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Discussão sobre Mercado CPU/APU - AMD, INTEL, VIA, ARM & Foundries

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Quanta Computer Inc. processa a AMD por prejuízo causado por chipsets ATI R600ME (Chipset feito para processadores Intel com Core 2 e Pentium 4) em 2006.

Segundo a Quanta, os chipsets eram intolerantes ao calor e a AMD foi negligente.

"AMD está ciente que nenhum outro cliente apresentou relatórios de problemas com o chip AMD usado iguais aos usados pela Quanta, AMD já não os vende," disse Silverman.

Mais detalhes... Bloomberg

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  • Membro VIP$3-billion-in-fabs

GF vai investir alguns milhares de baris de petróleo, digo, 3 bilhões de doletas, em novas fábricas no ano de 2012, principalmente na fábrica nova de NY (a numerom oitom), que já começou a produzir em 32 nm SOI HKMG (Bulldozer, Trinity e Llano..) em escala lmitada. A produção em maior escala deverá vomeçar dentro de alguns meses, é questão de chegarem as máquinas e elas serem instaladas e calibradas.

Mesmo com a demanda relativamente baixa pro processo em 32 nm (que só a AMD usa), eles começaram com um processo conhecido provavelmente pra ter menos problemas. Não deve demorar muito pra começar a produção em 28 nm.

Os planos de outra fábrica, em Abu Dhabi, estão suspensos por hora, mas não descartados.

Se fosse no Brasil, seria pra copa de 2014 hehehe

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China prepara uma revolucionara arquitetura de Processador chamada UPU.

O 'trem' é capaz de computação heterogênea via hardware (Compilador próprio).

O dono do projeto é a I-Cube e nada mais nada menos que Fred show e Simon Moy que são os cabeças.


mais detalhes...

o autor só se esqueceu do FSA antes de comentar sobre x86

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Essa eu também achi interessante...

Micro$ofre começa a produção do novo console, este não será Trinity e sim um SoC de PowerPC + GCN (IBM+GF) já na ativa.

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  • Membro VIP

Silício, tremei !

IBM faz transístor em 9 nm de nanotubo de carbono, um nm a menos que o limite teórico do menor tamanho possível de um transístor de silício.

Mas, foi um transístor, e deu um trabalho lascado, ainda vai demorar pra isso virar alguma coisa.

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  • Membro VIP

Molibdênio... metal de brilho interessante e bom para filtrar radiação, já trabalhei com uns filtros desses, alguns mais finos que um fio de cabelo.

Mas... usar molibdênio, com gates de háfnio e eletrodos de ouro... acho que agora a Intel tem uma boa desculpa pros extremes custarem 999. :D

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News From AMD's Financial Analyst Day

A little bit of new news was shared with HardOCP this morning at Financial Analyst Day here in Sunnyvale, CA. You will notice two new System On Chip architectures, code named Kabini and Temash. While that is not terribly exciting, what is exciting is seeing AMD's next generation Sea Islands GPU architecture. No information was given beyond the code name, and the expected debut in 2013. 2013 should light a fire under NVIDIA though.

Fonte: Hardop

Ps: não sabia onde postar essa novidade sobre o AMD Financial Day postei aqui

curioso para mais informações afinal hoje era o dia das grandes noticas a respeito mas... só achei isso por enquanto

Rory Read - AMD Financial Analyst Day

Rory Read, AMD's new president and CEO got on stage this morning and put a lot of emphasis on execution. He made no bones about it that AMD could execute better. Given the legacy of Bulldozer, execution is something that is in obvious need of focus, and Rory fully understands this. Rory went on about strategy and how AMD needed to react to market. Consumerization, Cloud, and Covergence were three focal points of his strategy. Tablet and appliance products, use of cloud functions to enable new business models, and connectivity among all those devices used. Windows 8 running ARM is not being discounted either, but information was cloudy about how that was important to AMD. Trinity APUs, which will be released in the coming months, already has more design wins than AMD saw with Brazos, which was a tremendous seller for AMD.

Rory sees AMD as being a huge player in entry and low end systems while taking a big part of the low power market as well. It seemed as though continuing trying to compete with Intel on the high end was not the end game. He referred to competition with Intel as an "unhealthy duopoly."

"Focus and execution to build a bedrock of trust with its cusomters is of the utmost importance."

So what is next for AMD? AMD is going to "double down" on the Client and Mobility space. Thin and light, building on the APUs. Then AMD will attack on the traditional server space with a move to the cloud server space. AMD also needs to look to emerging markets where of course low cost, low power, entry level products are the strongest. APU and its progress is key for AMD.

"AMD is primed to capture the inflection point." "AMD is differentiation through Consumerization, Cloud, and Convergence." "AMD will lead by marrying market needs with innovating technology." "AMD is shaping its future with sustained execution and agility"

Rory was extremely passionate and charismatic and eager throughout his delivery. His monologue certainly made me think that he was not just passing out Koolaid, but truly thinks he can impact AMD in a positive way. Surely there are some questions about how AMD intends to compete in the server and high end desktop space moving forward. APU and discrete GPU are being banked on to pay the bills to move forward for sure.


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