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Type in the code at any time during game

DOS version

Alt-V-Enable cheat mode (after pausing game).

ISNOTRY-Enable Yoda Power Mode:

Esc-Skip any level or cutscene

Alt-J-Jump to a chapter (after pausing the game).

Alt-M-Enabled Movie mode. Plays all videos straight through.

Alt-P-AutoPlay (the computer plays for you).

ALT-V and then type JOINME-Enable Dark Side Mode:

ALT-S-Super Pilot (Has passed all of the levels)

ALT-D-Debug mode toggle

ALT-C-Capture screen shot

LETGO-Enable Force mode:

+-Reduces your damage

- -Restores all health

Alt-E-Extra life

Alt-L-Unlimited lives

MAC version

Option-V-Enable cheat mode (after pausing game).

ISNOTRY-Enable Yoda Power Mode:

` or clear-Skip any level or cutscene

Option-J-Jump to a chapter (after pausing the game).

Option-M-Enabled Movie mode. Plays all videos straight through.

Option-P-AutoPlay (the computer plays for you).

LETGO-Enable Force mode:

+-Reduces your damage

- -Restores all health

Option-E-Extra life

Option-L-Unlimited lives

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Postado Originalmente por SStormhift@27 Mar. 2003,23:13

lá vai

Type in the code at any time during game

DOS version

Alt-V-Enable cheat mode (after pausing game).

ISNOTRY-Enable Yoda Power Mode:

Esc-Skip any level or cutscene

Alt-J-Jump to a chapter (after pausing the game).

Alt-M-Enabled Movie mode. Plays all videos straight through.

Alt-P-AutoPlay (the computer plays for you).

ALT-V and then type JOINME-Enable Dark Side Mode:

ALT-S-Super Pilot (Has passed all of the levels)

ALT-D-Debug mode toggle

ALT-C-Capture screen shot

LETGO-Enable Force mode:

+-Reduces your damage

- -Restores all health

Alt-E-Extra life

Alt-L-Unlimited lives

MAC version

Option-V-Enable cheat mode (after pausing game).

ISNOTRY-Enable Yoda Power Mode:

` or clear-Skip any level or cutscene

Option-J-Jump to a chapter (after pausing the game).

Option-M-Enabled Movie mode. Plays all videos straight through.

Option-P-AutoPlay (the computer plays for you).

LETGO-Enable Force mode:

+-Reduces your damage

- -Restores all health

Option-E-Extra life

Option-L-Unlimited lives

Valeu cara!!!

só por curiosidade, na onde você encontrou essas dicas?


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