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Montar um PC Slim para Gamer

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Olá amigos,


decidi encarar o desafio de montar um PC Slim para meu trabalho (virtualização de máquinas virtuais) e também nas horas vagas aquela jogatina básica de

Company of Heroes ou Call of Dutty.


Sempre tive gabinetes grande ultra ventilados mas agora o objetivo é montar um menor possível e daí vi algumas ideia com gabinete slim que funcionam muito bem.


Então já iniciei a brincadeira e comprei:


- Gigabyte B460M DS3H que suporta até 128GB para minhas máquinas virtuais

- M.2 Gigabyte de 1TB


Próximos passos:


- Core i5-10400F

- 32GB RAM independente da velocidade mais em conta e que eu consiga encontrar daqui alguns anos.

- GigaByte / GV-N1656OC-4GL Low Profile


Bom até aqui está tudo definido e agora vem o assunto que muitos discutem que é o gabinete. Como eu disse, preciso de economizar no espaço e daí a busca pelo gabinete slim que suporte minha mobo (Micro ATX Form Factor; 24.4cm x 22.5cm).


Existem alguns vídeos que foi utilizado o Casemall Slim, mas estou com dificuldade de encontra-lo por aqui no RJ. No ML o preço é absurdo de caro!


Então tudo me leva a comprar o modelo C3 Tech DT-150BK, porém o espaço interno para mobo diz que suporta apenas mobos de 23x23cm. Mas algumas lojas me disseram que suporta sim, então vou levar a mobo na loja e testar na prática para evitar problemas. Mas se alguém tiver alguma ideia de modelo interessante pode me dizer que vou analisar.


Agora o finalmente que é a fonte.


Esse gabinete vem um uma fonte padrão de 200W que duvido que seja real. Então preciso saber qual modelo devo usar sem exageros pelo amor de Deus.


Esses modelos de gabinete Slim pelo que li utilizam fontes do padrão SFX que são acredito eu menores, porém eu não vou usar discos mecânicos e não se isso ganharia mais espaço podendo assim usar uma fonte comum.




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Em 11/21/2020 às 8:39 PM, salves disse:

Hello friends,


I decided to face the challenge of building a Slim PC for my work (virtualization of virtual machines) and also in my spare time that basic game of

Company of Heroes or Call of Dutty.


I've always had large ultra-ventilated cabinets but now the goal is to assemble as small as possible and then I saw some ideas with slim cabinets that work very well.


So I started the game and bought:


- Gigabyte B460M DS3H that supports up to 128GB for my virtual machines

- M.2 Gigabyte of 1TB


Next steps:


- Core i5-10400F

- 32GB RAM regardless of the most affordable speed and that I can find in a few years.

- GigaByte / GV-N1656OC-4GL Low Profile


Well, so far everything is defined and now comes the subject that many argue is the cabinet. As I said, I need to save space and hence the search for the slim case that supports my mobo (Micro ATX Form Factor; 24.4cm x 22.5cm).


There are some videos that used the Casemall Slim, but I'm having trouble finding it here in RJ. In ML the price is absurd of expensive!


So everything leads me to buy the C3 Tech DT-150BK model, but the internal space for mobo says that it only supports 23x23cm mobos. But some stores told me that it does, so I'll take mobo in the store and test it in practice to avoid problems. But if anyone has any idea of an interesting model you can tell me that I will analyze it.


Now the finally being the source.


This case comes with a standard 200W power supply that I doubt is real. So I need to know which model I should use without exaggeration for the love of God.


These Slim cabinet models from what I read use SFX standard fonts which are, I believe, smaller, but I'm not going to use mechanical disks and not if that would gain more space so I can use a common font.




amo sua construção. Espero que seja poderoso o suficiente para você.

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  • Solução
Em 21/11/2020 às 11:54, salves disse:

Esse gabinete vem um uma fonte padrão de 200W que duvido que seja real.

real ela e, mas e de qualidade? Nao. Uma fonte de 400W ja segurava tua construcao de boa, mas primeiro que e difícil ter fonte de qualidade de 400W, for ao preco. Recomendo a RGPS 500 por pouco mais de 300 reais

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Em 11/21/2020 às 8:39 PM, salves disse:

Hello friends,


I decided to face the challenge of building a Slim PC for my work (virtualization of virtual machines) and also in my spare time that basic game of

Company of Heroes or Call of Dutty.


I've always had large ultra-ventilated cabinets but now the goal is to assemble as small as possible and then I saw some ideas with slim cabinets that work very well.


So I started the game and bought:


- Gigabyte B460M DS3H that supports up to 128GB for my virtual machines

- M.2 Gigabyte of 1TB


Next steps:


- Core i5-10400F

- 32GB RAM regardless of the most affordable speed and that I can find in a few years.

- GigaByte / GV-N1656OC-4GL Low Profile


Well, so far everything is defined and now comes the subject that many argue is the cabinet. As I said, I need to save space and hence the search for the slim case that supports my mobo (Micro ATX Form Factor; 24.4cm x 22.5cm).


There are some videos that used the Casemall Slim, but I'm having trouble finding it here in RJ. In ML the price is absurd of expensive!


So everything leads me to buy the C3 Tech DT-150BK model, but the internal space for mobo says that it only supports 23x23cm mobos. But some stores told https aka ms remoteconnect me that it does, so I'll take mobo in the store and test it in practice to avoid problems. But if anyone has any idea of an interesting model you can tell me that I will analyze it.


Now the finally being the source.


This case comes with a standard 200W power supply that I doubt is real. So I need to know which model I should use without exaggeration for the love of God.


These Slim case models from what I read use SFX standard fonts which are, I believe, smaller, but I'm not going to use mechanical disks and not if that would gain more space so I could use a common font.




i'm saying this again but i really like your specs. I think i need to get some idea here.

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