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Erro PHP, error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING

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Pessoa, estou quase concluindo uma instalação mas agora mostrou um erro de sintaxe. 

Segue a imagem da do erro e a linha pedido, se alguém souber como resolver eu agradeço. 

Erro Apresentado: 
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/veicular/public_html/admincp/func.php on line 231 





Linha do Código>>>

<?php/**####################################################################### B.u.i.l.t.2.G.o PHP C.a.r D.e.a.l.e.r v1.0.8                       #### ----------------------------------------------------------------   #### Copyright © 2007 Nulled by [iAG] Null Team.                        #######################################################################**/include_once (FULL_PATH . "/admincp/system_cls_zend.php");$GLOBALS["sessionhash"] = session_id();// ###################### escape string. ###############function EscapeString($text){$text = htmlentities($text, ENT_NOQUOTES, "" . CHARSET . "");if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()){$text = mysql_real_escape_string($text);}return $text;}// ###################### escape string html. ###############function EscapeStringHtml($text){if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc() AND !get_magic_quotes_runtime()){$text = mysql_real_escape_string($text);}return $text;}//################## checks for valid numbers ##############function valid_id($id){if (preg_match("/^([0-9]+)$/", $id)){return $id;}else{return '0';}}function getVal($a){if ($_POST[$a]){$ret = EscapeString($_POST[$a]);}else{$ret = EscapeString($_GET[$a]);}return $ret;}//Define function to insert security imagefunction insertSecurityImage($inputname){$refid = md5(mktime() * rand());$insertstr = "<img src=\"securityimage.php?refid=" . $refid . "\" alt=\"Security Image\" title=\"Security Image\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . $inputname . "\" value=\"" . $refid . "\" />";return $insertstr;}//Define function to check security image confirmationfunction checkSecurityImage($referenceid, $enteredvalue){$db = new DBM;$db->connect();$referenceid = EscapeString($referenceid);$enteredvalue = EscapeString($enteredvalue);$Q = "SELECT ID FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "security_images WHERE referenceid='$referenceid' AND BINARY hiddentext='$enteredvalue'";//echo $Q;$db->query($Q);if ($db->num_rows()){return true;}else{return false;}}function DetectLongString($aboutme){$text = explode(" ", EscapeString($aboutme));$totalwords = count($text);for ($x = 0; $x < $totalwords; $x++){if (strlen($text[$x]) > 50){$text[$x] = wordwrap($text[$x], 50, "<br />", 1);}}$textnormal = implode(" ", $text);return $textnormal;}// ############# make checkbox #####################//#################################################function makeCheckbox($value, $gotvalue, $text = "", $extra = "", $name){$selected = ($value == $gotvalue) ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "";$option = ($text != "") ? $text : $value;$option .= " <input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"$value\" name=\"$name\" $selected $extra />\n";return $option;}// ############# make checkbox #####################//#################################################function makeInputbox($value, $name, $extra = ''){$option = " <input type=\"text\" value=\"$value\" name=\"$name\" $extra />\n";return $option;}// ############# make options #####################//#################################################function makeOption($value, $gotvalue, $text = ""){$selected = ($value == $gotvalue) ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "";$option = "<option value=\"$value\" $selected>";if ($text){$option .= $text . "</option>\n";}else{$option .= $value . "</option>\n";}return $option;}// ############# make Radio #####################//#################################################function makeRadio($value, $gotvalue, $text = "", $extra = "", $name, $class){$selected = ($value == $gotvalue) ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "";$optiont = ($text != "") ? $text : $value;$option .= "<label class=\"$class\" for=\"$extra\">$optiont<input id=\"$extra\" type=\"radio\" value=\"$value\" name=\"$name\" $selected /></label>\n";return $option;}function MakeYearSelect(){$current = date("Y");do{$selected = ($_POST['year'] == $current) ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "";$mdate .= "<option value=\"$current\" $selected>$current</option>\n";$current--;} while ($current >= 1950);return $mdate;}function MakeDateSelect($pre, $year, $month, $day, $type, $err, $ary = ''){global $Months;if (!$type){$mtime[0] = $year;$mtime[1] = $month;$mtime[2] = $day;}else{$mtime = explode("-", $type);}$mdate = "<select name=\"{$pre}year{$ary}\" errortext=\"$err\">\n";$mdate .= "<option value=\"\">-------</option>\n";for ($x = 1900; $x < 2030; $x++){$selected = ($mtime[0] == $x) ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "";$mdate .= "<option value=\"$x\" $selected>$x</option>\n";}$mdate .= "</select> - \n";$mdate .= "<select name=\"{$pre}month{$ary}\">\n";$mdate .= "<option value=\"\">-------</option>\n";for ($y = 1; $y < 13; $y++){$j = ($y < 10) ? $j = "0$y" : $y;$selected = ($mtime[1] == $y) ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "";$mdate .= "<option value=\"$j\" $selected>" . date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $j, 1, date('Y'))) . "</option>\n";}$mdate .= "</select> - \n";$mdate .= "<select name=\"{$pre}day{$ary}\">\n";$mdate .= "<option value=\"\">-------</option>\n";for ($z = 01; $z < 32; $z++){$j = ($z < 10) ? $j = "0$z" : $z;$selected = ($mtime[2] == $z) ? "selected=\"selected\"" : "";$mdate .= "<option value=\"$j\" $selected>$z</option>\n";}$mdate .= "</select>";return $mdate;}function EscapeWord($search){$searchword = EscapeString($search);$query = ereg_replace("[\n,]", " ", $searchword);$query = str_replace(". ", " ", $query);$query = preg_replace("/[\(\)\"':;\[\]!#{}_\-+\\\\]/s", "", $query);$query = ereg_replace("( ){2,}", " ", $query);$query = trim($query);$querywc = str_replace("%", "\\%", $query);$querywc = str_replace("_", "\\_", $querywc);$querywc = str_replace("*", "%", $querywc);$querywc = preg_replace("/(%){1,}/s", '%', $querywc);return $querywc;}function SendUserEmail($to, $subject, $mailmsg){// sends email to users after registration is completeglobal $name_of_site;$signup Email = "<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"><meta http-equiv="Content-engine" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"></head><body>";$signupEmail .= $mailmsg;$signupEmail .= "</body></html>";$header = "From: $name_of_site <" . FROM . ">\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=" . CHARSET . "\n";if (!mail($to, $subject, $signupEmail, $header)){echo "Mail Failed";}}function ErrorEmail($subject, $postvars, $message){global $name_of_site;while (list($key, $value) = each($postvars)){$message .= "[$key] => $value\r\n";}$message .= "\r\n----Variables sent from Payment Module script----\r\n";$header = "From: $name_of_site Payment Module <" . FROM . ">\r\n";mail(FROM, $subject, $message, $header);}function gettotalusers(){global $_db;$datecut = time() - 600;$_db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS sessions FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session WHERE lastactivity>{$datecut} and userid=0");$loggedins = $_db->_fetch_row('DB_FETCH_ASSOC');;$numberguest = $loggedins['sessions'];$totalusers = "There are ($numberguest) Guests online right now.";return $totalusers;}function gettotalbuyers(){global $_db;$datecut = time() - 600;$_db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS sessions FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session WHERE lastactivity>{$datecut} and userid!=0");$loggedins = $_db->_fetch_row('DB_FETCH_ASSOC');$numberbuyers = $loggedins['sessions'];$totalbuyers = "There are ($numberbuyers) Users online right now.";return $totalbuyers;}function CleanSessionTbl(){global $db;$db2 = new DBM;$db->connect();$newsess_time = time() - 3600; //  one hour$sql1 = "SELECT lastactivity FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session WHERE lastactivity <= '$newsess_time'";$get_session = $db->query($sql1);if ($db->num_rows()){$db2->connect();while ($old = $db->_fetch_row('DB_FETCH_ASSOC')){$sql = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session WHERE lastactivity = '" . $old['lastactivity'] . "'";$del_session = $db2->query($sql);}if ($del_session){@$db->free_result();@$db2->free_result();}}}function VerifySession(){if ((isset($_COOKIE["oid"]) AND !empty($_COOKIE["oid"]) AND isset($_SESSION['oid']) == $_COOKIE["oid"])){if ($_SESSION["sessionhash"] == $_COOKIE["sess"]){return true;}else{$_SESSION = array();return false;}}else{return false;}}function LookupCountry($id){$db = new DBM;$db->connect();$sql = "select printable_name from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "country where country_id = '$id'";$db->query($sql);if ($db->num_rows()){$rows = $db->_fetch_row('DB_FETCH_ASSOC');return $rows['printable_name'];}}function CreateJsString(){global $countryid, $ChooseStateProvince;$db = new DBM;$db->connect();$listing = "        <!--          function Fill_Sub1(formf) {                       var main_select = document.getElementById(formf).country_id;           var sub_select = document.getElementById(formf).state_id;           if( main_select.options[main_select.selectedIndex].value == 0 )           {            sub_select.length = 0;           }\n";if ($countryid != '' AND $countryid != '0'){$selectC = "where country_id = '$countryid'";}$sql = "select country_id, printable_name from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "country $selectC";$db->query($sql);$_db2 = new DBM;$_db2->connect();while ($Row1 = $db->_fetch_row('DB_FETCH_ASSOC')){$listing .= "if(main_select.options[main_select.selectedIndex].value == \"{$Row1[country_id]}\")          {                sub_select.length = 0;\n";$listing .= "sub_select.options[0] = new Option('$ChooseStateProvince');\n";$listing .= "sub_select.options[0].value = '0';\n";$sql2 = "select s.state_id, s.printable_name from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "state s where s.country_id='{$Row1[country_id]}' order by printable_name ";$rs2 = $_db2->query($sql2);//$selectedctrl=0;$ctr1 = 1;while ($Row2 = $_db2->_fetch_row('DB_FETCH_ASSOC')){//$listing .=  "alert('$Row2[modelname]');";$listing .= "sub_select.options[$ctr1] = new Option('{$Row2[printable_name]}');\n";$listing .= "sub_select.options[$ctr1].value = '{$Row2[state_id]}';\n";if ($_POST['state_id'] == $Row2['state_id']){$selectedctrl3 = $ctr1;$listing .= "sub_select.options[$selectedctrl3].selected=true;\n";}else{$selectedctrl3 = 0;}$ctr1++;}$listing .= "} else \n";}$listing .= " {\n";$listing .= "    sub_select.length = 0;\n";$listing .= "     sub_select.options[0] = new Option('$ChooseStateProvince');\n";$listing .= "     sub_select.options[0].value = '0';\n";$listing .= "}\n";$listing .= " }\n";$listing .= "Fill_Sub1('{$_GET['fn']}');                 -->\n";return $listing;}if (!file_exists(FULL_PATH . "/install.php")){$datecut = time() - 600;$_db = new DBM;$_db->connect();$loggedins = $_db->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS sessions FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session WHERE lastactivity>{$datecut}");$numberguest = $loggedins['sessions'];$Cartotal = $_db->query_first("select COUNT(cid) AS Total from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "car_mst where cstatus = 'A'");$total_cars = $Cartotal['Total'];// lets start poll class only for user, not admin$CarInfo = new Cars($db);$CarInfo->GetMostPopular();if (!eregi("admincp", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])){$db = new DBM;$Booth = &new Booth($db);if ($SystemInfo->_systemstatus['Display_Poll'] == 'A'){$Poll = $Booth->display_booth();}}$SystemInfo->GetVersion();require_once (FULL_PATH . "/sponsor_cls.php");if (!$GLOBALS['noshutdownfunc']){register_shutdown_function("CleanSessionTbl");}} elseif (!eregi("install", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) AND !eregi("install", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])){echo "Please delete the install.php file";exit;}include_once (FULL_PATH . "/global.php");?>
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function SendUserEmail($to, $subject, $mailmsg){// sends email to users after registration is completeglobal $name_of_site;$signup Email = "<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"><meta http-equiv="Content-engine" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"></head><body>";$signupEmail .= $mailmsg;$signupEmail .= "</body></html>";$header = "From: $name_of_site <" . FROM . ">\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=" . CHARSET . "\n";if (!mail($to, $subject, $signupEmail, $header)){echo "Mail Failed";}}
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GRÁTIS: ebook Redes Wi-Fi – 2ª Edição