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Avell Titanium 2BLBN FDG/BL


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Meu notebook chegou hoje.

tudo certo =)

testei e está tudo ok.

É MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUITO mais bonito do que em qualquer foto...sem comparação, teclado muito bom...a tela dispensa comentários, infinitamente melhor que a minha tv...você fica hipnotizado



Não use seu notebook apoiado sobre a perna ou segure apenas pela lateral, foi isso que fez o meu Avell dar problema e ir para a garantia que era de três anos. Quando ele voltou eu o vendi e não tive mais contato com o comprador, mas se ele não me procurou deve ser por não ter tido problemas até hoje!

Parabéns pela compra e seja feliz hipnotzado, estou com uma inveja boa de você!

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Foi erro meu... a webcam usa driver do windows.


Não use seu notebook apoiado sobre a perna ou segure apenas pela lateral, foi isso que fez o meu Avell dar problema e ir para a garantia que era de três anos. Quando ele voltou eu o vendi e não tive mais contato com o comprador, mas se ele não me procurou deve ser por não ter tido problemas até hoje!

Parabéns pela compra e seja feliz hipnotzado, estou com uma inveja boa de você!

Que problema seu ex-notebook da Avell deu?

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Em relação a notes de marca, barebones e garantias, eu acredito que a vida ÚTIL máxima de um notebook top hoje é uns 4 anos, até ele ficar obsoleto. Por isso, onsidero o Avell um bom investimento, pois, mesmo que dê problemas (o que ainda nao aconteceu comigo), a garantia dura 3 anos e é ágil, ou seja, tenho a certeza de que vou ter o note operando bem nas minhas maos por, no mínimo, 3 anos.

O que me descrençou dos notes de marca foi justamente a inabilidade da HP em ser cordial no atendimento e ágil na AT, sem falar que a garantia era apenas a padrão, de 1 ano.

Vou ficar com esse note por um bom tempo, por isso estou confiando no pessoal da Notebook Century. Acredito que 1 ano, prazo da garantia "normal", é um tempo suficiente para que quaisquer vícios ocultos (se existirem) apareçam. Se aparecer algum em menos de um ano e ele não for consertado em 30 dias eu faço igual ao que eu fiz com a HP: Procon para reembolso. Aí eu começo a "caça" novamente por um note que atenda às minhas necessidades.

Mas por enquanto, o Avell tá sendo um negócio 1000x melhor que um HP, um Dell ou qualquer marca, no que tange a custo x benefício. É só se atentar aos fatos: configuração top; desempenho compatível com a configuração (não há gargalos por causa de componentes de 2ª linha); garantia ágil de 3 anos e contato pessoal com os responsáveis por vendas, garantia e AT (até hoje converso com o vendedor, que é super gente boa e me esclarece as dúvidas que eu tenho mesmo após a compra).

Mas para quem não confia em barebones, é melhor comprar um de marca, mesmo que com configuração um pouco inferior, do que pegar um desses e ficar naquela neurose esperando aparecer algum problema sério.

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O meu pedido foi concluido numa sexta e já chegou na segunda. Veio em perfeito estado, sem nenhum arranhão...

Também prezo pela assistencia técnica, por isso iria comprar um Dell, mas com a configuração do Avell que peguei, sairia mais ou menos uns R$ 4.000,00 na Dell. O Avell com essa config e AT de 3 anos é um grande custo/benefício, não há como negar. Ainda não usei a AT (e nem pretendo), mas sei que se um dia for usar, não vou ficar esperando 3 meses sem notebook...

Até agora não tenho do que reclamar, tudo funciona perfeitamente. Tenho o Photoshop e o Flash CS5 que abrem em segundos, a mesma coisa com o Delphi 2010. Por enquanto só testei dois jogos: Assassin's Creed e Burnout Paradise, os dois no máximo rodam tranquilo... Vou instalar mais alguns para testar...

Enfim, continuo recomendando...

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E aí pessoal.

Gostaria de saber a temperatura da GPU e do processador do notebook de vocês.

Meu está em 56ºC e 55ºC respectivamente, sendo que o processador está trabalhando a 900 mhz, utilizando só navegador e assistindo um vídeo aqui.

Estou cum uma base com cooler.

Como fica a temperatura de vocês?

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Quando perguntar sobre desempenho, temperatura, etc., lembre-se de dizer qual é o seu processador, pois esses notebooks podem vir com i5 ou i7, que possuem arquiteturas bastante diferentes e temperaturas tb.

O meu i7 é mais esquentado que os i5 em iddle, ficando numa média entre 55 e 60º, com picos de 80 esporadicamente. Pelo que eu andei lendo por aí, isso acontece porque o i7 na verdade não descansa, hehehehe, ele tá sempre usando o turbo boost mesmo que não haja aplicativos abertos (vi pelo aplicativo que mostra a frequencia do turbo boost que tem no site da intel).

Cabe ressaltar que as temps em iddle eram mais baixas e aumentaram desde que eu atualizei a bios para a mais recente disponível no Seria bom se todo mundo com i7 atualizasse a bios lá e verificasse se há realmente um aumento de temperatura, pois, se acontecer em todas as unidades, a Avell pode solicitar para a Compal corrigir esse prroblema na próxima revisão da bios.

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Quando perguntar sobre desempenho, temperatura, etc., lembre-se de dizer qual é o seu processador, pois esses notebooks podem vir com i5 ou i7, que possuem arquiteturas bastante diferentes e temperaturas tb.

O meu i7 é mais esquentado que os i5 em iddle, ficando numa média entre 55 e 60º, com picos de 80 esporadicamente. Pelo que eu andei lendo por aí, isso acontece porque o i7 na verdade não descansa, hehehehe, ele tá sempre usando o turbo boost mesmo que não haja aplicativos abertos (vi pelo aplicativo que mostra a frequencia do turbo boost que tem no site da intel).

Cabe ressaltar que as temps em iddle eram mais baixas e aumentaram desde que eu atualizei a bios para a mais recente disponível no Seria bom se todo mundo com i7 atualizasse a bios lá e verificasse se há realmente um aumento de temperatura, pois, se acontecer em todas as unidades, a Avell pode solicitar para a Compal corrigir esse prroblema na próxima revisão da bios.

Bom dia Brunno.

Gostaria de saber no que mudou após a atualização do BIOS. Valeu a pena? porque se aumentou a temperatura, eu não vou atualizar não.

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Bom dia Brunno.

Gostaria de saber no que mudou após a atualização do BIOS. Valeu a pena? porque se aumentou a temperatura, eu não vou atualizar não.

Pessoal da notebook century recomendou que eu atualiza-se tb, só que ainda não tive tempo de ver isso. Seria legal saber se teve alguma melhora ou não, tem algum lugar com as mudanças da nova bios?

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Ó o txt com as alterações. Não achei nenhuma particularmente significante, exceto uma que fala que atualiza tb a bios da GPU (apesar de não especificar as melhorias)


NBLB2 Support K-0 Stepping CPU BIOS Release Notification 07/19/2010

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXD01.fd Checksum: D12F


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed: Support K-0 Stepping CPU

Modified: Support K-0 Stepping CPU

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLB2.0/2.1/2.2 ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 1.09 ROM) 04-13-2010

File name: KA1A109A.ROM

Base on: KA1A108A.ROM

Checksum: 1ADE


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


Known issue:


1.> Add workaround solution for battery empty shutdown when enterS4 state.

Comment: EC will send event when battery capacity change from 8% to 7%.

Add function:


NBLB2 INV Trial RUN BIOS Release Notification 06/10/2010

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXD00.fd Checksum: 86A4


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.> Support CIR function in XP and Win7

Comment: Not Support CIR functions in XP of Old BIOS.

Support CIR function in XP and Win7 in this version BIOS

2.> Update Verbo table to support VT1812

Comment: Not support VT1812 in old BIOS.

Update Verbo table to support VT1812 in this version BIOS


Add function:

Known issue:

NBLB2.0/2.1/2.2 ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 1.09 ROM) 04-13-2010

File name: KA1A109A.ROM

Base on: KA1A108A.ROM

Checksum: 1ADE


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


Known issue:


1.> Add workaround solution for battery empty shutdown when enterS4 state.

Comment: EC will send event when battery capacity change from 8% to 7%.

Add function:


NBLB2.0/2.1/2.2 F.09 BIOS Release Notification 04/29/2010

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXF09.fd Checksum: B81A


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.> Fix LAN MAC auto change without WLAN

Comment: LAN second bus number change without WLAN, add read LAN second bus number way replacing static define


1.> Add Compal SWSMI

Comment: Add Compal SWSMI for production line usage

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLB2.0/2.1/2.2 ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 1.09 ROM) 04-13-2010

File name: KA1A109A.ROM

Base on: KA1A108A.ROM

Checksum: 1ADE


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


Known issue:


1.> Add workaround solution for battery empty shutdown when enterS4 state.

Comment: EC will send event when battery capacity change from 8% to 7%.

Add function:


NBLB2.0/2.1/2.2 F.08 BIOS Release Notification 04/13/2010

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXF08.fd Checksum: 9ED0


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.> Update VBIOS to fix M96 3D MARK hang issue

Comment: Base on BR33243.x04; remove L0s support in powerplay table to WA 3Dmark 06 stress test hang up issue

2.> Fix 3D mark hang issue when use PM55+M96 chipset

Comment: NAKs error would be found from chipset on PCIE links when enable L0s function. Then BIOS workaround to disable PEG L0S to fix it

3.> Disable USB Port full and low speed stagger feature.

Comment: Sighting #3622166 advance to disable it.

4.> Workaround to fix System can't sleep to S4 when low battery

Comment: Battery capacity not reach system S4 need, BIOS workaround that improve the Battery design critical capacity to 7%


1.> Base on BR33243.x04; remove L0s support in powerplay table to WA 3Dmark 06 stress test hang up issue

Comment: remove L0s support in powerplay table to WA 3Dmark 06 stress test hang up issue

2.> NAKs error would be found from chipset on PCIE links when enable L0s function. Then BIOS workaround to disable PEG L0S to fix it

Comment: Then BIOS workaround to disable PEG L0S to fix it

3.> Sighting #3622166 advance to disable it.

Comment: Sighting #3622166 advance to disable it.

4.> Battery capacity not reaches system S4 need, BIOS workaround that improve the Battery design critical capacity to 7%

Comment: BIOS workaround that improve the Battery design critical capacity to 7%

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLB2.0/2.1/2.2 ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 1.09 ROM) 04-13-2010

File name: KA1A109A.ROM

Base on: KA1A108A.ROM

Checksum: 1ADE


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


Known issue:


1.> Add workaround solution for battery empty shutdown when enterS4 state.

Comment: EC will send event when battery capacity change from 8% to 7%.

Add function:


NBLB2.0/2.1/2.2 F07 BIOS Release Notification 03/30/2010

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXF07.fd Checksum: 3BA1


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.> Fix AMLI Report ACPI BIOS 0X70 IO PORT invalid access error

Comment: 0x70~0x71 IO PORT is protected by OS, and not allows ACPI BIOS access


1.> 0x70~0x71 IO PORT is protected by OS, and not allows ACPI BIOS access

Comment: 0x70~0x71 IO PORT is protected by OS, and not allows ACPI BIOS access

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBX ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 1.07 ROM) 03-31-2010

File name: KA1A107A.ROM

Base on: KA1A106A.ROM

Checksum: CAB2


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


Known issue: [CRCIC011]: when battery lowers than 5%, the OS enter shutdown not S4.


Add function:


NBLB2.2 C10 BIOS Release Notification 03/17/2010

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXC10.fd Checksum: B564


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.> Fix TPM TPM_PHYSICAL_PRESENCE_LIFETIME_LOCK not set issue and PCR5 change issue


2.> Fix VGA Multifunction Bridge SSID not set issue

Comment: Set VGA Multifunction Bridge SSID in BIOS


1.> Update M96 VGA VBIOS to X04

Comment: Change VBIOS to X04

2.> Add time delay for Madison VGA and not add it for M96 VGA on CLF CPU platform

Comment: Add time delay for Madison VGA and not add it for M96 VGA on CLF CPU platform

3.> Update LAN PXE ROM to fix no cable LAN still search issue, and fix LAN adapter string to OEM defined(¡¨Atheros Boot Agent¡¨)

Comment: Update LAN PXE ROM to fix no cable LAN still search issue, and fix LAN adapter string to OEM defined(¡¨Atheros Boot Agent¡¨)

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLB2.2 ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 1.06 ROM) 03-10-2010

File name: KA1A106A.ROM

Base on: KA1A105A.ROM

Checksum: CAB1


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


1.> The unit hangs in Windows bar.

Known issue:

[CRCIC011]: when battery lowers than 5%, the OS enter shutdown not S4.


1.> Update the system can resume from S4 with lid close by sending command (C59 D64).

Add function:


NBLB2 F06 BIOS Release Notification 02/24/2010

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXF06.fd Checksum: F50D


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.> Fix S4 resume hang after update PCH 103

Comment: mark some not needed code

2.> Fix System will hang "A2" after S4 resume from PCI LAN card

Comment: clear PCI LAN card's wake En and status

5.> Fix F5 F6 function abnormally in Boot Order page after press Enter key

Comment: mark 'Enter' key function when in Boot order page


1.> Update ARD refer code to 110

Comment: Update ARD refer code to 110

2.> Update PCH to 103

Comment: Update PCH to 103

3.> Update PCH_USB_PORT_SETTINGS Structure

Comment: Update PCH_USB_PORT_SETTINGS Structure

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 1.05 ROM) 02-09-2010

File name: KA1A105A.ROM

Base on : KA1A104A.ROM

Checksum: 5FE0


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


Known issue:


Add function:


NBLB2 F05 BIOS Release Notification 02/09/2010

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXF05.fd Checksum: 568E


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.>Fix DMI information error issue

Comment: enlarge buffer


1.>Update ME VSCC table

Comment: Add BIOS ROM part information

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 1.05 ROM) 02-09-2010

File name: KA1A105A.ROM

Base on : KA1A104A.ROM

Checksum: 5FE0


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


Known issue:


Add function:


NBLB2 F04 BIOS Release Notification 02/03/2010

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXF04.fd Checksum: 291B


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.>Fix Com 1 error when run PC doctor scanning

Comment: Disable this COM1 port

2.>Fix it hangs up black on some units when restart units after flash F.03 BIOS via DOS and Windows.

Comment: Update ME

3.>Fix Black screen with all LED lighted as doing Warm boot test.

Comment: Update ME

4.>Fix Sometimes it appears black screen when press power button to enter OS.

Comment: Update ME

5.>Fix there aren't the icon to change brightness via power options on NBLB2.1 PVT units.

Comment: Implement it for ARD CPU

6.>Fix Windows doesn¡¦t boot normally with 6GB memory or over system

Comment: Make sure all the system memory is set as write back cacheable.

7.>Fix System freezes with black screen while booting to Windows PE with 8GB memory

Comment: Set the cache with correct length individually


1.>Update ARD Microcode

2.>Update ARD Mem Refer code

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 1.04 ROM) 02-03-2010

File name: KA1A104A.ROM Checksum: 5FDF

Base on: KA1A103A.ROM


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


Known issue:


1.> Modify code to prevent SMBus lock.

Add function:


NBLB2 F03 BIOS Release Notification 01/28/2010

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXF03.fd Checksum: 9FEB


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.>Fix logo interface will postpone about 20 seconds before.


1.> Use the Unicode of ENTER as password when pressing ENTER

2.> Update password behavior for pressing ENTER 5 times

Add function:

1.>Add a new protocol

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 1.03 ROM) 01-27-2010

File name: KA1A103A.ROM

Base on: KA1A027A.ROM

Checksum: 5BB4


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


Known issue:


Add function:


NBLB2 F02 BIOS Release Notification 01/15/2010

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXF02.fd Checksum: E0E0


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.>Fix PCIE port 5 can not be disabled at first boot after flash BIOS.

2.>Fix SPI ROM block write time issue.


1.>Infirm the CPU type to EC according to TjMAX.

2.>Read TjMAX from MSR and send EC command as EC defined.

3.>Disable PCIE port in Platform Hardware Switch.

4.>Check the SPI ROM status instead of delay.

5.>Only update BIOS region when flash BIOS.

6.>Update the ME to production mode.

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.26 ROM) 01-15-2010

File name: KA1A026A.ROM

Base on: KA1A025A.ROM

Checksum: 794C


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


Known issue:


1.> Update the new thermal fan table (A05).

Add function:


NBLB2 F01 BIOS Release Notification 01/13/2010

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXF01.fd Checksum: 3F45


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.> Fix the screen will blink after selecting boot item in Boot Manager.


1.> Return MODEL_NAME_CHECK in FbtsApCheck function.

2.> Update the SMBIOS string from EEPROM if the string is not blank, otherwise use default string.

3.> Update the ACPI OEM ID and OEM table ID with static variable instead of reading EEPROM every time.

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.25 ROM) 01/11/2010

File name: KA1A025A.ROM

Base on : KA1A024A.ROM

Checksum: 74CC


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


Known issue:


1.> Update Battery Cell OVP function.

Add function:


NBLB2 C04 BIOS Release Notification 01/11/2010

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXC04.fd Checksum: F3BD


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.> Fix some units can not do crisis.

2.> Implement flash EC with Insyde flash tool.


1.> Update the CSM code to the latest version.

2.> Update the boot device table.

3.> Feature implement.

4.> Update the OEM Logo layout.

5.> Power on the Bluetooth early before detecting.

6.> Update the Setup Menu format.

7.> Skip 0x3000 area when flash EC.

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.25 ROM) 01/11/2010

File name: KA1A025A.ROM

Base on : KA1A024A.ROM

Checksum: 74CC


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


Known issue:


1.> Update Battery Cell OVP function.

Add function:


Before you flash BIOS, please run flash.bat first.


NBLB2 C03 BIOS Release Notification 12/28/2009

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXC03.fd Checksum: ED59


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.> Fix the system will hang in "Prepare to OS" screen sometimes.

2.> Fix it will flash once when press F2 after disable Quiet boot.

3.> Fix [WHQL]Win7_x86_WLK1.4¡ªHal timer tests (HCT) was failure

4.> Fix [WHQL]Win7_WLK1.4¡ªBitLocker Drive Encryption BIOS Interface Logo Test was failure

5.> Fix [WHQL]Win7_WLK1.4¡ªTCG TPM Integration test(Manual) was failure

6.> Fix it cannot do crisis BIOS.


1.> Pull the GPIO61 low before enter the S3/S4/S5 states.

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.24 ROM) 12/28/2009

File name: KA1A024A.ROM

Base on : KA1A023A.ROM

Checksum: 6638


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


Known issue:


1.> Update PC beep when critical battery function. (In Windows, EC send scan code "E0 0D/E0 8D" to audio driver.

2.> Update ME function.

Add function:


Flashing EC BIOS will erase UUID & MAC address the first time, please make a backup before flashing.

Fill the UUID & MAC NO into Rewrite.bat, then run it, it will write UUID & MAC in DOS Mode.


NBLB2 C02 BIOS Release Notification 12/18/2009

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXC02.fd Checksum: 3CE5


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.> Fix supervisor Password cannot be saved if the password is more than 8 characters.

2.> Fix [WHQL]Win7_WLK1.4 single computer display object test-Laptop was failure

3.> Fix [WHQL]Win7_x86_WLK1.4¡ªUnreported Memory IO test was failure

4.> Hide Advance and power item in setup menu


1.> Update VBIOS test.bin to formal BR35774.002 with part number

2.> Extending completion timeout(workaround) for Madison

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.22 ROM) 12/18/2009

File name: KA1A022A.ROM

Base on : KA1A021A.ROM

Checksum: B3A6


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


Known issue:


1.> Modify code to prevent return data to host if EC uses SMBUS_CMD type to access EEPROM.

Add function:


NBLB2 C01 BIOS Release Notification 12/05/2009

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXC01.fd Checksum: AD5E


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:


1.> Support ROM part winbond W25Q16

2.> Update Madison VBIOS to test.bin

3.> Update Clarksfield reference code to 112.1

4.> Add postcode before entering S5 in ASL code

5.> Change GPIO61 to native function and just as GPO when enable/disable TPM

6.> Update method of reading MAC address

7.> Update the setting of USB ignore device

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.22 ROM) 12/05/2009

File name: KA1A022A.ROM

Base on : KA1A021A.ROM

Checksum: B3A6


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No


Known issue:


1.> Modify code to prevent return data to host if EC uses SMBUS_CMD type to access EEPROM.

Add function:


NBLB2 B10 BIOS Release Notification 11/12/2009

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXB10.fd Checksum: CFB0


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.> Fix it shows BIOS menu also during resume from S4.


1.> Set HDD password trying time limitation to 5 times.

2.> Disable unused SATA ports and USB ports.

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.19 ROM) 11/12/2009

File name: KA1A019A.ROM

Base on : KA1A018A.ROM

Checksum: 9DCE


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No

2.> Rename from KA1A018A.ROM.


Known issue:


1.> Update VGA thermal fan function. (Algorithm of fan table and Reset of VGA thermal indication flag)

Add function:


NBLB2 B09 BIOS Release Notification 11/06/2009

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXB09.fd Checksum: 3A33


1.> Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.> Fix TPM function issue


1.> Update Park VBIOS to 010

2.> Add postcode in ASL code

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.18 ROM) 11/06/2009

File name: KA1A018A.ROM

Base on : KA1A017A.ROM

Checksum: 6F25


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No

2.> Rename from KA1A017A.ROM.


Known issue:


1.> Update the new thermal fan table (A04).

2.> Prevent EC_Beep leakage to +3VS when system turns off.

Add function:


NBLB2 B08 BIOS Release Notification 10/30/2009

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXB08.fd Checksum: 8729


1. Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.Fix show option item after resume from S4

2.Fix Post Logo show fast during Post

3.Remove PeiCdExpress from device recovery module


1. Initial USB register A,B and C

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBX ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.17 ROM) 10/30/2009

File name: KA1A017A.ROM

Base on: KA1A016A.ROM

Checksum: 7C7D


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No

2.> Rename from KA1A016A.ROM.


Known issue:


Add function:


NBLB2 B07 BIOS Release Notification 10/23/2009

*SYS BIOS: NBLBXB07.fd Checksum: B991


1. Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:


1. Update PCH to 1.02

2. Program the USB Initialization Register Port [0-13]

3. Skip postcode 0x7E in CMOS to meet debug behavior

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBX ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.16 ROM) 10/23/2009

File name: KA1A016A.ROM

Base on: KA1A015A.ROM

Checksum: 7C7C


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No

2.> The checksum of KA1A016A.rom file is 7C7C for DVT-R build.

The checksum of 016A_DVT.rom file is C26E for DVT.

Please execute the MBCHK.BAT, it will automatically select version to flash suitable EC bios.


Known issue:


1.> Update the new thermal fan table (A03).

Add function:


NBLB2 B00 BIOS Release Notification 10/16/2009

*SYS BIOS : NBLBXB06.fd Checksum: D16D


1.Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1. Fix BSOD after S3 resume with verifier driver enabled

2. Fix system hang when enter OS after set HDD password

3. Fix Fix Lan lost in DVT-R phase board

4. Fix VGA SSID not correct

5. Fix hang 0x7B when running cold boot


1. Update GPIO for DVT-R phase

2. Update BT device's status for DVT-R phase

3. Disable Express Card and set Azalia to auto for DVT-R phase

4. Add Madison and Park VBIOS

5. Update reference code to 1.11 to fix BSOD 0x116 on Madison

6. Update ME

7. Update HDD password status in setup menu

Add function:

1. Implement C3 state

2. Add post code for debug

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.15 ROM) 10-15-2009

File name: KA1A015A.ROM

Base on : KA1A014A.ROM

Checksum: 4562


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> No

2.> Rename from KA1A014A.ROM.

3.> The checksum of KA1A015A.rom file is 4562 for DVT-R build.

The checksum of 015A_DVT.rom file is 8B02 for DVT.

Please execute the MBCHK.BAT, it will automatically select

version to flash suitable EC bios.


Known issue:


Add function:


NBLB2 B00 BIOS Release Notification 08/12/2009

*SYS BIOS : NBLBXB04.fd Checksum: 2557


1.Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1. Fix CPU can't throttling when over temperature.

Comment: Checks for a core Thermal by reading MSR.


1. Update kernel from 1033 to 1034

Add function:

1. Add EC command when system entering S4 and resuming from S4.

Known issue:

BLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.11 ROM) 08-05-2009

File name: KA1A011A.ROM

Base on : KA1A010A.ROM

Checksum: 9869


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> NO


Known issue:


1.>Update common code from 55 to 56.

2.>Update battery parameter.

3.>Modify Power USB function.

Add function:


NBLB2 B00 BIOS Release Notification 08/05/2009

*SYS BIOS : NBLBXB03.fd Checksum: 377A


1.Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1. Fix [bCIC055]_can flash BIOS under DC mode.

Comment: Check AC status before flash BIOS.

2. Fix [bCIC022]_system hang up with windows boot interface as running warm boot stress test.

Comment: Add delay before access EC namespace.

3. Fix [bCIC034]_ wireless switch configuration dialog only show WIFI or BT icon when press hot key (Fn+F2)

Comment: Update the check method of WIFI and BT.

4. Fix [bCIC038]_power led is on after crisis.

Comment: Use EC command to shut down


1. Update kernel from 1032 to 1033

2. Pull code changed for updating boot order in B.02 from kernel code to project folder.

3. Pull code changed for TPM in B.00 from kernel code to project folder.

4. Inform EC OS type

5. Enable express card in setup menu

6. Correct L3 cache size in SMBIOS.

7. Pull code changed for VGA SSID in B.01 from kernel code to project folder.

Add function:

Known issue:

BLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.11 ROM) 08-05-2009

File name: KA1A011A.ROM

Base on : KA1A010A.ROM

Checksum: 9869


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> NO


Known issue:


1.>Update common code from 55 to 56.

2.>Update battery parameter.

3.>Modify Power USB function.

Add function:


NBLB2 B00 BIOS Release Notification 07/31/2009

*SYS BIOS : NBLBXB02.fd Checksum: 722E


1.Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1. Fix [bCIC059]_the screen brightness control scroll can not movement when press Fn+F4/F5 to adjust brightness and it have no function for adjusting brightness.

Comment: Correct the brightness namespace in EC namespace

2. Fix [bCIC005]_it shows half of screen when boot from F12

Comment: Adjust the size of screen.

3. Fix [bCIC006]_can not install VGA driver via Setup.exe, but INF can install.

Comment: Mark the Device(PEG3) in ASL code

4. Fix [bCIC038]_Power Management have not show in all properties in DM.

Comment: Mark the method(_PRW) in device PCIE root port #3 in ASL code


1. Update boot page in setup menu.

2. Update Security page in setup menu.

3. Update ME code.

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.10 ROM) 07-29-2009

File name: KA1A010A.ROM

Base on : KA1A009A.ROM

Checksum: 3E1F


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> NO


1.>BCIC051 Open lid can not resume from S3.

Known issue:


1.>Modify the FLAG "pPCHHealthErrorCnt" prevent overflow.


NBLB2 B00 BIOS Release Notification 07/24/2009

*SYS BIOS : NBLBXB01.fd Checksum: 9C46


1.Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1. Fix [bCIC003]_the F12 hotkey is still function when S4 resume.

Comment: Disable the hotkey (F2, F12 and so on) when S4 resume.

2. Fix [bCIC004]_presss"F2" check the CMOS UUID, UUID wrong.

Comment: Correct UUID information.


1. Send Panel ID to EC.

2. Disable mouse in setup menu

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.09 ROM) 07-23-2009

File name: KA1A009A.ROM

Base on : KA1A008A.ROM

Checksum: 3A6D


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> NO


Known issue:


1.>Modify switch LCD function(Fn+F3) in WIN7.

2.>Modify sensor button sensitivity.

3.>Update ENE cap sensor button LED initial value.

4.>Enable DeepSleep function.

5.>Update the new theraml fan table(A02).

Add function:

1.>Add OS type in namespace.


NBLB2 B00 BIOS Release Notification 07/20/2009

*SYS BIOS : NBLBXB00.fd Checksum: 60CF


1.Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:


1. Update kernel code from 1023 to 1032.

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.08 ROM) 07-16-2009

File name: KA1A008A.ROM

Base on : KA1A007A.ROM

Checksum: F471


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> NO


Known issue:


1.>Modify OVP function for cell voltage.

2.>Update the brightness table.

Add function:

1.>Add the thermal protect function.


NBLB2 A22 BIOS Release Notification 06/25/2009

*SYS BIOS : NBLBXA22.fd Checksum:1ECE


1.Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.Fix [A2CIC009]_TPM function abnormality.

Comment: Change TPM status must need full power reset.

2.Fix [A2CIC019]_"Save change" item in BIOS setup can not save change of setting.

Comment: Hide "save change" and "discard change" in BIOS setup

3.Fix flashit BIOS.BIN /ME under DOS will fail w/ B0 Stepping.


1.Always set the EnableC7 to disable for Clarksfield.

2.Enable SMBus access for EC

3.Change GPIO40 from native to GPI

Add function:

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.04 ROM) 06-24-2009

File name : KA1A004A.ROM

Base on : KA1A003A.ROM

Checksum : B542


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> NO

2.> Rename from KA1A003A.ROM


1.> Wake up from LAN in S5

Known issue:


Add function:


NBLB2 A21 BIOS Release Notification 06/18/2009

*SYS BIOS : NBLBXA21.fd Checksum:5D02


1.Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.Fix [A2CIC011]_hotkey Fn+F3 no function.

Comment: Add Fn+F3 function.

2.Fix [A2CIC014]_no Auto-Dim function when unplug AC.

Comment: feed back data to EC namespace for Auto-Dim function when unplug AC.


1.Update basic information in SMBIOS.

Add function:

1.Add Fn+F3 function with HDMI attached.

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.03 ROM) 06-18-2009

File name : KA1A003A.ROM

Base on : KA1A002A.ROM

Checksum : B538


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> NO

2.> Rename from KA1A002A.ROM


Known issue:


Add function:


NBLB2 A20 BIOS Release Notification 06/11/2009

*SYS BIOS : NBLBXA20.fd Checksum:22E8


1.Need update Boot Block? --> Yes

=== SYS ===

Issue Fixed:

1.Fix [A2CIC004]_system can not be shut down by power button under DOS mode.

Comment: Enable power button callback

2.Fix the system will shutdown when trying to warm boot after flash BIOS or first POST.

Comment: Keep GbeMandatedReset the same with BIOS setup setting.

3.Fix [A2CIC005]_screen will blink when choosing from first item to second.

Comment: remove the code to set graphics mode.

4.Fix [A2CIC006]_post logo show acer

Comment:Update post logo

5.Fix [A2CIC010]_after resuming from S3 attached with SD,MMC, Memory stick, all of USB ports have no function.

Comment:Disable USB wakeup in asl code.


1.Update VBIOS

Add function:

1.Add EC FW version in setup menu.

Known issue:

NBLBx ENE KB926 EC-FW release (Rev. 0.02 ROM) 06-11-2009

File name : KA1A002A.ROM

Base on : KA1A001A.ROM

Checksum : B537


1.> Need flash EC's boot block? --> NO


Known issue:


1.> Enable Touch pad disable/enable button function.

2.> Enable Power USB button and Power USB LED function.

Add function:

Known issue:


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