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ATI Sponsors the Ultimate LAN at TXGF

ATI’s first ever Worldwide Overclocking Competition event!

Grab your tweaked gaming PC and head to Dallas, Texas for the ATI “ULTIMATE” LAN Event on February 25th. ATI and the Texas Gaming Festival are giving PC gamers a chance to win exotic gaming PCs, and create world records for overclocking the world’s most advanced PC hardware!

ATI’s Overclocking Competition

The world’s top overclockers are gathering in Dallas, Texas in February for a circuit-smokin’ board barbeque, a sadistic attempt to torture technology until it submits. Why? Because it’s wrong. It’s wrong to wring more power and performance from PC components just for the gleeful delight of proving it can be done. It’s sinful to enjoy the smell of melting solder just for the smug satisfaction of higher frame rates. And it’s downright immoral to crank higher clock speeds far beyond what the Chip Creator intended. But what if-just for a weekend-you were given permission to try to suspend the laws of nature? What if the Chip Creator actually helped and encouraged you to inflict indignities upon the mightiest hardware ever developed? If you are a “dark-side overclocker”, then ATI’s first-ever Overclocking Competition Event gives you a chance to redeem yourself and apply your evil talents for good!

“Rock Around the Overclock”

ATI’s “ULTIMATE” LAN Event will be held in association with the Texas Gaming Festival on February 25th- 27th at the Fair Park Automotive Building in Dallas. In the “Rock Around the Overclock” event, hosted by ATI’s Terry Makedon, world champion overclockers will compete for the world record in 3DMark 2005 using ATI and partner hardware. The goal: squeeze every bit of measurable performance possible from the competing PC systems, and set overclocking benchmarks that might even win the attention of Guinness World Records. This live overclocking competition will push the limits of every component in the PC, employing variety of hardware cooling techniques, parts swapping, and system tuning to squeeze the most performance from motherboards, graphics cards, CPU’s and RAM. World-class overclockers Eric Kronies, Charles Wirth, and Macci will be on hand to answer overclocking questions, dispense tips, and compete for the title of World Champion. Their overclocking edge, well now that’s a secret. Come check it out!

“Pimp My PC”

ATI’s LAN events are famous for giveaways and free stuff, and the ATI’s ULTIMATE LAN is no exception. You’ll get a chance to win many prizes, including a modded RADEON® XPRESS-based Extreme Gaming desktop system containing “best of the best” components valued at about $6,000 (This is the first ever built from the new line from All American Computers) and the world’s fastest notebook for gaming: the Dell Inspiron XPS with an ATI's MOBILITY™ RADEON® 9800. You’ll also get a chance to have your old-and-tired gaming PC rebuilt by modding experts in the “Pimp My PC” event. Hosted by a celebrity guest, a lucky participant will be chosen by an audience vote to have their PC “pimped” with the latest technology from ATI and other sponsors. ATI’s ULTIMATE LAN is a Texas-sized challenge for the competitors, with Texas being an appropriate venue for overpowering PC gaming hardware. In Texas, anything worth doing is worth overdoing-making all overclockers honorary Texans, and all Texans honorary overclockers!

And, the biggest secret of all is yet to be unveiled. Be sure to attend to find out what ATI has got in store for you!

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csilvano, você poderia pelo menos ter feito um resumo dessa notica em portugues, pois pra muitos users do forum, o inglês não é uma lingua falada por eles, pra alguns tudo bem, mas pra grande maioria é simplesmente um monte d letras embaralhada. Se você me permitir eu traduzo pra você essa noticia.

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Postado Originalmente por Zuquito@17 de fevereiro de 2005, 09:21

csilvano, você poderia pelo menos ter feito um resumo dessa notica em portugues, pois pra muitos users do forum, o inglês não é uma lingua falada por eles, pra alguns tudo bem, mas pra grande maioria é simplesmente um monte d letras embaralhada. Se você me permitir eu traduzo pra você essa noticia.

:joia: Estão esperando o que ? :joia:

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