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Bom dia galera, será que alguem pode me dar uma forcinha aqui?

pós férias download do lk, e só problema pra amolar...kkkk

fiz o download do lk ontem de manhã pelo downloader oficial, quando terminei crente q ia pra nortrend em busca dos 80, loguei no jogo e pra minha surpresa não consigo me conectar, assim q faz login e entra a tela de load do jogo caio toda hora, e pior ainda, meu druida 70 apareceu de só de capa e cuequinha em storm peaks...e todos os meus chars com a tabard como se eu tivesse fora da guilda. o mais f oda é´q que como eu passei o mes inteiro viajando meu gametime encerrou um dia antes de de viajar e eu comprei e ativei o meu ontem quando voltei de viagem e comecei o download do lk... eagora o q q eu faço? me da mais uma ajudinha aí pelamordedeus kkk

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Bom dia galera, será que alguem pode me dar uma forcinha aqui?

pós férias download do lk, e só problema pra amolar...kkkk

fiz o download do lk ontem de manhã pelo downloader oficial, quando terminei crente q ia pra nortrend em busca dos 80, loguei no jogo e pra minha surpresa não consigo me conectar, assim q faz login e entra a tela de load do jogo caio toda hora, e pior ainda, meu druida 70 apareceu de só de capa e cuequinha em storm peaks...e todos os meus chars com a tabard como se eu tivesse fora da guilda. o mais f oda é´q que como eu passei o mes inteiro viajando meu gametime encerrou um dia antes de de viajar e eu comprei e ativei o meu ontem quando voltei de viagem e comecei o download do lk... eagora o q q eu faço? me da mais uma ajudinha aí pelamordedeus kkk

você ja checou a estabilidade da sua conexao com a Internet?

Quando minha conexao esta lenta, meus chars também aparecem sem a gear aí eu reconecto e fica tudo beleza.

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você ja checou a estabilidade da sua conexao com a Internet?

Quando minha conexao esta lenta, meus chars também aparecem sem a gear aí eu reconecto e fica tudo beleza.

já, minha conexão não é o problema, aqui é gvt 10 mb, sempre da pra jogar tranquilamente e os outros programas tão rolando beleza.

agora tive outro problema mandei um email solicitando suporte junto a blizz e agora me bloquearam e mandaram o seguinte e mail:

We have determined that the World of Warcraft account xxWOWACCTxx has been accessed by someone not authorized to do so by the World of Warcraft Terms of Use (

To protect your privacy and security, we have temporarily disabled this account. Any recurring subscriptions have been removed to prevent further monetary charges. In order to regain access to the account, please complete the steps below to secure the account and verify your identity.

Please note that account sharing is a violation of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use, which is in place to help players keep the accounts they play on secure. As such, we are unable to assist any player in regaining access to an account not created in his or her own name.

*Please keep this email for your reference until the account recovery process has been completed.*


We recommend you read over and apply the following tips to protect yourself and the account in the future. Account compromises can occur when a player shares login information with an unauthorized third party or plays on a computer that has a virus, Trojan, or keylogger.

- Keep the login information confidential. Account access can only be shared with one minor child of whom you are the parent or guardian. Sharing access with anyone else is a violation of the Terms of Use. You are also responsible for every use of an account on which you are listed as the registered player, whether the use was authorized or not.

- Use up-to-date firewall, anti-virus, and anti-spyware software to scan your system regularly for viruses, Trojans, and keyloggers.

- Keep your operating system and other software up-to-date and be careful when downloading new software.

- Be wary of "spoof" and scam websites and emails that pose as Blizzard Entertainment and request account or personal information. As a reminder, Blizzard Entertainment representatives will *NEVER* ask you for the password.

- Use separate, unique passwords for your email, World of Warcraft, and any other online accounts.

- Change your passwords regularly and keep World of Warcraft account information updated using the Account Management page at

For additional security tips and information, please visit the following sites:

- Account and Computer Security:

- What to do if the Account Has Been Compromised:

- Account Security and Recovery FAQ:

- Email Address Security:

If you are looking for an added layer of security, we currently offer the Authenticator, an optional device that can help prevent unauthorized account access. For more information about how the authenticator works or how to add one to a World of Warcraft account, please visit the Authenticator FAQ at


We now provide a secure website for you to verify that you have taken the appropriate steps to secure the account, your computer, and your email address. Please go to this site and follow the instructions:


I will contact you with further instructions once I have received and processed your email. If you do not receive a reply within 48 hours of sending your email, please resend it.

Please be aware that if unauthorized access to this account continues after the recovery process is complete, it may lead to further action against the account.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please reply to this email. If you would rather speak with a representative directly, please contact Account & Technical Services. Our contact information can be found at

agora tenho que recuperar minha conta e resolver os problemas q ja tinha, se alguém aí ja passou por isso ou algo parecido aí e puder me ajudar dezde já agradeço

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