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Mac sem conta de administrador do sistema

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MacOS High Sierra 10.13.2
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011)
2Ghz Intel Core I716GB 1333 MHz DDR3


Ontem tentando trocar meu nome de usuário acabei retirando a função de administrador da conta sem querer e a minha conta que era administrador do sistema virou conta "padrão".  
Ou seja, não consigo mais adicionar nem eliminar usuários em meu MAC, nem mesmo consigo destravar o cadeado, pois o mesmo pede para logar como admin. Meu Mac está sem nenhuma conta de administrador. 
O que posso fazer para reverter a situacão? Não encontrei nenhum tópico com este mesmo problema. 
Abaixo deixarei uma captura de tela da situação. 

captura tela usuarios.jpeg


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Even though the Setup Assistant only runs once when you first install Mac OS X / macOS, it remains on your computer and is prevented from running by the presences of a hidden file called ‘.AppleSetupDone‘ in a system folder on your Mac. Therefore, to have the Setup Assistant run again so you can create a fresh admin account, you simply need to remove this file:

1 - Reboot your Mac and hold ‘Command-S‘ at the boot chimes to load into Single User mode.

2 - At the command prompt, run the following command to make the filesystem writable: mount -uw /

3 - Run the following command to remove the hidden file: rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone

4 - When complete, enter ‘reboot‘ and the prompt to restart the system, and you will now see the Setup Assistant load when OS X starts up.

5 - Proceed through its various screens, and create your new account. You might consider using a different username than any previous accounts on the system, to ensure there are no conflicts with the present and faulty accounts.

6 - Now you can log into the new admin account, and better manage the prior ones on your system, including deleting and recreating them accordingly.




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Mais um caso de sucesso, pessoal! Fiz o procedimento e deu certo.


Só achei estranho que na hora que digitei o 3º comando (3 - Run the following command to remove the hidden file: rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone) nada aconteceu. Achei que ia mostrar alguma parte "processando", alguma coisinha falando que chegou nos 100% e nada. Mas, o que importa é que fiz o reboot e funcionou.



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  • 3 meses depois...
Em 24/01/2018 às 10:29, LiveSorcerer disse:


Even though the Setup Assistant only runs once when you first install Mac OS X / macOS, it remains on your computer and is prevented from running by the presences of a hidden file called ‘.AppleSetupDone‘ in a system folder on your Mac. Therefore, to have the Setup Assistant run again so you can create a fresh admin account, you simply need to remove this file:

1 - Reboot your Mac and hold ‘Command-S‘ at the boot chimes to load into Single User mode.

2 - At the command prompt, run the following command to make the filesystem writable: mount -uw /

3 - Run the following command to remove the hidden file: rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone

4 - When complete, enter ‘reboot‘ and the prompt to restart the system, and you will now see the Setup Assistant load when OS X starts up.

5 - Proceed through its various screens, and create your new account. You might consider using a different username than any previous accounts on the system, to ensure there are no conflicts with the present and faulty accounts.

6 - Now you can log into the new admin account, and better manage the prior ones on your system, including deleting and recreating them accordingly.




Dica mais do que perfeita. Resolvido o problema. Muito obrigado.

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GRÁTIS: ebook Redes Wi-Fi – 2ª Edição