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teoricamente suporta mas se funcionar vai ficar perto do limite...

"Anyway, NVIDIA states that the G80 core can peak at 145.5 Watts with 116.6 on average during gameplay.

Now bare with me here as we built a completely new high-end system for this test. We used a new Core 2 Duo X6800 Extreme Processor, the new nForce 680i mainboard, a Zalman cooler, DVD-rom and WD raptor driver. All that in combo with the GeForce 8800 GTX summed up to a peak load of 363 Watts and the GeForce 8800 GTS at 338 Watts

So here's my power supply recommendation for today.

The GeForce 8800 GTX requires you to have a 450 Watt power supply unit if you use it in a high-end system. You'll also notice that the GTX uses two 6-pin power connectors so I'd like to strongly advise a PSU with dual 12-volts rails here. So why in the name of your preferred God does the GeForce 8800 GTX require two 6-pin power connectors? Well, the PCI Express spec allows for 75W from the edge connector plus 75W from each external 6-pin power connector. The GeForce 8800 GTX requires two 6-pin power connectors to deliver the full power requirements of the board while adhering to the PCI Express edge connector and 6-pin connector specification. So it's more fitting a specification rather then it was "absolutely" needed."

pegamos a seventeam, 420W - colocamos um rendimento de 70%- e temos= 294W (para os mais otimistas)

...beeeeeem perto do limite

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