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Meu ultrabook teve problemas com a atualização que fiz para o windows 10,estava lento e travando.Tentei voltar para o windows 8.1 e meu HD parou de funcionar.Comprei outro e coloquei nele, baixei de novo o windows 10 mas pelo Microsoft Media Creation Tool.Coloquei em um pendrive bootável,e fui instalar no meu ultrabook com o novo hd.A instalação ocorreu normal,tudo funcionando,mas toda vez que ligo,aparece essas duas imagens.Depois de aparecer essas duas imagens é que ele liga.Primeiro a preta e depois a azul.Deixei uma partição de 100gb para o sistema,e o resto para arquivos e etc.Queria uma ajuda a isso,pois não estou entendendo.Obrigado




Pesquisei sobre esse erro com o iaStorAV.sys, e encontrei isso. Não vou arriscar traduzir pois se algo der errado não quero me responsabilizar por nada.

"I had started having this problem a week ago. I think this was one of the hardest virus. But I really didn't want to mix antivirus software because it will eventually mess OS up and make me format my HD. So I started my journey to manually fix this problem. After a couple of days, I could find a solution that worked.

Problem Description.

1. 5 or 10 seconds after login to Windows 7 64-bit, the system goes to BSOD stating a problem with iastor.sys

2. Since it happens after login, after reboot, you don't get repair option at the startup, but only safe mode options, even safe mode with command prompt, that will eventually crash at some point.

3. Even after getting recovery CD or repair option enabled, and fixing the problem with "bootrec /fixmbr" and "bootrec /fixboot", BSOD will happen again at the exactly same time around 11:30am in the next day.

A solution: This is a solution I found, which means that you can accomplish this in many other ways.

1. Get to repair command prompt. I could do this by creating another error - by setting HDD mode to compatibility in BIOS. This will create startup error and thus system repair option will appear in startup after reboot.

2. When you get repair mode, skip repairing and try to get to the dialog showing advanced options. This can take 10-20 minutes for some reason I don't know.

3. In advanced options, go to command prompt and do following before restart

bootrec /RebuildBcd
bootrec /FixMbr
bootrec /FixBoot

4. Change back HDD mode to AHCI in BIOS and save/reboot

5. Delete iastor.sys in windows/system32/iastor.sys and uninstall intel storage management

After rebooting, the BSOD should never happen again.

Hope this helps"

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