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Torchlight II (action-RPG) - Jogo lançado


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Pena que vá sair depois do Diablo III, provavelmente vou comprar só lá pelo natal quando tiver uma boa promo. Mas com certeza jogarei, perdi alguns bons dias no I.

Igualmente, se fizer o pré-ordem agora o Torchlight 1 da para distrair enquanto Diablo 3 não sai e quando sair Torchlight 2 eu iria continuar jogando Diablo 3, vai ficar na sombra por um tempo o jogo.

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Igualmente, se fizer o pré-ordem agora o Torchlight 1.

Você não deveria ter dito isso.. agora fiquei com vontade de comprar :(

Tudo bem que jpa estou jogando o Reckoning.. mas semana que vem começam minhas férias! :D

Só que acho melhor se fosse aquele pacote pra 4 pessoas... ai sai a $15 cada.. :)

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  • 3 meses depois...
  • 3 semanas depois...

Joguei por cerca de 2hs, e gostei do que vi.. deram mais velocidade ao jogo e maior variedade em todos os quesitos, o que já era esperado. Não testei o modo multiplayer pois pra mim qualquer jogo a "primeira zerada é forever alone", mas vi no menu as opções de via internet e local.

Como comprei esse jogo em Abril se não me engano, não estava ansioso e vou deixar para continuar a saga mais pra frente. Mas pelo pouco que vi, posso recomendar a todos que gostaram do primeiro, a jogabilidade em si é a mesma.. porém cenários, skills, monstros, missões, items e história devem render no minimo umas 20hs.

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Hoje sairam duas atualizações, uma de 230mb e outra de 160mb. Após atualizar, meu jogo parou de exibir os nomes dos itens automaticamente, apareciam apenas quando eu aperta a tecla Alt(mesmo mudando no menu do jogo).

Porém consegui resolver da seguinte maneira:

Em ..\Documents\My Games\Runic Games\Torchlight 2, abra o arquivo local_settings no bloco de notas, na linha 67 a opção: "TOGGLE DROPPED ITEMS" se estiver 0, coloque 1. Salve o arquivo e abra o jogo novamente... :joia:

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  • 2 semanas depois...

Segundo patch(334,7Mb) lançado:

Patch 1.12.X.7 Notes:

*This patch increments the save version, and we restructured some of the boss rooms, so random levels will clear and repopulate their monsters and events.


*Shared stash now creates a backup of itself

*You can no longer 'steal' items from your buyback tab by closing the window with Spacebar

*Can’t drag merchant items onto the buyback tab

*Gambler does not show 'can't equip' X

*CTRL-M will instantly toggle map visibility

*Pet equipment cannot get sockets from enchantment

*Fixed rare crash related to Charming a monster

*Multiplayer logging is reduced, and can be disabled with the NEVERLOG commandline argument (may improve performance for some clients)

*Creating a player in a difficulty other than Normal, directly joining a game, and then exiting, won't revert your stored difficulty to Normal.

*Confirmation box added for quitting without saving

*Fixed a few rare hardware related crashes

*Particle update optimizations

*Various rendering optimizations


*Fixed an issue in multiplayer where non-killing MP players did not receive appropriate XP falloff due to level delta

*Armor Degrade properties now apply properly - degrade armor values are reduced for newly generated item properties to compensate for them working correctly - but don't worry, they will be better than before!

*Zero walkspeed monsters won't attempt to jump down

*Fixed some display issues with Fame level progress

*Wandering (non-town-based) Enchanters have a slightly better range of enchantment strengths. They also now have an approximately 20% chance to get a 'powerful enchantment', which are about 50% better than normal. This is represented by a sound and text message in game.

*Swamp Flier scream debuff will show an appropriate name on debuff icon

*Creep squish blood now has a censored version

*Fixed a few areas where loot from a specific event spawned publicly

*Fixed a few spelling errors

*Act 4 banner should properly display

*Pets can be sent to town from the last 2 boss rooms

*Fixed an issue where occasionally an errant MOUSEUP event could ignore your attack in extremely fast click situations

*DOTs now correctly calculate bonuses from +DMG%

*XP and Fame %bonuses from gear are now capped at +/- 100%

*HP bonus gear will properly be reflected in final health of player to other clients post-zoning

*Game can be saved at any time from the options menu

*Onscreen notification in bottom right of screen when saving takes place

*Console-created items now have an effect that displays that they were cheat-created

*Damage reduction effects on the player are capped to 75%

*Stat expenditures when leveling up are properly synchronized in multiplayer

*When leveling up, your health is properly recalculated on other clients

*Skill cycle keys can now be bound to mouse buttons

*Transmuted items are no longer destroyed if an inventory is full with no place to accept them


*Berserkers are still targetable while performing Savage Rush

*Bramble walls and Ice Prison will properly die offscreen, and if the originator leaves the zone

*Battle Standard's properties are properly exclusive (they don't stack)

*Fixed charged versions of Fire Bash from levels 9-15 using the incorrect effects (weaker when charged!)

*Howl duration fixed (Extended)

*Berserker Wolf Shade master healing property was reduced from 5%+5% per rank to 5% + 2% per rank - and the first rank properly provides healing

*Vortex Hex won't target smashables

*Fixed two ranks of Seismic Slam incorrectly doing electrical damage

*Glaive Throw has had a damage nerf (25% reduction in max damage and decreased growth per rank ) with less additional bounces per tier

*Elemental attunement properly benefits from owner’s level

*Elemental Boon should properly speed up cast time on last rank

*Shadowbind should properly rank up duration

*Blast Cannon’s armor reduction effect no longer stacks and works for both fire and physical damage

*Fixed sped up hitframe for male shield skill anim so that it is never skipped when a subsequent skill is queued

*Outlander Long Range Mastery should now affect wands as well

*Prismatic Bolt gains charge at half the previous rate

*Spider Mines should show debuff icons

*Spider Mine summon duration fixed

*Shadowling procs from wand chaos or weapon affixes properly last 20 seconds instead of 3

*Elemental Attunement shouldn’t attack smashables

*Tremor rank 6 should properly perform its charged effect

*Immobilization Copter damage effect shouldn’t stomp on other damage effects

*Berserker Retaliation can only trigger once per second per given target – and no longer procs/leeches

*Rapid Fire and Venomous Hail now use DPS instead of Damage


*Fixed some issues with Grom's arena in multiplayer when another player speaks to the NPC while the main area is completed

*Several boss rooms have had structural changes to make it more difficult to cheese them with certain skills

*Various minor level scripting or layout repairs

*Fixed farmable Gel phasebeast room so that XP gain isn't overblown

*Fixed various other farmable phasebeast unitspawners which incorrectly granted XP

*Fixed a few areas where the player could get stuck


*Fixed a case where backlog of messages for resend would escalate and disconnect the client

*Friends-only games are fixed to synch correctly across lobbies

*Fixes for various serverside issues

*Erroneous ‘Connection Failed’ messages should be fixed

*Games can now be filtered near your level


*Many wardrobe tweaks and fixes


*Various alterations were made to better support translated versions of the game, and to detect and deal with other language items during trading


Ainda estão melhorando o jogo cada vez mais, realmente valeu a pena pela demora no lançamento do jogo.

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Terceiro Patch(lançado):

Patch notes for version 1.13.x.12


Fixed Engineer armor set that was showing up as white geometry


Additional UI performance improvements

Additional rendering performance improvements

Precacheing of skills, missiles, and particles to reduce the appearance of stutters the first time those assets are viewed on some machines


Fixed a crash that could occur with a dying pet that proc'ed on save restoration


Fixed some issues with Stormclaw bolt chaining

Blazing Pillar will no longer give enemies the ability to burn you!

Shockbolts and Shocking Orb can now build charge

Fixed several non-working augment affixes

On-Death Procs properly cool down if required (Fixes several issues where a proc ceases functioning after a period of time)

Blade Pact and Stone Pact last for listed time


Lore item set now has a tangle ability, instead of a nonfunctional acidrain proc

Several affixes that work based on unit proximity can work in parallel, when they could not before


Fixed several issues where procs could be precluded from activation

Set bonuses based on nearby monster count work properly

Some more multiplayer XP distribution fixes related to player/killer delta

Can't turn alignment on something that attaches to its master

When a left-click skill is bound, skills won't track a second mouse click if you click and click-away again (keeps you from pointing the wrong direction sometimes)

Player block cap set to 75 instead of 50

Elemental armor reduction can't reduce armor below zero

Champions all have 100% charm resistance

Siege Turrets have 100% charm resistance


Can't prematurely activate Vyrax tower warp with teleportation

Various minor level fixes

Various visual updates to the Three Sisters' Lair

Some snow effects were not properly tagged as 'weather' so would not disable when weather was turned off

Tutaran trap fixes

Alchemist can no longer be 'started' on his third stage by rerolling, going to the next level waypoint, and back up.

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  • 5 meses depois...

Oi pessoal, eu gostaria de saber se meu PC (que foi comprado a 6 anos atrás -.-') consegue rodar Torchlight 2 com esse Hardware:

Hardware do meu PC:

Sistema Operacional: Windows 7 Starter 32 bits.

Processador: Intel Pentium Dual CPU E2140 @ 1.60GHz.

Memória RAM: 3,0GB RAM.

Placa de vídeo: Intel 82945G Express Chipset Family.

Requisitos para jogar Torchlight 2:

Sistema operacional: Windows XP SP3/Vista/Windows 7.

Processador: x86-compatible 1.4GHz or faster processor.

Memória RAM: 1GB System RAM.

Placa de vídeo: DirectX compatible 3D graphics card with at least 256MB of addressable memory.

Eu não entendo quase nada de hardware =/, por isso estou pedindo a ajuda de vocês! E aproveitando que estou perguntando isso, também gostaria de saber, mesmo se não der pra jogar com os gráficos em uma boa qualidade, daria pra jogar em uma qualidade menor, ou até ruim? Já estou meio acostumado a abaixar a qualidade dos gráficos de um jogo pra poder jogar... Bom, é isso pessoal, agradeço a paciência e a compreensão de todos, fiquem com Deus õ/.

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  • 2 anos depois...

Boa noite pessoal, por favor me ajudem que já não sei mais identificar o problema do jogo...

Comprei a algum tempo, o serial oficial do jogo Torchlight 2, o qual não tinha problemas na minha antiga maquina. Entretanto necessitei trocar de computador, já que o meu antigo anunciou o fim de sua vida... :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

Mas minha maquina nova é um inspirion 15r special edition, I7 de modelo 5548, com 8 Gb ram e 2 placas de video, Intel HD 5500(interno) e AMD Radeon R7 M265 de 2 GB, porém mesmo essas configurações seja "top" o jogo roda dando lag demais, trava muito e mal consigo fazer nada...

Já pesquisei um bocado sobre isso na internet, se fala muito que pode ser a placa de video que não troca e usa a onboard, não sei dizer sobre isso..

(Acho uma porcaria essa historia, mas tudo bem..).

Acreditava que era essa bendita troca de placa, atualizei tudo porém nada...

Achei que era o desempenho da maquina, mas consegui ver que o jogo ja se encontra com alto desempenho na placa AMD.

Agora não sei se é o Windows, ou jogo...

Uso atualmente o windows 10, porém não tenho certeza..

Por favor me ajudem se puderem...

Grande abraço a todos.

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