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Então galera, vou vender meu notebook e tenho coisas pessoais excluídas, então básicamente quero saber como exluir definitivamente

esses arquivos do HD , 100% eficaz e 100% impossivel de recuperar ou deixar rastros deles.


Como indicado usei o CCleaner , depois para testar baixei o programa c Disk Drill (recupera arquivos deletados) não consegui recuperar mas da para ver todos os arquivos que excluir, videos , fotos e o nome dos arquivos, queria apagar todos esses registros.


O program KillDisk era um dos mais indicados para deixar o hd virgem como de fábrica, mas ele só faz no disco inteiro, acho que todos são assim, o que voce quer é sumir com os dados apenas no "espaço livre" do disco; uma vez quase perdi tudo porque esses programas também não poupam partições, pelo menos os antigos, hoje não sei.

Como esse é um programa muito antigo, não sei se tem versões atuais, que atendam as alterações como tipos de partições, tamanhos, uso em disketes, etc

Veja nas instuções se ele te atende e veja a versão atual no site:


Active@ KILLDISK for DOS
Copyright © 1999-2003
LSoft Technologies Inc.


1.1. Deleting Confidential Data
1.2. Advanced Data Recovery Systems
1.3. High Standards
3.1. Prepare bootable floppy disk (startup disk).
3.2. Run Active@ KILLDISK (Interactive mode)
            3.2.1. Start data erasing on the particular HDD or partition
            3.2.2. Erasing Progress
            3.2.3. Erasing Report
3.3 Configuration Options
            3.3.1. Erase methods     
            3.3.2. Number of Passes
            3.3.3. Verification
            3.3.5. Ignore Errors
            3.3.6. Clear Log File before Start
            3.3.7. Skip Confirmation
3.4. Run Active@ KILLDISK (Command Line mode)
            3.4.1. Parameters description
            3.4.2. Start Active@ KILLDISK with parameters


    1.1. Deleting Confidential Data

Modern methods of data encryption are deterring unwanted network attackers from extracting sensitive data from stored database files. Unfortunately, attackers wishing to retrieve confidential data are becoming more resourceful by looking into places where data might be stored temporarily. A hard drive on a local network node, for example, can be a prime target for such a search. One avenue of attack is the recovery of supposedly-erased data from a discarded hard disk drive. When deleting confidential data from hard drives or removable floppies, it is important to extract all traces of the data so that recovery is not possible.

Most official guidelines around disposing of confidential magnetic data do not take into account the depth of todays recording densities. The Windows DELETE command merely changes the file name so that the operating system will not look for the file. The situation with NTFS is similar.

Removal of confidential personal information or company trade secrets in the past might have used the FORMAT command or the DOS FDISK command. Ordinarily, using these procedures gives users a sense of confidence that the data has been completely removed.

When using the FORMAT command, Windows displays a message like this: Important: Formatting a disk removes all information from the disk.

The FORMAT utility actually creates new FAT and ROOT tables, leaving all previous data on the disk untouched. Moreover, an image of the replaced FAT and ROOT tables are stored, so that the UNFORMAT command can be used to restore them. FDISK merely cleans the Partition Table (located in the drive's first sector) and does not touch anything else.

    1.2. Advanced Data Recovery Systems

Advances in data recovery have been made such that data can be reclaimed in many cases from hard drives that have been wiped and disassembled. Security agencies use advanced applications to find cybercrime-related evidence. Also there are established industrial spy agencies adopting sophisticated channel coding techniques such as Partial Response Maximum Likelihood (PRML), a technique used to reconstruct the data on magnetic disks. Other methods include the use of magnetic force microscopy and recovery of data based on patterns in erase bands.

Although there are very sophisticated data recovery systems available at a high price, data can easily be restored with the help of an off-the-shelf data recovery utility like Active@ File Recovery (
or Active@ UNERASER (, making your erased confidential data quite accessible.

Using Active@ KILLDISK, our powerful and compact utility, all data on your hard drive or removable floppy drive can be destroyed without the possibility of future recovery. After using Active@ KILLDISK, disposal, recycling, selling or donating your storage device can be done with peace of mind.

    1.3. High Standards

Active@ KILLDISK has several methods for data destruction that conform to US Department of Defense clearing and sanitizing standard DoD 5220.22-M, German VSITR, Russian GOST p50739-95.

More sophisticated methods like Gutmann's or User Defined methods are available as well. You can be sure that once you wipe a disk with Active@ KILLDISK, sensitive information is destroyed forever.
Active@ KILLDISK is a quality security application that destroys data permanently from any computer that can be started using a DOS floppy disk. Access to the drive's data is made on the physical level via the Basic Input-Output
Subsystem (BIOS), bypassing the operating systems logical drive structure organization. Regardless of the operating system, file systems or type of machine, this utility can destroy all data on all storage devices. Thus it
does not matter operating systems and file systems located on the machine, it can be DOS, Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT/2000/XP, Linux, Unix for PC.


To be able to use Active@ KILLDISK you require:
- AT compatible CPU with 386 or greater processor
- 4Mb of RAM
- 1.44 Mb floppy diskette drive
- Bootable Floppy disk containing MS-DOS 6.0+,or startup disk for Windows 95/98
- HDD of type IDE/ATA/SCSI attached to be erased.


    3.1. Prepare bootable floppy disk (startup disk).
If you do not have bootable floppy, you can prepare such disk from MS-DOS, Windows 95/98 the following ways:
- If you boot in MS-DOS or in Command Prompt mode of Windows 95/98,   insert blank floppy and type:


  and follow the instructions on a screen.

- If you boot in Windows 95/98, go to the "Control Panel" then   "Add/Remove Programs", then switch to tab "Startup Disk" and   click button "Startup Disk..." Copy Active@ KILLDISK (KILLDISK.EXE) to the bootable floppy disk

Alternatively you can use ours "Bootable Floppy Creator" that allows you to create bootable floppy with DEMO version of Active@ KILLDISK pre-installed. Look in the Downloads section at product's web site:

    3.2. Run Active@ KILLDISK (Interactive mode)

- Boot from the bootable floppy in DOS mode
- Run Active@ KILLDISK by typing in command line:


You will see the list of detected hard disk drives and partitions.
When you move cursor through them, you'll see their system information.

    3.2.1 Start data erasing on the particular HDD or partition

- Using arrows select hard disk drive or partition you want to erase   at the left side. Configuration dialog appears.
- Using arrows and [F10] key choose configuration options (see Configuration   Options section) or leave defaults and press F10 to continue
- To confirm the erasing action, please type: ERASE-ALL-DATA   Erasing process will start.

    3.2.2. Erasing Progress

See the progress and stop the operation if you want to.
- Wait until operation is complete or
- Stop an operation at any time by pressing [ESC]

After operation is completed successfully you'll see erasing report.
If there are any errors, for example due to bad clusters, you'll see them on the screen and will be able to continue or cancel the operation.

    3.2.3. Erasing Report

After erasing operation is complete, report is displayed.
It contains target drive, timing, erase method, etc. related to the erasing session. If there were some errors, for example bad clusters, you'll see this information here. Use arrows to scroll window.

Example of the Erasing Report:

------------- Erase Session -----------------------
Active@ KILLDISK started at: Thu Feb 20 11:56:51 2003
      Target:  Floppy (00h) 1.40MB
   Erase method: US DoD 5220.22-M   Passes:3
  Verification:40% (completed successfully)
  Time taken: 00:01:26
Total number of erased device(s), partition(s): 1

The report is automatically saved to KILLDISK.LOG file located at the same folder where you started Active@ KILLDISK from.

   3.3 Configuration Options:
   3.3.1. Erase methods
Erase method allows to define security level or cleaning standard for the following erase operation.

It is one of:
    - One pass zeros:         1 pass, quick, low security
    - One pass random:        1 pass, quick, low security
    - US DoD 5220.22-M:       3 passes, slow, high security
    - German VSITR:           7 passes, slow, high security
    - Russian GOST p50739-95: 5 passes, slow, high security
    - Gutmann:                35 passes, very slow, highest security
    - User Defined:           You can specify number of passes (random) 1 to 99
    3.3.2. Number of Passes

For all erasing methods except User Defined this number is fixed and cannot be changed (see above). For User Defined method you can change number of passes.
Each overwriting pass will be performed with a buffer containing random characters.

    3.3.3. Verification

After erasing is complete you can direct software to perform verification of the surface on the drive to be sure that the last overwriting pass was performed properly and data residing on drive now match data written by KILLDISK.
Verification is a long process. You can turn off the verification, or turn it on and specify percentage of the surface to be verified.

    3.3.4. Retry Attempts

If error happens while data reading/writing onto the drive (it could happen, for example, due to the physical damage of drive's surface), Active@ KILLDISK tries to perform the operation again and again, and you can specify number of retries to be performed. If drive is not completely damaged, sometimes after several retries it is possible to read/write sector.

    3.3.5. Ignore Errors

If this option is turned on, you'll not see error messages while data erasing/verification is in progress. All errors have been ignored, however all information about errors will be written to the KILLDISK.LOG file and
displayed later on in the Erasing Report.

    3.3.6. Clear Log File before Start

If this option is turned on, KILLDISK.LOG log file will be truncated before erasing starts, and after erasing completion will contain information only about the last session.

If this option is turned off, KILLDISK.LOG log file will not be truncated, information about the last erasing session will be appended to the end.

    3.3.7. Skip Confirmation

If this option is turned on, you'll not be asked to type phrase:
ERASE-ALL-DATA on the next step of the erasing process. This confirmation step is just skipped.

Turning off this option (default state) is safer because you have one more last chance to see what is going to be erased completely with no possibility of future data recovery.

Advanced users can turn it on to speed up the process.


    3.4. Run Active@ KILLDISK (Command Line mode)

Active@ KILLDISK has command line mode. To get the help type:


    3.4.1. Parameters description

-erasemethod=[0-6]    - Erase method to be applied
                          See "Erase methods" section above
-passes=[1-99]       - Number of Passes for User Defined method
                          See "Number of Passes" section above
-verification=[1-100] - Percentage of surface to be verified
                          See "Verification" section above
-retryattempts=[1-99] - Number of retries if read/write error occurs
                          See "Retry Attempts" section above
-ignoreerrors         - Ignore error messages display.
                          If any error occurs-just write to the log and skip it
-clearlog             - Clears the log file before erasing starts
                          See "Clear Log File before Start" section above
-noconfirmation       - Skip confirmation step before erasing
                          See "Skip Confirmation" section above
-test                 - Create a file containing hardware configuration
                          Send this file to us to analyze the problem if any
-eraseallhdds         - Automatically erase all detected hard disk drives

    3.4.2. Start Active@ KILLDISK with parameters

You can use this command line to erase all detected hard disk drives using the most secure Gutmann's method (35 passes) with no user confirmation:

  A:\>KILLDISK.EXE -eraseallhdds erasemethod:5 -noconfirmation -verification=100

After operation is completed successfully, 100% of drive's surface would be verified and information on how drives have been erased is saved to the KILLDISK.LOG file.


    4.1 How many operating systems supported by Active@ KILLDISK?

Active@ KILLDISK is a DOS program and it does not matter which operating system is installed on the machine. If you can boot in DOS mode (from boot diskette for example), you can erase any drives independently of Operating System installed (it could be DOS, Windows, Linux, Unix for PC).

    4.2 I cannot boot from floppy. What to do?

The reasons could be:

- Your machine has boot priority for HDD higher than for floppy.
  Go to BIOS, check it and change the priority if so.

- Your floppy disk is not bootable or damaged.
  Verify whether system files (COMMAND.COM, etc..) are located on floppy or not.
  If so, disk or some files are probably damaged
  If not, prepare and test bootable floppy disk (see documentation)


O program KillDisk era um dos mais indicados para deixar o hd virgem como de fábrica, mas ele só faz no disco inteiro, acho que todos são assim, o que voce quer é sumir com os dados apenas no "espaço livre" do disco; uma vez quase perdi tudo porque esses programas também não poupam partições, pelo menos os antigos, hoje não sei.

Como esse é um programa muito antigo, não sei se tem versões atuais, que atendam as alterações como tipos de partições, tamanhos, uso em disketes, etc

Veja nas instuções se ele te atende e veja a versão atual no site:


Active@ KILLDISK for DOS

Copyright © 1999-2003

LSoft Technologies Inc.



1.1. Deleting Confidential Data

1.2. Advanced Data Recovery Systems

1.3. High Standards



3.1. Prepare bootable floppy disk (startup disk).

3.2. Run Active@ KILLDISK (Interactive mode)

            3.2.1. Start data erasing on the particular HDD or partition

            3.2.2. Erasing Progress

            3.2.3. Erasing Report

3.3 Configuration Options

            3.3.1. Erase methods     

            3.3.2. Number of Passes

            3.3.3. Verification

            3.3.5. Ignore Errors

            3.3.6. Clear Log File before Start

            3.3.7. Skip Confirmation

3.4. Run Active@ KILLDISK (Command Line mode)

            3.4.1. Parameters description

            3.4.2. Start Active@ KILLDISK with parameters



    1.1. Deleting Confidential Data

Modern methods of data encryption are deterring unwanted network attackers from extracting sensitive data from stored database files. Unfortunately, attackers wishing to retrieve confidential data are becoming more resourceful by looking into places where data might be stored temporarily. A hard drive on a local network node, for example, can be a prime target for such a search. One avenue of attack is the recovery of supposedly-erased data from a discarded hard disk drive. When deleting confidential data from hard drives or removable floppies, it is important to extract all traces of the data so that recovery is not possible.

Most official guidelines around disposing of confidential magnetic data do not take into account the depth of todays recording densities. The Windows DELETE command merely changes the file name so that the operating system will not look for the file. The situation with NTFS is similar.

Removal of confidential personal information or company trade secrets in the past might have used the FORMAT command or the DOS FDISK command. Ordinarily, using these procedures gives users a sense of confidence that the data has been completely removed.

When using the FORMAT command, Windows displays a message like this: Important: Formatting a disk removes all information from the disk.

The FORMAT utility actually creates new FAT and ROOT tables, leaving all previous data on the disk untouched. Moreover, an image of the replaced FAT and ROOT tables are stored, so that the UNFORMAT command can be used to restore them. FDISK merely cleans the Partition Table (located in the drive's first sector) and does not touch anything else.

    1.2. Advanced Data Recovery Systems

Advances in data recovery have been made such that data can be reclaimed in many cases from hard drives that have been wiped and disassembled. Security agencies use advanced applications to find cybercrime-related evidence. Also there are established industrial spy agencies adopting sophisticated channel coding techniques such as Partial Response Maximum Likelihood (PRML), a technique used to reconstruct the data on magnetic disks. Other methods include the use of magnetic force microscopy and recovery of data based on patterns in erase bands.

Although there are very sophisticated data recovery systems available at a high price, data can easily be restored with the help of an off-the-shelf data recovery utility like Active@ File Recovery (

or Active@ UNERASER (, making your erased confidential data quite accessible.

Using Active@ KILLDISK, our powerful and compact utility, all data on your hard drive or removable floppy drive can be destroyed without the possibility of future recovery. After using Active@ KILLDISK, disposal, recycling, selling or donating your storage device can be done with peace of mind.

    1.3. High Standards

Active@ KILLDISK has several methods for data destruction that conform to US Department of Defense clearing and sanitizing standard DoD 5220.22-M, German VSITR, Russian GOST p50739-95.

More sophisticated methods like Gutmann's or User Defined methods are available as well. You can be sure that once you wipe a disk with Active@ KILLDISK, sensitive information is destroyed forever.

Active@ KILLDISK is a quality security application that destroys data permanently from any computer that can be started using a DOS floppy disk. Access to the drive's data is made on the physical level via the Basic Input-Output

Subsystem (BIOS), bypassing the operating systems logical drive structure organization. Regardless of the operating system, file systems or type of machine, this utility can destroy all data on all storage devices. Thus it

does not matter operating systems and file systems located on the machine, it can be DOS, Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT/2000/XP, Linux, Unix for PC.


To be able to use Active@ KILLDISK you require:

- AT compatible CPU with 386 or greater processor

- 4Mb of RAM

- 1.44 Mb floppy diskette drive

- Bootable Floppy disk containing MS-DOS 6.0+,or startup disk for Windows 95/98

- HDD of type IDE/ATA/SCSI attached to be erased.


    3.1. Prepare bootable floppy disk (startup disk).


If you do not have bootable floppy, you can prepare such disk from MS-DOS, Windows 95/98 the following ways:


- If you boot in MS-DOS or in Command Prompt mode of Windows 95/98,   insert blank floppy and type:


  and follow the instructions on a screen.

- If you boot in Windows 95/98, go to the "Control Panel" then   "Add/Remove Programs", then switch to tab "Startup Disk" and   click button "Startup Disk..." Copy Active@ KILLDISK (KILLDISK.EXE) to the bootable floppy disk

Alternatively you can use ours "Bootable Floppy Creator" that allows you to create bootable floppy with DEMO version of Active@ KILLDISK pre-installed. Look in the Downloads section at product's web site:

    3.2. Run Active@ KILLDISK (Interactive mode)

- Boot from the bootable floppy in DOS mode

- Run Active@ KILLDISK by typing in command line:


You will see the list of detected hard disk drives and partitions.

When you move cursor through them, you'll see their system information.

    3.2.1 Start data erasing on the particular HDD or partition

- Using arrows select hard disk drive or partition you want to erase   at the left side. Configuration dialog appears.

- Using arrows and [F10] key choose configuration options (see Configuration   Options section) or leave defaults and press F10 to continue

- To confirm the erasing action, please type: ERASE-ALL-DATA   Erasing process will start.

    3.2.2. Erasing Progress

See the progress and stop the operation if you want to.


- Wait until operation is complete or

- Stop an operation at any time by pressing [ESC]

After operation is completed successfully you'll see erasing report.

If there are any errors, for example due to bad clusters, you'll see them on the screen and will be able to continue or cancel the operation.

    3.2.3. Erasing Report

After erasing operation is complete, report is displayed.

It contains target drive, timing, erase method, etc. related to the erasing session. If there were some errors, for example bad clusters, you'll see this information here. Use arrows to scroll window.

Example of the Erasing Report:

------------- Erase Session -----------------------

Active@ KILLDISK started at: Thu Feb 20 11:56:51 2003

      Target:  Floppy (00h) 1.40MB

   Erase method: US DoD 5220.22-M   Passes:3

  Verification:40% (completed successfully)

  Time taken: 00:01:26

Total number of erased device(s), partition(s): 1

The report is automatically saved to KILLDISK.LOG file located at the same folder where you started Active@ KILLDISK from.

   3.3 Configuration Options:


   3.3.1. Erase methods


Erase method allows to define security level or cleaning standard for the following erase operation.

It is one of:

    - One pass zeros:         1 pass, quick, low security

    - One pass random:        1 pass, quick, low security

    - US DoD 5220.22-M:       3 passes, slow, high security

    - German VSITR:           7 passes, slow, high security

    - Russian GOST p50739-95: 5 passes, slow, high security

    - Gutmann:                35 passes, very slow, highest security

    - User Defined:           You can specify number of passes (random) 1 to 99


    3.3.2. Number of Passes

For all erasing methods except User Defined this number is fixed and cannot be changed (see above). For User Defined method you can change number of passes.

Each overwriting pass will be performed with a buffer containing random characters.

    3.3.3. Verification

After erasing is complete you can direct software to perform verification of the surface on the drive to be sure that the last overwriting pass was performed properly and data residing on drive now match data written by KILLDISK.

Verification is a long process. You can turn off the verification, or turn it on and specify percentage of the surface to be verified.

    3.3.4. Retry Attempts

If error happens while data reading/writing onto the drive (it could happen, for example, due to the physical damage of drive's surface), Active@ KILLDISK tries to perform the operation again and again, and you can specify number of retries to be performed. If drive is not completely damaged, sometimes after several retries it is possible to read/write sector.

    3.3.5. Ignore Errors

If this option is turned on, you'll not see error messages while data erasing/verification is in progress. All errors have been ignored, however all information about errors will be written to the KILLDISK.LOG file and

displayed later on in the Erasing Report.

    3.3.6. Clear Log File before Start

If this option is turned on, KILLDISK.LOG log file will be truncated before erasing starts, and after erasing completion will contain information only about the last session.

If this option is turned off, KILLDISK.LOG log file will not be truncated, information about the last erasing session will be appended to the end.

    3.3.7. Skip Confirmation

If this option is turned on, you'll not be asked to type phrase:

ERASE-ALL-DATA on the next step of the erasing process. This confirmation step is just skipped.

Turning off this option (default state) is safer because you have one more last chance to see what is going to be erased completely with no possibility of future data recovery.

Advanced users can turn it on to speed up the process.


    3.4. Run Active@ KILLDISK (Command Line mode)

Active@ KILLDISK has command line mode. To get the help type:


    3.4.1. Parameters description

-erasemethod=[0-6]    - Erase method to be applied

                          See "Erase methods" section above

-passes=[1-99]       - Number of Passes for User Defined method

                          See "Number of Passes" section above

-verification=[1-100] - Percentage of surface to be verified

                          See "Verification" section above

-retryattempts=[1-99] - Number of retries if read/write error occurs

                          See "Retry Attempts" section above

-ignoreerrors         - Ignore error messages display.

                          If any error occurs-just write to the log and skip it

-clearlog             - Clears the log file before erasing starts

                          See "Clear Log File before Start" section above

-noconfirmation       - Skip confirmation step before erasing

                          See "Skip Confirmation" section above

-test                 - Create a file containing hardware configuration

                          Send this file to us to analyze the problem if any

-eraseallhdds         - Automatically erase all detected hard disk drives

    3.4.2. Start Active@ KILLDISK with parameters

You can use this command line to erase all detected hard disk drives using the most secure Gutmann's method (35 passes) with no user confirmation:

  A:\>KILLDISK.EXE -eraseallhdds erasemethod:5 -noconfirmation -verification=100

After operation is completed successfully, 100% of drive's surface would be verified and information on how drives have been erased is saved to the KILLDISK.LOG file.


    4.1 How many operating systems supported by Active@ KILLDISK?

Active@ KILLDISK is a DOS program and it does not matter which operating system is installed on the machine. If you can boot in DOS mode (from boot diskette for example), you can erase any drives independently of Operating System installed (it could be DOS, Windows, Linux, Unix for PC).

    4.2 I cannot boot from floppy. What to do?

The reasons could be:

- Your machine has boot priority for HDD higher than for floppy.

  Go to BIOS, check it and change the priority if so.

- Your floppy disk is not bootable or damaged.

  Verify whether system files (COMMAND.COM, etc..) are located on floppy or not.

  If so, disk or some files are probably damaged

  If not, prepare and test bootable floppy disk (see documentation)

Muito complicado pra mim, mas pelo que entendi faz a mesma coisa que o  CCleaner faz, mas por boot

  • Membro VIP



O CCleaner tem outra ferramenta que faz limpeza do espaço  livre, aonde fica tudo que foi excluído, para que não seja recuperado.




Outro programa que limpa mesmo, para limpar mesmo do HD,. Eu utilizava quando tinha um PC com HD de 80 GB.


File Shredder




O CCleaner tem outra ferramenta que faz limpeza do espaço  livre, aonde fica tudo que foi excluído, para que não seja recuperado.




Outro programa que limpa mesmo, para limpar mesmo do HD,. Eu utilizava quando tinha um PC com HD de 80 GB.


File Shredder

Como indicado usei o CCleaner , depois para testar baixei o programa c Disk Drill (recupera arquivos deletados) não consegui recuperar mas da para ver todos os arquivos que excluidos da unidade D, videos , fotos e o nome dos arquivos, queria apagar todos esses registros., alguma dica?


Como indicado usei o CCleaner , depois para testar baixei o programa c Disk Drill (recupera arquivos deletados) não consegui recuperar mas da para ver todos os arquivos que excluidos da unidade D, videos , fotos e o nome dos arquivos, queria apagar todos esses registros., alguma dica?


Dependendo do tamanho do seu HD, usando o método de Gutmann (35 passos), você demora dias, até semanas para terminar a exclusão segura.. Por isso ele é eficiente.


Fire Shredder


Este limpa mesmo!

Eu usava ele porque tinha um PC com HD pequeno, e queria liberar espaço.

Eu não ia comprar HD com maior capacidade, porque iria comprar outro PC.

Bom programa mesmo, usei também, acho que funcionou, não é possivel recuperar mais os arquivos, porém  o programa[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serbjC0B6kEk48.jpgf] c Disk Drill (recupera arquivos deletados) da para ver todos os  nomes de todos os arquivos  excluidos da unidade D, videos , fotos , jogos e queria apagar todos esses registros, porque tenho foto comprometedoras com minha ex exluidas, e tem dados delas no nome dessas fotos e videos , veja no print

Dependendo do tamanho do seu HD, usando o método de Gutmann (35 passos), você demora dias, até semanas para terminar a exclusão segura.. Por isso ele é eficiente.

tem 400 e poucos gigas mas acho que já fi isso, se não foi 35 passos foi quase, acho que funcionou, não é possivel recuperar mais os arquivos, porém o programa Disk Drill (recupera arquivos deletados)bjC0B6kEk48.jpg


da para ver todos os  nomes de todos os arquivos  excluidos da unidade D, videos , fotos , jogos e queria apagar todos esses registros, porque tenho foto comprometedoras com minha ex exluidas, e tem dados delas no nome dessas fotos e videos , veja no print

  • Membro VIP



É melhor você trocar o HD!

Ou vender o PC sem o HD.


Você já reiniciou o PC depois da exclusão dos arquivos com o File Shredder?

A sombra dos arquivos que você, porque continuam na memória.




É melhor você trocar o HD!

Ou vender o PC sem o HD.


Você já reiniciou o PC depois da exclusão dos arquivos com o File Shredder?

A sombra dos arquivos que você, porque continuam na memória.

sim, mas fiz isso com o c cleaner, a exlusao de 35 passos... vou tentar fazer outra vez com o file shredder também, mas o ***** é que esquenta muito o hd

  • 4 meses depois...

Existem possibilidades para excluir seus dados permanentemente e não é recuperável mais no futuro. Para que eu recomendaria que você use algum aplicativo de terceiros como eliminador Seguro fro iDevice. Estou sugerindo isso porque eu usei este software e ele trabalhou para mim. Eu apaguei todos os meus dados de forma permanente e não é recuperável mais. Eu recomendaria que você use este software e veja a diferença.

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