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Como duplicar um dvd ?

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E ai galera,

Acabei de comprar uma gravadora de DVD LG 4040, fui tentar duplicar um DVD e percebi que o DVD de origem possui 7.5 GB e o DVD de gravação possui 4.7 GB, existem mídias maiores ? se for para duplicar um DVD em que formato devo gravar -R +R ... ?

Sou meio TOSCO neste assunto qualquer ajuda será bem vinda.

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aí AndradeLine eu tive uma série de duvidas e problemas também para copiar DVDS sem ter que usar o dvd x copy. Mas agora já fiz varias delas.

Bom ai vai um tutorial que peguei no forum da decrypter.

Obrigadão ao Hembo da dvddecrypter

e a

Lets make a simple case using DVD decrypter, DVD shrink 3.0b5 and Nero 5.5.10.xx, others might need it to:

PART 1 Ripping


1.1)  Make a directory, let's say C:\DVD

1.2)  Start DVD decrypter and select 'FILE MODE'

1.3)  Press <Ctrl-A> to select ALL the files (or use the EDIT menu)

1.4)  Select destination to C:\DVD

1.5)  Click the 'DVD-image' button to start DVD decrypter

1.7)  When it is finished, close DVD decrypter

There apear to be a bug in DVD shrink. Please read this post regarding subtitle and soundtrack problems.

PART 2 Re-authoring


2.1)  Make another directory, C:\DVD-BURN

2.2)  Start DVD shrink (we call this 'window-1')

2.3)  Click the 'OPEN FILES' button

2.4)  Navigate to C:\DVD, select VIDEO_TS.IFO and click 'OPEN'

      When finished, you will now see the entire structure of the decrypted DVD files from DVD decrypter.

2.5)  Click [+] to the left of 'main title' and it will expand,

     there will be at least a 'title 1' listed

2.6)  Click the 'RE-AUTHOR' button and a new window will open

     (we call this 'window-2')

2.7)  Go to 'window-1', click and hold on 'title 1' and drag it to


2.8)  Close 'window-1'

2.9)  Go to 'window-2'

2.10) If your movie is greater than 4.35GB then

     the movie is automaticaly compressed as you can see in

     the right part of the window called 'streams'. Here you can

     deselect audio tracks and subtitles you dont want in order

     to minimize the compression of the video.

2.11) Click 'BACKUP' and select C:\DVD-BURN as your target folder.

2.12) If you movie is greater than 4.35GB, then tag

     'Perforn Deep analysis' with a check mark. This will greatly

     enhance the video quality when recompressing the mpeg stream

2.13) Click 'OK'.

     If your movie is greater than 4.35GB it will take about 20 - 40

     minutes depending on the lenght of the movie, and the

     complexity of the mpeg. Otherwise it will only take a few


2.14) When finished, click 'OK' and close DVD shrink

Skip 2.6 2.7 2.8 & 2.9 to backup the entire DVD, and then adjust the compression for the extra's in order to leave more room for the main title.

PART 3 Burning


3.1)  Start Nero burning rom

     (olhe o tutorial, link esta no final do post, muito importante mesmo senão o dvd não sera reconhecido pelos dvd players  )

3.2)  Select 'New' from the file menu

3.3)  Choose DVD-video and set a 'LABEL' if you want

3.4)  Click the 'new' button

3.5)  You now have two windows within Nero

     The new DVD on the left, and the 'file browser' on the right.

3.6)  In the file browser, navigate to C:\DVD-BURN

3.7)  Drag ALL the files to the VIDEO_TS folder in the DVD window

     on the left. Nero will sort the files, so dont worry about the

     sorting order.

3.8)  Insert a blank DVD±R(W)

3.8)  Click the 'Burn' button

3.10) Close Nero as per standard

Enjoy your movie with the rest of the bottle  

Guys, this is the best I can do when it is 04:06 AM in Denmark while sipping a couple of Single malts

Tools used:

1) DVD decrypter>

2) DVD shink 3.0b5==========>

3) Nero   não é free mas ...

Problemas com o som em outro post.

I shrunk it with only 1 subtitle, but it still does not work.

This also aplies to audiotracks

Here's a thought:

I have reason to believe that we have found a bug in DVD shrink 3.0b5.

It looks like:

If you have a movie with, say 5 subtitles:

1) english

2) spanish

3) german

4) danish

5) swedish

Normaly I don't use any subtitles, but I would take the english subtitles because the queen of the house somtimes prefer it, and the danish for the kids, like this:

1) english



4) danish


in DVD shrink. When testing in WinDVD i can choose between both when rightclicking and using the context menu, and on the stand alone's I get this list:

1) english

2) danish

and can choose both, but only the english works.

It looks like you can only choose consecutive subtitles, and whenever there's a 'hole' in the list because you left one or more out, then they are being rearanged by DVD shrink, but it seems like it leaves an error in the IFO so that the player can't find the subpicturestream.

So, always include every subtitle and audiotrack from number 1 up to and including the one you realy want. So in this case I should include subtitle 1, 2, 3 & 4 to get both english and danish working subtitles.


Como utilizar o dvd shrink

Como configurar e gravar adequadamente com o Nero

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GRÁTIS: ebook Redes Wi-Fi – 2ª Edição