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Pequena ajuda para configurar o cliente V7 beta em linux. Arquivo XML


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  • Membro VIP

olá pessoal. A config desse cliente em linux é muito fácil;), para quem entende de XML:mad:

o que não é meu caso.

Para quem não sabe, ainda que existe um cliente beta, aqui está

voltando: eu gerei esse arquivo. Mantenho as cores porque são naturais do XML:



This is a sample XML configuration file for the Folding@home

console client. This configuration file format is explained

in detail in the Client User's Guide.

Copy this file to 'config.xml' and edit.

To set your user name, team and passkey just edit the text

in quotes below.


<!-- User Information -->

<user value="o meu user"/> <!-- Enter your user name here -->

<team value="148894"/> <!-- Your team number -->

<passkey value="a minha passkey"/> <!-- 32 hexadecimal characters if provided -->

<smp value="true"/> <!-- If true, attempt to autoconfigure SMP -->

<gpu value="true"/> <!-- If true, attempt to autoconfigure GPUs -->

<!-- Folding Slots -->


No folding slot configuration is necessary. The client will

automaticlaly choose a good configuration for you. However, here

are some examples:

<slot id="0" type="Uniprocessor"/>


<slot id="0" type="Uniprocessor"/>

<slot id="1" type="Uniprocessor"/>


<slot id="0" type="Uniprocessor"/>

<slot id="1" type="GPU"/>


<slot id="0" type="SMP"/>

<slot id="1" type="GPU"/>

All slots in a configuration MUST have unique ids.


<client-type v="advanced"/>

checkpoint <3>

cpu-usage <100>

core-priority <low>


de onde isso?



There are a number of ways you can specify a configuration file:

Using --config <config.xml> to explicitly pass a configuration file.

With out --config the first option that is not an argument of another option and does not start with a - will be interpreted as the configuration file. For example:

FAHClient config.xml

If no configuration file is specified the client will look in the current directory for a file named config.xml. However, in this case, you cannot override options in the configuration file on the command line because the configuration file will be processed after the command line options.

buenas.... mas ao executar o aplicativo, eu tenho:


00:54:29:ERROR:Exception: Parse failed: 4: not well-formed (invalid token)

00:54:29:ERROR: At: config.xml:47:16

eu sei que é na linha 47, coluna 16. mas não encontro onde estou errando.

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  • Membro VIP

bom... consegui configurar, mas estou tendo um erro muito esquisito, e não lembro de tê-lo antes

20:01:01:WARNING:WU01:FS01:Failed to get assignment from '': Empty work server assignment

20:01:01:ERROR:WU01:FS01:Exception: Could not get an assignment

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