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Excelente artigo falando sobre TODOS os chips com representatividade para o mundo OC.

Resumo dos top chips: (Meu ver sobre eles)

BH5 - Atualmente, são os melhores, tem um desempenho fantástico, usam uma tensão um tanto alta também!

UTT - Altos niveis de Overclock, em troca disso, voltagens altíssimas!

TCCD - Podemos dizer que "o meio termo" podem chegar em altos MHz com a tensão moderada, a versão mais versátil digamos!

Entre esses, tem varios outros CHIPS!

Winbons Chips:

BH-5The most famous of the Winbond chips, or possibly the most famous ram ever! These chips are known to love voltage, which in turn gets you extremely tight timings and great frequencies. Most BH-5 can do around 250 MHz at cas2-2-2-X. This usually requires around 3.2-3.4 volts. BH-5 has gone as high as 280 MHz or so, but this is very difficult to achieve. This ram can be identified as having the last three characters on the chip as BH-5. [Mais sobre este chip]

CH-5This is a newer ram chip than BH-5 and on average cannot achieve the results BH-5 can. It is known to do around 220-230 MHz at cas2-3-2-X. This ram is a little different than BH-5 as it does not respond as well to voltage. Usually, anything over 3 volts does not yield any better results. This could be due to the manufacturer's PCB design, or simply the ram chips themselves. In some cases, however, this ram can achieve similar results to BH-5, it just does not happen very often. [Mais sobre este chip]

BH-6This is the 6ns version of the BH-X series. This ram performs very well, and in some cases, as well as BH-5 ram. Like its 5ns brother, it loves voltage and can achieve high frequency with cas2-2-2-X timings. BH-6 can usually clock to around 240-250 MHz with about 3.2-3.4 volts and still retain the tight timings. This is even harder to find than BH-5 as it is also out of production and was not produced for as long. One thing to note about this ram is that since it is 6ns rather than 5ns, you will mostly find it in PC2700 or DDR333 speeds. [Mais sobre este chip]

CH-6 This is the 6ns version of the CH-X series ram. Although the cards are against a good overclock on this ram, it does alright. It performs very similar to CH-5 ram in most respects, despite its greater latency rating. Figure on about 220 MHz at somewhat tight timings such as cas2-3-2-X. [Mais sobre este chip]

UTTThis is the newest of the Winbond ram. It is very similar to BH-5, but requires a little more voltage. UTT ram can achieve the clocks that BH-5 can, but also requires more voltage. Most people recommend using around 3.4-3.6 volts for this ram. One thing this has over BH-5 is that its overclock is not hindered by the fact that it is double sided ram rather than single sided. BH-5 did its best when 2x256mb modules were used, and this UTT ram can achieve the same clocks using 2x512mb modules. This is very handy, as 2x256mb ram is considered not enough by most of today’s standards. One area where this ram falls short of BH-5 is that it is slightly inconsistent. [Mais sobre este chip]

Hynix Ram Chips:

D43This is probably the most common Hynix ram and is easy to find. This ram offers very high frequencies, but at the cost of sacrificing timings. D43 is rated at DDR400, or PC3200. Hynix D43 ram can usually clock up to around 260-270 MHz at latencies of cas3-4-4-8. This ram is often called “Intel ram,” as Intel setups benefit from higher memory bandwidth and are less dependent on latencies. This might not be the ideal ram choice for an Athlon XP setup. [Mais sobre este chip]

D5This ram is similar to the D43, but offers higher clocks and tighter timings. D5 is rated at DDR500, or PC4000. This is not necessarily guaranteed, but on average, D5 seems to clock to around 270-280 MHz, and in some cases can approach the 300 MHz mark. At 250 MHz, the timings are usually around cas2.5-4-4-7, instead of the D43’s cas3-4-4-8. [Mais sobre este chip]

Micron Ram Chips:

5B CI'll start by saying this memory should be much more popular than it is. This memory is knows to clock well with very tight timings. This memory can usually achieve about 230 MHz at cas2.5-2-2-X. The cas latency is not the lowest of the bunch, but the TRD and the TRP latencies are quite good. There have been instances where this ram has clocked higher, much higher, but it is somewhat inconsistent according to other forum members. [Mais sobre este chip]

5B G - This is a newer revision of the -5B C ram. It is still 5ns ram, but can clock higher than its earlier brother. This is the ram commonly found in Crucial Ballistix that has earned quite a reputation for doing very high clocks with great latencies. It can be considered as somewhat of an "in-between" ram, meaning it does pretty decent timings with pretty decent frequencies. Most revision G ram does about 250-260, but can retain the timings of cas2.5-2-2-X. [Mais sobre este chip]

Infineon RAM chips:

B5 - This is 5ns ram from Infineon. It is not very popular, as it usually only comes on Corsair XMS3200 rev. 3.1 ram. The native timings at 200 MHz are cas2-3-3-6. This is decent for 200 MHz, but certainly there are faster chips out there. As far as overclocking is concerned, this ram does not exactly impress. Results are very similar to CH-6 Winbond ram, only the CH-6 can usually retain tighter timings across the frequencies. Figure on about 220-230 MHz. [Mais sobre este chip]

BT-6 This is similar to the B-5, but rather it is 6ns. Overclocking results are slightly less favorable than the B-5, as it is rated at 166 MHz. This ram can commonly be found on Value Rams such as Kingston KVR2700. I was able to push this ram to around 215 MHz before I encountered problems. Timings at this overclocked speed were cas2.5-3-3-11. This is as to be expected since these chips are becoming outdated and really only meant to run at 166 MHz. [Mais sobre este chip]

Samsung RAM chips:

TCB3 - This is 6ns ram from Samsung commonly found on cas2-2-2-X PC2700 modules. It can hold very tight timings, and clock somewhat high. It is found in some PC3200 modules as well, but not rated at cas2-2-2-X. At 200 MHz, latencies are increased to cas2-3-3-6. While this is still respectable, it is nothing out of the ordinary. As far as overclocking goes, this ram can usually clock to around 230 MHz, which is pretty surprising as it is rated at 166 MHz. [Mais sobre este chip]

TCCC - TCCC is the revision “C” of the “TCC” line from Samsung. This ram is very versatile, meaning it can achieve pretty high frequency or pretty decent timings. This ram can clock to around 250-260 MHz on average. Timings at these speeds are usually cas3-4-4-8, unfortunately. This ram can be run at 200 MHz, however, and still keep timings such as cas2.5-3-3-6. [Mais sobre este chip]

TCC4 - Another offering from Samsung, this ram is pretty unpopular. It can be found on various PC3200 Value rams, as well as some PC2700 offerings. This is not the best overclocking choice, as it usually tops out around 210-220 MHz at cas3-3-3-X and requires added voltage to achieve that speed. Like other Samsung ram, it does not help to give extreme voltages. [Mais sobre este chip]

TCC5 - This is a newer revision of the “TCC” series from Samsung. It is superior to the TCC4 in every way. It is commonly found on PC3700 offerings, and offers pretty good overclockability. This ram is rated to run at 233 MHz, so it already starts out higher than the TCC4 can usually clock to. Timings are very respectable at cas2.5-3-3-X depending on the manufacturer. This ram can be overclocked to reach 250 MHz sometimes, if the latencies are increased to cas3-4-4-X. Once again, extreme voltages do not aide in overclocking attempts. [Mais sobre este chip]

TCCD - TCCD is another chip that will be remembered for long after its life. This ram has said to be the “BH-5 Replacement.” While some agree, some do not. They are VERY different ram chips, and do their own things very well. TCCD is probably the most versatile ram ever made. It can run up to about 220 MHz while holding super tight timings of cas2-2-2-X. It can also be run up near 300 MHz, while holding very respectable timings of cas2.5-4-4-X. Some people have even gotten above 300 MHz with timings of cas2.5-3-3-X. This is one of the highest clocking rams available today, and is relatively inexpensive for what you get. TCCD responds to voltage, but never really needs much of an increase to do its best. People have said that running it at 3.0 volts will help, but I have never achieved higher success going past 2.8 volts. This is especially useful, as 2.8 volts seems to be the maximum offered by most motherboards. The fact that this ram can run at 300 MHz on an UN-modded board is simply amazing. It makes it a great choice for everyone, regardless of what your setup may be. It has been argued that BH-5 is still superior. While that may hold true, the ease of running this ram fast makes up for any edge BH-5 may have on it. One complaint is that this ram is very picky when it comes to motherboard compatibility. I have heard that it has a hard time running well on Intel platforms. [Mais sobre este chip]

Mosel Ram Chips

Vitelic 5ns - This is 5ns ram from Mosel. It is commonly found in PC3200 offerings, and at this speed is rated at cas2-3-3-6. This is not bad, but nothing out of the ordinary. It is similar to CH-5 from Winbond. This ram can clock to around 240 MHz and hold decent timings such as cas2.5-3-3-6. If timings are kept at 2-3-2-X, then this ram will typically max out around 220 MHz. This can be found in Corsair XMS3200, Geil Ultra PC3200 and PC3500, OCZ PC3200 and PC3700. This is not a bad choice of ram at all. It offers great overclockability while still holding very respectable timings. [Mais sobre este chip]

Tem algumas que tiram um caldo. Mas é loteria.

Olhem o artigo que passa uma boa ideia do potencial de cada chip em particular.

Lista de memórias e seus chips - Geral dos CHIPS

Lista de memórias com chips TCCD - Memórias TCCD

Lista de memórias com chips UTT - Memórias UTT

Espero que ajudem vocês!

Eu vi e gostei!

T+ gente!

Ps.: O tópico estara sendo traduzido para portugues-br aos poucos, o tempo que estiver livre vou traduzindo!

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e ai pedro beleza... cara to com um duvida aqui tenho dois modulos de memoria de 512 cada... um da samsung pc400 tccc cas 2.5 e outro da aeneon pc400 chips da infinion cas 3... estou com over nas memos a 424 e elas estão com cas 2.5-3-3-7 V2.5

seraq não vai dar bode neste modulo da aeneon e o q posso melhorar para ganhar mais performace...

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Postado Originalmente por reto@29 de dezembro de 2005, 17:24

e ai pedro beleza... cara to com um duvida aqui tenho dois modulos de memoria de 512 cada... um da samsung pc400 tccc cas 2.5 e outro da aeneon pc400 chips da infinion cas 3... estou com over nas memos a 424 e elas estão com cas 2.5-3-3-7 V2.5

seraq não vai dar bode neste modulo da aeneon e  o q posso melhorar para ganhar mais performace...

Certo, você tem 2 pentes diferentes...

você está com sorte por estar segurando o CL3 em 2.5 ...

você já tentou aumentar a tensão e segurar mais clock?

Bote o CAS para 3, e tenta subir o clock, aí pra saber se melhorou, vai nos testes !

Posta aqui depois!


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Postado Originalmente por Leonardo.F@29 de dezembro de 2005, 17:31

comprei um modulo de 1Gb da Kingston HyperX PC 3200 cara gostei em!!

o que você acha dela tenho como faze over nela?

a e parabens pelo topico muito show!!!

você é fera!!!

2 x 512 ?

As memos HYPER X são boas, guetam um over legal sim, bota clock nelas sem alterar os timings, ve até quanto ela vai...

A minha OCZ Platinium R2, kit dual , foi até 232 MHz

Depois disso que agente vai ver as configs e ultilização delas em over!



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Postado Originalmente por reto@29 de dezembro de 2005, 17:51

mai como a tccc e PC400 cas 2.5 se eu colocar ela a cas 3 não vai ficar instavel o meu sistema? não manjo muito desses lance de tempo de memoria...

No caso do CAS Latency, você diz que ela é 2.5, é o que ela vem de fábrica, se você botar mais tensão e mais CAS, o clock dela tende a subir...


As minhas OCZ Platinium R2, foram até 340 MHZ com o CAS em 3 e timings muitoooo agressivos !!!

Ele bipa muito alto..

porém fica super instável !

Aumenta o CAS e o clock, ex, se botar o cas em 3 com o mesmo clock, o desempenho cai, mais não cria instabilidade, se botar mais clock, vai melhorando o desempenho aos poucos!

Isso é com você

Posta aí!


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