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Folding@Home no Linux


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eu extrai na área de trabalho, extrai na pasta fah na área de trabalho...

estou usando o modo gráfico..

depois que extraio, eu faço o que?

Só executar não? Creio que seja o cliente SMP console V6 certo?

Se for pode copiar o executável para dentro de uma pasta específica, acesse o menu Locais > Pasta Pessoal, crie uma pasta chamada smp(o processo de criar pasta é igual do Windows), depois abra o console e dê os comandos:

sudo su(pressione ENTER, ele vai solicitar a senha do usuário, digiete a senha e pressione ENTER)

cd /home/wadson/smp

chmod 777 nome_do_executavel_do_folding (esse comando chmod 777 dá permissão total)

./nome_do_executavel_do_folding.exe - smp -verbosity 9 (o ./ ali é usado para chamar arquivos executáveis no linux)

Depois só configurar o usuário do fah, passkey e time. Divirta-se.

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  • Membro VIP

não.. dei dois cliques e não rodou o programa... tu usa teamviewer?

se usar, tem como ver onde estou errando?senão vou ter que esperar o renato russo entrar...

e não entendo porque não consigo deixar o teamviewer funcionando...

baixei, instalei, ele tá lá na lista de programas e ele não liga...

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não.. dei dois cliques e não rodou o programa... tu usa teamviewer?

se usar, tem como ver onde estou errando?senão vou ter que esperar o renato russo entrar...

Melhor aprender por si mesmo, senão você esquece e nunca vai saber os comandos executados. Dois cliques em Linux em executáveis não funciona mesmo, segue o tutorial acima que é para dar certo.

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  • Membro VIP

não vai.

To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".

See "man sudo_root" for details.

wadson@PhenonIIX6:~$ sudo su

[sudo] password for wadson:

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson# cd /home/wadson/smp

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6

chmod: impossível acessar "fah6": Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ./fah6.exe -smp -verbosity9

bash: ./fah6.exe: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6 ./fah6.exe -smp -verbosity

chmod: opção -- 'e' inválida

Experimente "chmod --help" para mais informações.

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ./fah6.exe -smp -verbosity

bash: ./fah6.exe: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado


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não vai.

To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".

See "man sudo_root" for details.

wadson@PhenonIIX6:~$ sudo su

[sudo] password for wadson:

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson# cd /home/wadson/smp

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6

chmod: impossível acessar "fah6": Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ./fah6.exe -smp -verbosity9

bash: ./fah6.exe: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6 ./fah6.exe -smp -verbosity

chmod: opção -- 'e' inválida

Experimente "chmod --help" para mais informações.

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ./fah6.exe -smp -verbosity

bash: ./fah6.exe: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado


Cara dá um ls que ele vai listar os arquivos pra você, daí veja qual o nome do arquivo com a extensão ".exe", daí é só dar o comando ./nome_do_exe.exe -smp - verbosity 9 (repare que você deve chamar o executável com sua extensão). Pelo jeito você nunca brincou no DOS do Windows.

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Abre o terminal e tenta o seguinte: (usuario normal)

cd smp

chmod +x fah6

./fah6 -smp -verbosity9

Ou, se for para usar como root:

su root

cd /home/wadson/smp

chmod +x fah6

./fah6 -smp -verbosity9

Aqui neste link tem mais algumas informações de como instalar e a opção para executar automaticamente quando a maquina inicia. Veja se ajuda.

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vou tentar quando eu chegar em casa...

outra coisa: eu tenho o team viewer instalado, mas não consigo por ele pra rodar.

como faço isso?

Comment: esse linux tá me dando muita dor de cabeça...

Pelo que vi o TeamViewer é só pra Windows, sendo assim para instalá-lo você pode utilizar o Wine para instalar o TeamViewer no Linux, só pesquisar sobre Wine que tem vários tutoriais por aí.

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  • Membro VIP

bom.. acho que agora alguma coisa aconteceu e eu vi que errei no verbosity9.. o que faço?

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ./fah6.exe -smp -verbosity9

bash: ./fah6.exe: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6 ./fah6.exe -smp -verbosity

chmod: opção -- 'e' inválida

Experimente "chmod --help" para mais informações.

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ./fah6.exe -smp -verbosity

bash: ./fah6.exe: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ls


root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod +x fah6

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ./fah6 -smp -verbosity

Note: Please read the license agreement (fah6 -license). Further

use of this software requires that you have read and accepted this agreement.

Error: -verbosity must be followed by an argument

Bad Argument(s) received

Folding@Home Version 6.34

Usage: fah6 [-option1] [-option2] ...


-config Configure user information

-configonly Configure user information, then exit

-help Display this usage screen

-queueinfo Get information on queued work units

-delete x Delete item #x from work queue

-send x Send result #x to server then exit. Use x=all to send all results

-verbosity x Sets the output level, from 1 to 9 (max). The default is 3

-pause Pause after finishing & trying to send current unit

-oneunit Exit after completing one unit

-forceasm Force core assembly optimizations to be used if available

-advmethods Use new advanced scientific cores and/or work units if available

-freeBSD Make brandelf system call on downloaded cores.

-openBSD Make elf2olf system call on downloaded cores.

-smp x Use symmetric multiprocessing with n cores.

Please note the above recognized flags and try again.

Press any key to exit.

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ./fah6 -smp -verbosity9

Note: Please read the license agreement (fah6 -license). Further

use of this software requires that you have read and accepted this agreement.

Bad argument: -verbosity9

Bad Argument(s) received

Folding@Home Version 6.34

Usage: fah6 [-option1] [-option2] ...


-config Configure user information

-configonly Configure user information, then exit

-help Display this usage screen

-queueinfo Get information on queued work units

-delete x Delete item #x from work queue

-send x Send result #x to server then exit. Use x=all to send all results

-verbosity x Sets the output level, from 1 to 9 (max). The default is 3

-pause Pause after finishing & trying to send current unit

-oneunit Exit after completing one unit

-forceasm Force core assembly optimizations to be used if available

-advmethods Use new advanced scientific cores and/or work units if available

-freeBSD Make brandelf system call on downloaded cores.

-openBSD Make elf2olf system call on downloaded cores.

-smp x Use symmetric multiprocessing with n cores.

Please note the above recognized flags and try again.

Press any key to exit.


edit: e agora?

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod +x fah6

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ./fah6 -smp -verbosity

Note: Please read the license agreement (fah6 -license). Further

use of this software requires that you have read and accepted this agreement.

Error: -verbosity must be followed by an argument

Bad Argument(s) received

Folding@Home Version 6.34

Usage: fah6 [-option1] [-option2] ...


-config Configure user information

-configonly Configure user information, then exit

-help Display this usage screen

-queueinfo Get information on queued work units

-delete x Delete item #x from work queue

-send x Send result #x to server then exit. Use x=all to send all results

-verbosity x Sets the output level, from 1 to 9 (max). The default is 3

-pause Pause after finishing & trying to send current unit

-oneunit Exit after completing one unit

-forceasm Force core assembly optimizations to be used if available

-advmethods Use new advanced scientific cores and/or work units if available

-freeBSD Make brandelf system call on downloaded cores.

-openBSD Make elf2olf system call on downloaded cores.

-smp x Use symmetric multiprocessing with n cores.

Please note the above recognized flags and try again.

Press any key to exit.

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ./fah6 -smp -verbosity9

Note: Please read the license agreement (fah6 -license). Further

use of this software requires that you have read and accepted this agreement.

Bad argument: -verbosity9

Bad Argument(s) received

Folding@Home Version 6.34

Usage: fah6 [-option1] [-option2] ...


-config Configure user information

-configonly Configure user information, then exit

-help Display this usage screen

-queueinfo Get information on queued work units

-delete x Delete item #x from work queue

-send x Send result #x to server then exit. Use x=all to send all results

-verbosity x Sets the output level, from 1 to 9 (max). The default is 3

-pause Pause after finishing & trying to send current unit

-oneunit Exit after completing one unit

-forceasm Force core assembly optimizations to be used if available

-advmethods Use new advanced scientific cores and/or work units if available

-freeBSD Make brandelf system call on downloaded cores.

-openBSD Make elf2olf system call on downloaded cores.

-smp x Use symmetric multiprocessing with n cores.

Please note the above recognized flags and try again.

Press any key to exit.

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# su root

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# cd /tmp

root@PhenonIIX6:/tmp# wget

--2011-06-16 22:42:26--


Conectando-se a||:80... conectado.

A requisição HTTP foi enviada, aguardando resposta... 200 OK

Tamanho: 841 [application/x-sh]

Salvando em: “”

100%[======================================>] 841 --.-K/s em 0s

2011-06-16 22:42:26 (240 MB/s) - “” salvo [841/841]

root@PhenonIIX6:/tmp# chmod +x

root@PhenonIIX6:/tmp# ./

--2011-06-16 22:44:10--


Conectando-se a||:80... conectado.

A requisição HTTP foi enviada, aguardando resposta... 200 OK

Tamanho: 314840 (307K) [application/x-msdos-program]

Salvando em: “FAH6.34-Linux64-SMP.exe”

100%[======================================>] 314.840 60,4K/s em 5,2s

2011-06-16 22:44:16 (58,7 KB/s) - “FAH6.34-Linux64-SMP.exe” salvo [314840/314840]

Note: Please read the license agreement (fah6 -license). Further

use of this software requires that you have read and accepted this agreement.

Folding@Home User Configuration

--- Opening Log file [June 17 01:44:16 UTC]

# Linux Console Edition #######################################################


Folding@Home Client Version 6.34



Launch directory: /opt/fah

Executable: ./fah6

Arguments: -configonly

[01:44:16] Configuring Folding@Home...

User name [Anonymous]? wadsonleite

Team Number [0]? 148894

Passkey []? a922a55d693df52f96dbc9d1d0401cc5

Ask before fetching/sending work (no/yes) [no]?

Use proxy (yes/no) [no]?

Acceptable size of work assignment and work result packets (bigger units

may have large memory demands) -- 'small' is <5MB, 'normal' is <10MB, and

'big' is >10MB (small/normal/big) [normal]? big

Change advanced options (yes/no) [no]? yes

Core Priority (idle/low) [idle]?

Disable highly optimized assembly code (no/yes) [no]?

Interval, in minutes, between checkpoints (3-30) [15]?

Memory, in MB, to indicate (3708 available) [3708]?

Set -advmethods flag always, requesting new advanced

scientific cores and/or work units if available (no/yes) [no]?

Ignore any deadline information (mainly useful if

system clock frequently has errors) (no/yes) [no]?

Machine ID (1-16) [1]?

The following options require you to restart the client before they take effect

Disable CPU affinity lock (no/yes) [no]?

Additional client parameters []? -smp

IP address to bind core to (for viewer) []?

[01:46:56] - Ask before connecting: No

[01:46:56] - User name: wadsonleite (Team 148894)

[01:46:56] - User ID not found locally

[01:46:56] + Requesting User ID from server

[01:50:05] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server

[01:50:05] + Could not connect to Primary Assignment Server for ID

[01:50:07] - Machine ID: 1


[01:50:07] -configonly flag given, so exiting.

./ linha 6: 14298 Terminado ./fah6 -configonly

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bom.. acho que agora alguma coisa aconteceu e eu vi que errei no verbosity9.. o que faço?

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ./fah6.exe -smp -verbosity9

bash: ./fah6.exe: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6 ./fah6.exe -smp -verbosity

chmod: opção -- 'e' inválida

Experimente "chmod --help" para mais informações.

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod 777 fah6

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ./fah6.exe -smp -verbosity

bash: ./fah6.exe: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ls


root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# chmod +x fah6

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ./fah6 -smp -verbosity

Note: Please read the license agreement (fah6 -license). Further

use of this software requires that you have read and accepted this agreement.

Error: -verbosity must be followed by an argument

Bad Argument(s) received

Folding@Home Version 6.34

Usage: fah6 [-option1] [-option2] ...


-config Configure user information

-configonly Configure user information, then exit

-help Display this usage screen

-queueinfo Get information on queued work units

-delete x Delete item #x from work queue

-send x Send result #x to server then exit. Use x=all to send all results

-verbosity x Sets the output level, from 1 to 9 (max). The default is 3

-pause Pause after finishing & trying to send current unit

-oneunit Exit after completing one unit

-forceasm Force core assembly optimizations to be used if available

-advmethods Use new advanced scientific cores and/or work units if available

-freeBSD Make brandelf system call on downloaded cores.

-openBSD Make elf2olf system call on downloaded cores.

-smp x Use symmetric multiprocessing with n cores.

Please note the above recognized flags and try again.

Press any key to exit.

Folding@Home Client Shutdown.

root@PhenonIIX6:/home/wadson/smp# ./fah6 -smp -verbosity9

Note: Please read the license agreement (fah6 -license). Further

use of this software requires that you have read and accepted this agreement.

Bad argument: -verbosity9

Bad Argument(s) received

Folding@Home Version 6.34

Usage: fah6 [-option1] [-option2] ...


-config Configure user information

-configonly Configure user information, then exit

-help Display this usage screen

-queueinfo Get information on queued work units

-delete x Delete item #x from work queue

-send x Send result #x to server then exit. Use x=all to send all results

-verbosity x Sets the output level, from 1 to 9 (max). The default is 3

-pause Pause after finishing & trying to send current unit

-oneunit Exit after completing one unit

-forceasm Force core assembly optimizations to be used if available

-advmethods Use new advanced scientific cores and/or work units if available

-freeBSD Make brandelf system call on downloaded cores.

-openBSD Make elf2olf system call on downloaded cores.

-smp x Use symmetric multiprocessing with n cores.

Please note the above recognized flags and try again.

Press any key to exit.


Percebeu que com o comando "chmod +x fah6" funcionou? O foldfing funcionou mas você errou nos parâmetros, o correto é ./fah6 -smp -verbosity 9 e não ./fah6 -smp -verbosity9 como você fez(depois do verbosity tem um espaço).

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entendi... mas acho que deu xabu porque dei o comando top e não fica o fahcore A3 lá em cima...

edit: tá pegando wu..

agora só falta eu aprender a por o teamviewer pra rodar também na máquina e tirar a senha de usuário quando entra em espera

Sobre o bloqueio já te passei na página 15 do tópico, dá uma olhada lá novamente.

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  • Membro VIP

Olha só que coidiloco esse log:

step 866: Water molecule starting at atom 28823 can not be settled.

Check for bad contacts and/or reduce the timestep if appropriate.

Warning: 1-4 interaction between 3223 and 3225 at distance 19852414740813374085409057533382353198113747549499673983075021183367647655478352921393227267993337622162668169678789743196199810644622594744518957005942345631209552483436289336122856249864488527904107117932493605480085458077125699899174365802781124275672360844121526798072038766806384680189820928.000 which is larger than the 1-4 table size 2.200 nm

These are ignored for the rest of the simulation

This usually means your system is exploding,

if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file

or with user tables increase the table size

Step 867 Warning: pressure scaling more than 1%, mu: inf inf inf

Warning: Only triclinic boxes with the first vector parallel to the x-axis and the second vector in the xy-plane are supported.

Box (3x3):

Box[ 0]={ inf, -nan, -nan}

Box[ 1]={ -nan, inf, -nan}

Box[ 2]={ inf, inf, inf}

Can not fix pbc.

Warning: Only triclinic boxes with the first vector parallel to the x-axis and the second vector in the xy-plane are supported.

Box (3x3):

Box[ 0]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 1]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 2]={ nan, nan, nan}

Can not fix pbc.

Warning: Only triclinic boxes with the first vector parallel to the x-axis and the second vector in the xy-plane are supported.

Box (3x3):

Box[ 0]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 1]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 2]={ nan, nan, nan}

Can not fix pbc.

Warning: Only triclinic boxes with the first vector parallel to the x-axis and the second vector in the xy-plane are supported.

Box (3x3):

Box[ 0]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 1]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 2]={ nan, nan, nan}

Can not fix pbc.

Warning: Only triclinic boxes with the first vector parallel to the x-axis and the second vector in the xy-plane are supported.

Box (3x3):

Box[ 0]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 1]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 2]={ nan, nan, nan}

Can not fix pbc.

Warning: Only triclinic boxes with the first vector parallel to the x-axis and the second vector in the xy-plane are supported.

Box (3x3):

Box[ 0]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 1]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 2]={ nan, nan, nan}

Can not fix pbc.

Warning: Only triclinic boxes with the first vector parallel to the x-axis and the second vector in the xy-plane are supported.

Box (3x3):

Box[ 0]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 1]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 2]={ nan, nan, nan}

Can not fix pbc.

Warning: Only triclinic boxes with the first vector parallel to the x-axis and the second vector in the xy-plane are supported.

Box (3x3):

Box[ 0]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 1]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 2]={ nan, nan, nan}

Can not fix pbc.

Warning: Only triclinic boxes with the first vector parallel to the x-axis and the second vector in the xy-plane are supported.

Box (3x3):

Box[ 0]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 1]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 2]={ nan, nan, nan}

Can not fix pbc.

Warning: Only triclinic boxes with the first vector parallel to the x-axis and the second vector in the xy-plane are supported.

Box (3x3):

Box[ 0]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 1]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 2]={ nan, nan, nan}

Can not fix pbc.

Warning: Only triclinic boxes with the first vector parallel to the x-axis and the second vector in the xy-plane are supported.

Box (3x3):

Box[ 0]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 1]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 2]={ nan, nan, nan}

Can not fix pbc.

Warning: Only triclinic boxes with the first vector parallel to the x-axis and the second vector in the xy-plane are supported.

Box (3x3):

Box[ 0]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 1]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 2]={ nan, nan, nan}

Can not fix pbc.

Warning: Only triclinic boxes with the first vector parallel to the x-axis and the second vector in the xy-plane are supported.

Box (3x3):

Box[ 0]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 1]={ nan, nan, nan}

Box[ 2]={ nan, nan, nan}

Can not fix pbc.


Program Gromacs, VERSION 4.5.3-dev-20110512-7b617

Source code file: /mnt/hgfs/mnz3v/gromacs/src/mdlib/sim_util.c, line: 2325

Fatal error:

Something wrong in choosing new lambda state with a Gibbs move -- probably underflow in weight determination

For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS

website at


Thanx for Using GROMACS - Have a Nice Day

[12:23:31] mdrun returned 255

[12:23:31] Going to send back what have done -- stepsTotalG=250000

[12:23:31] Work fraction=0.0035 steps=250000.

[12:23:35] logfile size=13969 infoLength=13969 edr=0 trr=25

[12:23:35] logfile size: 13969 info=13969 bed=0 hdr=25

[12:23:35] - Writing 14507 bytes of core data to disk...

[12:23:35] Done: 13995 -> 4306 (compressed to 30.7 percent)

[12:23:35] ... Done.


[12:24:28] Folding@home Core Shutdown: EARLY_UNIT_END

[12:24:28] CoreStatus = 72 (114)

[12:24:28] Sending work to server

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