOT CODE until START BIT;
dur0 = pulseIn(pinRF, LOW); //Check how long DOUT was "0" (ZERO) (refers to PILOT CODE)

//If time at "0" is between 9200 us (23 cycles of 400us) and 13800 us (23 cycles of 600 us).
if((dur0 > 9200) && (dur0 < 13800) && !startbit)

//calculate wave length - lambda
lambda = dur0 / 23;

//Reset variables
dur0 = 0;
buffer = 0;
counter = 0;

startbit = true;

//If Start Bit is OK, then starts measure os how long the signal is level "1" and check is value is into acceptable range.
if (startbit && counter < 28)

dur1 = pulseIn(pinRF, HIGH);

if((dur1 > 0.5 * lambda) && (dur1 < (1.5 * lambda))) //If pulse width at "1" is between "0.5 and 1.5 lambda", means that pulse is only one lambda, so the data é "1".
buffer = (buffer 1) + 1; // add "1" on data buffer
else if((dur1 > 1.5 * lambda) && (dur1 < (2.5 * lambda))) //If pulse width at "1" is between "1.5 and 2.5 lambda", means that pulse is two lambdas, so the data é "0".
buffer = (buffer 1); // add "0" on data buffer
//Reset the loop
startbit = false;

//Check if all 28 bits were received (22 of Address + 2 of Data + 4 of Anti-Code)
if (counter==28) 

// Check if Anti-Code is OK (last 4 bits of buffer equal "0101")
if ((bitRead(buffer, 0) == 1) && (bitRead(buffer, 1) == 0) && (bitRead(buffer, 2) == 1) && (bitRead(buffer, 3) == 0))

counter = 0;
startbit = false;

//Get ADDRESS CODE from Buffer
_rfControl.addr = buffer >> 6;

//Get Buttons from Buffer
_rfControl.btn1 = bitRead(buffer,4);
_rfControl.btn2 = bitRead(buffer,5);

//Serial.print("Address: "); Serial.println(_rfControl.addr, HEX);
//Serial.print("Button1: "); Serial.println(_rfControl.btn1, BIN);
//Serial.print("Button2: "); Serial.println(_rfControl.btn2, BIN);

//If a valid data is received, return OK
return true;
//Reset the loop
startbit = false;

//If none valid data is received, return NULL and FALSE values 
_rfControl.addr = NULL;
_rfControl.btn1 = NULL;
_rfControl.btn2 = NULL; 

return false;

void setup(){ 
pinMode(pinRF, INPUT);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);


void loop(){

struct rfControl rfControl_1; //Set variable rfControl_1 as rfControl type

//If a valid data is received, print ADDRESS CODE and Buttons values 
Serial.println(rfControl_1.addr, HEX);
Serial.println(rfControl_1.btn1, BIN);
Serial.println(rfControl_1.btn2, BIN);

if(rfControl_1.addr == '2FE699')        //esse é o código recebido na serial
Serial.println("código válido recebido");    //não está imprimindo esta mensagem



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