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Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars (RTS) - Tópico oficial - Patch 1.02 expansão


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A Skin extra nao vem instalada. Ela vem numa pasta do CD2, separada, pra você substituir um arquivo da pasta do jogo pra rodar as skins novas. Ainda nao testei.

Quanto aos mapas, lembro de 2 só: Frontier Fracas, Tiberium Gardens3, e tem mais 3 q eu nao lembro quais sao.

Fora q na Kane edition tem o making off, estrategias multiplayer, erros de gravação, no CD extra, e 5 Screensavers ineditos

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Eu tenho a Kane Edition, não creio que valha os R$ 40,00 a mais, mas não sou fã do jogo né, comprei pois na loja que fui só tinha ela e eu não tava afim de ficar esperando a outra chegar...o bom nela são só os mapas, mas que com certeza deve ter um link por ae pra quem não tem poder baixar.

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pois é hehe

bom, não olhei as 28 páginas, mas parece que aqui não tem a lista de mudanças confirmadas pro patch 1.05, então ta aqui:

(se já tiver me fala que eu edito)

<Fixed Exploits>

· Fixed an exploit in which players could use GDI Engineers,

Nod Saboteurs, or Scrin Assimilators to capture enemy structures

without moving the units over to those structures.

· Observers of multiplayer matches can no longer use hotkeys to

affect spectated players' production queues.

· Units affected by the Scrin Mothership's Catalyst Cannon now

lose their explosive properties if teleported via the Teleport

Units ability or the Wormhole support power.

· Scrin Mothership can no longer fire its Catalyst Cannon

through a Wormhole.

<Balance Changes>

The following balance changes are intended to enable a more-

diverse set of viable strategies for both casual and competitive

play, and to further ensure that the forces of the GDI, the

Brotherhood of Nod, and the Scrin are evenly matched as Tiberium

Wars rage on.

/General Balance Changes/

· Some structures on each side no longer provide Ground Control

for base expansion. These include: Power Plants, Reactors,

Tiberium Silos, Barracks, Hands of Nod, and Portals.

· Heavy infantry units' resistance to CANNON damage increased by

45%. This affects GDI's Zone Troopers and Commando, Nod's Black

Hand and Commando, and Scrin's Shock Troopers and Mastermind.

All other infantry resistance to CANNON damage increased by 25%.

This change means infantry are less vulnerable to tank shells and

similar weapons.

· Infantry armor penalty to SNIPER damage removed. This change

makes infantry slightly less vulnerable to Nod Shadow Teams in

particular; GDI Commandos and Sniper Teams, Nod Commandos, and

Scrin Buzzers are still highly lethal against enemy infantry.

· Infantry attack range bonus while garrisoned reduced by 25%.

· GDI Commando, Nod Commando, and Scrin Mastermind units can no

longer be crushed by enemy vehicles.

· CANNON weapons, such as those found on the GDI Predator Tank and

Nod Scorpion Tank, now cannot miss against moving enemy vehicles.

· GDI, Nod, and Scrin Harvesters' cost/build time increased by 40%

to 1400/14. All Harversters' speed and turn rates equalized, which

makes Scrin's Harvester slightly more maneuverable than before.

· GDI Refinery, Nod Refinery, and Scrin Extractor sale price

reduced by 70% to 300 credits.

· GDI Surveyor, Nod Emissary, and Scrin Explorer base expansion

units now all move at the same speed. Specifically, the Nod

Emissary and and Scrin Explorer move 50% more slowly to match

the GDI Surveyor.

· Repair Drones for all sides now repair vehicles that are under

attack. Limit one Drone per vehicle. Rate of repair is now

constant, rather than a percentage based on the vehicle's total

health. This means vehicles with lower maximum health will be

repaired faster.

· Standardized repair radius on all structures. As a result, the

radius on all aircraft production structures has increased.

· Re-stealth time doubled for units that do not have innate

stealth effects, such as units affected by Nod's Cloaking Field.

This means such units will take longer to regain stealth after

attacking or being detected.

· Ground Control provided by building a GDI Crane, Nod Crane, or

Scrin Foundry has been equalized. Specifically, the amount of

Ground Control gained by building a Nod Crane or Scrin Foundry

has increased by 50%.

· Tiberium Spike tech structure's income increased by 66% to 25

credits per unit of time.

· Defensive Tower tech structure's attack power increased by 60%.

· Visceroids are now punishable by crushing.

/GDI Balance Changes/

· Rifleman Squad: Speed increased by 20%. Attack power increased

by 50%. Dig In ability cost reduced to 100, build time reduced

to 5, Foxhole capacity increased to two units. Foxholes no longer

eject infantry units until the Foxholes are destroyed. Dig In

ability now causes the unit to begin building a Foxhole

immediately at its location.

· Missile Squad: Speed increased by 20%. Health increased by 100%.

Range increased by 75%. Attack power vs. aircraft reduced by 25%.

· Engineer: Speed increased by 20%.

· Grenadier Squad: Speed increased by 20%.

· Sniper Team: Speed increased by 20%. Health reduced by 50%. Rate

of fire reduced by 50%. Re-stealth time increased by 25%.

· Commando: Speed increased by 20%.

· Pitbull: Health increased by 33%. Rate of fire increased by 25%.

Turret turn rate and pitch rate increased, improving the Pitbull's

ability to fire on fast-moving aircraft.

· APC: Speed increased by 20%. Attack power vs. infantry reduced

by 25%. Turret turn rate and pitch rate increased, improving the

APC's ability to fire on fast- moving aircraft.

· Harvester: Attack power increased by 300%.

· Rig: Acceleration and deceleration times reduced, making the

unit more maneuverable. Battle Base Repair Drones changed to work

like all other Repair Drones.

· Mammoth Tank: Speed reduced by 7%. Attack power of rockets

reduced by 25%. Rate of fire with Railguns upgrade reduced by 35%.

Attack power with Railguns upgrade increased by 35%.

· Orca: Health increased by 50%.

· Firehawk: Now fires its missile loadout in volleys, improving

its ability to quickly damage groups of enemy aircraft.

· Ox Transport: Health increased by 70%.

· Sonic Emitter: No longer hits larger units multiple times in one

attack. Attack power per hit increased to compensate.

· Railguns: Upgrade cost increased by 66% to 5000.

· Composite Armor: Upgrade cost increased by 50% to 2000.

· Radar Scan: Support Power cost increased by 20% to 300.

· Shockwave Artillery: Support Power cost increased by 33% to

2000. Attack power reduced by 38%.

· GDI Airborne: Support Power cost increased by 50% to 1500.

· Bloodhounds: Support Power cost increased by 50% to 3000.

· Sharpshooter Team: Support Power cost increased by 40% to 3500.

· Zone Trooper Drop Pods: Support Power cost increased by 50% to


/Brotherhood of Nod Balance Changes/

· Militant Squad: Speed increased by 20%. Attack power increased

by 50%.

· Militant Rocket Squad: Speed increased by 20%. Health increased

by 100%. Range increased by 75%. Attack power vs. aircraft reduced

by 25%.

· Saboteur: Speed increased by 20%.

· Shadow Team: Health reduced by 50%.

· Black Hand: Speed increased by 22%. Health increased by 66%.

Attack power increased by 150%.

· Attack Bike: 200% attack power bonus vs. aircraft has been

removed. Turret arc and turn rate increased, which allows the unit

to more-effectively attack any nearby targets while moving.

Directional armor removed, which makes the unit more resistant

to attacks from the flank and rear. Fixed an error that caused

the unit to not always fire both rockets at once, effectively

raising its attack power.

· Raider Buggy: Attack power vs. infantry reduced by 25%.

· Scorpion Tank: Attack power reduced by 20% before Laser

Capacitors upgrade.

· Flame Tank: Cost/buildtime increased by 20% to 1200/12. Turret

turn rate doubled, improving the unit's ability to quickly acquire

targets. Attack power increased by 150%.

· Stealth Tank: Cost/buildtime increased by 50% to 1500/15. Attack

power increased by 50%. Attack power bonus vs. aircraft reduced

by 25%.

· Avatar: Cost/buildtime reduced by 27% to 2200/22. Flamethrower

upgrade attack power increased by 150%.

· Venom Patrol Craft: Attack priorities changed so that the unit

will always prioritize enemy infantry over vehicles and base


· Carryall: Health increased by 70%.

· Armageddon Bomber: Health increased by 33%. (Note: This aircraft

only appears when summoned by certain Support Powers.)

· Laser Capacitors: Upgrade cost increased by 50% to 3000.

· Tiberium Infusion: Upgrade cost increased by 50% to 2000.

· Cloaking Field: Support Power cost increased by 100% to 3000.

Attack power vs. light infantry increased by 600%. Attack power

vs. heavy infantry increased by 200%.

/Scrin Balance Changes/

· Buzzers: Health increased by 50%. Movement rate improved; now

more effective at cutting through massed infantry but no longer

kill entire infantry squads all at once.

· Disintegrators: Speed increased by 17%.

· Assimilator: Speed increased by 20%.

· Mastermind: Cost/buildtime increased by 66% to 2500/25. Recharge

time on Manipulator Device increased to 30 seconds. Teleport Units

ability now begins its cooldown period after units are teleported,

rather then when units are first selected for teleporting.

· Gun Walker: Acceleration and deceleration times reduced, making

the unit more maneuverable.

· Harvester: No longer spawns an Ion Storm when destroyed.

· Corruptor: Acceleration and deceleration times reduced, making

the unit more maneuverable.

· Planetary Assault Carrier: Ion Storm ability now generates an

Ion Storm more quickly. Scrin aircraft now receive a 25% bonus to

attack power in addition to the 25% bonus to armor while in an Ion


· Mothership: Attack power increased by 100%. Catalyst Cannon now

causes a faster, wider chain reaction. Damage sustained by the

Mothership has less impact on the power of its attack.

· Buzzer Hive: Buzzers immediately respawn when killed. Buzzers no

longer die if their Buzzer Hive is destroyed.

· Gravity Stabilizer: Now spawns Buzzers instead of Shock Troopers

when sold or destroyed.

· Force Fields: Upgrade cost increased by 66% to 5000.

· Stasis Shield: Support Power cost increased by 100% to 2000.

· The Swarm: Support Power cost increased by 50% to 1500.

<Multiplayer Maps>

Added four new multiplayer maps, which may also be used in

Skirmish mode. Two out of four of these maps are enabled for

ranked competition online, and so will appear in the Automatch

map rotation.

/Map 1: Tournament Rift/

Red Zones such as this have long since become uninhabitable to any

of Earth's life forms, and yet serve as a focal point for the

conflict between the GDI, the Brotherhood of Nod, and the Scrin,

in their continued efforts to gain control over the alien mineral.

This is a two-player map available for ranked matches.

/Map 2: Tournament Coastline/

As the spread of Tiberium inexorably continued across the world,

GDI and Nod forces found themselves frequently skirmishing for

control over strategic coastal regions such as this one. This is

a two-player desert map available for ranked matches.

/Map 3: Schlactfeld Stuttgart/

The Scrin, desperate for Tiberium, savagely laid waste to this

once-proud German city in short order. Now fighting over the green

crystal continues in the city's ruined remains. This is a two-

player urban map available for unranked matches.

/Map 4: Coastline Chaos/

An extension of Tournament Coastline, this map is based on the very

first map used to publicly showcase Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium

Wars at the 2006 Electronic Entertainment Expo. This is a four-

player desert map available for unranked matches.

<User Interface Enhancements>

· Added a "Classic Command & Conquer (Left-Click Orders) mouse

interface option, which may be selected in the General tab of

the Settings menu.

· Added the ability to cycle through multiple production

facilities of the same type either by clicking on the main

tab for that production category or using the respective hotkey.

· When placing unit-producing structures, players will now see

these structures' default rally point, which should help guide

base-building decisions near impassable terrain.

· The Reverse Move command for vehicles can now be given by

pressing and holding the hotkey (default 'D') as well as by

tapping the hotkey before each move order.

· The 'Show Healthbars' hotkey (default '`') now toggles on all

healthbars with one tap. Tapping the hotkey again reverts the


· Loading screens prior to online multiplayer battles now show a

snapshot of the selected map as well as statistics for each


· It is now possible to rebind the default hotkeys for camera


· Hotkeys for Telestrator features are now available for match

Commentator. Visit the Hotkeys tab of Settings menu to view

the default hotkeys or change them.

· Various "slash commands" added to online multiplayer lobbies.

Type "/help" in an online lobby for a list of commands.

<Bug Fixes>

· Fixed an error that prevented players from being able to place

certain structures as closely together other as expected, which

makes it easier to find suitable building locations.

· Flying units can now be ordered to move onto terrain that is

impassable to ground units.

· The Attack Move order now works correctly if a target unit

is selected.

· Fixed an error that sometimes caused units to not target

structures automatically when given an Assault Move order.

· Fixed a graphical error that caused production timers in the

Sidebar interface to "snap" to position when switching between

production queues.

· Added an EVA announcement for when an enemy Scrin Mastermind

enters the player's line of sight.

· Fixed an error that prevented players from using hotkeys to

change unit stances while units were moving.

· Tiberium Spikes now continue to provide a flow of resources

if damaged and then repaired.

· Several campaign cinematics now show up as expected in the

Transmission Log.

· Fixed an error that sometimes caused GDI Ox Transports and

Nod Carryalls to become stuck and unselectable when ordered to

land next to edges of cliffs.

· Mouse cursor no longer suggests that air units can be used to

open crates.

· Jumping to a unit group now moves the camera to the center

of the group, rather than the last unit added to the group.

· Nod defensive turret hubs now appear unstealthed when their

turrets fire while under the effects of the Disruption Tower.

· Computer-controlled players will no longer attempt to sell

the same structure multiple times when low on resources, which

caused a stream of zeros to appear onscreen.

· GDI APCs now will always move close enough to their targets

to ensure infantry units inside are within attack range.

· Fixed an error that sometimes caused walker unit death

animations to not play correctly.

· Stormriders are now affected by the player's handicap setting

in multiplayer matches.

· Maps with six starting positions now properly randomize

players' starting positions.

· The Nod nuclear missile can no longer be stopped after launch

if the player powers down the Temple of Nod.

· Nod Avatars will no longer retain their veterancy level when

they are destroyed and their husks are recovered.

· Nod Beam Cannons now gain their expected bonuses to attack

power from veterancy.

· Fixed an error that sometimes caused Nod laser defenses to

appear as if they still were firing when powered down or


· Units created using Nod's Decoy Army support power will no

longer last indefinitely if the Nod Operations Center is

powered down. Decoyed Scrin Corrupter units no longer spawn


· Fixed an error that sometimes caused units to display

veterancy ranks from the wrong faction.

· Added effects for when Tiberium crystals are attacked and


· Added effects for Nod Vertigo Bomber's rear anti-air turret.

· Added ambient sound effects for Scrin Gun Walker and

Scrin Annihilator Tripod.

· GDI and Nod Commandos will now respect the rules of their

selected combat stance with regard to their C4 charges. They

will not automatically rush to demolish structures unless

set to Aggressive stance.

· GDI Firehawks equipped with Stratofighter Boosters will no

longer fly in stacked on top of each other when groups of them

are order to use the ability at the same time.

· Nod Scorpion Tanks don't catch fire as quickly.

· The user interface now properly stretches to the top and

bottom of the screen in 1280x1024 resolution.

· Added recoil effects to unupgraded Nod Scorpion Tank and GDI

Guardian Cannon.

· Scrin Worm Hole support power no longer allows the user to

create the entry and exit points on top of each other.

· Scrin Buzzer Hives now show an attack radius when selected.

· If a player is defeated, the end-of-mission music no longer

plays twice.

· Computer-controlled players will now attempt to build

superweapons only in their most-fortified bases.

· Added an EVA announcement for when teammates place a beacon.

· The Resources chart in the post-match screen now graphs total

credits gathered over time.

· When spectating multiplayer matches, players will now hear the

game music change dynamically as the battle's participants do.

· Fixed an error that caused text to misalign in online chat

lobbies if players remained in those lobbies for a relatively

long period of time.

· When loading replay files directly from the Windows desktop,

Main menu music no longer plays during the match.

· Various other minor bug fixes.

<Other Changes>

· Some campaign missions have been tuned and rebalanced.

· In team-based matches, allied players now share Ground

Control, allowing them to build structures in each others'


· When attempting to restart a campaign from the beginning,

players will now receive a warning prompt notifying them

that their autosave for that campaign will be overwritten

if they proceed.

· Added wider variety of scorch marks to the battlefield.

· Added garrison-clearing effects for Nod Flame Tank, Nod

Black Hand, and Scrin Corrupter units.

· Added explosion effects for when Scrin Disintegrators are


· Added Heroic-level firing effects for the GDI Juggernaut.

· Added music when viewing Intelligence Database during

campaign missions.

· Scrin Devourer Tanks now have an additional gauge that

shows remaining supercharged ammunition after using the

Conversion Beam ability.

· Added new visual effects for the Scrin Annihilator Tripod's

close-range EMP attack.

· Added an audio cue for when Repair command is used on a


· Added ammunition counters to the unit portraits of aircraft

with limited ammo, including the GDI Orca and Firehawk and the

Nod Vertigo Bomber. Also added reload sound effects to

these units.

· Updated the loading screen when loading saved games.

· Fixed various typographical errors in the game

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  • Membro VIP
A Skin extra nao vem instalada. Ela vem numa pasta do CD2, separada, pra você substituir um arquivo da pasta do jogo pra rodar as skins novas. Ainda nao testei.

Não cheguei ainda a olhar o conteúdo do disco 2, mas não precisei substituir arquivo nenhum para as novas skins (não lembro agora se é na instalação ou nas opções que se habilita essa opção).

o bom nela são só os mapas, mas que com certeza deve ter um link por ae pra quem não tem poder baixar.

Até pode existir, mas enquanto a EA não resolver liberar esses mapas oficialmente, peço, por favor, que ninguém poste um link para esse material.

bom, não olhei as 28 páginas, mas parece que aqui não tem a lista de mudanças confirmadas pro patch 1.05, então ta aqui:

(se já tiver me fala que eu edito)

Valeu pela lista, embora só costume postar a lista junto com o lançamento do patch e ele ainda não está disponível, por isso a ausência dela.

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tipo, os mapas pelo que eu sei podem ser baixados pelo game, ao entrar ne algum jogo criado por quem tem a versão Kane e selecionou um mapa da mesma para a partida...

o patch parece estar bem legal, tomara que saia agora no final do mês mesmo, como o pessoal da EA falou...

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  • Membro VIP
Sim :joia: Por isso que são apeloes :D Eles deviam ser mais fracos. O Patch 1.05 sai hj, se nao me engano. Se a gandalfnho puder nos postar noticias, tenho certeza que agradeceriamos muito :D

As últimas notícias indicam que o novo patch deve sair no mínimo só amanhã, então teremos que esperar mais um pouco...

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  • Membro VIP

RTSGAMES anuncia o primeiro campeonato oficial do Command & Conquer 3 no Brasil

A competição contará com o apoio da Electronic Arts e NVIDIA na premiação, além de valer vaga para a Final Nacional do Samsung WCG 2007.

RELEASE - Já estão abertas as inscrições para o CNC3 BR TOUR, primeiro campeonato oficial brasileiro de Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars! As inscrições podem ser feitas do dia 01 a 22 de junho e contarão com a parceria da Electronic Arts, NVIDIA e Samsung. O evento começa dia 25 de junho.

O campeonato será totalmente online com transmissão das partidas ao vivo pela internet no site internacional da série através do inovador sistema BattleCast. As partidas finais serão transmitidas com narração e comentários táticos.

O game Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars mistura ação explosiva, estratégia densa e trama detalhada que estimula o gênero de jogos de estratégia. A série retorna às suas raízes, ao universo do Tiberium. Os jogadores podem assumir o comando dos exércitos futuristas da Iniciativa de Defesa Global, lutar por Kane e sua Irmandade de Nod ou controlar as hordas alienígenas da nova facção.

''O Command & Conquer 3 não só atingiu as expectativas dos fãs como está se tornando uma referência de RTS multiplayer. Nosso objetivo é valorizar os fãs brasileiros da série com atividades locais a médio e longo prazo e dar suporte para a comunidade crescer e se profissionalizar'', afirma Ian de Freitas, gerente de produtos da EA.

Segundo José Pedro Ranalli, diretor de marketing da NVIDIA, a companhia está muito contente de mais uma vez poder apoiar um grande torneio como esse, podendo assim reafirmar o compromisso com a indústria e fortalecer a presença no mercado. ''A NVIDIA está empolgada com o apoio e entusiasmo da comunidade de Command & Conquer e esperamos participar de outras oportunidades como esta'', afirma Ranalli.

''A série Command & Conquer é a maior do gênero RTS em todo o mundo. No Brasil, a comunidade de jogadores de CNC3 Tiberium Wars é a que mais cresce atualmente, isso graças à qualidade do jogo e principalmente ao excelente apoio da EA que, junto com a NVIDIA, possibilita eventos e competições de qualidade como o CNC3 BR TOUR, uma das melhores competições na história do RTSGAMES'', diz Matheus Sisdeli, administrador do portal

Com relação à premiação, os três primeiros colocados levarão:

1º colocado: 1 placa de vídeo Nvidia 7600GT (ou superior), mais três jogos da EA, uma medalha exclusiva, um banner digital, uma entrevista para o portal RTSGAMES e o memorial no hall da fama do RTSGAMES.

2º colocado: 1 jogo EA, uma medalha exclusiva, um banner digital, uma entrevista para o portal RTSGAMES e o memorial no hall da fama do RTSGAMES.

3º Colocado: 1 jogo EA, uma medalha exclusiva, um banner digital e o memorial no hall da fama do RTSGAMES.

O CNC3 BR TOUR também irá classificar oito jogadores para participarem da Final Nacional do Samsung WCG Brasil 2007, etapa brasileira do maior campeonato de jogos eletrônicos do mundo, o World Cyber Games (WCG). A competição acontecerá nos dias 18 e 19 de agosto, em São Paulo, e irá selecionar o melhor player da categoria para a Grande Final Mundial do WCG, que será realizada no mês de outubro, em Seattle (EUA).

''A chegada da comunidade Command & Conquer à nossa Final Nacional vem engrandecer ainda mais o nosso campeonato. Além disso, poder levar um representante brasileiro para uma disputa internacional, certamente é uma grande oportunidade de contribuir com o crescimento e a profissionalização da categoria no país'', afirma Rodrigo Moretz, gerente de marketing de relacionamento da Samsung.

Para inscrição e regulamento, visite este site.

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  • 4 semanas depois...
  • Membro VIP

Tópico atualizado. Patch 1.06 disponível.

Version 1.06 Patch Notes - July 16, 2007


This patch for Command & Conquer 3 changes the way that disconnect stats are recorded during ranked and unranked online matches, addresses a critical exploit, and fixes a number of other bugs.

Tracking Disconnects

· Changed the way that disconnects are reported. Now, whenever the game detects that a disconnect has occurred in a 1v1 match, both players are awarded a disconnect stat -- neither player is given a win or loss stat.


· Fixed an exploit that caused any unit or structure to become invincible if force-fired upon by a Mammoth Tank that had been upgraded with Rail Guns.

Other Bugs

· Fixed a bug that caused the Nod Cloaking Field power to deduct up to 6,000credits from the Operations Center. The power now correctly deducts 3,000credits.

· Fixed a bug that allowed players in the online lobbies to /tell and /invite users that had marked them to be ignored.

· Players can no longer send /tell messages to other players as observers during a multiplayer match.

· Fixed a hang that occurred when users typed /friend or /invite without a corresponding name.

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  • 4 semanas depois...
  • Membro VIP

Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath: Electronic Arts anuncia primeira expansão do game

A Electronic Arts divulgou através de seu serviço de WebTV o desenvolvimento de Command & Conquer 3 : Kane's Wrath, primeira expansão para o game lançado recentemente. Além de novas unidades, expansão da campanha principal e mapas multiplayer, a expansão trará também um novo modo de jogo chamado Risk.

A expansão será lançada no fim do ano. Aguardem por mais detalhes em breve.

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  • Membro VIP

Confiram o release oficial da expansão:

São Paulo, 21 de agosto de 2007 - Em nome de Kane! A Electronic Arts (Nasdaq: ERTS) anunciou hoje que a série Command & Conquer continuará a crescer com Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath. Como pacote de expansão da série sucesso de crítica e de público, este jogo de Estratégia em Tempo Real (RTS) volta ao universo Tiberium com Kane no centro de uma campanha épica para um jogador.

"A reação obtida por Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars foi incrível. Fãs e críticos gostaram da combinação de um RTS rápido e divertido com uma história complexa e com as seqüências clássicas de vídeo que já são um marco da série Command & Conquer", declarou Mike Verdu, vice-presidente e produtor-executivo da EA Los Angeles (EALA). "Estou muito otimista porque conseguimos voltar ao universo Tiberium com Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath. Esta expansão conta com uma impressionante nova campanha para um jogador, uma nova camada estratégica global que dá mais profundidade à jogabilidade familiar de Command & Conquer, além de vários novo brinquedos divertidos, que vão de versáteis soldados de combate a gigantes com armaduras", concluiu o executivo.

A campanha para um jogador permite que os usuários experimentem uma nova história em um intervalo de 20 anos - do renascimento da Irmandade de Nod, após a Segunda Guerra de Tiberium, até os eventos dramáticos da Terceira Guerra de Tiberium e além. A história é contada por meio de um novo conjunto de seqüências de vídeo de alta resolução, com um elenco de estrelas. Joe Kucan, o autor original que representou o personagem Kane nos jogos Command & Conquer ao longo da última década, repetirá o seu papel mais uma vez como o líder megalomaníaco da Irmandade de Nod. Outros detalhes sobre o elenco ainda serão anunciados.

O Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath também inclui uma nova camada estratégica para a jogabilidade, que permite que os jogadores estabeleçam bases, construam exércitos personalizados e ataquem seus inimigos em uma escala global - e depois mergulhem no alucinante combate tático, em que suas habilidades como comandantes farão a diferença durante as batalhas. O game também apresenta seis novas subfacções e uma variedade de novas unidades, estruturas e poderes para os exércitos da Iniciativa de Defesa Global, da Irmandade de Nod e do enigmático alienígena Scrin.

A versão para Xbox 360 de Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath vai estrear uma revolucionária nova Interface radial, criada especificamente para jogadores de console. Com os controles de RTS em outro nível, os jogadores vão utilizar as alavancas de comando para construir, destruir e atacar.

Desenvolvido na EALA, o Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath será lançado em 2008 para PC (Windows) e Xbox 360. Para mais informações sobre o Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath ou sobre a série Command & Conquer, visite

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Tópico atualizado. Patch 1.08 disponível e também o MOD SDK (Para criar mods para o jogo) e a nova versão do World Builder.

Version 1.08 Patch Notes

Makes one specific fix to the Scrin Mothership unit

Version 1.07 Patch Notes

Mod SDK:

-The Mod SDK installer will only work with the 1.07 patch. The Mod SDK

installer is for the user to create customizable maps, units, AI, UI, and much

more. Visit for more information and to download the Mod SDK.

-A custom map launcher screen has been added to launch single player custom maps. This is found under the Skirmish button in the Main Menu.

-Replay browser has been converted into a general game browser. There is a tab for launching replays and a tab for launching Mods.


-Fixes for various cheats have been put into place. Please be advised that

players attempting to tamper with the game may cause online matches to

automatically desync.

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow GDI projectile shells to track targets properly.

-Fixed a bug that caused the Scrin Drone Platform to self-destruct when coming in contact with an enemy upgraded Scrin Annihilator Tripod.

-Fixed a bug with decoyed GDI Mammoth Tanks created by the Nod Decoy Army support power that allowed them to crush enemy units.

-Fixed a bug where support powers, Scrin Tiberium Vibration Scan and Nod Radar Jamming Missile, deducted twice the amount of credits indicated.

-Fixed errors that caused some players to experience unexpected problems due to copy protection.

Balance Changes:

-Scrin Mothership will now take 8 seconds to deploy over the Scrin Signal Transmitter, where it will be unselectable by user but can be attacked by opponent. Scrin Mothership speed has been increased by 33%. Weapon chain

reaction delay increased by 1 sec.

-GDI Pitbull health reduced by 20%. Mortar given a scatter radius of 50. Mortar upgrade cost increased to 2000 from 1000.

-Scrin Buzzer Hive now leaves 1 Scrin Buzzer instead of 3 when destroyed or sold.

-Cranes for all 3 factions can no longer build defensive structures or superweapons.

-Harvesters' rate of collecting Tiberium has been made equal across all factions. Harvesters will now unload at the refinery before moving to a new Tiberium field.

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